525 resultados para Metalloproteinase


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Comparison of gene expressing profiles between gliomas with different grades revealed frequent overexpression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) in glioblastomas (GBM), in which uncontrolled cell proliferation, angiogenesis, invasion and anti-apoptosis are hallmarks. Using the glia-specific gene transfer transgenic mouse and the stable LN229(BP2) GBM cell lines, we found that IGFBP2 by itself cannot transform cells in vitro and in vivo. IGFBP2 had growth inhibitory effects on mouse primary neural progenitors, but overexpression of IGFBP2 had no effect on GBM cells. ^ Although IGFBP2 does not initiate gliomagenesis, using tissue array technology, we observed strong correlation between IGFBP2 overexpression and VEGF up-regulation in human diffuse gliomas. Furthermore, overexpression of IGFBP2 in GBM cells not only enhanced VEGF expression but also increased the malignant potential of U87 MG cells in our angiogenesis xenograft animal model. ^ In parallel to these studies, using established stable SNB19 GBM cells that overexpress IGFBP2, we found that IGFBP2 significantly increased invasion by induction of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) as well as other invasion related genes, providing evidence that IGFBP2 contributes to glioma progression in part by enhancing MMP-2 gene transcription and in turn tumor cell invasion. ^ Finally, we found that primary filial cells infected with an anti-sense IGFBP2 construct have markedly increased sensitivity to γ irradiation and reduced Akt activation. On the other hand, SNB19(BP2) stable lines have consistently increased levels of Akt and NFkB activation, suggesting that one possible mechanism for anti-apoptosic function of IGFBP2 is through the activation of Akt and NFkB. Beside this, what is especially interesting is the finding that Akt protein was cleaved and inactivated during apoptosis by caspases, and IGFBP2 can prevent Akt cleavage, revealing another possible mechanism through it IGFBP2 exhibit strong antiapoptotic effects. Our data showed that IGFBP2 is a specific substrate for caspase-3, raising the possibility that IGFBP2 may inhibit apoptosis by a suicide mechanism. ^ In summary, using cellular, genomics, and molecular approaches, this thesis documented the potential roles of IGFBP2 in glioma progression. Our findings shed light on an important biological aspect of glioma progression and may provide new insights useful for the design of novel mechanism-based therapies for GBM. ^


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Recent publications have questioned the origin of the MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cell line and have suggested that it is of melanocyte origin rather than breast epithelial origin. The data presented herein show unequivocally that MDA-MB-435 does express breast epithelial markers and produces milk-specific lipids. The data also indicated that MDA-MB-435 does express some melanocyte proteins but this expression occurs in the same MDA-MB-435 cells that express breast epithelial proteins. Although MDA-MB-435 does not strictly adhere to a breast lineage, it does retain breast specific markers and is thus valid as an experimental cell line in breast cancer studies. ^ Heregulinβ1 (HRGβ1) has been shown to both stimulate and inhibit breast tumorigenic and metasastasic phenotypes. Some studies used only the EGF-like domain of the extracellular domain of HRGβ1 while others used bacterially-expressed HRGβ1. Our in vitro data demonstrated that the full-length extracellular domain of human HRGβ1 reduced clonal growth of MDA-MB-435 breast cancer cells but stimulated apoptosis in MDA-MB-435 and MCF-7 breast cancer cells. In addition, mammalian-expressed HRGβ1 did not dramatically affect matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity but did inhibit cell motility of MDA-MB-435 and MCF-7 cells. Taken together, the in vitro data indicated that HRGβ1 inhibits metastasis-associated properties. ^ The in vivo data demonstrated that inducible expression of the full-length extracellular domain of human HRGβ1 in MDA-MB-435 cells reduced tumor volume and cell proliferation but increased apoptosis of cells injected at the mammary fat pad in nude mice. More importantly, HRGβ1 reduced the number of metastases observed by a spontaneous metastasis assay. Taken together, these data indicate that the full-length extracellular domain of human HRGβ1 has the net effect of inhibiting breast cancer metastasis. ^


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Brain metastasis, which occurs in 40%-60% of patients with advanced melanoma, has led directly to death in the majority of cases. Unfortunately, little is known about the biological and molecular basis of melanoma brain metastases. In our previous study, we developed a model to study human melanoma brain metastasis and found that Stat3 activity was increased in human brain metastatic melanoma cells when compared with that in cutaneous melanoma cells. The increased activation of Stat3 is also responsible for affecting melanoma angiogenesis in vivo and melanoma cell invasion in vitro and significantly affecting the expression of bFGF, VEGF, and MMP-2 in vivo and in vitro. Interestingly, a member of a new family of cytokine-inducible inhibitors of signal transduction, termed suppressors of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) was found to negatively regulate the Janus kinase signal transducer and activator of transcription (Jak/STAT) signaling cascade. Here we report that restoration of SOCS1 expression by transfecting of SOCS1-expressing vector effectively inhibited melanoma brain metastasis through inhibiting Stat3 activation and further affecting melanoma angiogenesis and melanoma cell invasion in vitro, and significantly affected the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we used cDNA array to compare mRNA expression in the SOCS1-transfected and vector-transfected cell lines and found some genes are tightly correlated to the restoration of SOCS1. One of them is Caveolin-1 (Cav-1). Cav-1 was reported to function as a tumor suppressor gene by several groups. Finally, the Cav-1 expression is up-regulated in SOCS1-overexpressing cell line. Further study found the regulation of Cav-1 by SOCS1 occurs through inhibiting Stat3 activation. Activated Stat3 binds directly to Cav-1 promoter and the Cav-1 promoter within -575bp is essential for active Stat3 binding. My studies reveal that Stat3 activation and SOCS1 expression play important roles in melanoma metastases. Moreover, the expression between SOCS1, Stat3 and Cav-1 forms a feedback regulation loop. ^


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Tumor cell invasion relies on cell migration and extracellular matrix proteolysis. We investigated the contribution of different integrins to the invasive activity of mouse mammary carcinoma cells. Antibodies against integrin subunits α6 and β1, but not against α1 and α2, inhibited cell locomotion on a reconstituted basement membrane in two-dimensional cell migration assays, whereas antibodies against β1, but not against α6 or α2, interfered with cell adhesion to basement membrane constituents. Blocking antibodies against α1 integrins impaired only cell adhesion to type IV collagen. Antibodies against α1, α2, α6, and β1, but not α5, integrin subunits reduced invasion of a reconstituted basement membrane. Integrins α1 and α2, which contributed only marginally to motility and adhesion, regulated proteinase production. Antibodies against α1 and α2, but not α6 and β1, integrin subunits inhibited both transcription and protein expression of the matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-1. Inhibition of tumor cell invasion by antibodies against α1 and α2 was reversed by addition of recombinant stromelysin-1. In contrast, stromelysin-1 could not rescue invasion inhibited by anti-α6 antibodies. Our data indicate that α1 and α2 integrins confer invasive behavior by regulating stromelysin-1 expression, whereas α6 integrins regulate cell motility. These results provide new insights into the specific functions of integrins during tumor cell invasion.


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The recessive mouse mutant Mpv17 is characterized by the development of early-onset glomerulosclerosis, concomitant hypertension, and structural alterations of the inner ear. The primary cause of the disease is the loss of function of the Mpv17 protein, a peroxisomal gene product involved in reactive oxygen metabolism. In our search of a common mediator exerting effects on several aspects of the phenotype, we discovered that the absence of the Mpv17 gene product causes a strong increase in matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) expression. This was seen in the kidney and cochlea of Mpv17-negative mice as well as in tissue culture cells derived from these animals. When these cells were transfected with the human Mpv17 homolog, an inverse causal relationship between Mpv17 and MMP-2 expression was established. These results indicate that the Mpv17 protein plays a crucial role in the regulation of MMP-2 and suggest that enhanced MMP-2 expression might mediate the mechanisms leading to glomerulosclerosis, inner ear disease, and hypertension in this model.


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By using sensitive homology-search and gene-finding programs, we have found that a genomic region from the tip of the short arm of human chromosome 16 (16p13.3) encodes a putative secreted protein consisting of a domain related to the whey acidic protein (WAP) domain, a domain homologous with follistatin modules of the Kazal-domain family (FS module), an immunoglobulin-related domain (Ig domain), two tandem domains related to Kunitz-type protease inhibitor modules (KU domains), and a domain belonging to the recently defined NTR-module family (NTR domain). The gene encoding these WAP, FS, Ig, KU, and NTR modules (hereafter referred to as the WFIKKN gene) is intron-depleted—its single 1,157-bp intron splits the WAP module. The validity of our gene prediction was confirmed by sequencing a WFIKKN cDNA cloned from a lung cDNA library. Studies on the tissue-expression pattern of the WFIKKN gene have shown that the gene is expressed primarily in pancreas, kidney, liver, placenta, and lung. As to the function of the WFIKKN protein, it is noteworthy that it contains FS, WAP, and KU modules, i.e., three different module types homologous with domains frequently involved in inhibition of serine proteases. The protein also contains an NTR module, a domain type implicated in inhibition of zinc metalloproteinases of the metzincin family. On the basis of its intriguing homologies, we suggest that the WFIKKN protein is a multivalent protease inhibitor that may control the action of multiple types of serine proteases as well as metalloproteinase(s).


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Nerve growth factor (NGF) is a polypeptide which, in addition to its effect on nerve cells, is believed to play a role in inflammatory responses and in tissue repair. Because fibroblasts represent the main target and effector cells in these processes, to investigate whether NGF is involved in lung and skin tissue repair, we studied the effect of NGF on fibroblast migration, proliferation, collagen metabolism, modulation into myofibroblasts, and contraction of collagen gel. Both skin and lung fibroblasts were found to produce NGF and to express tyrosine kinase receptor (trkA) under basal conditions, whereas the low-affinity p75 receptor was expressed only after prolonged NGF exposure. NGF significantly induced skin and lung fibroblast migration in an in vitro model of wounded fibroblast and skin migration in Boyden chambers. Nevertheless NGF did not influence either skin or lung fibroblast proliferation, collagen production, or metalloproteinase production or activation. In contrast, culture of both lung and skin fibroblasts with NGF modulated their phenotype into myofibroblasts. Moreover, addition of NGF to both fibroblast types embedded in collagen gel increased their contraction. Fibrotic human lung or skin tissues displayed immunoreactivity for NGF, trkA, and p75. These data show a direct pro-fibrogenic effect of NGF on skin and lung fibroblasts and therefore indicate a role for NGF in tissue repair and fibrosis.


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Tissue remodeling often reflects alterations in local mechanical conditions and manifests as an integrated response among the different cell types that share, and thus cooperatively manage, an extracellular matrix. Here we examine how two different cell types, one that undergoes the stress and the other that primarily remodels the matrix, might communicate a mechanical stress by using airway cells as a representative in vitro system. Normal stress is imposed on bronchial epithelial cells in the presence of unstimulated lung fibroblasts. We show that (i) mechanical stress can be communicated from stressed to unstressed cells to elicit a remodeling response, and (ii) the integrated response of two cell types to mechanical stress mimics key features of airway remodeling seen in asthma: namely, an increase in production of fibronectin, collagen types III and V, and matrix metalloproteinase type 9 (MMP-9) (relative to tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-1, TIMP-1). These observations provide a paradigm to use in understanding the management of mechanical forces on the tissue level.


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Cleft lip and palate syndromes are among the most common congenital malformations in humans. Mammalian palatogenesis is a complex process involving highly regulated interactions between epithelial and mesenchymal cells of the palate to permit correct positioning of the palatal shelves, the remodeling of the extracellular matrix (ECM), and subsequent fusion of the palatal shelves. Here we show that several matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), including a cell membrane-associated MMP (MT1-MMP) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) were highly expressed by the medial edge epithelium (MEE). MMP-13 was expressed both in MEE and in adjacent mesenchyme, whereas gelatinase A (MMP-2) was expressed by mesenchymal cells neighboring the MEE. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β3-deficient mice, which suffer from clefting of the secondary palate, showed complete absence of TIMP-2 in the midline and expressed significantly lower levels of MMP-13 and slightly reduced levels of MMP-2. In concordance with these findings, MMP-13 expression was strongly induced by TGF-β3 in palatal fibroblasts. Finally, palatal shelves from prefusion wild-type mouse embryos cultured in the presence of a synthetic inhibitor of MMPs or excess of TIMP-2 failed to fuse and MEE cells did not transdifferentiate, phenocopying the defect of the TGF-β3-deficient mice. Our observations indicate for the first time that the proteolytic degradation of the ECM by MMPs is a necessary step for palatal fusion.


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Matrix metalloproteinase enzymes have been implicated in degenerative processes like tumor cell invasion, metastasis, and arthritis. Specific metalloproteinase inhibitors have been used to block tumor cell proliferation. We have examined the interaction of batimastat (BB-94) with a metalloproteinase [atrolysin C (Ht-d), EC] active site at 2.0-angstroms resolution (R = 16.8%). The title structure exhibits an unexpected binding geometry, with the thiophene ring deeply inserted into the primary specificity site. This unprecedented binding geometry dramatizes the significance of the cavernous primary specificity site, pointing the way for the design of a new generation of potential antitumor drugs.


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Catalytic RNA molecules, or ribozymes, have generated significant interest as potential therapeutic agents for controlling gene expression. Although ribozymes have been shown to work in vitro and in cellular assays, there are no reports that demonstrate the efficacy of synthetic, stabilized ribozymes delivered in vivo. We are currently utilizing the rabbit model of interleukin 1-induced arthritis to assess the localization, stability, and efficacy of exogenous antistromelysin hammerhead ribozymes. The matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin is believed to be a key mediator in arthritic diseases. It seems likely therefore that inhibiting stromelysin would be a valid therapeutic approach for arthritis. We found that following intraarticular administration ribozymes were taken up by cells in the synovial lining, were stable in the synovium, and reduced synovial interleukin 1 alpha-induced stromelysin mRNA. This effect was demonstrated with ribozymes containing various chemical modifications that impart nuclease resistance and that recognize several distinct sites on the message. Catalytically inactive ribozymes were ineffective, thus suggesting a cleavage-mediated mechanism of action. These results suggest that ribozymes may be useful in the treatment of arthritic diseases characterized by dysregulation of metalloproteinase expression.


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Human macrophages are believed to damage host tissues in chronic inflammatory disease states, but these cells have been reported to express only modest degradative activity in vitro. However, while examining the ability of human monocytes to degrade the extracellular matrix component elastin, we identified culture conditions under which the cells matured into a macrophage population that displayed a degradative phenotype hundreds of times more destructive than that previously ascribed to any other cell population. The monocyte-derived macrophages synthesized elastinolytic matrix metalloproteinases (i.e., gelatinase B and matrilysin) as well as cysteine proteinases (i.e., cathepsins B, L, and S), but only the cathepsins were detected in the extracellular milieu as fully processed, mature enzymes by either vital fluorescence or active-site labeling. Consistent with these observations, macrophage-mediated elastinolytic activity was not affected by matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors but could be almost completely abrogated by inhibiting cathepsins L and S. These data demonstrate that human macrophages mobilize cysteine proteinases to arm themselves with a powerful effector mechanism that can participate in the pathophysiologic remodeling of the extracellular matrix.


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Metriti ed endometriti sono le patologie maggiormente responsabili delle perdite economiche negli allevamenti bovini da latte, specialmente nel periodo successivo al parto. Mentre le metriti coinvolgono e si sviluppano in tutto l’utero e sono caratterizzate dalla presenza di sintomi sistemici, le endometriti consistono in una infiammazione che riguarda il solo endometrio, con la presenza di perdite purulente, distruzione della superficie epiteliale, congestione vascolare, edema stromale ed accumulo di linfociti e plasmacellule. Queste patologie, inoltre, possono causare, disfunzione ovarica, con conseguente infertilità e riduzione sia dell’efficienza riproduttiva della vacca sia della produzione stessa di latte. Nonostante queste malattie siano, nella maggior parte dei casi, correlate all’instaurarsi di infezioni batteriche, che possono subentrare nell’utero direttamente durante il parto, il ruolo di alcuni virus nello sviluppo di queste patologie è stato recentemente approfondito e la correlazione tra l’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’insorgere di metriti ed endometriti è stata dimostrata. L’ Herpesvirus Bovino 4 (BoHV-4) è un gamma-herpesvirus ed il suo genoma è costituito da una molecola lineare di DNA a doppio filamento con una struttura genomica di tipo B, caratterizzata dalla presenza di un’unica lunga sequenza centrale (LUR) fiancheggiata da multiple sequenze poli-ripetute (prDNA). BoHV-4 è stato isolato sia da animali sani sia da animali con differenti patologie, tra cui malattie oculari e respiratorie, ma soprattutto da casi di metriti, endometriti, vaginiti o aborti. Generalmente, il ruolo svolto dal virus in questo tipo di patologie è associato alla compresenza di altri tipi di patogeni, che possono essere virus, come nel caso del Virus Della Diarrea Virale Bovina (BVDV), o più frequentemente batteri. Usualmente, l’iniziale difesa dell’endometrio bovino nei confronti dei microbi si fonda sul sistema immunitario innato e l’attivazione di specifici recettori cellulari determina la sintesi e la produzione di citochine e chemochine pro infiammatorie, che possono essere in grado di modulare la replicazione di BoHV-4. Il genoma di BoHV-4 possiede due principali trascritti per i geni Immediate Early (IE), trai quali ORF50/IE2 è il più importante ed il suo prodotto, Rta/ORF50, è fortemente conservato tra tutti gli Herpesvirus. Esso è responsabile della diretta trans-attivazione di numerosi geni virali e cellulari e può essere modulato da differenti stimoli extracellulari. Precedentemente è stato dimostrato come il TNF-, prodotto dalle cellule stromali e dai macrofagi all’interno dell’endometrio, in conseguenza ad infezione batterica, sia in grado di aumentare la replicazione di BoHV-4 attraverso l’attivazione del pathway di NFkB e direttamente agendo sul promotore di IE2. Per queste ragioni, è risultato di forte interesse investigare quali potessero essere, invece, i fattori limitanti la replicazione di BoHV-4. In questo lavoro è stata studiata la relazione tra cellule endometriali stromali bovine infettate con l’Herpesvirus Bovino 4 e l’interferon gamma (IFN-) ed è stata dimostrata la capacità di questa molecola di restringere la replicazione di BoHV-4 in maniera IDO1 indipendente ed IE2 dipendente. Inoltre, la presenza di alcuni elementi in grado di interagire con l’ IFN-γ, all’interno del promotore di IE2 di BoHV-4, ha confermato questa ipotesi. Basandoci su questi dati, abbiamo potuto supporre l’esistenza di uno stretto vincolo tra l’attivazione dell’asse dell’interferon gamma e la ridotta replicazione di BoHV-4, andando a porre le basi per una nuova efficiente cura e prevenzione per le patologie uterine. Poiché il meccanismo corretto attraverso il quale BoHV-4 infetta l’endometrio bovino non è ancora ben compreso, è stato interessante approfondire in maniera più accurata l’interazione presente tra il virus ed il substrato endometriale, analizzando le differenze esistenti tra cellule infettate e non, in termini di espressione genica. Basandoci su dati preliminari ottenuti attraverso analisi con RNA sequencing (RNAseq), abbiamo visto come numerosi geni risultino over-espressi in seguito ad infezione con BoHV-4 e come, tra questi, la Metalloproteasi 1 sia uno dei più interessanti, a causa delle sue possibili implicazioni nello sviluppo delle patologie dell’endometrio uterino bovino. Successive analisi, effettuate tramite westernblotting e real time PCR, sono state in grado di confermare tale dato, sottolineando l’efficacia di un nuovo approccio sperimentale, basato sul RNAseq, per lo studio dell’insorgenza delle patologie.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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L’arthrose (OA) est une maladie dégénérative très répondue touchant les articulations. Elle est caractérisée par la destruction progressive du cartilage articulaire, l’inflammation de la membrane synoviale et le remodelage de l’os sous chondral. L’étiologie de cette maladie n’est pas encore bien définie. Plusieurs études ont été menées pour élucider les mécanismes moléculaires et cellulaires impliqués dans le développement de l’OA. Les effets protecteurs du récepteur activé par les proliférateurs de peroxysomes gamma (PPARγ) dans l'OA sont bien documentés. Il a été démontré que PPARγ possède des propriétés anti-inflammatoires et anti-cataboliques. Aussi, plusieurs stimuli ont été impliqués dans la régulation de l’expression de PPARγ dans différents types cellulaires. Cependant, les mécanismes exacts responsables de cette régulation ainsi que le profil de l’expression de ce récepteur au cours de la progression de l’OA ne sont pas bien connus. Dans la première partie de nos travaux, nous avons essayé d’élucider les mécanismes impliqués dans l’altération de l’expression de PPARγ dans cette maladie. Nos résultats ont confirmé l’implication de l’interleukine-1β (IL-1β), une cytokine pro-inflammatoire, dans la réduction de l’expression de PPARγ au niveau des chondrocytes du cartilage articulaire. Cet effet coïncide avec l'induction de l’expression du facteur de transcription à réponse précoce de type 1 (Egr-1). En plus, la diminution de l'expression de PPARγ a été associée au recrutement d'Egr-1 et la réduction concomitante de la liaison de Sp1 au niveau du promoteur de PPARγ. Dans la deuxième partie de nos travaux, nous avons évalué le profil d’expression de ce récepteur dans le cartilage au cours de la progression de cette maladie. Le cochon d’inde avec OA spontanée et le chien avec OA induite par rupture du ligament croisé antérieur (ACLT) deux modèles animaux d’OA ont été utilisés pour suivre l’expression des trois isoformes de PPARs : PPAR alpha (α), PPAR béta (β) et PPAR gamma (γ) ainsi que la prostaglandine D synthase hématopoïétique (H-PGDS) et la prostaglandine D synthase de type lipocaline (L-PGDS) deux enzymes impliquées dans la production de l’agoniste naturel de PPARγ, la 15-Deoxy-delta(12,14)-prostaglandine J(2) (15d-PGJ2). Nos résultats ont démontré des changements dans l’expression de PPARγ et la L-PGDS. En revanche, l’expression de PPARα, PPARβ et H-PGDS est restée stable au fil du temps. La diminution de l’expression de PPARγ dans le cartilage articulaire semble contribuer au développement de l’OA dans les deux modèles animaux. En effet, le traitement des chondrocytes par de siRNA dirigé contre PPARγ a favorisé la production des médiateurs arthrosiques tels que l'oxyde nitrique (NO) et la métalloprotéase matricielle de type 13 (MMP-13), confirmant ainsi le rôle anti-arthrosique de ce récepteur. Contrairement à ce dernier, le niveau d'expression de la L-PGDS a augmenté au cours de la progression de cette maladie. La surexpression de la L-PGDS au niveau des chondrocytes humains a été associée à la diminution de la production de ces médiateurs arthrosiques, suggérant son implication dans un processus de tentative de réparation. En conclusion, l’ensemble de nos résultats suggèrent que la modulation du niveau d’expression de PPARγ, de la L-PGDS et d’Egr-1 au niveau du cartilage articulaire pourrait constituer une voie thérapeutique potentielle dans le traitement de l’OA et probablement d’autres formes d'arthrite.