913 resultados para Men, masculinities and methodologies
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The authors conducted a cross-sectional short-term study using Lind's Moral Judgment Test (MJT) to compare the moral judgment competence (C-score) among students in the first and eighth semesters from a medical school in the Northeast region of Brazil. This study also evaluated the influence of such factors as age and gender on moral competence. A difference equal to or greater than 5.0 points (absolute effect-size) on the C-score was considered significant. A regression of moral judgment competence among the students in their eighth semester in relation to the students in the first semester (C-score: 20.5 and 26.2 points, respectively) was observed. In the analysis of the students' performances in terms of MJT dilemmas, the phenomenon of moral segmentation was observed in both semesters, and the students performed better on the worker's dilemma than on the doctor's dilemma. Among students in the same semester of study, older students had lower C-scores. When comparing performance by gender, there was no significant difference between men's and women's C-scores. The finding of regression or stagnation in moral competence among the medical students demands deep reflection by those who work with the political-pedagogical projects of medical schools and by the entire faculty, in order to seek strategies to reverse this condition.
Media, as contemporary information and communication phenomena, are rarely studied in the field of Information Science field (IS). This article aims to present a reflection on the Media role as information environments that provoke changes in the ecosystem of message creation, information and socially shared knowledge. It points out that the contextualization of informational situations in the media environments facilitates access to information and to knowledge creation, strategically aimed to more efficient mediation possibilities - purpose to be reached by the society and by an entrepreneurial Information Science. IS counts on proper strategies and methodologies for the creation of transversal meta fields of new knowledge for the solution of problems caused by the intersections and social frictions among science, technologies and knowledge, which means an effective contribution of IS to the enhance utilization of media potential.
In a world that is increasingly working with software, the need arises for effective approaches that encourage software reuse. The reuse practice must be aligned to a set of practices, procedures and methodologies that create a stable and high quality product. These questions produce new styles and approaches in the software engineering. In this way, this thesis aims to address concepts related to development and model-driven architecture. The model-driven approach provides significant aspects of the automated development, which helps it with produced models built in the specification phase. The definition of terms such as model, architecture and platform makes the focus becomes clearer, because for MDA and MDD is important to split between technical and business issues. Important processes are covered, so you can highlight the artifacts that are built into each stage of model-driven development. The stages of development: CSM, PIM, PSM and ISM, detailing the purpose of each phase in oriented models, making the end of each stage are gradually produced artifacts that may be specialized. The models are handled by different prospects for modeling, abstracting the concepts and building a set of details that portrays a specific scenario. This retraction can be a graphical or textual representation, however, in most cases is chosen a language modeling, for example, UML. In order to provide a practical view, this dissertation shows some tools that improve the construction of models and the code generate that assists in the development, keeping the documentation systemic. Finally, the paper presents a case study that refers to the theoretical aspects discussed throughout the dissertation, therefore it is expected that the architecture and the model-driven development may be able to explain important features to consider in software engineering
The aim of this paper is to present the results of a research in the area of Discourse Analysis, to describe discourses found in the media about the identities constructed in the Second Life virtual communities network and, to find out what discursive strategies are produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” hosted in the Twitter micro-blogging as an attempt to have a significant number of logfiles and to discover what leads men, women and, teenagers to participate of this “fashion in the soap operas” interaction. Our corpus consists of printed media reportings that present users of Second Life and its avatars with a proposal of new identities, including the utterances produced by the profile “fashion in the soap operas” and their respective followers. The analysis of the reports and discourses are based on the work by Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The analysis have shown that the new identities, created in virtual communities network and, the profile of the followers of “fashion in the soap operas”, hosted in Twitter, are characteristically contemporary sensibilities, who take part in the truth games and in the social pressing experimented nowadays
The Software Engineering originated with the motivation to mass produce components for increased productivity in production systems. Since its origins, numerous studies have been proposed on the subject as new features in the creation of systems, like the Object- Oriented Programming and Aspect-Oriented Programming, have been established and methodologies have been developed to control them efficiently. However, years of studies in the area were not sufficient to create a methodology for reusing software artifacts really efficient and easy enough to be widespread. Given this, the Model-Driven Development (MDD) is trying to promote it using the modeling of systems as a reference, becoming part of it and establishing a huge productivity gain. One of his approaches is called Model-Driven Software Development (MDSD), which focuses on improving the practices and systems development using Domain-Specific Languages (DSL) for this purpose. In this Final Paper, Xtext is used as a tool to prove the productivity and efficiency of this approach, and for that bibliographic studies were made on the approach and the tool, and show the methodology and a case study to demonstrate results and conclusions regarding this work
TThis work deals with present how to increase the accuracy of productivity indicators, aiming to increase the information accuracy of performance indicators and propose improvements to the process in question, more specifically to improve the visualization of information from these indicators for all hierarchical levels of the company, and then make possible use them to assist in the processes of decision making and planning of the production process. We start with an analysis of the current process to be studied seeking sources of information losses during the production process. Afterwards, a specific analysis of the points considered critical, so alternatives are raised for improvements to these points. This project has some specific tools and methodologies that guide the development of work which are required of any project carried out in the company
The present study sought to develop a methodology to analyze the water quality based on concepts and methods of climate and climatology respectively. In this way, it was tried to relate techniques and methodologies hydro and limno-meteorological with a rhythmic analysis technique developed within the Brazilian geographical climatology to assess and analyze the blooms of cyanobacteria, the main index of water quality found in reservoirs of “Alto Tietê” Basin and consequently the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, an area of high environmental complexity due to its high degree of development and high population density. The meteorological data used to develop the study were collected from the meteorological station of the IAG / USP and the limnological data were collected from the Hydrological Monitoring System implemented by SABESP in Billings and Guarapiranga reservoirs as well as data laboratory of the same entity. The results obtained by the rhythmic and integrated analyze showed that the process of blooms of cyanobacteria is dependent not only on one specific factor, but a combination of meteorological factors that may disrupt the stability of reservoir and which can, during the stabilization process, provides the necessary conditions to the development of cyanobacteria. It was also shown by the results that the pace of Atlantic Polar Front Entrance during the winter in São Paulo, is a limiting factor to the growth of cyanobacteria due to their high frequency, keeping the reservoir balance throughout the period. Furthermore, another importance of this study is the possibility of prevention and forecasting periods which are inappropriate for the use of these reservoirs mainly for recreational activities
Pós-graduação em Matemática em Rede Nacional - IBILCE
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
This paper addresses the difficulties and best practices of a quality system of an automotive parts company. In it will be discussed the features and benefits of the proper use of a system of management and quality assurance. It emphasizes the proper use of tools and methodologies that aim improving the quality of processes and products. It also has some guidance information given by the standards of quality which helps the implementation of the quality system and the standards are important because it attests to the quality of companies. So, this work has as objective to guide the creation and management of the quality system in auto parts companies, which seek an increase in the quality of products and processes, it also helps to certify companies in the current quality standard for the sector, ISO TS 16949, and thus increases the competitiveness of companies in this market. As result, this paper resumes good practices, difficulties and key steps for creating and managing a quality system
Our propose in this article is to articulate the ways how women that call themselves lesbians, live and consider the masculinities and the femininities. The discourses were obtained through semi-structured interviews with ten women from different ages, who live in different towns in São Paulo and Paraná states. Theoretical references were sought in poststruturalists authors who approach the social construction of gender and sexes as category analysis, necessary for the reflection of the subjectivity processes that are permeated by materiality and transitoriness that are inherent to social, historical, cultural, political and territorial contexts.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)