890 resultados para MAG double-wire welding


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The purpose of this study was to verify in man the relationships of muscle glycogen synthase and phosphorylase activities with glycogen concentration that were reported in animal studies. The upper level of glycogen concentration in muscle is known to be tightly controlled, and glycogen concentration was reported to have an inhibitory effect on synthase activity and a stimulatory effect on phosphorylase activity. Glycogen synthase and phosphorylase activity and glycogen concentration were measured in muscle biopsies in a group of nine normal subjects after stimulating an increase of their muscle glycogen concentration through either an intravenous glucose-insulin infusion to stimulate glycogen synthesis, or an Intralipid (Vitrum, Stockholm, Sweden) infusion in the basal state to inhibit glycogen mobilization by favoring lipid oxidation at the expense of glucose oxidation. Phosphorylase activity increased from 71.3 +/- 21.0 to 152.8 +/- 20.0 nmol/min/mg protein (P < .005) after the glucose-insulin infusion. Phosphorylase activity was positively correlated with glycogen concentration (P = .005 and P = .0001) after the glucose-insulin and Intralipid infusions, respectively. Insulin-stimulated glycogen synthase activity was significantly negatively correlated with glycogen concentration at the end of the Intralipid infusion (P < .005). In conclusion, by demonstrating a negative correlation of glycogen concentration with glycogen synthase and a positive correlation with phosphorylase, this study might confirm in man the double-feedback mechanism by which changes in glycogen concentration regulate glycogen synthase and phosphorylase activities. It suggests that this mechanism might play an important role in the regulation of glucose storage.


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Challenging the view of asymmetrical power relations between China and Africa, this thesis questions the "Chinese comparative advantages" (monolithic state power and economic advantages) of Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Africa. It argues that the power dynamics between Chinese and African actors are dialectical and pluralistic, with localized social capital representing the true Chinese competitive advantage in Africa. Based on ethnographical fieldwork conducted in Ghana, this thesis shows that Chinese SOEs pursue their globalization in a double context - that of the deliberate "retreat" of the Chinese state, and more importantly, that of Ghanaian governance and society (characterized by political party patronage, extraversion dynamics, and worker agency). The trajectories of Chinese expatriates' expatriation/ social promotion and their SOEs' globalization/ localization are mutually influenced and reinforced. By cultivating local relationships and knowledge, a provincial Chinese SOE in Ghana can outperform a large Chinese central SOE, even if the latter has more support from the Chinese state. Moreover, the recent effort to build a "socially acceptable Chinese community" in Ghana has renewed the power dynamics between the Chinese state and the SOEs. All these observations provide for constructing a new perspective of Chinese SOEs in Africa - a "second-class" Chinese globalization - the SOEs may begin with few privileges, but promotion over time is possible. -- A contre pied des approches postulant des relations de pouvoir asymétriques entre la Chine et l'Afrique, cette thèse interroge les « avantages comparatifs chinois » (pouvoir de l'État monolithique et avantages économiques) des entreprises publiques chinoises (EPC) en Afrique. Elle soutient l'idée selon laquelle les dynamiques de pouvoir entre les acteurs chinois et africains est dialectique et pluraliste, et le capital social localisé étant le véritable avantage compétitif chinois en Afrique. S'appuyant sur un travail de terrain ethnographique au Ghana, cette thèse montre que les EPC poursuivent leur mondialisation dans un double contexte - celui de la «retraite» délibérée de l'État chinois, et, de façon plus importante, celui de la gouvernance et de la société ghanéennes (caractérisées par un clientélisme des partis politiques, une dynamique d'extraversion et le pouvoir de négociation des travailleurs). Les trajectoires d'expatriation / de promotion sociale des expatriés chinois et la mondialisation / localisation de leurs EPC s'influencent et se renforcent mutuellement. En cultivant des relations et des connaissances locales, une EPC provinciale au Ghana peut surpasser une grande EPC centrale, même si cette dernière reçoit plus de soutien de l'État chinois. En outre, les efforts récents visant à construire une «communauté chinoise socialement acceptable» au Ghana ont renouvelé la dynamique du pouvoir entre l'État chinois et les EPC. Ces observations permettent de construire une nouvelle perspective des EPC en Afrique - la globalisation chinoise de « deuxième classe » - les EPC peuvent débuter avec peu de privilèges, mais leur promotion reste possible avec le temps.


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In this work, we investigate heterojunction emitters deposited by Hot-Wire CVD on p-type crystalline silicon. The emitter structure consists of an n-doped film (20 nm) combined with a thin intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon buffer layer (5 nm). The microstructure of these films has been studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the UV-visible range. These measurements reveal that the microstructure of the n-doped film is strongly influenced by the amorphous silicon buffer. The Quasy-Steady-State Photoconductance (QSS-PC) technique allows us to estimate implicit open-circuit voltages near 700 mV for heterojunction emitters on p-type (0.8 Ω·cm) FZ silicon wafers. Finally, 1 cm 2 heterojunction solar cells with 15.4% conversion efficiencies (total area) have been fabricated on flat p-type (14 Ω·cm) CZ silicon wafers with aluminum back-surface-field contact.


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We have investigated doped and undoped layers of microcrystalline silicon prepared by hot-wire chemical vapour deposition optically, electrically and by means of transmission electron microscopy. Besides needle-like crystals grown perpendicular to the substrate's surface, all of the layers contained a noncrystalline phase with a volume fraction between 4% and 25%. A high oxygen content of several per cent in the porous phase was detected by electron energy loss spectrometry. Deep-level transient spectroscopy of the crystals suggests that the concentration of electrically active defects is less than 1% of the undoped background concentration of typically 10^17 cm -3. Frequency-dependent measurements of the conductance and capacitance perpendicular to the substrate surface showed that a hopping process takes place within the noncrystalline phase parallel to the conduction in the crystals. The parasitic contribution to the electrical circuit arising from the porous phase is believed to be an important loss mechanism in the output of a pin-structured photovoltaic solar cell deposited by hot-wire CVD.


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The use of a tantalum wire in hot-wire chemical vapour deposition (HWCVD) has allowed the deposition of dense nanocrystalline silicon at low filament temperatures (1550 °C). A transition in the crystalline preferential orientation from (2 2 0) to (1 1 1) was observed around 1700 °C. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images, together with secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements, suggested that no oxidation occurred in materials obtained at low filament temperature due to the high density of the tissue surrounding grain boundaries. A greater concentration of SiH 3 radicals formed at these temperatures seemed to be responsible for the higher density.


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Työssä selvitettiin Fläkt Woods Groupin toimeksiannosta, onko kannattavaa vaihtaa ilmastointipuhaltimissa käytettävien puhallinpyörien valmistusmenetelmä MIG-hitsauksesta kaarijuottoon. Lappeenrannan teknillisessä korkeakoulussa suoritetuissa tutkimuksissa oli saavutettu noin 3-5 -kertainen liitosnopeus MIG-hitsaukseen verrattuna. Koska kaarijuotto voidaan tehdä tavallisella MIG-hitsauslaitteistolla, ei menetelmän käyttöönotto aiheuta merkittäviä lisäinvestointeja. Suurin kustannuserä onkin kaarijuotossa käytettävä alumiinipronssilanka, jonka hinta asetti kyseenalaiseksi menetelmän vaihtamisen. Käytännössä kaarijuotolla saavutettiin noin 2-kertainen liitosnopeus. Pääasialliset syyt, jotka aiheuttivat liitosnopeuden jäämisen pieneksi, liittyivät kaarijuoton suureen parametriherkkyyteen ja puhallinpyörän vaikeaan geometriaan. Tehdyt kokeet osoittivat, että puhallinpyöräkoon kasvaessa kaarijuotto onnistuu paremmin. Käyttämällä kaarijuottoa vain suurimpiin puhallinpyöriin päästäisiin myös hitsausta vastaaviin kannattavuuslukuihin, vaikka kapasiteettilisäys jäisi melko vaatimattomaksi. Tällöin myös teknisten ongelmien määrä jäisi mahdollisimman vähäiseksi. Osittainenkin kaarijuoton käyttöönotto olisi hyödyllistä, sillä näin saataisiin käyttökokemuksia ja tietämystä kaarijuoton käyttäytymisestä. Nämä tiedot ovat tärkeitä, mikäli kaarijuotto osoittautuu kannattavaksi esimerkiksi hitsauspituuden kasvaessa tai jos alumiinipronssilangan hinta laskee.