985 resultados para Mares - Doppler ultrasonography
ObjectiveTo compare cardiac output (CO) measured by Doppler echocardiography and thermodilution techniques in spontaneously breathing dogs during continuous infusion of propofol. To do so, CO was obtained using the thermodilution method (CO(TD)) and Doppler evaluation of pulmonary flow (CO(DP)) and aortic flow (CO(DA)).Study designProspective cohort study.AnimalsEight adult dogs weighing 8.3 +/- 2.0 kg.MethodsPropofol was used for induction (7.5 +/- 1.9 mg kg-1 IV) followed by a continuous rate infusion at 0.7 mg kg-1 minute-1. The animals were positioned in left lateral recumbency on an echocardiography table that allowed for positioning of the transducer at the 3rd and 5th intercostal spaces of the left hemithorax for Doppler evaluation of pulmonary and aortic valves, respectively. CO(DP) and CO(DA) were calculated from pulmonary and aortic velocity spectra, respectively. A pulmonary artery catheter was inserted via the jugular vein and positioned inside the lumen of the pulmonary artery in order to evaluate CO(TD). The first measurement of CO(TD), CO(DP) and CO(DA) was performed 30 minutes after beginning continuous infusion (T0) and then at 15-minute intervals (T15, T30, T45 and T60). Numeric data were submitted to two-way anova for repeated measurements, Pearson's correlation coefficient and Bland & Altman analysis. Data are presented as mean +/- SD.ResultsAt T0, CO(TD) was lower than CO(DA). CO(DA) was higher than CO(TD) and CO(DP) at T30, T45 and T60. The difference between the CO(TD) and CO(DP), when all data were included, was -0.04 +/- 0.22 L minute-1 and Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) was 0.86. The difference between the CO(TD) and CO(DA) was -0.87 +/- 0.54 L minute-1 and r = 0.69. For CO(TD) and CO(DP), the difference was -0.82 +/- 0.59 L minute-1 and r = 0.61.ConclusionDoppler evaluation of pulmonary flow was a clinically acceptable method for assessing the CO in propofol-anesthetized dogs.
Obtiveram-se parâmetros fisiológicos que pudessem ser utilizados como referência para diagnóstico e prognóstico confiáveis de doença prostática em cães. Trinta e seis cães, sem sinais clínicos de doença prostática ou distúrbios reprodutivos, foram distribuídos em três grupos de acordo com a idade.Os animais foram submetidos à colheita manual de sêmen para exames microbiológicos, à ultrassonografia transabdominal, para avaliar as dimensões, a ecogenicidade e a ecotextura prostática, e à punção aspirativa com agulha fina, para análise citológica e microbiológica. A ultrassonografia revelou que a forma predominante da próstata foi globosa, com superfície de contorno regular. As dimensões variaram de acordo com a idade, sendo pequena em animais jovens e grande nos animais idosos. Houve correlação positiva entre as dimensões prostáticas e o peso corporal. Os exames microbiológicos detectaram microrganismos no plasma seminal de 11 cães e no tecido prostático aspirado de 10 animais, embora eles fossem saudáveis. A citologia não revelou nenhuma alteração inflamatória, proliferativa ou neoplásica nos cães jovens e de meia idade, mas, em três cães idosos foram encontrados sinais de hiperplasia/hipertrofia. Foi observada correlação positiva entre a idade e a área celular e correlação negativa entre a relação núcleo:citoplasma e a dimensão craniocaudal.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Aim. Duplex scanning has been used in the evaluation of the aorta and proximal arteries of the lower extremities, but has limitations in evaluating the arteries of the leg. The utilization of ultrasonographic contrast (USC) may be helpful in improving the quality of the image in these arteries. The objective of the present study was to verify whether the USC increases the diagnostic accuracy of patency of the leg arteries and if it diminishes the time needed to perform duplex scanning.Methods. Twenty patients with critical ischemia (20 lower extremities) were examined by standard duplex scanning, duplex scanning with contrast and digital subtraction arteriography (DSA). The 3 arteries of the leg were divided into 3 segments, for a total of 9 segments per limb. Each segment was evaluated for patency in order to compare the 3 diagnostic methods. Comparison was made between standard duplex scanning and duplex scanning with contrast in terms of quality of the color-coded Doppler signal and of the spectral curve, and also of the time to perform the exams.Results. Duplex scanning with contrast was similar to arteriography in relation to patency diagnosis (p>0.3) and even superior in some of the segments. Standard duplex scanning was inferior to arteriography and to duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001). There were improvements of 70% in intensity of the color-coded Doppler signal and 76% in the spectral curve after the utilization of contrast. The time necessary to perform the examinations was 23.7 minutes for standard duplex scanning and 16.9 minutes for duplex scanning with contrast (p<0.001).Conclusion. The use of ultrasonographic contrast increased the accuracy of the diagnosis of patency of leg arteries and diminished the time necessary for the execution of duplex scanning.
Aim. Extrinsic compression of the popliteal artery and absence of surrounding anatomical abnormalities characterize the functional popliteal artery entrapment syndrome (PAES). The diagnosis is confirmed to individuals who have typical symptoms of popliteal entrapment and occlusion or important stenosis of the popliteal artery with color duplex sonography (CDS), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or arteriography during active plantar flexion-extension maneuvers. However, variable result findings in normal asymptomatic subjects have raised doubts as to the validity of these tests. The purpose of this study was to compare the frequency of popliteal artery compression in 2 groups of asymptomatic subjects, athletes and non-athletes.Methods. Forty-two individuals were studied. Twenty-one subjects were indoor soccer players, and 21 were sedentary individuals. Physical activity was evaluated through questionnaires, anthropometric measurements, and cardiopulmonary exercise test. Evaluation of popliteal artery compression was performed in lower limbs with CDS, ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurements and continuous wave Doppler of the posterior tibial artery.Results. The athletes studied fulfilled the criteria of high level of physical activity whereas sedentary subjects met the criteria of low level of activity. Popliteal artery compression was observed with CDS in 6 (14.2%) studied subjects; 2 of whom (4.7%) were athletes and 4 (9.5%) were non-athletes. This difference was not statistically significant (p=0.21). Doppler of the tibial arteries and ABI measurements gave good specificity and sensibility in the identification of popliteal artery compression.Conclusion. The frequency of popliteal artery compression during maneuvers in normal subjects was 14.2% irrespective of whether or not they performed regular physical activities. Both Doppler and ABI showed good agreement with CDS and should be considered in screening popliteal arteries in individuals suspected of PAES.
Aim. One of the major causes of chronic venous disease is venous reflux, the identification and quantification of which are important for diagnosis. Duplex scanning allows for the detection and quantification of reflux in individual veins. Evaluation of the great saphenous vein in primary varicosis is necessary for its preservation. Objective of the study is to evaluate a possible correlation between the intensity of reflux at the saphenofemoral junction, diameter alterations of the incompetent great saphenous vein and the practical effect of such correlation. Also to compare the clinical severity of the CEAP classification with such parameters.Methods. Three hundred limbs were submitted to duplex evaluation of their insufficient saphenous veins. Vein diameter was measured on five different points. Velocity and flow at reflux peak and reflux time were determined. The saphenous vein's diameters were correlated with velocity, flow and time. The three latter parameters and diameters were compared with clinical severity according to CEAP.Results. Correlation was found between the saphenous vein's diameters, velocity and flow. No correlation was observed between time and diameter in the thigh's upper and middle thirds. When comparing diameter, velocity and flow with CEAP clinical severity classification, an association was observed. The correlation between reflux time with clinical severity was weak.Conclusion. Reflux time is a good parameter for identifying the presence of reflux, but not for quantifying it. Velocity and peak flow were better parameters for evaluating reflux intensity as they were correlated with great saphenous vein alterations, and were associated with the disease's clinical severity. [Int Angiol 2010;29:323-30]
Aim. This study aimed at assessing the accuracy of ultrasound (US) in the diagnosis of recent deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in an experimental study in dogs.Methods. Design: blinded and randomized experimental study. Twenty dogs were randomly divided in two groups: control group (CG) and thrombosis group (TG). US was performed in the pre- and postoperative period. Phlebography was performed immediately prior to the postoperative US. After the second US, a surgery was performed to detect whether thrombus was present or not. US results were compared to those of phlebography and surgical findings.Results. in all dogs, inferior vena cava (IVC) was compressible. The relations of IVC diameter with the aorta were higher (P<0.005) in TG than in CG. Spectral Doppler in spontaneous breathing, tissue harmonic imaging, power Doppler and B flow showed sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 1. Phlebography presented sensitivity of 90%, specificity of 80% and accuracy of 85%, when compared to surgical finding.Conclusion. For the diagnosis of recent DVT in the experimental model used, venous compressibility proved to be inefficient. The ratio of WC diameter to aorta, when increased, suggests thrombosis. The use of new US technological advances increases accuracy. Phlebography was less accurate than US.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the cardiovascular features of Ullrich-Turner's syndrome using echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging, and to correlate them with the phenotype and karyotype of the patients. The diagnostic concordance between the 2 methods was also assessed. METHODS: Fifteen patients with the syndrome were assessed by echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging (cardiac chambers, valves, and aorta). Their ages ranged from 10 to 28 (mean of 16.7) years. The karyotype was analyzed in 11 or 25 metaphases of peripheral blood lymphocytes, or both. RESULTS: The most common phenotypic changes were short stature and spontaneous absence of puberal development (100%); 1 patient had a cardiac murmur. The karyotypes detected were as follows: 45,X (n=7), mosaics (n=5), and deletions (n=3). No echocardiographic changes were observed. In regard to magnetic resonance imaging, coarctation and dilation of the aorta were found in 1 patient, and isolated dilation of the aorta was found in 4 patients. CONCLUSION: The frequencies of coarctation and dilation of the aorta detected on magnetic resonance imaging were similar to those reported in the literature (5.5% to 20%, and 6.3% to 29%, respectively). This confirmed the adjuvant role of magnetic resonance imaging to Doppler echocardiography for diagnosing cardiovascular alterations in patients with Ullrich-Turner's syndrome.
OBJECTIVE: To assess structural and functional cardiac changes in asymptomatic pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension (CAH). METHODS: One hundred pregnant women with CAH underwent conventional Doppler echocardiography. The Student t test was used to compare them with 29 normotensive pregnant women (NT) in their third gestational trimester. RESULTS: Systolic (SBP; mmHg) and diastolic (DBP; mmHg) blood pressure values were higher (p<0.001) in the CAH pregnant women (SBP: 139±19 and DBP: 92± 18) as compared with those of the NT group (SBP: 112±10 and DBP: 74±9). A significant enlargement of the left atrium (4.10±0.48 cm vs 3.6±0.3 cm; p<0.001) and of the left ventricular normalized mass (59.6±19.7 g/cm2,7 vs 41.9±3.4 g/cm2,7; p<0.001) was observed. Cardiac output (CO, L/min) and systolic volume (SV, mL) were significantly higher in the CAH group (CO: 6.0±1.54 vs 4.9±2.1, p<0.01; SV: 77.3±19.8 vs 56.5±25.8, p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Chronic hypertensive pregnant women have structural and functional cardiac changes that justify routine cardiologic assessment, even in the absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms.
OBJETIVO: investigar a presença e resultados de malformações vasculares uterinas (MAVU) após doença trofoblástica gestacional (DTG). MÉTODOS: estudo retrospectivo com inclusão de casos diagnosticados entre 1987 e 2004; 2764 pacientes após DTG foram acompanhadas anualmente com ultra-sonografia transvaginal e Doppler colorido no Centro de Neoplasia Trofoblástica Gestacional da Santa Casa da Misericórdia (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil). Sete pacientes tiveram diagnóstico final de MAVU baseado em análise ultra-sonográfica - índice de pulsatilidade (IP), índice de resistência (IR) e velocidade sistólica máxima (VSM) - e achados de imagens de ressonância nuclear magnética (RNM). Dosagens negativas de beta-hCG foram decisivas para estabelecer o diagnóstico diferencial com DTG recidivante. RESULTADOS: a incidência de MAVU após DTG foi 0,2% (7/2764). Achados ultra-sonográficos de MAVU: IP médio de 0,44±0,058 (extremos: 0,38-0,52); IR médio de 0,36±0,072 (extremos: 0,29-0,50); VSM média de 64,6±23,99 cm/s (extremos: 37-96). A imagem de RNM revelou útero aumentado, miométrio heterogêneo, espaços vasculares tortuosos e vasos parametriais com ectasia. A apresentação clínica mais comum foi hemorragia transvaginal, presente em 52,7% (4/7) dos casos. Tratamento farmacológico com 150 mg de acetato de medroxiprogesterona foi empregado para controlar a hemorragia, após a estabilização hemodinâmica. Permanecem as pacientes em seguimento, assintomáticas até hoje. Duas pacientes engravidaram com MAVU, com gestações e partos exitosos. CONCLUSÃO: presente sangramento transvaginal em pacientes com beta-hCG negativo e história de DTG, deve-se considerar a possibilidade de MAVU e solicitar avaliação ultra-sonográfica com dopplervelocimetria. O tratamento conservador é a melhor opção na maioria dos casos de MAVU pós-DTG.
O desenvolvimento de técnicas não invasivas e não destrutivas para a avaliação da composição e qualidade de carcaça em animais tem mobilizado consideráveis recursos em pesquisa. A ultra-sonografia aparece neste contexto como uma técnica viável, confiável e de custo aceitável para esta função. No presente trabalho foi avaliada a técnica de ultra-sonografia em tempo real como ferramenta para predição da área de olho-de-lombo (AOL) e espessura da camada de gordura subcutânea (ECG) a partir de imagens tomadas em animais vivos, quando comparadas com as medições na carcaça. Foram utilizados 115 bovinos jovens (30, ½ Angus x Nellore; 30, ½ Canchim x Nellore; 30, ½ Simental x Nellore, e 25 Nellores), com peso inicial médio de 329 kg e de dois tamanhos à maturidade (pequeno e grande), no sistema de produção do novilho superprecoce. As medidas de ultra-sonografia foram realizadas a cada 28 dias totalizando quatro medições até o final do confinamento. A precisão da predição aumentou em função da proximidade da data do abate, sendo máxima na quarta medida (R²= 0,68 para AOL e 0,82 para ECG). Houve efeito de grupo genético e de medida ultra-sonográfica para ECG. O tamanho corporal não teve efeito sobre nenhuma das características estudadas.