991 resultados para Leishmania braziliensis Teses


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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: In Brazil, culling of seropositive dogs is one of the recommended strategies to control visceral leishmaniasis. Since infectiousness is correlated with clinical signs, control measures targeting symptomatic dogs could be more effective. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out among 1,410 dogs, predictive models were developed based on clinical signs and an indirect immunofluorescence antibody test. RESULTS: The validated predictive model showed sensitivity and specificity of 86.5% and 70.0%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Predictive models could be used as tools to aid control programs in focusing on a smaller fraction of dogs contributing more to infection dissemination.


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As leishmanioses so um grupo de doenas causadas pelo parasita protozorio Leishmania sp. Na Bacia mediterrnica, Leishmania infantum, a principal espcie causadora de leishmaniose visceral, a forma mais severa da doena, sendo L. major um dos agentes etiolgicos da leishmaniose cutnea. Apesar de se considerar que estes parasitas tm uma reproduo essencialmente clonal, nos ltimos 20 anos tem vindo a ser descrita a recombinao gentica entre diferentes estirpes e espcies, com ocorrncia de hbridos naturais, quer no Velho quer no Novo Mundo. Recentemente, em Portugal, foram isoladas e identificadas pela primeira vez, estirpes hbridas de L. infantum/L. major. O presente estudo teve como principais objetivos, a pesquisa de novas espcies de Leishmania e a anlise do comportamento in vitro de estirpes parentais e hbridas de L. infantum e L. major. Numa primeira parte do trabalho efetuou-se a cultura e pesquisa de DNA de Leishmania sp., em amostras de sangue medular de 229 ces provenientes de uma regio endmica de Portugal, utilizando diferentes marcadores moleculares (kDNA, ITS1 e SSU rRNA) e protocolos de PCR. No foi encontrado DNA de espcies hbridas, tendo-se no entanto, identificado DNA de Leishmania sp. em 45,85% (105/229) das amostras, incluindo ces sem sinais clnicos. Na segunda parte do trabalho, realizaram-se diversos ensaios in vitro com estirpes hbridas naturais L. infantum/L. major e parentais L. infantum e L. major. Em condies normais de crescimento, observou-se um padro de crescimento distinto para cada estirpe estudada. Em condies de stress oxidativo, destacou-se uma diferena significativa entre as duas estirpes hbridas estudadas. Em condies de stress nutricional, as estirpes no apresentaram diferenas entre si. Aps avaliao da suscetibilidade das estirpes na presena de Anfotericina B, todas se mostraram suscetveis, com concentraes inibitrias (CI50) entre 0.21 e 1.15 g/mL. Aps infeo em linhas celulares monocticas, no se verificaram diferenas estatisticamente significativas na taxa e intensidade de infeo das estirpes hbridas em comparao s putativas parentais. Os resultados obtidos, contriburam para um melhor conhecimento sobre o comportamento biolgico destas estirpes hbridas naturais L. infantum/L. major. Estas demonstraram um comportamento in vitro intermdio, relativamente s estirpes parentais. Estes resultados podero servir de base para o desenvolvimento de outros estudos com estas novas espcies, nomeadamente estudos de patogenicidade in vivo e o papel de biomarcadores de virulncia, que permitam um potencial prognstico da infeo e avaliao do seu risco epidemiolgico.


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Os flebtomos so insectos vectores de vrios agentes patognicos, dos quais se destacam os protozorios do Gnero Leishmania. Em Portugal, as leishmanioses, canina e humana, so causadas por L. infantum, sendo o co o principal reservatrio e Phlebotomus perniciosus e P. ariasi os vectores comprovados do parasita. So conhecidos trs focos de doena, mas casos de leishmaniose canina tm sido reportados em outras regies nas quais se desconhecem as espcies flebotomnicas presentes e respectivas taxas de infeco. Neste trabalho, efectuou-se a primeira prospeco flebotomnica no Concelho de Torres Novas, Distrito de Santarm, localizado na regio Centro de Portugal. Os principais objectivos foram determinar a fauna flebotomnica do Concelho, os aspectos bioecolgicos, as taxas de infeco por Leishmania e os factores de risco para a transmisso vectorial. De Junho a Novembro de 2010, 275 bitopos foram prospectados com armadilhas CDC. As capturas foram realizadas em 91 localidades, nas 17 freguesias do Concelho, e incluram habitats domsticos, peridomsticos e silvticos. Os exemplares capturados foram identificados morfologicamente, as fmeas utilizadas para deteco molecular de DNA de Leishmania e identificao das refeies sanguneas. Anlises de regresso simples e mltipla foram utilizadas para avaliao dos factores de risco para a presena das vrias espcies flebotomnicas. Testes no paramtricos foram usados para comparar densidades. Dos 1262 flebtomos capturados, quatro espcies foram assinaladas com as seguintes abundncias relativas: P. perniciosus 73,69%, P. ariasi 8,16%, P. sergenti 6,58% e Sergentomyia minuta 11,57%. Em 82% das localidades prospectadas foi detectada pelo menos uma espcie flebotomnica e em 71,4% destas foi capturada pelo menos uma das espcies comprovadamente vectoras de L. infantum. P. perniciosus foi assinalado em todas as 17 freguesias do Concelho. Os factores de risco identificados foram: temperaturas elevadas e humidades relativas baixas, locais abrigados e ausncia de vento forte, presena de pinheiros como vegetao dominante, bitopos peridomsticos, particularmente currais de ovelhas e coelheiras, ou na proximidade de ovelhas, aves de capoeira e ninhos com andorinhas. A taxa de infeco flebotomnica por L. infantum foi de 4% para P. ariasi e de 0,32% para o total de fmeas capturadas. A maioria das fmeas para as quais se identificou a origem da refeio sangunea pertencia a P. perniciosus. Esta espcie apresentou um comportamento oportunista, alimentando-se numa grande variedade de hospedeiros vertebrados. A elevada abundncia e distribuio das espcies vectoras, juntamente com a seroprevalncia de Leishmania nos ces do Distrito (5-10%), e a captura de uma fmea grvida de P. ariasi (infectante), sugerem que o Concelho de Torres Novas um foco de leishmaniose no pas. A maior abundncia relativa de P. sergenti, comparando com prospeces realizadas noutras reas da regio Centro de Portugal, sugere que este potencial vector esteja a expandir-se para latitudes mais elevadas, aumentando o risco de introduo de L. tropica no territrio, por contacto com imigrantes ou viajantes infectados de reas endmicas. A monitorizao flebotomnica, e dos hospedeiros vertebrados, dever ser continuada no Concelho para que medidas eficazes de controlo possam ser definidas e implementadas.


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A cell fractionation procedure previously developed for Trypanosoma cruzi was applied to isolated the plasma membrane of promastigotes of Leishania mexicana amazonensis. The cell, swollen in an hypotonic mediun, were disrupted in the presence of a nonionic detergent and the membrane fraction isolated by differencial centrifugation. Electron microscopy showed that the fraction consisted of pieces of the plasma membrane associated with subpellicular microtubules. It was also shown that this fraction is able to induce cell-mediated immune response in mice.


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Se estudia la susceptibilidad de Lutzomyia townsendi a la infeccin con Leishmania spp. sobre lesiones experimentales de hamsteres. Se estudia la frecuencia y distribucin de los amastigotos en la dermis, relacionndola con la profundidad que alcanza el estilete bucal del insecto. Una correlacin positiva, con significante coeficiente de correlacin, se establece entre la frecuencia de los parsitos a una profundidad de 100-150 nm en la dermis y el xito de la infeccin de los flebtomos.


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C3H mice chronically infected with Leishmania m. mexicana, and in some groups treated with BCG or levamisole, presented atypical epidermal alterations, including pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, hyperkeratosis and dysplasia. These alterations increased in frequency and intensity during the course of infection, but were not related to lesion size or tissue parasite load. Age matched normal, BCG and levamisole treated control mice, examined simultaneously, did not show epidermal modifications. In infected mice the dermis and hypodermis presented an inflammatory infiltrate of histiocytes, lymphocytes and plasma cells, accompanied at times by neutrophils and eosinophils, which did not vary with duration of infection.


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An "in vitro" system has been developed for study of host cell-parasite interaction in visceral and cutaneous leishmaniasis. Avirulent promastigotes of L. brasiliensis and L. donovani, from strains originally isolated from human cases and mantained by serial culture in Davis' Medium were allowed to infect cultured macrophages from rat peritoneal exudate. Challenge of the macrophages by parasites took place in 199 medium, at 33C for L. brasiliensis and at 37C for L. donovani. Although the rat is resistant to infections by Leishmania spp., the promastigotes not only invaded the host cells, but transformed into amastigotes and later mutiplied, from 10 min after challenge to 24 hours later.


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Studies were undertaken to determine the influence of several host-related parameters on the course of Leishmania mexicana mexicana infection in inbred C57B1/10 (C57) and outbred albino (OA) mice. An important influence of the following variables was demonstrated: Host strain: lesions in C57s were significantly less variable in size and outcome than those of OAs under the conditions studied and even when persistent developed at a slower rate. Host age: Subcutanous injection of 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 4] to 2 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] amastigotes into the dorsum of the rear paw produced significantly larger lesions which healed more slowly in 2 mo. old C57s than in 4 mo. old mice. Reduced healing ability was observed in older (8 mo. old) female C57s, and low mortality occurred after 15 months of age in infected mice of both sexes. Lesion site: Following amastigote infection, lesions in paws of most C57s regress within 15 - 25 wks. In contrast, perinasal legions produced with the same number of parasites tend to persist for the life of the animal as slowly spreading irregular nodules. In animals infected in both locations, each lesion site behaves similarly to that in singly infected animals of the same age, i.e. regression in the two sites is independent. Our results indicate that while host strain may strongly influence infection outcoem, such variables as lesion site and host age play important roles and may explain, in part, reported inter- and intraexperimental variability in responses of murine hosts to a given leishmanial parasite.


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The results presented in this review summarize a seirs of experiments designed to characterize the murine T cell imune response to the protozoan parasite Leishmania tropica. Enriched T cell populations and T cell clones specific for L. tropica antigens were derived from lymph nodes of primed mice and maintained in continous culture in vitro. These T lymphocytes were shown (A) to express the Lyt 1+ 3- cell surface phenotype, (B) to proliferate specifically in vitro in response to parasite antigens, together with a source of irradiated syngeneic macrophages, (C) to transfer antigen-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses to normal syngeneic mice, (D) to induce specific activation of parasitized macrophages in vitro resulting in the destruction of intracellular parasites, (E) to provide specific helper activity for antibody responses in vitro in a hapten-carrier system. Protection studies using these defiened T cell populations should allow the characterization of parasite antigen(s) implicated in the induction of cellular immune responses beneficial for the host.


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Unstimulated adherent mouse peritoneal cells were cultured in vitro and infected with equal numbers of a single strain of Leishmania m. mexicana amastigotes (AM), virulent promastigotes (VP), avirulent promastigotes (AVP) and fixed promastigotes (FP). Duplicate May-Grnwald-Giemsa stained coverslips were examined at time intervals up to 13 days. By 3 hr post infection, the number of macrophages containing parasites varied between 60.5% (VP) and 84% (AM) for macrophages exposed to living parasites, compared to 6.5% for macrophages exposed for FP. However, variable numbers of parasites showed degenerative changes by 3 hr, and the number of macrophages containing morphologically intact parasites varied significantly between cells infected with AM (84%) and those infected with VP (42%) or AVP(40%). The mean number on intacte parasites/macrophage also differed significantly between AM-infected cells and living or fixed promastigotes-infected cells. Quantitation of intact and degenerated parasites indicated parasite multiplication, as well as destruction, in VP-infected cells and parasite survival and multiplication in AM-infecte monolayers; in contrast no evidence of parasite multiplication was seen in AVP-infected cells. Changes in the mono layer itself (cell loss and macrophage vacuolization) were also evaluated. These results suggest that crucial events determining the outcome of infection occur in the host-parasite relationship during the fist 24 hours of infection. These events are apparently influenced not only by parasite or host strain but by environmentally induced variation within a given strain.


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The males of the sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis occur in two forms, one which bears a single pair of pale spots on tergite 4 and another in which an additional pair of spots characterizes tergite 3. In crosses between laboratory reared stocks of the two forms originating from allopatric and sympatric sites in Brazil nearly all males of one form fail to inseminate females of the other. In addition, insemination failure between some allopatric populaytions of Lu. longipalpis with similar tergal spot patterns is recorded, indicating the existence of additional forms in an apparent species complex. The possibility that Lu. longipalpis sensu latu represents more than a single taxon is discussed and the relevance of these findings to future epidemiological studies on kala-azar is considered.


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Dissection of Lutzomyia longipalpis, captured in the So Luis focus of visceral Leishmaniasis revealed a 1.8% promastigote infection rate.


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An opossum, Didelphis albiventris, from Jacobina, bahia State, was found naturally infected with Leishmania donovani, being the first non-canid wild mammal to be detected with agent of kala-azar in the New World.


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In the present study we measured the blastogenic response of lymph node cells from BALB/c mice infected with Leishmania mexicana throughout the course of infection. Results showed that infected mice displayed normal blastogenic responses in the lymph nodes until twenty weeks of infection. Thereafter, there was a gradual suppression. Comparison of the immunoresponsiveness in the spleen and lymph nodes, revealed normal responses in the lymph nodes several weeks after suppression in the spleen had occurred. Suppression of blastogenic responses in the lymph nodes was related to an adherent macrophage-like cell which actively suppressed normal proliferative responses to mitogens.