999 resultados para LOCAL MODULE
The spontaneous activity of the brain shows different features at different scales. On one hand, neuroimaging studies show that long-range correlations are highly structured in spatiotemporal patterns, known as resting-state networks, on the other hand, neurophysiological reports show that short-range correlations between neighboring neurons are low, despite a large amount of shared presynaptic inputs. Different dynamical mechanisms of local decorrelation have been proposed, among which is feedback inhibition. Here, we investigated the effect of locally regulating the feedback inhibition on the global dynamics of a large-scale brain model, in which the long-range connections are given by diffusion imaging data of human subjects. We used simulations and analytical methods to show that locally constraining the feedback inhibition to compensate for the excess of long-range excitatory connectivity, to preserve the asynchronous state, crucially changes the characteristics of the emergent resting and evoked activity. First, it significantly improves the model's prediction of the empirical human functional connectivity. Second, relaxing this constraint leads to an unrealistic network evoked activity, with systematic coactivation of cortical areas which are components of the default-mode network, whereas regulation of feedback inhibition prevents this. Finally, information theoretic analysis shows that regulation of the local feedback inhibition increases both the entropy and the Fisher information of the network evoked responses. Hence, it enhances the information capacity and the discrimination accuracy of the global network. In conclusion, the local excitation-inhibition ratio impacts the structure of the spontaneous activity and the information transmission at the large-scale brain level.
The EMCDDA’s cannabis monograph addresses one basic question. How can I find quality information on cannabis, amid all the bias and opinion? The monograph is divided into two volumes. The first volume centres on political, legislative, commercial and social developments relating to cannabis. Its core audience thus comprises policymakers, sociologists, historians, journalists and those involved in enforcement. The second volume is targeted at drugs professionals working in the fields of treatment, prevention and healthcare.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This study was carried out by participants in a North Tipperary Community Services drug/alcohol awareness course. Its objectives were to: assess the level of drug and alcohol awareness among second-level students under the age of 18 years; to find out the extent of under-age drinking;to find out the extent of the use of illegal substances as well as stimulants such as glue and solvents in this age group; and to use this information to develop educational programmes for parents and students. Date was obtained through a survey of 1500 secondary school students in the North Tippeary area. The survey found that, although ilict drug use was very low, abuse of alcohol was quite common.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
This handbook has been developed within the context of the institutional structures recommended under the National Drugs Strategy 2009-2016 and within the overall framework of the National Social Inclusion Plan 2007-2016. It sets out the role of the Drugs Task Forces within the national and local framework required to address the existing and emerging problems associated with drug use for individuals, families and communities in the context of the long term development of the work of the Drugs Task Forces.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.
The Mayo North East Ballina Eat Wise project will proactively engage with disadvantaged communities, including migrant and Traveller groups, in Ballina to encourage and support people to make informed decisions regarding their diet and that of their families. The project aims to empower people with the resources, skills and knowledge to improve their physical and mental wellbeing through affordable healthy eating. A steering group comprising local stakeholders will be established to co-ordinate and inform the CFI’s work and to ensure it is fully addressing the needs of the target group. The CFI will begin by developing a training module to equip a group of peer researchers to carry out a needs analysis. The information gathered will inform the practical aspects of the project ensuring participation and a sense of ownership from the local community. Young people will be targeted through local schools and youth organisations. Training will be provided for both adults and young people in vegetable/fruit growing, nutrition, cooking, preventing food wastage, smart shopping and budgeting. Practical cookery demonstrations coupled with advice on healthy eating will take place in the target areas. The project will also engage with local supermarkets and takeaways to encourage the provision of healthy affordable options. Other options to increase the availability of healthy food in the target areas will be explored. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Mayo Target Groups Children (13-18 years) Families Partner Agencies safefood
In partnership with the VEC WTID has delivered Nutrition Level 5 FETAC to a group of 24 learners, 4 being members of the Travelling community. This module was also delivered to 5 Childcare staff at WTIDs pre-school service. Staff of the Harmony Afterschool Service undertakes baking activities each week with the children. Group work has been facilitated with 16 men who were on a BTEI on salt, sugar, caffeine and fibre, as well as with a young girls group on food tasting of various fruits, cheeses and how to make healthy potato wedges and other healthy snacks. WTID as part of the local Traveller Interagency Group are writing a well-being manual to be used with community groups working with Travellers- Healthy Eating is a module of this manual. Plans are in place to run a First Instincts Men's Health programme which will run over an 8 week period with workshops, weigh ins and provision of a healthy breakfast on each morning. HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Initiative Type Community Food Centres Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Galway Target Groups At risk youth Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Families Lone parents Men Older people People with mental health difficulties Travellers Unemployed Women Funding HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Partner Agencies Equal Ireland FÃÂS Galway County Council GCCCC GRD HSE Involve RAPID VEC Adult Education Service
L'objecte d'aquest treball és el d'analitzar les pràctiques i estratègies que es segueixen quant a l'adquisició de les Tecnologies de la Informació i la Comunicació (TIC) en l'àmbit de l'Administració Local de la província de Guadalajara i fer una valoració-punts forts i febles-de les mateixes.
Presentation by Margaret Eames at the Regional meeting on measuring body mass index (BMI) in the child population.
Although tumor-specific CD8 T-cell responses often develop in cancer patients, they rarely result in tumor eradication. We aimed at studying directly the functional efficacy of tumor-specific CD8 T cells at the site of immune attack. Tumor lesions in lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues (metastatic lymph nodes and soft tissue/visceral metastases, respectively) were collected from stage III/IV melanoma patients and investigated for the presence and function of CD8 T cells specific for the tumor differentiation antigen Melan-A/MART-1. Comparative analysis was conducted with peripheral blood T cells. We provide evidence that in vivo-priming selects, within the available naive Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell repertoire, cells with high T-cell receptor avidity that can efficiently kill melanoma cells in vitro. In vivo, primed Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T cells accumulate at high frequency in both lymphoid and nonlymphoid tumor lesions. Unexpectedly, however, whereas primed Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T cells that circulate in the blood display robust inflammatory and cytotoxic functions, those that reside in tumor lesions (particularly in metastatic lymph nodes) are functionally tolerant. We show that both the lymph node and the tumor environments blunt T-cell effector functions and offer a rationale for the failure of tumor-specific responses to effectively counter tumor progression.
Health Equity Audit Made Simple: A briefing for Primary Care Trusts and Local Strategic Partnerships
A working/ consultation document outlining the key drivers and steps for undertaking health equity audit as required in the Performance and Planning Framework (PPF) 2003-2006
This guidance follows on from the publication of the Government's obesity strategy Healthy Weight, Healthy Lives: A Cross-Government strategy for England. The guidance provides advice to PCTs and local authorities on how to set child obesity goals as part of the Vital Signs and the National Indicator Set. This will be followed shortly with full guidance on developing local plans.
This briefing paper provides a summary of the policies, theory and practice of setting targets to reduce health inequalities. It offers some guidance for those responsible for setting local targets and sets this in the context of local experience drawn from documentary evidence from health improvement programmes (HImPs), community strategies and health action zones (HAZs).
It is presumed that drugs able to prevent bronchial spasm and/or inflammation may have therapeutic potential to control asthma symptoms. The local anaesthetic lidocaine has recently received increased attention as an alternative form of treatment for asthmatic patients. This paper reviews the major findings on the topic and summarizes the putative mechanisms underlying the airway effects of local anaesthetic agents. We think that lidocaine extends the spectrum of options in asthma therapy, probably by counteracting both spasmogenic and inflammatory stimuli in the bronchial airways. The possibility of development of new anti-asthma compounds based on the synthesis of lidocaine derivatives is also on the horizon.
This briefing has been put together by Eastern Region PHO outlining how to measure and monitor health inequalities in a local area, such as a primary care trust (PCT) or a local authority. It has been designed to help support action to tackle health inequalities in new NHS organisations and for Local Area Agreements (LAAs). Click on the link to view the document.