743 resultados para Lighting.


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The European Union set the ambitious target of reducing energy consumption by 20% within 2020. This goal demands a tremendous change in how we generate and consume energy and urgently calls for an aggressive policy on energy efficiency. Since 19% of the European electrical energy is used for lighting, considerable savings can be achieved with the development of novel and more efficient lighting systems. In this thesis, accomplished in the frame of the EU project CELLO, I report some selected goals we achieved attempting to develop highly efficient, flat, low cost and flexible light sources using Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells (LECs), based on ionic cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes. After an extensive introduction about LECs and solid-state lighting in general, I focus on the research we carried out on cyclometalated iridium(III) complexes displaying deep-blue emission, which has turned out to be a rather challenging task. In order to demonstrate the wide versatility of this class of compounds, I also report a case in which some tailored iridium(III) complexes act as near-infrared (NIR) sources. In fact, standard NIR emitting devices are typically expensive and, also in this case, LECs could serve as low-cost alternatives in fields were NIR luminescence is crucial, such as telecommunications and bioimaging. Since LECs are based on only one active material, in the last chapter I stress the importance of an integrated approach toward the right selection of suitable emitters not only from the photophysical, but also from the point of view of material science. An iridium(III) complex, once in the device, is interacting with ionic liquids, metal cathodes, electric fields, etc. All these interactions should be taken in to account if Europe really wants to implement more efficient lighting paradigms, generating light beyond research labs.


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The rapid development in the field of lighting and illumination allows low energy consumption and a rapid growth in the use, and development of solid-state sources. As the efficiency of these devices increases and their cost decreases there are predictions that they will become the dominant source for general illumination in the short term. The objective of this thesis is to study, through extensive simulations in realistic scenarios, the feasibility and exploitation of visible light communication (VLC) for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) applications. A brief introduction will introduce the new scenario of smart cities in which visible light communication will become a fundamental enabling technology for the future communication systems. Specifically, this thesis focus on the acquisition of several, frequent, and small data packets from vehicles, exploited as sensors of the environment. The use of vehicles as sensors is a new paradigm to enable an efficient environment monitoring and an improved traffic management. In most cases, the sensed information must be collected at a remote control centre and one of the most challenging aspects is the uplink acquisition of data from vehicles. My thesis discusses the opportunity to take advantage of short range vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications to offload the cellular networks. More specifically, it discusses the system design and assesses the obtainable cellular resource saving, by considering the impact of the percentage of vehicles equipped with short range communication devices, of the number of deployed road side units, and of the adopted routing protocol. When short range communications are concerned, WAVE/IEEE 802.11p is considered as standard for VANETs. Its use together with VLC will be considered in urban vehicular scenarios to let vehicles communicate without involving the cellular network. The study is conducted by simulation, considering both a simulation platform (SHINE, simulation platform for heterogeneous interworking networks) developed within the Wireless communication Laboratory (Wilab) of the University of Bologna and CNR, and network simulator (NS3). trying to realistically represent all the wireless network communication aspects. Specifically, simulation of vehicular system was performed and introduced in ns-3, creating a new module for the simulator. This module will help to study VLC applications in VANETs. Final observations would enhance and encourage potential research in the area and optimize performance of VLC systems applications in the future.


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Atmosphärische Aerosole haben einen starken Einfluss auf das Klima, der bisher nur grundlegend verstanden ist und weiterer Forschung bedarf. Das atmosphärische Verhalten der Aerosolpartikel hängt maßgeblich von ihrer Größe und chemischen Zusammensetzung ab. Durch Reflexion, Absorption und Streuung des Sonnenlichtes verändern sie den Strahlungshaushalt der Erde direkt und durch ihre Einflussnahme auf die Wolkenbildung indirekt. Besonders gealterte, stark oxidierte organische Aerosole mit großem Sauerstoff-zu-Kohlenstoff-Verhältnis wirken als effektive Wolkenkondensationskeime. Neben primären Aerosolpartikeln, die direkt partikelförmig in die Atmosphäre gelangen, spielen sekundäre Aerosolpartikel eine große Rolle, die aus Vorläufergasen in der Atmosphäre entstehen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse legen nahe, dass kurzkettige aliphatische Amine bei Nukleationsprozessen beteiligt sind und somit die Partikelneubildung vielerorts mitsteuern. Um die Rolle von Aminen in der Atmosphäre besser erforschen und industrielle Emissionen kontrollieren zu können, bedarf es einer zuverlässigen Methode zur Echtzeitquantifizierung gasförmiger Amine mit hoher Zeitauflösung und niedriger Nachweisgrenze.rnDas hochauflösende Flugzeit-Aerosolmassenspektrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) bietet die Möglichkeit, atmosphärische Partikel in Echtzeit zu analysieren. Dabei werden Größe, Menge und grundlegende chemische Zusammensetzung erfasst. Anorganische Aerosolbestandteile können eindeutig zugeordnet werden. Es ist jedoch kaum möglich, einzelne organische Verbindungen in den komplizierten Massenspektren atmosphärischer Aerosole zu identifizieren und quantifizieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit wird atmosphärisches Aerosol untersucht, das im Westen Zyperns während der CYPHEX-Kampagne mit einem HR-ToF-AMS gemessen wurde. An diesem Standort ist vor allem stark gealtertes Aerosol vorzufinden, das aus Zentral- und Westeuropa stammt. Lokale Einflüsse spielen fast keine Rolle. Es wurde eine durchschnittliche Massenkonzentration von 10,98 μg/m3 gefunden, zusammengesetzt aus 57 % Sulfat, 30 % organischen Bestandteilen, 12 % Ammonium, < 1 % Nitrat und < 1 % Chlorid, bezogen auf das Gewicht. Der Median des vakuum-aerodynamischen Durchmessers betrug 446,25 nm. Es wurde sehr acides Aerosol gefunden, dessen anorganische Bestandteile weitgehend der Zusammensetzung von Ammoniumhydrogensulfat entsprachen. Tag-Nacht-Schwankungen in der Zusammensetzung wurden beobachtet. Die Sulfatkonzentration und die Acidität zeigten tagsüber Maxima und nachts Minima. Konzentrationsschwankungen an Nitrat und Chlorid zeigten einen weniger ausgeprägten Rhythmus, Maxima fallen aber immer mit Minima der Sulfatkonzentration, Aerosolacidität und Umgebungstemperatur zusammen. Organische Aerosolbestandteile entsprachen stark gealtertem, schwerflüchtigem oxidiertem organischem Aerosol. Es wurde eine interne Mischung der Partikel beobachtet, die ebenfalls meist bei alten Aerosolen auftritt.rnUm mit dem HR-ToF-AMS auch einzelne organische Verbindungen identifizieren und quantifizieren zu können, wurde eine Methode entwickelt, mit der man Amine der Gasphase selektiv in künstlich erzeugte Phosphorsäurepartikel aufnimmt und so für die HR-ToF-AMS-Messung zugänglich macht. Dadurch kombiniert man die Vorteile der Online-Messung des HR-ToF-AMS mit den Vorteilen klassischer Offline-Probenahmen. So können in Echtzeit sehr einfache Massenspektren gemessen werden, in denen störende Komponenten abgetrennt sind, während die Analyten eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Systeme dieser Art wurden GTRAP-AMS (Gaseous compound TRapping in Artificially-generated Particles – Aerosol Mass Spectrometry) genannt. Kalibrierungen für (Mono)Methylamin, Dimethylamin, Trimethylamin, Diethylamin und Triethylamin ergaben Nachweisgrenzen im ppt-Bereich bei einer Zeitauflösung von 3 min. Kammerexperimente zur Aminemission von Pflanzen zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung des neu entwickelten Systems mit einer Gasdiffusionsabscheider-Offline-Probenahme und anschließender ionenchromatographischer Analyse. Beide Methoden zeigten Reaktionen der Pflanzen auf eine Veränderung der Lichtverhältnisse, während erhöhte Ozonkonzentrationen die Aminemission nicht veränderten. Die GTRAP-AMS-Methode eignet sich bereits für die Messung von Umgebungsluftkonzentrationen an einigen Orten, für die meisten Orte reicht die Nachweisgrenze allerdings noch nicht aus. Die Technik könnte bereits zur Echtzeitkontrolle industrieller Abgasemissionen eingesetzt werden.


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Increasing knowledge on the endocrine mechanisms that regulate feeding and growth in cultured fish can contribute to make improvement in fish holding conditions and feeding strategies, supporting the development of new techniques that could ameliorate feeding, food conversion efficiency and growth in aquaculture practice. The main objective of this study was to investigate how daily mRNA expression of three specific anorexigenic hormones, i.e. the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and the paralogues α- and β- proopiomelanocortin (POMC), is modulated by different photoperiods, light spectra and feeding regimes, in both adult and larvae of Solea senegalensis. In addition, as Senegalese sole exhibits a shift from diurnal to nocturnal in locomotor activity and feeding habits during metamorphic process, we tried to elucidate if this shift is accompanied by relevant daily variations in the expression of these anorexigenic hormones before, during and after the completion of metamorphosis. In order to reach this main objective, three main experiments were developed. In a first experiment, adults were reared under LD (12 h light: 12h dark) cycle and fed at mid-light (ML), mid-dark (MD) and at random (RND). In a second experiment, adult specimens were reared in constant darkness (DD) and fed at subjective mid-light (sML) or at RND. Larvae of Senegalese sole were reared under LD cycle with white, blue or red light for 40 days. Our results show an independence of crh mRNA expression from the feeding time and suggest an endogenous control of crh expression in sole. Both pomc paralogues showed significant daily rhythms under LD conditions. The rhythms were maintained or were even more robust under DD conditions for pomc_a, but were completely abolished for pomc_b. Our results indicate an endogenous control of pomc_a expression by the molecular clock in telencephalon and diencephalon, but not in the pituitary gland. Our findings confirm for the first time the significant influence that ambient lighting has on larval growth and development in Senegalese sole, revealing an important effect of light spectra upon functional elements of this species. Our results also emphasize the importance of maintaining cycling light-dark conditions of the adequate wavelengths in aquaculture practices during early development of sole.


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A major challenge for a developing country such as Bangladesh is to supply basic services to its most marginalized populations, which includes both rural and urban dwellers. The government struggles to provide basic necessities such as water and electricity. In marginalized urban communities in Bangladesh, in particular informal settlements, meeting basic needs is even direr. Most informal settlements are built to respond to a rapid immigration to urban centers, and are thought of as ‘temporary structures’, though many structures have been there for decades. In addition, as the settlements are often squatting on private land, access to formalized services such as electricity or water is largely absent. In some cases, electricity and water connections are brought in - but through informal and non-government sanctioned ways -- these hookups are deemed ‘illegal’ by the state. My research will focus on recent efforts to help ameliorate issues associated with lack of basic services in informal settlements in Bangladesh – in this case lack of light. When the government fails to meet the needs of the general population, different non-government organizations tend to step in to intervene. A new emphasis on solar bottle systems in informal urban settlement areas to help address some energy needs (specifically day-time lighting). One such example is the solar bottle light in Bangladesh, a project introduced by the organization ‘Change’. There has been mixed reactions on this technology among the users. This is where my research intervenes. I have used quantitative method to investigate user satisfactions for the solar bottle lights among the residents of the informal settlements to address the overarching question, is there a disconnect between the perceived benefits of the ENGO and the user satisfaction of the residents of the informal settlements of Dhaka City? This paper uses survey responses to investigate level of user satisfaction and the contributing factors.


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Adding virtual objects to real environments plays an important role in todays computer graphics: Typical examples are virtual furniture in a real room and virtual characters in real movies. For a believable appearance, consistent lighting of the virtual objects is required. We present an augmented reality system that displays virtual objects with consistent illumination and shadows in the image of a simple webcam. We use two high dynamic range video cameras with fisheye lenses permanently recording the environment illumination. A sampling algorithm selects a few bright parts in one of the wide angle images and the corresponding points in the second camera image. The 3D position can then be calculated using epipolar geometry. Finally, the selected point lights are used in a multi pass algorithm to draw the virtual object with shadows. To validate our approach, we compare the appearance and shadows of the synthetic objects with real objects.


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Image-based Relighting (IBRL) has recently attracted a lot of research interest for its ability to relight real objects or scenes, from novel illuminations captured in natural/synthetic environments. Complex lighting effects such as subsurface scattering, interreflection, shadowing, mesostructural self-occlusion, refraction and other relevant phenomena can be generated using IBRL. The main advantage of image-based graphics is that the rendering time is independent of scene complexity as the rendering is actually a process of manipulating image pixels, instead of simulating light transport. The goal of this paper is to provide a complete and systematic overview of the research in Imagebased Relighting. We observe that essentially all IBRL techniques can be broadly classified into three categories (Fig. 9), based on how the scene/illumination information is captured: Reflectance function-based, Basis function-based and Plenoptic function-based. We discuss the characteristics of each of these categories and their representative methods. We also discuss about the sampling density and types of light source(s), relevant issues of IBRL.


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We present an image-based method for relighting a scene by analytically fitting cosine lobes to the reflectance function at each pixel, based on gradient illumination photographs. Realistic relighting results for many materials are obtained using a single per-pixel cosine lobe obtained from just two color photographs: one under uniform white illumination and the other under colored gradient illumination. For materials with wavelength-dependent scattering, a better fit can be obtained using independent cosine lobes for the red, green, and blue channels, obtained from three achromatic gradient illumination conditions instead of the colored gradient condition. We explore two cosine lobe reflectance functions, both of which allow an analytic fit to the gradient conditions. One is non-zero over half the sphere of lighting directions, which works well for diffuse and specular materials, but fails for materials with broader scattering such as fur. The other is non-zero everywhere, which works well for broadly scattering materials and still produces visually plausible results for diffuse and specular materials. We also perform an approximate diffuse/specular separation of the reflectance, and estimate scene geometry from the recovered photometric normals to produce hard shadows cast by the geometry, while still reconstructing the input photographs exactly.


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Das autonome, intelligente Ladehilfsmittel verkörpert die Idee des Internets der Dinge in der Intralogistik in Reinform. Am Beispiel des inBin wird das Energy-Harvesting in der Intralogistik betrachtet und gezeigt, dass ein Behälter mit komplexen logistischen Funktionen unter realistischer Umgebungsbeleuchtung durch Solarzellen betrieben werden kann.


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This paper introduces a database of freely available stereo-3D content designed to facilitate research in stereo post-production. It describes the structure and content of the database and provides some details about how the material was gathered. The database includes examples of many of the scenarios characteristic to broadcast footage. Material was gathered at different locations including a studio with controlled lighting and both indoor and outdoor on-location sites with more restricted lighting control. The database also includes video sequences with accompanying 3D audio data recorded in an Ambisonics format. An intended consequence of gathering the material is that the database contains examples of degradations that would be commonly present in real-world scenarios. This paper describes one such artefact caused by uneven exposure in the stereo views, causing saturation in the over-exposed view. An algorithm for the restoration of this artefact is proposed in order to highlight the usefuiness of the database.


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Skin segmentation is a challenging task due to several influences such as unknown lighting conditions, skin colored background, and camera limitations. A lot of skin segmentation approaches were proposed in the past including adaptive (in the sense of updating the skin color online) and non-adaptive approaches. In this paper, we compare three skin segmentation approaches that are promising to work well for hand tracking, which is our main motivation for this work. Hand tracking can widely be used in VR/AR e.g. navigation and object manipulation. The first skin segmentation approach is a well-known non-adaptive approach. It is based on a simple, pre-computed skin color distribution. Methods two and three adaptively estimate the skin color in each frame utilizing clustering algorithms. The second approach uses a hierarchical clustering for a simultaneous image and color space segmentation, while the third approach is a pure color space clustering, but with a more sophisticated clustering approach. For evaluation, we compared the segmentation results of the approaches against a ground truth dataset. To obtain the ground truth dataset, we labeled about 500 images captured under various conditions.


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OBJECTIVE: In this article, we review the impact of vision on older people's night driving abilities. Driving is the preferred and primary mode of transport for older people. It is a complex activity where intact vision is seminal for road safety. Night driving requires mesopic rather than scotopic vision, because there is always some light available when driving at night. Scotopic refers to night vision, photopic refers to vision under well-lit conditions, and mesopic vision is a combination of photopic and scotopic vision in low but not quite dark lighting situations. With increasing age, mesopic vision decreases and glare sensitivity increases, even in the absence of ocular diseases. Because of the increasing number of elderly drivers, more drivers are affected by night vision difficulties. Vision tests, which accurately predict night driving ability, are therefore of great interest. METHODS: We reviewed existing literature on age-related influences on vision and vision tests that correlate or predict night driving ability. RESULTS: We identified several studies that investigated the relationship between vision tests and night driving. These studies found correlations between impaired mesopic vision or increased glare sensitivity and impaired night driving, but no correlation was found among other tests; for example, useful field of view or visual field. The correlation between photopic visual acuity, the most commonly used test when assessing elderly drivers, and night driving ability has not yet been fully clarified. CONCLUSIONS: Photopic visual acuity alone is not a good predictor of night driving ability. Mesopic visual acuity and glare sensitivity seem relevant for night driving. Due to the small number of studies evaluating predictors for night driving ability, further research is needed.


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The theory on the intensities of 4f-4f transitions introduced by B.R. Judd and G.S. Ofelt in 1962 has become a center piece in rare-earth optical spectroscopy over the past five decades. Many fundamental studies have since explored the physical origins of the Judd–Ofelt theory and have proposed numerous extensions to the original model. A great number of studies have applied the Judd–Ofelt theory to a wide range of rare-earth doped materials, many of them with important applications in solid-state lasers, optical amplifiers, phosphors for displays and solid state lighting, upconversion and quantum-cutting materials, and fluorescent markers. This paper takes the view of the experimentalist who is interested in appreciating the basic concepts, implications, assumptions, and limitations of the Judd–Ofelt theory in order to properly apply it to practical problems. We first present the formalism for calculating the wavefunctions of 4f electronic states in a concise form and then show their application to the calculation and fitting of 4f-4f transition intensities. The potential, limitations and pitfalls of the theory are discussed, and a detailed case study of LaCl3:Er3+ is presented.


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There is still discussion regarding whether liquid biofuels can contribute to rural energy security in the global South. We argue that transitioning to a village energy supply based on jatropha hedges around smallholder plots is possible, but requires collective effort for the acquisition and maintenance of processing equipment and for the running of village generators. The use of jatropha oil for lighting in rural households is affordable and technically possible, but not ideal if more efficient electric solutions exist. Cooking with jatropha oil or press cake is also possible, but quantities produced in hedges can only substitute a small part of the firewood used by rural households.


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Source materials like fine art, over-sized, fragile maps, and delicate artifacts have traditionally been digitally converted through the use of controlled lighting and high resolution scanners and camera backs. In addition the capture of items such as general and special collections bound monographs has recently grown both through consortial efforts like the Internet Archive's Open Content Alliance and locally at the individual institution level. These projects, in turn, have introduced increasingly higher resolution consumer-grade digital single lens reflex cameras or "DSLRs" as a significant part of the general cultural heritage digital conversion workflow. Central to the authors' discussion is the fact that both camera backs and DSLRs commonly share the ability to capture native raw file formats. Because these formats include such advantages as access to an image's raw mosaic sensor data within their architecture, many institutions choose raw for initial capture due to its high bit-level and unprocessed nature. However to date these same raw formats, so important to many at the point of capture, have yet to be considered "archival" within most published still imaging standards, if they are considered at all. Throughout many workflows raw files are deleted and thrown away after more traditionally "archival" uncompressed TIFF or JPEG 2000 files have been derived downstream from their raw source formats [1][2]. As a result, the authors examine the nature of raw anew and consider the basic questions, Should raw files be retained? What might their role be? Might they in fact form a new archival format space? Included in the discussion is a survey of assorted raw file types and their attributes. Also addressed are various sustainability issues as they pertain to archival formats with a special emphasis on both raw's positive and negative characteristics as they apply to archival practices. Current common archival workflows versus possible raw-based ones are investigated as well. These comparisons are noted in the context of each approach's differing levels of usable captured image data, various preservation virtues, and the divergent ideas of strictly fixed renditions versus the potential for improved renditions over time. Special attention is given to the DNG raw format through a detailed inspection of a number of its various structural components and the roles that they play in the format's latest specification. Finally an evaluation is drawn of both proprietary raw formats in general and DNG in particular as possible alternative archival formats for still imaging.