999 resultados para Lartigue, Jacques-Henri (1894-1986) -- Famille
Collection : Petits mémoires sur l'histoire de France ; 7
Collection : Petits mémoires sur l'histoire de France ; 7
Other Audit Reports - Review
Provide a method of allocating the total amount of bonds which may be issued with the State in any calender year among the various polictical subdivisions an issuing agencies and authorities of the State.
Desingation of the State Department of Public Safety as the State Highway Safety Agency and the Commissinoer of Public Safety as the Governor's representative for Highway Safety.
Delegate to the Department of Economic Development the aithority and responsibility vested in the Governor under the JTPA, and create the State Job Training Coordinating Council.
Amend Executive Order #22 to Provide a procedure for allocation the total principal amount of bonds which can be issued by political subdivisions of the State during any calender year.
Prohibit the sale of tobacco products in areas of buildings under the Governor's control in the State Capital Cpmlex and all offices occupied by State government.
Bossuet (Jacques-Bénigne). Conference avec M. Claude (1682)