515 resultados para Lettuce downy mildew


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La caléndula (Calendula officinalis) es una planta herbácea utilizada por sus hermosas flores amarillas o naranjas en borduras, jardinería y como flor de corte. Está ampliamente difundida en el mundo, no sólo por la belleza de sus flores o por su uso en la cosmética sino por ser resistente, de fácil cultivo y poco exigente en condiciones ambientales. En Mendoza es muy empleada como ornamental y todos los años es afectada por una enfermedad denominada oídio. En Argentina se mencionan como agentes etiológicos del oídio diversas especies del género Erysiphe y Oidium erysiphoides, pero no se había descripto la forma teleomórfica sino hasta 1991 en Corrientes y Córdoba, cuando fue citada como Sphaerotheca fusca. En 2004, en Mendoza, se produjo un intenso ataque de oídio sobre esta especie floral y al estudiar la pulverulencia típica de la enfermedad se observaron cuerpos negros, lo que motivó el estudio etiológico de la enfermedad en dicha provincia. Se muestrearon ejemplares de caléndula afectados procedentes de distintos orígenes. En laboratorio se realizaron observaciones y estudios morfométricos que permitieron reconocer Podosphaera fusca (=Sphaerotheca fusca) como agente responsable del oídio de la caléndula en Mendoza.


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A partir de 1990 la adopción de los invernáculos, así como la irrupción y crecimiento de la gran distribución (GD) generaron cambios en la estructura comercial y productiva del cinturón hortícola de Mar del Plata (Argentina). Para analizar las transformaciones más significativas se efectuó un estudio de caso considerando las innovaciones introducidas por 11 agricultores en diversos aspectos. Se enfatizaron los cultivos de tomate y pimiento porque acompañaron la expansión de la producción bajo cubierta y los de lechuga, tanto por su importancia a campo como por continuar la rotación de los dos anteriores dentro del invernáculo. Los productores más relacionados establemente con la GD planifican en función de la demanda. En cambio, los todavía vinculados con la comercialización tradicional tienden a diversificar su producción realizando las ventas en un puesto propio del mercado mayorista local o a acopiadores de otras zonas. Ambos grupos no sólo han buscado alternativas de mayor rentabilidad a través de la vía comercial; también las han aplicado en la organización del trabajo y las tecnologías utilizadas.


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El objetivo fue determinar la concentración efectiva media de reducción del crecimiento radical (CE50), de una formulación del herbicida glifosato mediante bioensayos de germinación con semillas de lechuga y de trigo. Para lechuga se probaron 9 dosis/tratamientos decrecientes entre 1.215 y 0,01215 g i.a.ha-1 (formulado: Sal amónica de la N-Fosfonometil glicina, 40,5 [g e.a. glifosato 36,9% p/v]) y para trigo 5 dosis decrecientes (entre 12,15 y 1,215 g i.a.ha-1) y su respectivo control negativo (agua destilada). Se utilizaron cajas de Petri, con papel de filtro en la base humedecido con 3 ml de la solución correspondiente. Se sembraron 20 semillas por caja, distribuyéndose los tratamientos en bloques al azar con 4 repeticiones, en cámara de crecimiento a 20°C con alternancia de luz y oscuridad. Se midió la longitud radicular de todas las semillas de cada tratamiento con calibre digital. Se determinó el porcentaje de germinación y se calculó el índice de germinación. Las CE50, es decir, las dosis que redujeron en un 50% el crecimiento radical para lechuga y trigo, fueron 6,682 y 9,416 g i.a.ha-1, respectivamente. Los materiales probados resultaron sensibles a distintas dosis de glifosato y por lo tanto pueden utilizarse como indicadores biológicos de toxicidad específica.


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Salinity increase in the subtropical gyre system may have pre-conditioned the North Atlantic Ocean for a rapid return to stronger overturning circulation and high-latitude warming following meltwater events during the Last Glacial period. Here we investigate the Gulf Stream - subtropical gyre system properties over Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO) cycles 14 to 12, including Heinrich ice-rafting event 5. During the Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum a positive gradient in surface dwelling planktonic foraminifera d18O (Globigerinoides ruber) can be observed between the Gulf Stream and subtropical gyre, due to decreasing temperature, increasing salinity, and a change from summer to year-round occurrence of G. ruber. We assess whether this gradient was a common feature during stadial-interstadial climate oscillations of Marine Isotope Stage 3, by comparing existing G. ruber d18O from ODP Site 1060 (subtropical gyre location) and new data from ODP Site 1056 (Gulf Stream location) between 54 and 46 ka. Our results suggest that this gradient was largely absent during the period studied. During the major warm DO interstadials 14 and 12 we infer a more zonal and wider Gulf Stream, influencing both ODP Sites 1056 and 1060. A Gulf Stream presence during these major interstadials is also suggested by the large vertical d18O gradient between shallow dwelling planktonic foraminifera species, especially G. ruber, and the deep dwelling species Globorotalia inflata at site 1056, which we associate with strong summer stratification and Gulf Stream presence. A major reduction in this vertical d18O gradient from 51 ka until the end of Heinrich event 5 at 48.5 ka suggests site 1056 was situated within the subtropical gyre in this mainly cold period, from which we infer a migration of the Gulf Stream to a position nearer to the continental shelf, indicative of a narrower Gulf Stream with possibly reduced transport.


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The cell wall is a dynamic structure that regulates both constitutive and inducible plant defence responses. Different molecules o DAMPs (damage-associated molecular patterns) can be released from plant cell walls upon pathogen infection or wounding and can trigger immune responses. To further characterize the function of cell wall on the regulation of these immune responses, we have performed a biased resistance screening of putative/well-characterized primary/secondary Arabidopsis thaliana cell wall mutants (cwm). In this screening we have identified more than 20 cwm mutants with altered susceptibility/resistance to at least one of the following pathogens: the necrotrophic fungi Plectosphaerella cucumerina, the vascular bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum, the biotrophic oomycete Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis and the powdery mildew fungus Erisyphe cruciferarum. We found that cell wall extracts from some of these cwm plants contain novel DAMPs that activate immune responses and conferred enhanced resistance to particular pathogens when they were applied to wild-type plants. Using glycomic profiling we have performed an initial characterization of the active carbohydrate structures present in these cwm wall fractions, and we have determined the signalling pathways regulated by thesse fractions. . The data generated with this collection of wall mutants support the existence of specific correlations between cell wall structure/composition, resistance to particular type of pathogens and plant fitness. Remarkably, we have identified specific cwm mutations that uncoupled resistance to pathogens from plant trade-offs, further indicating the plasticity of wall structures in the regulation of plant immune responses.


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Biochar can provide multiple benefits in the ecosystem. However, the presence of phytotoxic compounds in some biochars is an important concern that needs to be addressed and that depends on the raw material and the pyrolysis conditions used in biochar production. For example, sewage sludge biochars can have elevated heavy metal con- tents as they were present in the feedstock and were enriched during pyrolysis. Also during carbonization, some phytotoxic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyphenols or volatile organic com- pounds (VOCs) could be formed representing a risk of contamination to soils and crops. In this work we report the results from seed germination and plant development for three biochars prepared from wood, paper sludge plus wheat husks and sewage sludge. Five higher plant species (cress, lentils, cucumber, tomato and lettuce) were studied. Biochar from wood shows seed inhibition in several species and the paper sludge biochar on lettuce. For the rest, the effect on seed germination was positive. No inhibition of root growth was detected, but in some cases leaves and stems growth were inhibited. Our results are significant in terms of advancing or current understanding on the impacts of biochar on vegetative growth and linking those effects to biochar properties.


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Carotenoids in the photosynthetic membranes of plants typically contain two β-rings (e.g., β-carotene and zeaxanthin) or one ɛ- and one β-ring (e.g., lutein). Carotenoids with two ɛ-rings are uncommon. We reported earlier that the Arabidopsis thaliana lycopene ɛ-cyclase (LCYe) adds one ɛ-ring to the symmetrical linear substrate lycopene, whereas the structurally related lycopene β-cyclase (LCYb) adds two β-rings. Here we describe a cDNA encoding LCYe in romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. romaine), one of the few plant species known to accumulate substantial quantities of a carotenoid with two ɛ-rings: lactucaxanthin. The product of the lettuce cDNA, similar in sequence to the Arabidopsis LCYe (77% amino acid identity), efficiently converted lycopene into the bicyclic ɛ-carotene in a heterologous Escherichia coli system. Regions of the lettuce and Arabidopsis ɛ-cyclases involved in the determination of ring number were mapped by analysis of chimeric ɛ-cyclases constructed by using an inverse PCR approach. A single amino acid was found to act as a molecular switch: lettuce LCYe mutant H457L added only one ɛ-ring to lycopene, whereas the complementary Arabidopsis LCYe mutant, L448H, added two ɛ-rings. An R residue in this position also yields a bi-ɛ-cyclase for both the lettuce and Arabidopsis enzymes. Construction and analysis of chimera of related enzymes with differing catalytic activities provide an informative approach that may be of particular utility for studying membrane-associated enzymes that cannot easily be crystallized or modeled to existing crystal structures.


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Peroxidase activity was characterized in lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) leaf tissue. Changes in the activity and distribution of the enzyme were examined during the development of a nonhost hypersensitive reaction (HR) induced by Pseudomonas syringae (P. s.) pv phaseolicola and in response to an hrp mutant of the bacterium. Assays of activity in tissue extracts revealed pH optima of 4.5, 6.0, 5.5 to 6.0, and 6.0 to 6.5 for the substrates tetramethylbenzidine, guaiacol, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid, respectively. Inoculation with water or with wild-type or hrp mutant strains of P. s. pv phaseolicola caused an initial decline in total peroxidase activity; subsequent increases depended on the hydrogen donor used in the assay. Guaiacol peroxidase recovered more rapidly in tissues undergoing the HR, whereas changes in tetramethylbenzidine peroxidase were generally similar in the two interactions. In contrast, increases in chlorogenic acid peroxidase were significantly higher in tissues inoculated with the hrp mutant. During the HR, increased levels of Mn2+/2,4-dichlorophenol-stimulated NADH and NADPH oxidase activities, characteristic of certain peroxidases, were found in intercellular fluids and closely matched the accumulation of H2O2 in the apoplast. Histochemical analysis of peroxidase distribution by electron microscopy revealed a striking, highly localized increase in activity within the endomembrane system and cell wall at the sites of bacterial attachment. However, no clear differences in peroxidase location were observed in tissue challenged by the wild-type strain or the hrp mutant. Our results highlight the significance of the subcellular control of oxidative reactions leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species, cell wall alterations, and the HR.


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The tobacco N and Arabidopsis RPS2 genes, among several recently cloned disease-resistance genes, share highly conserved structure, a nucleotide-binding site (NBS). Using degenerate oligonucleotide primers for the NBS region of N and RPS2, we have amplified and cloned the NBS sequences from soybean. Each of these PCR-derived NBS clones detected low-or moderate-copy soybean DNA sequences and belongs to 1 of 11 different classes. Sequence analysis showed that all PCR clones encode three motifs (P-loop, kinase-2, and kinase-3a) of NBS nearly identical to those in N and RPS2. The intervening region between P-loop and kinase-3a of the 11 classes has high (26% average) amino acid sequence similarity to the N gene although not as high (19% average) to RPS2. These 11 classes represent a superfamily of NBS-containing soybean genes that are homologous to N and RPS2. Each class or subfamily was assessed for its positional association with known soybean disease-resistance genes through near-isogenic line assays, followed by linkage analysis in F2 populations using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Five of the 11 subfamilies have thus far been mapped to the vicinity of known soybean genes for resistance to potyviruses (Rsv1 and Rpv), Phytophthora root rot (Rps1, Rps2, and Rps3), and powdery mildew (rmd). The conserved N- or RPS2-homologous NBS sequences and their positional associations with mapped soybean-resistance genes suggest that a number of the soybean disease-resistance genes may belong to this superfamily. The candidate subfamilies of NBS-containing genes identified by genetic mapping should greatly facilitate the molecular cloning of disease-resistance genes.


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Os elementos potencialmente tóxicos (EPTs) estão presentes nos solos em concentrações dependentes do material de origem e das ações antrópicas. A adição de EPTs ao solo pelas atividades antrópicas pode ocasionar risco à saúde humana, já que estes elementos podem ser acumulados no organismo por meio do contato dérmico com o solo, da inalação de partículas em suspensão, de ingestão de solo e de alimentos contaminados. A contaminação dos alimentos ocorre pelo cultivo em áreas com alta biodisponibilidade de EPTs, e nessa condição ocorre absorção e translocação para a parte aérea, com possível acúmulo dos metais nas porções comestíveis, como raízes, frutos e grãos. A biodisponibilidade dos EPTs é regulada pelas características químicas dos elementos e por atributos do solo, como a CTC, o pH e a matéria orgânica (MO). Sintomas de toxicidade e alterações morfológicas e fisiológicas podem aparecer dependendo da absorção e da movimentação dos EPTs nas plantas. Objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar o efeito da adição de bário (Ba), de cádmio (Cd), de cobre (Cu), de níquel (Ni) e de zinco (Zn) em amostras de um Neossolo Quartzarênico e um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico, sob duas condições de saturação por bases (30% e 50 ou 70%, dependendo da cultura), no cultivo de arroz (Oryza sativa), alface (Lactuca sativa), girassol (Helianthus annuus) e tomate (Solanum lycopersicum). Os EPTs nos solos foram extraídos com EPA 3051a, Água Régia, DTPA, Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, HNO3 (0,43 mol L-1) e CaCl2 (0,01 mol L-1), e seus teores correlacionados com os presentes nas raízes, na parte aérea, nos frutos e com a quantidade acumulada pelas plantas. Os fatores de bioconcentração (FBC) e de transferência (FT) foram calculados para as culturas. O índice SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development - Chlorophyll Meter) foi determinado na fase vegetativa da alface, do arroz e do girassol, enquanto a atividade fotossintética foi determinada pelo IRGA (Infrared gas analyzer). Os maiores teores de EPTs foram observados nas plantas cultivadas no Neossolo. As quantidades de Cu, Ni e Zn acumuladas nas plantas apresentaram correlação positiva com os teores extraídos pelo EPA 3051a e pela Água Régia. Os teores extraídos com HNO3 (0,43 mol L-1) apresentaram elevada correlação positiva com os teores reativos extraídos com DTPA e com Mehlich 3, e também com as quantidades de EPTs acumuladas pelas plantas. Os FBCs foram mais altos nos solos com baixa CTC, baixos teores de MO e baixos valores de pH. O arroz apresentou a menor translocação de Cd do sistema radicular para os grãos. O Cu, o Ni e o Zn causaram alterações no desenvolvimento da alface e do girassol, e diminuíram a transpiração e a condutância estomática da alface. O arroz apresentou a menor absorção de EPTs e a maior tolerância ao Ba, ao Cd, ao Ni e ao Zn, no entanto, as plantas apresentaram maiores condutividade estomática e transpiração.


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Literature cited: p. 45-46.


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[Cont.] The grape leaf-hopper (Bulletin no.198), by H. J. Quayle, 1908 -- Selection from Imperial Valley settlers' crop manual (pp.193-212) (Bulletin no.210), 1911?