983 resultados para Metaplastic Carcinomas
While it is now well accepted that radiolabeled antibodies can be useful for tumour detection by immunoscintigraphy, the use of larger doses of more aggressive radioisotopes coupled to antibodies for radioimmunotherapy is still in its infancy. At the experimental level, our group has shown that the intravenous injection of large doses of 131I labeled F(ab')2 fragments from monoclonal anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) antibodies can eradicate well established human colon carcinoma xenografts in nude mice. At the clinical level, in a dosimetry study performed at the Institut Gustave Roussy, the same anti-CEA monoclonal antibodies and fragments, labeled with subtherapeutic doses of 131I, were injected in patients with liver metastases from colorectal carcinomas. Direct measurement of radioactivity in surgically resected liver metastases and normal liver confirmed the specificity of tumour localization of the antibodies, but also showed that the calculated radiation doses which could be delivered by injections of 200 to 300 mCi of 131I labeled antibodies or fragments, remained fairly low, in the range of 1,500 to 3,000 rads. This is obviously insufficient for a single modality treatment. An alternative approach is to inject radiolabeled antibodies intra peritoneally to treat peritoneal carcinomatosis. Several clinical studies using this strategy are presently under evaluation and suggest that positive results can be obtained when the tumour diameters are very small. In systemic radioimmunotherapy, positive results have been obtained in more radiosensitive types of malignancies such as B cell lymphomas by intravenous injection of antibodies directed against B cell differentiation markers or against idiotypic antigens from each lymphoma, and labeled with 131I or 90Y. The major directions of research for improvement of radioimmunotherapy include the design of genetically engineered new forms of humanized antibodies, the synthesis of original chelates for coupling new radioisotopes to antibodies and the development of two step strategies for immunolocalization of radioisotopes.
With no less than 15,000 estimated new cases diagnosed per year, non melanomatous carcinomas are the commonest cutaneous cancers in the Swiss population. About 1 in 3 new cancer case is a basal (BCC) or a squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Incidence rates are steadily increasing, faster for BCC than SCC. Rates are higher for men than women and increase exponentially with age. Systematic population-based registration of non melanomatous skin cancers faces many challenges that few cancer registries can meet. Rates of these cancers in Switzerland are among the highest in Europe. Primary and secondary nationwide prevention campaigns have been carried out for nearly 20 years with a focus on the deadliest cutaneous cancer: melanoma. However, detection of non melanomatous skin cancers benefits from these campaigns since prevention messages and means of early detection are similar for melanomas and other skin cancers.
A bispecific MAb was derived from the fusion of a hybridoma producing MAb CD3 with a hybridoma producing MAb L-DI (which is directed against a 41-kDa glycoprotein expressed in most gastro-intestinal and pancreatic carcinomas). Bispecific antibody molecules were isolated from parental antibody molecules by the use of hydroxylapatite-HPLC and shown to target human cytolytic T lymphocytes, irrespective of their original specificity, to specifically lyse human colon carcinoma cells. Localization studies in vivo using nude mice bearing human colon carcinoma xenografts showed significant accumulation of the HPLC-purified 125I-labelled bispecific antibodies into the tumor compared to 131I-labelled control CD3 antibody.
As part of an ongoing effort to improve the technique of immunoscintigraphy for the detection of human carcinomas with radiolabeled monoclonal antibodies (MABs) to carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), we have developed a series of MABs to CEA and have studied the effects of low- and physiological molarity buffers on their CEA binding and affinity, as well as their cross-reactivity with granulocyte glycoprotein(s). These in vitro results in different buffer systems were then correlated with the use of these MABs to CEA in the detection of human colon carcinoma grafts in nude mice. Our results show that the binding of CEA by some MABs is influenced by ionic strength and that this may be an important factor in their successful use for the immunolocalization of carcinomas in vivo.
An increasing proportion of new cancers is registered in patients who have received a previous cancer diagnosis. As data are inconsistent across studies, we provided information for populations long covered by valid cancer registration. Data were derived from the Swiss cancer Registries of Vaud and Neuchâtel (885 000 inhabitants). Patients diagnosed with a new malignancy (except skin basal and squamous cell carcinomas) during the period 2005-2010 were included. Over the period 2005-2010, 24 859 patients were registered with incident cancer. Of these, 3127 (13%) had multiple primary cancers and 578 (2.3%) were synchronous. Breast, prostate, colorectum, skin, melanomas, and squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SHN) and bladder/ureter were the most common sites of first neoplasms, whereas breast, lung, colorectum, prostate, melanoma, and SHN were the most common sites of second neoplasms. The most common pairing was breast with breast (31% synchronous), followed by the bladder/ureter with the prostate (72% synchronous), prostate with the colorectum, SHN with SHN, and SHN with lung. Five-year crude survival of patients with synchronous cancers (34%) was not significantly lower than that of patients with single neoplasms (39%).
BACKGROUND: Autofluorescence bronchoscopy (AFB) is a highly sensitive tool for the detection of early bronchial cancers. However, its specificity remains limited due to primarily false positive results induced by hyperplasia, metaplasia and inflammation. We have investigated the potential of blue-violet backscattered light to eliminate false positive results during AFB in a clinical pilot study. METHODS: The diagnostic autofluorescence endoscopy (DAFE) system was equipped with a variable band pass filter in the imaging detection path. The backscattering properties of normal and abnormal bronchial mucosae were assessed by computing the contrast between the two tissue types for blue-violet wavelengths ranging between 410 and 490 nm in 12 patients undergoing routine DAFE examination. In a second study including 6 patients we used a variable long pass (LP) filter to determine the spectral design of the emission filter dedicated to the detection of this blue-violet light with the DAFE system. RESULTS: (Pre-)neoplastic mucosa showed a clear wavelength dependence of the backscattering properties of blue-violet light while the reflectivity of normal, metaplastic and hyperplastic autofluorescence positive mucosa was wavelength independent. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that the detection of blue-violet light has the potential to reduce the number of false positive results in AFB. In addition we determined the spectral design of the emission filter dedicated to the detection of this blue-violet light with the DAFE system.
We have recently shown that immunophotodetection of human colon carcinomas in nude mice and in patients is possible by using anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibodies (MAb) coupled to fluorescein. The most common clinical application of photodiagnosis has been for the detection of squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) in the upper respiratory tract, but the free dyes used have a poor tumor selectivity. We selected the known MAb E48 directed against SCC and coupled it to a fluorescent dye: indopentamethinecyanin (indocyanin). This dye has an advantage over fluorescein in that it emits a more penetrating fluorescent red signal at 667 nm after excitation with a laser ray of 640 nm. In vitro, an conjugate with an indocyanin:MAb molar ratio of 2, and an additional trace labeling with 125I, showed more than 80% of binding to cells from the SCC line A431. In vivo, when injected i.v. into nude mice bearing xenografts of the same carcinoma line, the MAb E48-(indocyanin)2 conjugate was almost as efficient as the unconjugated MAb E48 in terms of specific tumor localization: 15% of the injected dose per g of tumor at 24 h after injection and a tumor:overall normal tissue ratio of 6-8. There was no selective tumor localization of an irrelevant IgG1-(indocyanin)2 conjugate. Immunophotodetection of the s.c. SCC xenografts on mice given injections of 100 micrograms of MAb E48-(indocyanin), conjugate (representing 1 microgram of indocyanin) was performed at 24 h. Upon laser irradiation, clearly detectable red fluorescence from the indocyanin-MAb conjugate was observed specifically in the SCC xenografts across the mouse skin. In comparison, injection of 100 micrograms of a MAb E48 coupled to 2 micrograms of fluorescein gave a specific green fluorescence signal in the tumor xenografts, which was detectable, however, only after removing the mouse skin. Injection i.v. of a 15 times higher amount of free indocyanin (15 micrograms) gave a diffuse red fluorescence signal all over the mouse body with no definite increase in intensity in the tumor, indicating a lack of tumor selectivity of the free dye. The results demonstrate the possibility of broadening and improving the efficiency of tumor immunophotodiagnosis by coupling to a MAb directed against SCC, a fluorescent dye absorbing and emitting at higher wavelength than fluorescein, and thus having deeper tissue penetration and lower tissue autofluorescence. Such a demonstration opens the way to a new form of clinical immunophotodiagnosis and possibly to the development of a more specific approach to phototherapy of early bronchial carcinomas.
In most areas of the world, thyroid cancer incidence has been appreciably increasing over the last few decades, whereas mortality has steadily declined. We updated global trends in thyroid cancer mortality and incidence using official mortality data from the World Health Organization (1970-2012) and incidence data from the Cancer Incidence in Five Continents (1960-2007). Male mortality declined in all the major countries considered, with annual percent changes around -2/-3% over the last decades. Only in the United States mortality declined up to the mid 1980s and increased thereafter. Similarly, in women mortality declined in most countries considered, with APCs around -2/-5% over the last decades, with the exception of the UK, the United States and Australia, where mortality has been declining up to the late 1980s/late 1990s to level off (or increase) thereafter. In 2008-2012, most countries had mortality rates (age-standardized, world population) between 0.20 and 0.40/100,000 men and 0.20 and 0.60/100,000 women, the highest rates being in Latvia, Hungary, the Republic of Moldova and Israel (over 0.40/100,000) for men and in Ecuador, Colombia and Israel (over 0.60/100,000) for women. In most countries, a steady increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer (mainly papillary carcinomas) was observed in both sexes. The declines in thyroid cancer mortality reflect both variations in risk factor exposure and changes in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, while the increases in the incidence are likely due to the increase in the detection of this neoplasm over the last few decades.
To complement the existing treatment guidelines for all tumour types, ESMO organises consensus conferences to focus on specific issues in each type of tumour. The Second ESMO Consensus Conference on Lung Cancer was held on 11-12 May 2013 in Lugano. A total of 35 experts met to address several questions on management of patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in each of four areas: pathology and molecular biomarkers, early stage disease, locally advanced disease and advanced (metastatic) disease. For each question, recommendations were made including reference to the grade of recommendation and level of evidence. This consensus paper focuses on recommendations for pathology and molecular biomarkers in relation to the diagnosis of lung cancer, primarily non-small-cell carcinomas.
RESUME La radiothérapie est utilisée avec succès pour le traitement d'un grand nombre de pathologies tumorales (1). Cependant, les récidives post-actiniques sont associées à un risque accru de développer des métastases régionales et à distance (2, 3). La prise en charge de ce type de patients demeure insatisfaisante à l'heure actuelle, principalement parce que les mécanismes physio-pathologiques sous- sous-jacents restent mal compris. Etant donné le rôle primordial du stroma dans la progression tumorale (4) et l'importance des effets de la radiothérapie sur le micro-environnement des tumeurs (5), nous avons émis l'hypothèse que la radiothérapie pouvait engendrer des modifications stromales susceptibles de contribuer à l'émergence d'un phénotype tumoral plus agressif. Nous avons observé que l'exposition préalable d'un environnement tumoral à des radiations ionisantes engendre une inhibition locale et à long terme de l'angiogenèse. Cette inhibition conduit à la création d'un environnement tumoral hypoxique favorisant l'invasion et la métastatisation tumorale. Les mécanismes sous-jacents impliquent l'activation de gènes prométastatiques sous le contrôle du facteur de transcription HIF-1, ainsi que la sélection hypoxique de cellules hautement invasives et métastatiques. Par des analyses de profile d'expression génétique ainsi que par des analyses fonctionnelles, nous avons identifié la protéine matri-cellulaire CYR61 ainsi que ses partenaires d'interaction, les intégrines aVb5/aVb3, comme médiateurs importants de ces effets. De plus, une corrélation significative a également été trouvée entre le niveau d'expression de CYR61 et le taux d'hypoxie dans un grand nombre de carcinomes mammaires chez l'humain. Une association a aussi été observée entre le niveau d'expression de CYR61 et le pronostic de patientes souffrant d'un cancer du sein traité par chimiothérapie adjuvante. Globalement ces résultats identifient l'interaction entre la protéine CYR61 et ses récepteurs aVb5/aVb3 comme un mécanisme important du processus de métastatisation et en font une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour le traitement de patients souffrant d'une récidive tumorale après un traitement de radiothérapie. Finalement, bien que l'inhibition de l'angiogenèse soit locale dans ce cas particulier, nos résultats justifient une surveillance particulière des patients souffrant d'une pathologie tumorale et étant au bénéfice d'un traitement inhibiteur de l'angiogenèse. SUMMARY Radiotherapy is successfully used to treat a large variety of tumours (1 ). However, cancer patients experiencing local recurrent disease after radiation therapy are at increased risk of developing regional and distant metastasis (2, 3). The clinical management of this condition represents a difficult and challenging issue, mainly because the underlying physio-pathological mechanisms remain poorly understood. Given the well established role of the tumour stroma in promoting cancer progression (4) and since radiotherapy is known to persistently alter the tumour microenvironment (5), we hypothesized that ionising radiations may generate stromal modifications contributing to the metastatic spread of relapsing tumours. Here, we report that irradiation of the prospective tumour microenvironment promotes tumour invasion and metastasis through a mechanism of local and sustained impairment of angiogenesis leading to both HIF-1 dependent activation of pro-metastatic genes and hypoxia-mediated selection of highly metastatic tumour cell variants. Through gene expression profiling and functional experiments, we identified the matricellular signalling protein CYR61 and its interaction partners aVb5/ aVb3 integrins as critical mediators of these effects. Furthermore, we found a significant correlation between CYR61 expression and the hypoxic status of a large number of human mammary carcinomas. A positive correlation between increased levels of CYR61 expression and shorter relapse free survival was also identified in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. Together, these results identify CYR61 and aVb5/aVb3 integrins as critical mediators of metastasis and potential therapeutic targets to improve outcome in patients with post-radiation tumour recurrences. Finally, although inhibition of angiogenesis is local in this setting, our data warrant close monitoring of tumour progression in patients under anti-angiogenic therapy.
The endoscopic detection of 18 "early" hypopharyngo-oesophageal carcinomas, has allowed us to perform a detailed study of the morphological correlation between endoscopy and histology (in 10 cases). We have thus defined 4 different endoscopic types of intraepithelial carcinomas; their morphology, mapping and evolution are greatly variable. In high risk groups (heavy smoking and alcohol consumption, ENt-cancer) the multicentricity of intraepithelial carcinomas (80%) entails a thorough endoscopic screening of the upper digestive tract (mouth, pharynx, oesophagus) and of the lower respiratory tract (larynx, trachea and bronchi).
Ultraviolet radiation is the major cause of skin cancer, but promotes vitamin D synthesis, and vitamin D has been inversely related to the risk of several common cancers including prostate, breast and colorectum. We therefore computed the incidence of prostate, breast and colorectal cancer following skin cancer using the datasets of the Swiss cancer Registries of Vaud and Neuchâtel. Between 1974 and 2005, 6,985 histologically confirmed squamous cell skin cancers, 21,046 basal cell carcinomas and 3,346 cutaneous malignant melanomas were registered, and followed up to the end of 2005 for the occurrence of second primary cancer of the prostate, breast and colorectum. Overall, 680 prostate cancers were observed versus 568.3 expected (standardized incidence ratio (SIR) = 1.20; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.11-1.29), 440 breast cancers were observed versus 371.5 expected (SIR = 1.18; 95% CI: 1.08-1.30) and 535 colorectal cancers were observed versus 464.6 expected (SIR = 1.15; 95% CI: 1.06-1.25). When basal cell, squamous cell and skin melanoma were considered separately, all the SIRs for prostate, breast and colorectal cancers were around or slightly above unity. Likewise, the results were consistent across strata of age at skin cancer diagnosis and location (head and neck versus others), and for male and female colorectal cancers. These findings, based on a population with a long tradition of systematic histologic examination of all surgically treated skin lesions, do not support the hypothesis that prostate, breast and colorectal cancer risk is decreased following skin cancer.
About 3% of our hypertensive patients have high blood pressure induced by corticosteroids. Muscle weakness, tiredness, polyuria and polydipsia may indicate hypokalaemia. Hypokalaemic hypertension in the presence of a low plasma renin activity is the typical finding of corticosteroid hypertension. The most frequent cause of corticosteroid hypertension is primary aldosteronism (Conn's syndrome) due to an adrenal adenoma or bilateral hyperplasia of the adrenal glands. The plasma concentration of aldosterone and the ratio between plasma aldosterone and renin concentrations are high, and the kaliuresis exceeds 30 mmol/24 h in the presence of hypokalaemia. Adrenal carcinomas are rare and very malignant. The localization of an adrenal tumour is made by computer tomography (CT-scan) or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and by measurement of the aldosterone/cortisol concentrations in the adrenal venous blood. Adenomas are removed under laparoscopy, and adrenal hyperplasias are treated with spironolactone (50-400 mg daily) or amiloride (5-30 mg daily). In rare cases (<1%), excessive stimulation of the mineralocorticoid receptor is due to cortisol (apparent mineralocorticoid excess, Cushing's disease, liquorice, or hereditary deficiency of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) or to a chimeric gene coding for 11beta-hydroxylase (CYP11B1/CYP11B2). In these rare cases, the synthesis of aldosterone is under the control of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone, so treatment with glucocorticoids (dexamethasone 0.25-1.0 mg daily) is therefore possible (glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism). Excessive deoxycorticosterone (DOC) causes the same symptoms and signs as hyperaldosteronism. Excessive DOC is found in patients with adrenal tumours that secrete DOC, in those with hereditary or acquired disorders with dysfunctioning glucocorticoid receptors, or in those with congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal glands (deficiency of 17alpha-hydroxylase or 11beta-hydroxylase). Liddle's syndrome is a constitutive hyperactivity of the transepithelial transport of sodium, which under normal conditions is controlled by the mineralocorticoid receptor. Plasma renin and aldosterone concentrations are suppressed and the plasma potassium concentration may be normal. In contrast, plasma aldosterone and renin concentrations are increased in patients with hypokalaemic hypertension which represents secondary aldosteronism. The increased aldosterone is the consequence of stimulated renin activity due to renal or renovascular or other disorders, antihypertensive drugs or other medications. In conclusion, a work-up for corticosteroid-induced hypertension is indicated in patients with hypokalaemic hypertension and in those with severe hypertension even in the absence of hypokalaemia, and in hypertensive patients with a family history of cardiovascular diseases.
Distal and proximal colon cancers differ in terms of molecular, pathological, and clinical features.
BACKGROUND: Differences exist between the proximal and distal colon in terms of developmental origin, exposure to patterning genes, environmental mutagens, and gut flora. Little is known on how these differences may affect mechanisms of tumorigenesis, side-specific therapy response or prognosis. We explored systematic differences in pathway activation and their clinical implications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Detailed clinicopathological data for 3045 colon carcinoma patients enrolled in the PETACC3 adjuvant chemotherapy trial were available for analysis. A subset of 1404 samples had molecular data, including gene expression and DNA copy number profiles for 589 and 199 samples, respectively. In addition, 413 colon adenocarcinoma from TCGA collection were also analyzed. Tumor side-effect on anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) therapy was assessed in a cohort of 325 metastatic patients. Outcome variables considered were relapse-free survival and survival after relapse (SAR). RESULTS: Proximal carcinomas were more often mucinous, microsatellite instable (MSI)-high, mutated in key tumorigenic pathways, expressed a B-Raf proto-oncogene, serine/threonine kinase (BRAF)-like and a serrated pathway signature, regardless of histological type. Distal carcinomas were more often chromosome instable and EGFR or human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) amplified, and more frequently overexpressed epiregulin. While risk of relapse was not different per side, SAR was much poorer for proximal than for distal stage III carcinomas in a multivariable model including BRAF mutation status [N = 285; HR 1.95, 95% CI (1.6-2.4), P < 0.001]. Only patients with metastases from a distal carcinoma responded to anti-EGFR therapy, in line with the predictions of our pathway enrichment analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal carcinoma side is associated with differences in key molecular features, some immediately druggable, with important prognostic effects which are maintained in metastatic lesions. Although within side significant molecular heterogeneity remains, our findings justify stratification of patients by side for retrospective and prospective analyses of drug efficacy and prognosis.
BACKGROUND: Uveal metastasis is the most common intraocular malignancy. METHODS: This was a retrospective study of all patients with uveal metastases referred to the Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre between January 2007 and December 2012. Biopsy was performed as a primary investigation if the clinical examination suggested metastasis with no evidence of any extraocular metastases. RESULTS: Ninety-six patients (109 eyes) were included. Breast and lung carcinomas were the most common primary malignancies, affecting 41 and 27 patients, respectively. The median time interval between detection of primary cancer and uveal metastasis was 24 months (range 1-288 months). Thirty-nine patients underwent ocular biopsy, confirming the diagnosis in all patients. The biopsy indicated the site of origin in 24 out of the 27 without a known primary tumour. In 7 of these 27 cases, previous systemic investigations had failed to identify the primary tumour. Seventy-three patients received external beam irradiation; two patients received photodynamic therapy; and two patients had Ru-106 plaque radiotherapy. The visual acuity was stable or improved in 75.5% of the cases. CONCLUSIONS: Immediate biopsy provides a quick diagnosis that may expedite treatment and improve any opportunities for conserving vision while facilitating the general oncologic management on these patients.