995 resultados para Möller, Kaspar Henrik
Realizou-se um estudo com unidades amostrais conglomeradas de estrutura cruzada usando banco de dados de inventário florestal 100% de uma Unidade de produção Anual (UPA-08), localizada na fazenda Martins no alto Pacajá, Município de Portel, Estado do Pará, para estudar os efeitos da variação entre e dentro dos conglomerados usando como referência três variáveis resposta: i) VT = Volume total de madeira das 77 espécies florestais encontradas na área de estudo; ii) VO = Volume Total das 10 espécies florestais de maior ocorrência e volume na área de estudo; e iii) VC = Volume Total das 10 espécies florestais mais comercializadas pela empresa Cikel, tendo como objetivo determinar o tamanho e a distância ideal de subparcelas a partir do Método da Curvatura Máxima, uma vez definido o tamanho, sua área é fixada e então são estudadas cinco diferentes valores para determinar a distancia ideal do centro do conglomerado até as subparcelas e entre as mesmas. Os resultados permitiram inferir que o tamanho de subparcela 0,10 ha, a distância de 50 m entre as subparcelas, e a estrutura cruzada com 8 (subparcelas) são eficientes para estimar os parâmetros estudados.
Entre as abelhas eussociais, dois gêneros apresentam estratégia de vida cleptobiótica, obtendo recursos alimentares de ninhos de outras abelhas ao invés de coletá-los em flores. Entre as espécies atacadas existe um gradiente de suscetibilidade ao roubo variando desde espécies vulneráveis até altamente resistentes. Neste trabalho nós descrevemos um ataque de Lestrimelitta rufipes a um ninho de Scaptotrigona sp. em um meliponário na Amazônia central (Amazonas, Brazil). O ninho atacado foi transferido para um meliponário com espécies resistentes (Duckeola ghilianii e Melipona fulva) e as interações foram descritas. As abelhas resistentes contra-atacaram e afugentaram as ladras protegendo o ninho de Scaptotrigona sp.. A presença de comportamento defensivo em gêneros não proximamente relacionados sugere que ele tenha evoluído mais de uma vez entre os Meliponini. Considerando o comportamento descrito, sugerimos a criação de espécies nativas resistentes em meliponários de regiões onde elas forem nativas, devido ao potencial que elas tem na proteção.
Honeys are described possessing different properties including antimicrobial. Many studies have presented this activity of honeys produced by Apis mellifera bees, however studies including activities of stingless bees honeys are scarce. The aim of this study was to compare the antimicrobial activity of honeys collected in the Amazonas State from Melipona compressipes, Melipona seminigra and Apis mellifera against Staphylococcus aureus, Enterococcus faecalis, Escherichia coli, Chromobacterium violaceum, and Candida albicans. Minimum inhibitory concentrations were determined using the agar dilution method with Müller-Hinton agar (for bacteria) or Saboraud agar (for yeast). Staphylococcus aureus and E. faecalis were inhibited by all honeys at concentrations below 12%, while E. coli and C. violaceum were inhibited by stingless bee honeys at concentrations between 10 and 20%. A. mellifera honey inhibited E. coli at a concentration of 7% and Candida violaceum at 0.7%. C. albicans were inhibited only with honey concentrations between 30 and 40%. All examined honey had antimicrobial activity against the tested pathogens, thus serving as potential antimicrobial agents for several therapeutic approaches.
Objective To investigate the relation between gait parameters and cognitive impairments in subjects with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) during the performance of dual tasks. Methods This was a cross-sectional study involving 126 subjects divided into three groups: Parkinson group (n = 43), Alzheimer group (n = 38), and control group (n = 45). The subjects were evaluated using the Timed Up and Go test administered with motor and cognitive distracters. Gait analyses consisted of cadence and speed measurements, with cognitive functions being assessed by the Brief Cognitive Screening Battery and the Clock Drawing Test. Statistical procedures included mixed-design analyses of variance to observe the gait patterns between groups and tasks and the linear regression model to investigate the influence of cognitive functions in this process. A 5% significant level was adopted. Results Regarding the subjects’ speed, the data show a significant difference between group vs task interaction (p = 0.009), with worse performance of subjects with PD in motor dual task and of subjects with AD in cognitive dual task. With respect to cadence, no statistical differences was seen between group vs task interaction (p = 0.105), showing low interference of the clinical conditions on such parameter. The linear regression model showed that up to 45.79%, of the variance in gait can be explained by the interference of cognitive processes. Conclusion Dual task activities affect gait pattern in subjects with PD and AD. Differences between groups reflect peculiarities of each disease and show a direct interference of cognitive processes on complex tasks.
After the incorporation of automated external defibrilators by other airlines and the support of the Brazilian Society of cardiology, Varig Airlines Began the onboard defibrilation program with the initial purpose of equiping wide-body aircrafts frequently used in international flights and that airplanes use in the Rio - São Paulo route. With all fight attendants trained, the automated. External defibrilation devides were incorporated to 34 airplanes of a total pleet of 80 aircrats. The devices were intalled in the bagage compartments secured with velero straps and 2 pairs of electrods, one or which pre-conected to the device to minimize application time. Later, a portable monitor was addres to the ressocitation kit in the long flights. The expansion of the knowledge of the basic life support fundamentors and the correted implantation of the survival chain and of the automated external defibrilators will increase the extense of recovery of cardiorespiratory arrest victins in aircrafts.
OBJECTIVE: To study acute hemodynamic alterations in the fetal-placental maternal system immediately after maternal exposure to nicotine. METHODS: This is a noncontrolled experimental study involving 21 pregnant smoking women, randomly selected, with uncomplicated pregnancies and without risk factors for fetal heart disease. Patients underwent ultrasound and fetal echocardiography before and after smoking a cigarette. They were asked to abstain from smoking for 12 hours before the study. The mean nicotine content of the cigarettes used in the study was 0.5mg of nicotine and 6mg of carbon monoxide. RESULTS: The average number of cigarettes smoked per a day prior to the study was 9.67. Gestational age ranged between 18 and 36 weeks. The mean maternal heart rate was elevated (P<0.001) as was the mean fetal heart rate (P=0.044). Maternal systolic blood pressure (P=0.004) and diastolic blood pressure (P=0.033) were also elevated after smoking. A decrease occurred in the systolic/diastolic ratio in the right uterine artery (P=0.014) and in the left uterine artery (P=0.039). The other hemodynamic variables remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: Cigarette smoking can cause changes in physiologic variables of fetal-placental circulation, but it does not change fetal cardiac function, in the dose of nicotine and its components used in this study. The decrease in systolic/diastolic ratio in the uterine arteries is probably related to a dose-dependent nicotine pattern.
1849 v.1
1851 v.2
pt.1-2 1781-82
pt.3, 5 1783-84
Giardia lamblia es un protozoario que habita en el intestino de seres humanos y otros vertebrados. La forma vegetativa del parásito carece de organelas típicas de células eucariotas tales como mitocondrias, peroxisomas y compartimentos relacionados en el tráfico intracelular y secreción de proteínas como el aparato de Golgi y gránulos de secreción. Dentro del intestino algunos trofozoítos se transforman en quistes, la forma infectiva, que se liberan con las heces, responsables de la transmisión de la enfermedad. El enquistamiento se manifiesta como un proceso de adaptación celular a la falta de colesterol que ocurre en la parte inferior del intestino, aunque no se conocen los mecanismos de transducción de señales que llevan a la expresión de genes específicos. Este proyecto está dirigido a conocer los aspectos del proceso de enquistamiento de Giardia, como son a) mecanismos de transducción de señales que se generan ante esta ausencia de colesterol y la regulación de la expresión de genes específicos, b) transporte intracelular de los componentes de la pared del quiste, en particular la biogénesis de las vesículas especificas de secreción y del aparato de Golgi, organelas presentes en trofozoítos en proceso de enquistamiento y c) el ensamblado de la pared extracelular.
v.1-2 1678-1679 [#898]
v. 3-4 1682-1683 [#899]
v. 5-6 1685-1686 [#900]