998 resultados para MacDonald, Julie
O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever a percepção de causas e risco para neoplasias, bem como associar comportamentos adotados para prevenção de tumores e história familiar dessa patologia em indivíduos com suspeita de síndromes neoplásicas hereditárias. A amostra de conveniência foi constituída por 51 usuários atendidos em um ambulatório de aconselhamento oncogenético de um hospital-escola do interior paulista. Utilizou-se um instrumento previamente traduzido e adaptado para a cultura brasileira. Os respondentes consideraram seu risco de câncer como sendo igual ao da população em geral e a história familiar de malignidades não foi estatisticamente associada à realização de exames preventivos. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciam a necessidade de intervenção dos profissionais de saúde, em especial do enfermeiro, o qual pode desenvolver atividades de educação em saúde junto a essa clientela, como um dos componentes essenciais para o cuidado de enfermagem em oncogenética.
Thymic dendritic cells (DCs) form a discrete subset of bone marrow (BM)-derived cells, the function of which is to mediate negative selection of autoreactive thymocytes. The developmental origin of thymic DCs remains controversial. Although cell transfer studies support a model in which T cells and thymic DCs develop from the same intrathymic pluripotential precursor, it remains possible that these two types of cells develop from independent intrathymic precursors. Notch proteins are cell surface receptors involved in the regulation of cell fate specification. We have recently reported that T cell development in inducible Notch1-deficient mice is severely impaired at an early stage, before the expression of T cell lineage markers. To investigate whether development of thymic DCs also depends on Notch1, we have constructed mixed BM chimeric mice. We report here that thymic DC development from Notch1(-/)- BM precursors is absolutely normal (in terms of absolute number and phenotype) in this competitive situation, despite the absence of Notch1(-/)- T cells. Furthermore, we find that peripheral DCs and Langerhans cells are also not affected by Notch1 deficiency. Our results demonstrate that the development of DCs is totally independent of Notch1 function, and strongly suggest a dissociation between intrathymic T cell and DC precursors.
Sex differences in cognition have been largely investigated. The most consistent sex differences favoring females are observed in object location memory involving the left hemisphere whereas the most consistent sex differences favoring males are observed in tasks that require mental rotation involving the right hemisphere. Here we used a task involving these two abilities to see the impact of mental rotation on object location memory. To that end we used a combination of behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) electroencephalography (EEG) measures.A computer screen displayed a square frame of 4 pairs of images (a "teddy" bear, a shoe, an umbrella and a lamp) randomly arranged around a central fixation cross. After a 10-second interval for memorization, images disappeared and were replaced by a test frame with no image but a random pair of two locations marked in black. In addition, this test frame was randomly displayed either in the original orientation (0° rotation) or in the rotated one (90° clockwise - CW - or 90° counterclockwise - CCW). Preceding the test frame, an arrow indicating the presence or the absence of rotation of the frame was displayed on the screen. The task of the participants (15 females and 15 males) was to determine if two marked locations corresponded or not to a pair of identical images. Each response was followed by feedback.Findings showed no significant sex differences in the performance of the original orientation. In comparison with this position, the rotation of the frame produced an equal decrease of male and female performance. In addition, this decrease was significantly higher when the rotation of the frame was in a CCW direction. We further assessed the ERP when the arrow indicated the direction of rotation as stimulus-onset, during four time windows representing major components C1, P1, N1 and N2. Although no sex differences were observed in performance, brain activities differed according to sex. Enhanced amplitudes were found for the CCW compared to CW rotation over the right posterior areas for the P1, N1 and N2 components for men as well as for women. Major topographical differences related to sex were measured for the CW rotation condition as marked lateralized amplitude: left-hemisphere amplitude larger than right one was measured during P1 time range for men. These similar patterns prolonged from P1 to N1 for women. Early distinctions were found in interaction with sex between CCW and CW waveform amplitudes, expressing over anterior electrode sites during C1 time range (0-50 ms post-stimulus).In conclusion (i) women do not outperform men in object location memory in this study (absence of rotation condition); (ii) mental rotation, in particular the direction of rotation, influences performance on object location memory; (iii) CCW rotation is associated with activity in the right parietal hemisphere whereas the CW rotation involves the left parietal hemisphere; (iv) this last effect is less pronounced in males, which could explain why greater involvement of right parietal areas in men and of bilateral posterior areas in women is generally reported in mental rotation tasks; and (v) the early distinctions between both directions of rotation located over anterior sites could be related to sex differences in their respective involvement of control mechanisms.
Os estudos de dinâmica populacional dos principais recursos pesqueiros foram actualizados e foi re-aavaliado o estado dos stocks de garoupa, chicharro e sargo de areia do arquipélago de Cabo Verde. A época de reprodução foi estimada através da análise da evolução mensal do índice gonadosomático. A ogiva de maturação e o L50 (tamanho de primeira maturação) foram estimados segundo o modelo logístico e ajustado segundo o método da Máxima Verosimilhança. Foram estimados, ainda, os parâmetros alpha e beta das relações peso – comprimento e aplicado o Teste F para testar as diferenças da relação entre os sexos. No caso das avaliações, a separação das coortes foi feita através da minimização da soma do quadrado dos resíduos, segundo o método de MacDonald e Pitcher de separação de distribuições mistas. Segundo a natureza dos dados, foram aplicados métodos de avaliação diferentes. Para o stock de garoupa, em que uma Análise de População Virtual e uma Análise de Captura e Biomassa Desovante por recruta forma aplicadas, conclui-se que o Fterm encontra-se aproximadamente ao nível do F0.1 e está aquém do FSSBpR40. A Biomassa desovante por recruta (SSBpR) actual está aproximadamente a 46% da SSBpR virgem. Estes indicadores apontam para um estado de exploração óptimo. No caso do stock de chicharro, onde se aplicou uma Análise da Curva de Captura o estado de exploração é considerado como moderado, uma vez que o Fterm está aquém dos pontos de referência F0.1 e FSSBpR40. A SSBpR actual constitui aproximadamente 50 % da SSBpR virgem. Para o stock de sargo de areia, as análises apontam para uma exploração a níveis bastante intensos, uma vez que o Fterm está ao nível de Fmax, e excede o FSSBpR40 em aproximadamente 40%. A SSBpR actual constitui aproximadamente 32 % da SSBpR virgem.
RESUMO Objetivo Historicizar as mudanças na formação de recursos humanos em enfermagem no Brasil, no período de 1942 a 1961, a partir da presença de 35 enfermeiras americanas designadas para trabalhar em cooperação com o SESP. Método O estudo utilizou como fontes relatórios redigidos pelas enfermeiras, que descrevem suas impressões, sugestões e atividades desenvolvidas no país, e foram analisadas a partir da análise de discurso de Michel Foucault. Resultados O período mencionado foi marcado pela presença americana nos projetos de enfermagem desenvolvidos pelo Serviço Especial de Saúde Pública (SESP). Os discursos indicaram que o período foi marcado por muitas mudanças na enfermagem brasileira, em especial no que diz respeito à captação e formação de recursos humanos para a profissão. Conclusão Pode-se afirmar que elas, através de seus discursos e influência, foram centrais para a consolidação de um novo paradigma na formação de profissionais de enfermagem no Brasil.
Over the last few years a vast amount of progress has been made in identifying mechanisms controlling lineage commitment and plasticity of hematopoietic precursors to different lymphoid or myeloid lineages. This has been due largely to the ability to identify and isolate rare cell populations in order to investigate their developmental potential, together with the development of inducible and/or tissue specific targeting technology. One family of proteins that has been postulated to be involved in hematopoietic stem cell maintenance as well as in multiple commitment processes during T cell development is the Notch receptors and their ligands. In this review we will summarize recent findings and controversies regarding the role of Notch signaling in the myeloid and lymphoid systems.
We have analyzed the expression of T cell receptor (TcR) genes in the thymus using in situ RNA hybridizations with probes to the constant regions of the TcR alpha, beta, gamma and delta chains. Localization of transcripts revealed low TcR alpha mRNA levels in the thymus cortex and very low levels in the subcapsular region. In contrast, TcR beta message was very abundant in the cortex. TcR gamma or delta mRNA+ thymocytes showed a scattered, predominantly cortical localization. In contrast to gamma, TcR delta transcripts were abundant in the subcapsular region. Control experiments with sorted TcR alpha/beta or gamma/delta cells revealed a detection efficiency of 75%-85% for the respective TcR mRNA and data on TcR gene expression in mature, CD3+ thymocytes were consistent with previous reports. The analysis of immature, CD3- thymocyte subsets, however, revealed a virtual absence of TcR alpha transcripts and an unexpectedly high proportion of cells (14%-29%) expressing the gene for the TcR delta chain. The data are discussed in view of current models of lineage relationships in the thymus.
This study examines syntactic and morphological aspects of the production and comprehension of pronouns by 99 typically developing French-speaking children aged 3 years, 5 months to 6 years, 5 months. A fine structural analysis of subject, object, and reflexive clitics suggests that whereas the object clitic chain crosses the subject chain, the reflexive clitic chain is nested within it. We argue that this structural difference introduces differences in processing complexity, chain crossing being more complex than nesting. In support of this analysis, both production and comprehension experiments show that children have more difficulty with object than with reflexive clitics (with more omissions in production and more erroneous judgments in sentences involving Principle B in comprehension). Concerning the morphological aspect, French subject and object pronouns agree in gender with their referent. We report serious difficulties with pronoun gender both in production and comprehension in children around the age of 4 (with nearly 30% errors in production and chance level judgments in comprehension), which tend to disappear by age 6. The distribution of errors further suggests that the masculine gender is processed as the default value. These findings provide further insights into the relationship between comprehension and production in the acquisition process.
Notch proteins influence cell-fate decisions in many developing systems. Several gain-of-function studies have suggested a critical role for Notch 1 signaling in CD4-CD8 lineage commitment, maturation and survival in the thymus. However, we show here that tissue-specific inactivation of the gene encoding Notch 1 in immature (CD25+CD44-)T cell precursors does not affect subsequent thymocyte development. Neither steady-state numbers nor the rate of production of CD4+ and CD8+ mature thymocytes is perturbed in the absence of Notch 1. In addition, Notch 1-deficient thymocytes are normally sensitive to spontaneous or glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis. In contrast to earlier reports, these data formally exclude an essential role for Notch 1 in CD4-CD8 lineage commitment, maturation or survival.
The origin and specificity of alphabeta TCR(+) T cells that express CD8alphaalpha have been controversial issues. Here we provide direct evidence that precursors of functional CD8alphaalpha T cells are positively selected in the thymus in the presence of agonist self-peptides. Like conventional positive selection, this agonist selection process requires functional TCR alpha-CPM, whereas it is independent of CD8beta expression. Furthermore, CD8alphaalpha expression on mature, agonist-selected T cells does not imply selection by MHC class I, and CD8alphaalpha(+) T cells can be either class I or class II restricted. Our data define a distinct agonist-dependent, positive selection process in the thymus, and they suggest a function for CD8alphaalpha distinct from the conventional TCR coreceptor function of CD8alphabeta or CD4.
A subset of CD8 T cells in normal mice, expressing high levels of activation markers such as CD44, shares many properties with antigen-specific memory CD8 T cells. Homeostasis of CD44(high) CD8 T cells depends upon cytokines such as interleukin-15 (IL-15); however, the downstream signaling pathways regulating IL-15-dependent homeostatic proliferation are poorly defined. Surprisingly, we show here that haploinsufficiency of the protooncogene c-myc leads to a highly selective decrease in CD44(high) CD8 T cells in mice. Although steady-state proliferation and survival of CD44(high) CD8 T cells appeared not to be dependent on c-Myc, homeostatic proliferation of c-myc(+/-) CD44(high) CD8 T cells in lymphopenic hosts was strongly reduced, and the residual homeostatic proliferation of these cells appeared to occur independently of IL-15. Moreover, c-myc(+/-) CD44(high) CD8 T cells responded very poorly to purified IL-15 in vitro. Backcrossing of c-myc(+/-) mice to IL-15(-/-) mice revealed that the number of CD44(high) CD8 T cells decreased in an additive fashion in mice heterozygous for c-myc and IL-15. Finally homeostatic proliferation of antigen-specific memory CD44(high) CD8 T cells was also impaired in c-myc(+/-) mice. Collectively, our data identify c-Myc as a novel downstream component of the IL-15-dependent pathway controlling homeostatic proliferation of memory CD44(high) CD8 T cells.
Susceptibility of BALB/c mice to infection with Leishmania major is associated with a T helper type 2 (Th2) response. Since interleukin-4 (IL-4) is critically required early for Th2 cell development, the kinetics of IL-4 mRNA expression was compared in susceptible and resistant mice during the first days of infection. In contrast to resistant mice, susceptible mice exhibited a peak of IL-4 mRNA in their spleens 90 min after i.v. injection of parasites and in lymph nodes 16 h after s.c. injection. IL-12 and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) down-regulated this early peak of IL-4 mRNA; the effect of IL-12 was IFN-gamma dependent. Treatment of resistant C57BL/6 mice with anti-IFN-gamma allowed the expression of this early IL-4 response to L. major. The increased IL-4 mRNA expression occurred in V beta 8, 7, 2- CD4+ cells in BALB/c mice and NK1.1- CD4+ cells in anti-IFN-gamma treated C57BL/6 mice. These results show that the NK1.1+ CD4+ cells, responsible for the rapid burst of IL-4 production after i.v. injection of anti-CD3, do not contribute to the early IL-4 response to L. major.
The lpr gene has recently been shown to encode a functional mutation in the Fas receptor, a molecule involved in transducing apoptotic signals. Mice homozygous for the lpr gene develop an autoimmune syndrome accompanied by massive accumulation of double-negative (DN) CD4-8-B220+ T cell receptor-alpha/beta+ cells. In order to investigate the origin of these DN T cells, we derived lpr/lpr mice lacking major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules by intercrossing them with beta 2-microglobulin (beta 2m)-deficient mice. Interestingly, these lpr beta 2m-/- mice develop 13-fold fewer DNT cells in lymph nodes as compared to lpr/lpr wild-type (lprWT) mice. Analysis of anti-DNA antibodies and rheumatoid factor in serum demonstrates that lpr beta 2m-/- mice produce comparable levels of autoantibodies to lprWT mice. Collectively our data indicate that MHC class I molecules control the development of DN T cells but not autoantibody production in lpr/lpr mice and support the hypothesis that the majority of DN T cells may be derived from cells of the CD8 lineage.
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are the most primitive cells in the hematopoietic system and are under tight regulation for self-renewal and differentiation. Notch signals are essential for the emergence of definitive hematopoiesis in mouse embryos and are critical regulators of lymphoid lineage fate determination. However, it remains unclear how Notch regulates the balance between HSC self-renewal and differentiation in the adult bone marrow (BM). Here we report a novel mechanism that prevents HSCs from undergoing premature lymphoid differentiation in BM. Using a series of in vivo mouse models and functional HSC assays, we show that leukemia/lymphoma related factor (LRF) is necessary for HSC maintenance by functioning as an erythroid-specific repressor of Delta-like 4 (Dll4) expression. Lrf deletion in erythroblasts promoted up-regulation of Dll4 in erythroblasts, sensitizing HSCs to T-cell instructive signals in the BM. Our study reveals novel cross-talk between HSCs and erythroblasts, and sheds a new light on the regulatory mechanisms regulating the balance between HSC self-renewal and differentiation.