726 resultados para Mangrove Ascomycetes
A caracterização das águas superficiais e intersticiais nos estuários é fundamental para desvendar as condições ambientais, qualidade ambiental e mudanças sazonais, que podem ocorrer em espaço menor como é o caso do furo da ilha de Colares. Este trabalho tem como objetivo mostrar a influência da sazonalidade nas águas estuarinas na foz Norte e Sul do furo da ilha de Colares e da contribuição das águas intersticiais para as águas superficiais. Os parâmetros físicos e químicos, e nutrientes contemplados são: índice pluviométrico (IP), temperatura, salinidade, pH, condutividade elétrica, sólidos totais dissolvidos, material particulado em suspensão, oxigênio dissolvido, profundidade de Secchi, nitrato, nitrito, N-amoniacal, fosfato, silicato e sulfato. A determinação destes parâmetros ocorreu de forma simultânea em cada foz do furo de Colares durante um ciclo de maré (13 horas) nos periodos chuvoso (10/04/2013) e menos chuvoso (05/10/2013). Os resultados revelam que a sazonalidade interfere nas condições abióticas das águas estuarinas do furo da ilha de Colares e deduz que o IP é o fator de maior efeito das mudanças dos parâmetros físicos e químicos e, sobretudo o maior responsável na mobilidade, disponibilidade e distribuição dos nutrientes dissolvidos, que foram encontrados em concentrações maiores no período chuvoso. Ainda os nutrientes nitrato e N-amoniacal foram considerados muito elevados na foz Norte, possivelmente relacionados com a influência de atividades antropogênica. Contudo foram considerados dentro dos limites estabelecidos pela Resolução 357 da CONAMA/05. Na foz Sul ocorreu níveis de pH fora do padrão estipulado pela Resolução da CONAMA, porém o fenômeno foi considerado natural visto que este em especifico se encontra distante de atividades antropogênicas. No período menos chuvoso o N-amoniacal foi considerado ausente na foz Norte e Sul. O manguezal foi considerado como fonte de salinidade, silicato e sulfato para as águas superficiais.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os manguezais do estado do Pará representam importante segmento da costa norte brasileira sobre os quais pouco se conhece das características geológicas e as relações com área(s)-fonte. A pesquisa foi realizada no estuário do rio Marapanim, na costa paraense, para demonstrar a contribuição de sedimentos continentais para a formação dos sedimentos dos manguezais. Foram coletados sedimentos da Formação Barreiras e solos dela derivados (principais fontes terrígenas), e os sedimentos de manguezal. Nos sedimentos de manguezal foram realizadas análises granulométricas, determinação dos teores de carbono (C %) e medidas de pH, Eh e salinidade intersticial. A determinação mineralógica e a geoquímica multi-elementar foi feita nos sedimentos lamosos e nos sedimentos continentais adjacentes, para comparações. Os sedimentos de manguezal são sílticoargilosos (> 90 %), com teores de carbono entre 0,75 a 3,5 %. A mineralogia principal é composta por quartzo, goethita, hematita, caulinita, illita, além de zircão, turmalina, estaurolita e cianita como acessórios, assinatura mineralógica típica dos sedimentos da Formação Barreiras e dos solos. De ocorrência comum nesses manguezais, os minerais neoformados são: esmectita, feldspato potássico, pirita, halita, gipso e a jarosita. O enriquecimento em SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, e TiO2 nos manguezais e os níveis crustais dos metais-traço refletem o clima tropical e a composição mineralógica da área-fonte, rica em quartzo e caulinita e a ausência de influência antrópica. A composição química associada à matéria orgânica, abundantes diatomáceas além de Fe, S e os aportes de Cl-, Na+, K+, Ca++ e Mg++ da água do mar, identificam o ambiente deposicional e os minerais autigênicos. O padrão de fracionamento dos elementos-traço nos manguezais também corrobora a marcante contribuição da área-fonte continental. Esses sedimentos apresentam o predomínio dos Elementos Terras Rara Leves (ETRL) sobre os Elementos Terras Raras Pesados (ETRP) com elevadas razões de Th/Co; La/Th; La/Sc; La/Co e Zr/Sc e Th/ Sc e Ba/Co, elementos presentes nas rochas ígneas félsicas que originaram os sedimentos terrígenos.
O regime de macromaré e a pororoca controlam a dinâmica estuarina do Araguari, na qual é muito diferente dos modelos tradicionais dos estuários sob este regime de maré. Objetivando estabelecer zonas estuarinas no Araguari com base em assembléias de foraminíferos, tecamebas, palinomorfos e parâmetros físico-químicos, foram estabelecidas dezesseis estações amostrais ao longo do estuário. A turbidez e a temperatura foram os parâmetros ambientais que permitiram determinar gradiente estuarino. Dezoito espécies de foraminíferos, dez espécies de tecamebas e quatorze espécies de palinomorfos foram identificadas. A análise de agrupamento em modo-R mostrou a existência de assembléias de foraminíferos e quatro de palinomorfos. A análise em CCA demonstrou que a turbidez e a matéria orgânica como os parâmetros de maior influência na distribuição dos foraminíferos tecamebas no Araguari. A análise de agrupamento em Modo-Q usando todos os dados formou quarto grupos de estações que sugerem a existência de três zonas estuarinas: Zona I - composta por tecamebas e palinomorfos continentais; Zona II - compostas por foraminíferos de manguezal, acritacos e todas as assembléias de palinomorfos; e Zona III - composta por foraminíferos de manguezal e estuarinos e por todas as assembléias de palinomorfos.
Foraminifera scientific studies became, historically, of your apply in relative dating of rocks, stratigraphic correlations and paleoenvironmental reconstruction. In the last decades, they have been applied on the studies of modern ecosystems, with or without antrhopic influence. Both aspects are interest of petroleum industry. Among other approaches, foraminífera are used as good indicators of the fluctuation of relative sea level. This study aimed to survey and taxonomic study of the community structure of foraminifera in surface samples of a core, 60 cm, collected in mangrove located in Itapanhaú river in Bertioga (SP).It also aims to contribute to the discussion about typical patterns of community structure of mangrove margins and provide elements for discussion on the relative sea level behavior in this area in almost modern times. It was been collected 6 samples along the core of 60 cm of length, each one 10 cm depth. They were made in laboratory and in each sample sought to find at least 100 foraminifera per ml. The species identification was made with reference specified material and collection available on IGCE-UNESPetro, Rio Claro. The community structure was studied in terms of richness, diversity and species composition and was made the results comparison from similar areas to interpret the depositional environment. Were found 21 species within them 13 calcareous and 8 binders, being the most abundant and frequent species Ammonia tepida, Ammonia parkinsoniana e Elphidium spp. Essentially there wasn’t change in the community structure within the period covered by the core which reflects an environment of outer margin of mangrove without noticeable change in relative sea level at the respective time of deposition of muddy sediments. The community structure here recognized its similar to estuarine environment well maintained which indicates a low human impact in the area over the time interval. The agreement of the results...
Nowadays, there is a search for knowledgment that could be applied in the solution of the problems caused by petrolific activities involving the environment, like the biodiversity preservation and the ecosystems monitoring and management. Foraminifera (Protista) are used as an important tool to the environment characterizarion, because they answer quickly to the fisic-quimic variations and indicate local alterations. The goal of this job is to create models of foraminiferal communities composition through the screening of subsuperficial samples obtained from a core collect from Bertioga Channel, Baixada Santista (SP), trying to understand the influence of the environmental variations along the time upon the indicator species presence, as well as making paleoenvironmentals reconstructions of the area. A 80 cm-core was removed in the outer edge of marsh adjacent to Bertioga Channel, not far from the confluence with the Itapanhaú River. There are presented in abundance, equitability, diversity and species richness obtained in nine samples along the sediment. The lower part of the core is compound by calcareous species (rotalideos and miliolideos) with domain Ammonia (Biofacies 1) and the intermediate and upper parts contain mainly agglutinated species (Biofacies 2 and 3, which is dominated by species of Ammotium). The qualitative and quantitative study of the microfauna of foraminifera present in the core reveals that in recent decades the sampling area passed from a condition of infra-marginal strip under significant coastal marine influence for the condition of inter-coastal swamp covered with mangrove vegetation. This change indicates that the site has undergone a process of sediment progradation, a phenomenon that may have been timely, localized, or a reflection of a relative fall in sea level at the regional level
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Malaysia: Castanediella eucalypti from Eucalyptus pellita, Codinaea acacia from Acacia mangium, Emarcea eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana, Myrtapenidiella eucalyptorum from Eucalyptus pellita, Pilidiella eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus brassiana and Strelitziana malaysiana from Acacia mangium. Furthermore, Stachybotrys sansevieriicola is described from Sansevieria ehrenbergii (Tanzania), Phacidium grevilleae from Grevillea robusta (Uganda), Graphium jumulu from Adansonia gregorii and Ophiostoma eucalyptigena from Eucalyptus marginata (Australia), Pleurophoma ossicola from bone and Plectosphaerella populi from Populus nigra (Germany), Colletotrichum neosansevieriae from Sansevieria trifasciata, Elsinoë othonnae from Othonna quinquedentata and Zeloasperisporium cliviae (Zeloasperisporiaceae fam. nov.) from Clivia sp. (South Africa), Neodevriesia pakbiae, Phaeophleospora hymenocallidis and Phaeophleospora hymenocallidicola on leaves of a fern (Thailand), Melanconium elaeidicola from Elaeis guineensis (Indonesia), Hormonema viticola from Vitis vinifera (Canary Islands), Chlorophyllum pseudoglobossum from a grassland (India), Triadelphia disseminata from an immunocompromised patient (Saudi Arabia), Colletotrichum abscissum from Citrus (Brazil), Polyschema sclerotigenum and Phialemonium limoniforme from human patients (USA), Cadophora vitícola from Vitis vinifera (Spain), Entoloma flavovelutinum and Bolbitius aurantiorugosus from soil (Vietnam), Rhizopogon granuloflavus from soil (Cape Verde Islands), Tulasnella eremophila from Euphorbia officinarum subsp. echinus (Morocco), Verrucostoma martinicensis from Danaea elliptica (French West Indies), Metschnikowia colchici from Colchicum autumnale (Bulgaria), Thelebolus microcarpus from soil (Argentina) and Ceratocystis adelpha from Theobroma cacao (Ecuador). Myrmecridium iridis (Myrmecridiales ord. nov., Myrmecridiaceae fam. nov.) is also described from Iris sp. (The Netherlands). Novel genera include (Ascomycetes): Budhanggurabania from Cynodon dactylon (Australia), Soloacrosporiella, Xenocamarosporium, Neostrelitziana and Castanediella from Acacia mangium and Sabahriopsis from Eucalyptus brassiana (Malaysia), Readerielliopsis from basidiomata of Fuscoporia wahlbergii (French Guyana), Neoplatysporoides from Aloe ferox (Tanzania), Wojnowiciella, Chrysofolia and Neoeriomycopsis from Eucalyptus (Colombia), Neophaeomoniella from Eucalyptus globulus (USA), Pseudophaeomoniella from Olea europaea (Italy), Paraphaeomoniella from Encephalartos altensteinii, Aequabiliella, Celerioriella and Minutiella from Prunus (South Africa). Tephrocybella (Basidiomycetes) represents a novel genus from wood (Italy). Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS DNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Heterotrophic bacterial and biomass, production, specific growth rates and growth efficiencies were studied in July 2001 and January 2002 during both spring and neap tides, along a tidal cycle, at three sites in a subtropical estuary. Major freshwater inputs located in the Northern region led to differences in both and bacterioplankton biomass and activity along the estuary. While in the Northern region is light-limited, with mean production (PP) between 1.1 and 1.9 mu g C l(-1) h(-1) and mean specific growth rates (PSG) between 0.14 and 0.16 d(-1), the Southern region registered values as high as 24.7 mu g C l(-1) h(-1) for PP and 2.45 d(-1) (mean PP between 3.4 and 7.3 mu g C l(-1) h(-1); mean PSG between 0.28 and 0.57 d(-1)). On the other hand, maximum bacterial production (BP: 63.8 mu g C l(-1) h(-1)) and specific growth rate (BSG: 32.26 d(-1)) were observed in the Northern region (mean BP between 3.4 and 12.8 mu g C l(-1) h(-1); mean BSG between 1.98 and 6.67 day(-1)). These bacterial activity rates are among the highest recorded rates in estuarine and coastal waters, indicating that this system can be highly heterotrophic, due to high loads of allochthonous carbon (mainly derived from mangrove forest). Our results also showed that, despite that BP rates usually exceeded PP, in the Southern region BP may be partially supported (similar to 45%) by PP, since a significant regression was observed between BP and PP (r = 0.455, P < 0.001).
Endophytic fungi are considered a rich source of active compounds resulting from their secondary metabolism. Fungi from marine environment grow in a habitat with unique conditions that can contribute to the activation of metabolic pathways of synthesis of different unknown molecules. The production of these compounds may support the adaptation and survival of the fungi in the marine ecosystem. Mangroves are ecosystems situated between land and sea. They are frequently found in tropical and subtropical areas and enclose approximately 18.1 million hectares of the planet. The great biodiversity found in these ecosystems shows the importance of researching them, including studies regarding new compounds derived from the endophytic fungi that inhabit these ecosystems. 3-hydroxypropionic acid (3-HPA) has been isolated from the mangrove endophytic fungus Diaporthe phaseolorum, which was obtained from branches of Laguncularia racemosa. The structure of this compound was elucidated by spectroscopic methods, mainly 1D and 2D NMR. In bioassays, 3-HPA showed antimicrobial activities against both Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi. The structure of this antibiotic was modified by the chemical reaction of Fischer-Speier esterification to evaluate the biologic activity of its chemical analog. The esterified product, 3-hydroxypropanoic ethyl ester, did not exhibit antibiotic activity, suggesting that the free carboxylic acid group is important to the pharmacological activity. The antibiotic-producing strain was identified with internal transcribed spacer sequence data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of antibacterial activity by 3-HPA against the growth of medically important pathogens.
The hydrodynamics, morphology and sedimentology of the Taperacu estuary were investigated. This is one of several estuaries located within the largest mangrove fringe in the world, bordering the Amazon region, subject to a macrotidal regime and regionally atypical negligible fresh water supply. The results reveal widespread sand banks that occupy the central portion of the estuarine cross-section. Well-sorted very fine sandy sediments of marine origin prevail. Shorter flood phases, with substantially higher current velocities, were observed in the upper sector of Taperacu, as expected for a shallow, friction-dominated estuary. However, ebb domination can be expected for estuaries with large associated mangrove areas and substantial estuarine infilling, both of which situations occur on the Taperacu. The tidal asymmetry favoring flood currents could be the result of the absence of an effective fluvial discharge. Furthermore, it was observed that the Taperacu is connected by tidal creeks to the neighboring Caete estuary, allowing a stronger flux during the flood and intensifying the higher flood currents. As a whole, the results have shown a complex interaction of morphological aspects (friction, fluvial drainage, connections with neighbor estuaries, infilling and large storage area) in determining hydrodynamic patterns, thus improving the understanding of Amazon estuaries.
The chemical ecology and biotechnological potential of metabolites from endophytic and rhizosphere fungi are receiving much attention. A collection of 17 sugarcane-derived fungi were identified and assessed by PCR for the presence of polyketide synthase (PKS) genes. The fungi were all various genera of ascomycetes, the genomes of which encoded 36 putative PKS sequences, 26 shared sequence homology with beta-ketoacyl synthase domains, while 10 sequences showed homology to known fungal C-methyltransferase domains. A neighbour-joining phylogenetic analysis of the translated sequences could group the domains into previously established chemistry-based clades that represented non-reducing, partially reducing and highly reducing fungal PKSs. We observed that, in many cases, the membership of each clade also reflected the taxonomy of the fungal isolates. The functional assignment of the domains was further confirmed by in silico secondary and tertiary protein structure predictions. This genome mining study reveals, for the first time, the genetic potential of specific taxonomic groups of sugarcane-derived fungi to produce specific types of polyketides. Future work will focus on isolating these compounds with a view to understanding their chemical ecology and likely biotechnological potential.
Based on the hypothesis that reproduction is a continuous process in tropical habitats, we analysed reproductive periodicity and egg production in the callianassid ghost shrimp Lepidophthalmus bocourti, one of the most common species in mangrove systems along the Pacific coast of Central America. During one year (May 2008 to April 2009), individuals of L. bocourti (N = 499) were collected nearshore Gulf of Nicoya, Pacific coast of Costa Rica. Observations were made on presence or absence of incubated embryos, and gonad activity of females was analysed as gonadosomatic index (GSI). Our results revealed that L. bocourti has a marked seasonal breeding period, which contradicts previous reports regarding coastal marine decapods from the tropics. Ovigerous females were found only from June to August, while high GSI values were obtained from March to July. The increase of GSI and appearance of ovigerous females were associated with a concomitant decrease of salinity, but not with temperature. We assume that reproduction of L. bocourti is adapted to local changes of environmental conditions, and that a decrease in salinity during rainy season may serve as a triggering factor for ovarian development. Compared to other ghost shrimps, L. bocourti produced on average more (2002 +/- 1365) and smaller (0.87 +/- 0.109 mm) eggs, which seems to suggest that this species does not have an abbreviated larval development as reported for other species of genus. The deviation from the generalization of constant reproduction in the tropics for shallow water marine invertebrates and its probable cause are adequately discussed.