997 resultados para Ledoux, Marc


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The organisation of cells of the planctomycete species Pirellula marina, Isosphaera pallida, Gemmata obscuriglobus, Planctomyces mat-is and Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans was investigated based on ultrastructure derived from thin-sections of cryosubstituted cells, freeze-fracture replicas, and in the case of Gemmata obscuriglobus and Pirellllla marina, computer-aided 3-D reconstructions from serial sections of cryosubstituted cells. All planctomycete cells display a peripheral ribosome-free region, termed here the paryphoplasm, surrounding the perimeter of the cell, and an interior region including any nucleoid regions as well as ribosome-like particles, bounded by a single intracytoplasmic membrane (ICM), and termed the pirellulosome in Pirellula species. Immunogold labelling and RNase-gold cytochemistry indicates that in planctomycetes all the cell DNA is contained wholly within the interior region bounded by the ICM, and the paryphoplasm contains no DNA but at least some of the cell's RNA. The ICM in Isosphaera pallida and Planctomyces mat-is is invaginated such that the paryphoplasm forms a major portion of the cell interior in sections, but in other planctomycetes it remains as a peripheral zone. In the anaerobic ammonium-oxidising (anammox process) chemoautotroph Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans the interior region bounded by ICM contains a further internal single-membrane-bounded region, the anam-moxosome. In Gemmata obscuriglobus. the interior ICM-bounded region contains the nuclear body, a double-membrane-bounded region containing the cell's nucleoid and all genomic DNA in addition to some RNA. Shared features of cell compartmentalisation in different planctomycetes are consistent with the monophyletic nature of the planctomycetes as a distinct division of the Bacteria. The shared organisational plan for the planctomycete cell constitutes a new type not known in cells of other bacteria.


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An important feature of some conceptual modelling grammars is the features they provide to allow database designers to show real-world things may or may not possess a particular attribute or relationship. In the entity-relationship model, for example, the fact that a thing may not possess an attribute can be represented by using a special symbol to indicate that the attribute is optional. Similarly, the fact that a thing may or may not be involved in a relationship can be represented by showing the minimum cardinality of the relationship as zero. Whether these practices should be followed, however, is a contentious issue. An alternative approach is to eliminate optional attributes and relationships from conceptual schema diagrams by using subtypes that have only mandatory attributes and relationships. In this paper, we first present a theory that led us to predict that optional attributes and relationships should be used in conceptual schema diagrams only when users of the diagrams require a surface-level understanding of the domain being represented by the diagrams. When users require a deep-level understanding, however, optional attributes and relationships should not be used because they undermine users' abilities to grasp important domain semantics. We describe three experiments which we then undertook to test our predictions. The results of the experiments support our predictions.


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A commercially available smoke-water solution (Seed Starter (R)) stimulated the germination of caryopses and intact florets of Avena fatua L. The solution was most effective when diluted (5-50%) and presented to intact or dehulled grain that had received a short period of dry after-ripening. It was less effective when applied at full strength or to grains that had been freshly harvested. The same stimulatory effect was observed in par-fly after-ripened caryopses of nine different wild oat biotypes obtained from three different cropping regions of the world. When freshly harvested caryopses were re-tested with the commercial solution (100%) for just 7 days prior to placement on to distilled water, a much higher germination percentage was possible than seen with continuous smoke-water incubation. The stimulatory ability of smoke water was more closely matched to that of gibberellic acid than to potassium nitrate, which had little or no effect on freshly harvested caryopses. The smoke-water solution (5-100%) was tested on the germination of 18 other cool temperate arable weed species. All monocotyledonous species tested (viz. Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana L., Alopecurus myosuroides, Sorghum halepense, Phalaris paradoxa) responded positively, while those of the dicotyledonous species were either strongly stimulated (greater than or equal to 40% stimulation Malva neglecta), moderately stimulated (greater than or equal to 20% stimulation Galium aparine, Veronica persica), slightly stimulated (Polygonum persicaria, P pennsylvanicum, Fallopia convolvulus), unaffected (P. aviculare, Sinapis arvensis, Heracleum sphondylium, Angelica sylvestris, Mercurialis annua, Veronica hederifolia) or inhibited (Lamium purpureum). The optimal concentrations required to stimulate germination of the monocotyledonous species were similar to those observed for A. fatua (5-10%). However, for the dicotyledonous species slightly stronger solutions were required (10-20%). When the unaffected species were retested using a 10-day pre-chilling treatment, smoke water showed a small promotive response in three (S. arvensis, P. aviculare and V hederifolia) of the six species. When four different smoke-water solutions (Seed Starter (R), Regen 2000 (R), charred-wood solution and wheat-straw solution) were tested on two representative species (A. fatua and M. neglecta), three formulations were effective in promoting the germination of both species, while the fourth (charred-wood solution) was only active on A. fatua. The active concentrations were different for the four solutions. Three solutions were active in the 2-20% dilution range, while the fourth (Regen 2000 (R)) was only active in the 1-2% dilution range and was inhibitory at higher concentrations. These observations are discussed in the context that smoke may play an important ecological role in the management and control of introduced weeds in native and arable communities.


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The Lewis dwarf (DW) rat was used as a model to test the hypothesis that growth hormone (GH) is permissive for new bone formation induced by mechanical loading in vivo. Adult female Lewis DW rats aged 6.2 +/- 0.1 months (187 +/- 18 g) were allocated to four vehicle groups (DW), four GH treatment groups at 32.5 mug/100 g body mass (DWGH1), and four GH treatment groups at 65 mug/100 g (DWGH2). Saline vehicle or GH was injected intraperitoneally (ip) at 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. before mechanical loading of tibias at 7:30 a.m. A single period of 300 cycles of four-point bending was applied to right tibias at 2.0 Hz, and magnitudes of 24, 29, 38, or 48N were applied. Separate strain gauge analyses in 5 DW rats validated the selection of loading magnitudes. After loading, double-label histomorphometry was used to assess bone formation at the periosteal surface (Ps.S) and endocortical surface (Ec.S) of tibias. Comparing left (unloaded) tibias among groups, GH treatment had no effect on bone formation. Bone formation in tibias in DW rats was insensitive to mechanical loading. At the Ec.S, mechanically induced lamellar bone formation increased in the DWGH2 group loaded at 48N (p < 0.05), and no significant increases in bone formation were observed among other groups. The percentage of tibias expressing woven bone formation (Wo.B) at the Ps.S was significantly greater in the DWGH groups compared with controls (p < 0.05). We concluded that GH influences loading-related bone formation in a permissive manner and modulates the responsiveness of bone tissue to mechanical stimuli by changing thresholds for bone formation.


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skeletal disease. Bone remodeling is initiated by osteoclastic resorption followed by osteoblastic formation of new bone. Receptor activator of nuclear factor KB ligand (RANKL) is a newly described regulator of osteoclast formation and function, the activity of which appears to be a balance between interaction with its receptor RANK and with an antagonist binding protein osteoprotegerin (OPG). Therefore, we have examined the relationship between the expression of RANKL, RANK, and OPG and indices of bone structure and turnover in human cancellous bone from the proximal femur. Bone samples were obtained from individuals with osteoarthritis (OA) at joint replacement surgery and from autopsy controls. Histomorphometric analysis of these samples showed that eroded surface (ES/BS) and osteoid surface (OS/BS) were positively associated in both control (p < 0.001) and OA (p < 0.02), indicating that the processes of bone resorption and bone formation remain coupled in OA, as they are in controls. RANKL, OPG, and RANK messenger RNA, (mRNA) were abundant in human cancellous bone, with significant differences between control and OA individuals. In coplotting the molecular and histomorphometric data, strong associations were found between the ratio of RANKL/OPG mRNA and the indices of bone turnover (RANKL/OPG vs. ES/BS: r = 0.93, p < 0.001; RANKL/OPG vs. OS/BS: r = 0.80, p < 0.001). These relationships were not evident in trabecular bone from severe OA, suggesting that bone turnover may be regulated differently in this disease. We propose that the effective concentration of RANKL is related causally to bone turnover.


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There is now ample evidence of the ecological impacts of recent climate change, from polar terrestrial to tropical marine environments. The responses of both flora and fauna span an array of ecosystems and organizational hierarchies, from the species to the community levels. Despite continued uncertainty as to community and ecosystem trajectories under global change, our review exposes a coherent pattern of ecological change across systems. Although we are only at an early stage in the projected trends of global warming, ecological responses to recent climate change are already clearly visible.


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The neuronal circuitry underlying the generation of direction selectivity in the retina has remained elusive for almost 40 years. Recent studies indicate that direction selectivity may be established within the radial dendrites of 'starburst' amacrine cells and that retinal ganglion cells may acquire their direction selectivity by the appropriate weighting of excitatory and inhibitory inputs from starburst dendrites pointing in different directions. If so, this would require unexpected complexity and subtlety in the synaptic connectivity of these CNS neurons.


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Nielsen and Perrochet [Adv. Water Resour. 23 (2000) 503] presented experimental data for cyclic water movement in the vadose zone above an oscillating watertable. The response of the watertable to cyclic forcing was characterised by the ratios of the forcing head to watertable amplitudes and their associated phase lag. They found that their non-hysteretic Richards' equation model failed to represent the observed behaviour of these parameters. This paper explores the effect on the simulated capillary fringe dynamics (in terms of these parameters) of including varying degrees of hysteresis in the moisture retention curve used in a numerical model of their experiment. It is clear that hysteresis can indeed account for observed discrepancies between simulation and experiment and that the effect of hysteresis varies with the frequency of oscillation. The use of a single-valued mean retention curve, as advocated by some authors, fails to provide a match between the simulated and observed behaviour of the Nielsen and Perrochet parameters, but is shown to be adequate for predicting time-averaged soil moisture profiles. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo da pesquisa é descrever o cenário da imigração germânica no século XIX, tratando também, de trilhar o caminho da educação por meio de educadores e das comunidades na Colônia de Santa Leopoldina, criada em 1857, na Província do Espírito Santo, considerando 50 anos a partir do início da imigração (1857-1907). A pesquisa histórica ancorou-se em consultas a documentos oficiais do Império, documentos e relatórios oficiais dos Presidentes da Província do Espírito Santo, jornais de circulação da época, fotografias, mapas geográficos, mapas estatísticos, livros didáticos antigos e livros de autores que abordaram o processo imigratório do Espírito Santo. O diálogo com Marc Bloch ajudou a entender essa multiplicidade de documentos, na complexa relação entre o passado e o presente da educação do Espírito Santo. O trabalho apresenta uma trajetória do imigrante germânico vindo da Europa até a ex-colônia e como a administração da província tratou a imigração e a educação. O ensino primário iniciou-se a partir de iniciativas públicas e particulares. Foram identificados as primeiras escolas e os nomes de muitos professores que atuaram no período estudado. Os livros utilizados nas escolas das comunidades teuto-brasileiras eram oriundos da Alemanha e posteriormente foram produzidos no sul do Brasil. Entre os livros escritos em alemão encontrados destacam-se o livro texto de alfabetização „Lese – Schule I für Deutsche Kinder in Brasilien‟, editado na Alemanha no final do século XIX, de autoria do diretor de uma escola particular em Santa Leopoldina, Albert Richard Dietze, e o primeiro volume do livro de matemática „Rechenbuch für Deutsch-Brasilianische Volksschulen‟, de Ferdinand Hackbart, Konrad Glaus e Hermann Lange. Foi feita uma análise sob os aspectos físicos e formais, o processo de ensino e os conteúdos do livro de matemática. A análise evidenciou que a proposta de ensino apoia-se no “cálculo mental” e o escrito, com a repetição dos conteúdos, envolvendo o treino intensivo. Os conceitos de matemática são apresentados partindo de problemas com situações concretas do aluno para a aquisição de competências necessárias para inserir o aluno em sua comunidade. Levando-se em conta que o livro foi editado em 1906, conclui-se que se trata de uma obra relevante com uma proposta de ensino que se manteve presente nos livros didáticos de matemática até os dias atuais.


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Este trabalho integra um grupo de pesquisas desenvolvidas pela linha de pesquisa Educação e Linguagens, do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. Trata de uma pesquisa histórica que tem por objetivo investigar a história da alfabetização de surdos no Espírito Santo, nas décadas de 1950 a 1970, a partir da tese inicial de que a educação/alfabetização de crianças surdas, no Espírito Santo, nesse período, tinha por finalidade ensinar a língua nacional, por meio da oralização, tendo em vista o projeto desenvolvimentista adotado pelo então Presidente da República, Juscelino Kubistchek. Fundamenta-se nas concepções de Marc Bloch (2001), ao considerar a História como a ciência dos homens no tempo, com o objetivo de compreender a ação humana, de acordo com as condições históricas de sua época, e nas contribuições da concepção bakhtiniana de linguagem, em especial, no conceito de texto como enunciado, considerando que cada texto/documento traz em seu bojo uma história vivida por sujeitos em dado contexto social e histórico. Nessa direção, a partir da análise de documentos escolares, textos jornalísticos, cartilhas, materiais pedagógicos e documentos oficiais, o trabalho se estruturou no sentido de conhecer o contexto nacional que deu origem às primeiras iniciativas de descentralização na educação de surdos, culminando com a criação de salas especiais em vários Estados brasileiros, incluindo o Espírito Santo. As repercussões, em âmbito local, foram analisadas a partir de dois eixos. No primeiro, focalizaram os aspectos políticos, evidenciando que a desresponsabilização do Poder Público facilitou a parceria entre a esfera pública e a esfera privada na configuração das classes especiais, dentro das escolas comuns. No segundo, destacaram que o Método Oral e o Método Perdoncini, que fundamentaram o processo de alfabetização e que tinham como finalidade ensinar a língua oficial do País, na modalidade oral, dialogaram com as concepções pedagógicas e psicológicas da época, tornando o processo claramente escolar. Conclui que o período foi marcado por um projeto educacional consistente e coerente com os postulados da época, tendo na ação responsável e polifônica da professora Álpia Couto-Lenzi a sua principal interlocutora.


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Investiga o processo de transição da Escola Normal para outro espaço físico sob a forma de Instituto de Educação e os desdobramentos dessa mudança na formação de professores no Espírito Santo, segundo as diretrizes instituídas pela Lei nº. 5.692/71, durante o Regime Ditatorial Brasileiro (1964-1985). O recorte temporal inicia-se em 1971, quando ocorreu a transição, e encerra-se no ano 2000, momento em que o Instituto passa a denominar-se Escola Estadual de 2º grau Professor Fernando Duarte Rabelo. Privilegia, como interlocutores teóricos, os historiadores Carlo Ginzburg (1986, 2006), Marc Bloch (2001) e Michel de Certeau (2004) e toma, como corpus documental, propostas curriculares do Estado, portarias, matérias de jornais, fotografias de eventos realizados pela instituição e entrevistas com sujeitos que atuaram naquele espaço como professoras, diretora e aluna. As fontes foram interrogadas a partir das seguintes questões: como se deu a transição da Escola Normal D. Pedro II para o Instituto de Educação de Vitória? Que motivos levaram a essa transição? Como se configurou a formação de professores no Instituto de Educação? Quais os desdobramentos das mudanças ocorridas, em se tratando da formação de professores capixabas? Pareceram intrigantes silêncios e lacunas observados em relação à transição da Escola Normal para o Instituto de Educação e aos motivos que desencadearam essa mudança. Das falas das professoras, depreende-se que decisões sobre a transferência do espaço físico e as modificações no currículo vieram prontas, de cima para baixo. O discurso da modernização alardeia a técnica e o tecnicismo e anuncia novidades. A Escola Normal e as suas tradições passam a habitar o passado como algo que se apaga em nome do avanço técnico. Ainda que sutilmente, o cheiro do cafezinho gratuito e do mingau fizessem espargir o aroma da saudade de um outro tempo em que o lanche dos professores da Escola Normal era um encontro “solene”. Conclui-se que a abrupta descontinuidade da Escola Normal, cujo prédio passou a abrigar a atual Escola Estadual Maria Ortiz, possivelmente não se esgota nas questões de ordem técnico-pedagógica que os documentos deixam explícitas. Entretanto, tendo em vista o cronograma limitado desta pesquisa e a lacuna das fontes, não foi possível explorar outras possibilidades de resposta.


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In cameras with radial distortion, straight lines in space are in general mapped to curves in the image. Although epipolar geometry also gets distorted, there is a set of special epipolar lines that remain straight, namely those that go through the distortion center. By finding these straight epipolar lines in camera pairs we can obtain constraints on the distortion center(s) without any calibration object or plumbline assumptions in the scene. Although this holds for all radial distortion models we conceptually prove this idea using the division distortion model and the radial fundamental matrix which allow for a very simple closed form solution of the distortion center from two views (same distortion) or three views (different distortions). The non-iterative nature of our approach makes it immune to local minima and allows finding the distortion center also for cropped images or those where no good prior exists. Besides this, we give comprehensive relations between different undistortion models and discuss advantages and drawbacks.


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The radial undistortion model proposed by Fitzgibbon and the radial fundamental matrix were early steps to extend classical epipolar geometry to distorted cameras. Later minimal solvers have been proposed to find relative pose and radial distortion, given point correspondences between images. However, a big drawback of all these approaches is that they require the distortion center to be exactly known. In this paper we show how the distortion center can be absorbed into a new radial fundamental matrix. This new formulation is much more practical in reality as it allows also digital zoom, cropped images and camera-lens systems where the distortion center does not exactly coincide with the image center. In particular we start from the setting where only one of the two images contains radial distortion, analyze the structure of the particular radial fundamental matrix and show that the technique also generalizes to other linear multi-view relationships like trifocal tensor and homography. For the new radial fundamental matrix we propose different estimation algorithms from 9,10 and 11 points. We show how to extract the epipoles and prove the practical applicability on several epipolar geometry image pairs with strong distortion that - to the best of our knowledge - no other existing algorithm can handle properly.


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For modern consumer cameras often approximate calibration data is available, making applications such as 3D reconstruction or photo registration easier as compared to the pure uncalibrated setting. In this paper we address the setting with calibrateduncalibrated image pairs: for one image intrinsic parameters are assumed to be known, whereas the second view has unknown distortion and calibration parameters. This situation arises e.g. when one would like to register archive imagery to recently taken photos. A commonly adopted strategy for determining epipolar geometry is based on feature matching and minimal solvers inside a RANSAC framework. However, only very few existing solutions apply to the calibrated-uncalibrated setting. We propose a simple and numerically stable two-step scheme to first estimate radial distortion parameters and subsequently the focal length using novel solvers. We demonstrate the performance on synthetic and real datasets.


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This report summarises our idea of code clone detection in Haskell code and refactorings based on identified clones as it evolved in our group-of-three discussion