927 resultados para Koivunen, Anu: Performative histories, foundational fictions


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Edward Said, palestiniano cidadão do mundo, historiador crítico da literatura e da cultura preocupa-se em analisar e desmistificar as representações ideológicas que afirmam a superioridade de uma cultura sobre as outras. Em Orientalismo , publicado originalmente em 1978, demonstra como o colonialismo europeu constrói uma representação do mundo oriental, especialmente do mundo árabe e muçulmano, em que os representados surgem como seres incapazes de autonomia, racionalidade e autogoverno. Como contraponto a esta concepção, desenvolve-se, no período da emancipação e das independências coloniais, uma nova visão em que os povos colonizados de mero objecto de representação se transformam em sujeitos da sua própria história. Em Cultura e Imperialismo , publicado em 1993, Said analisa como os intelectuais e os criadores dos povos dominados elaboram uma nova representação de si próprios e do Outro no âmbito do processo de luta e emancipação colonial. Mas apenas a livre interacção e interdependência das culturas poderá constituir uma síntese superadora do imperialismo e do nacionalismo anticolonial. Dimensão libertadora que se tornará a verdadeira missão e vocação do intelectual sem fronteiras de que Said foi um dos maiores expoentes contemporâneos.


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A agressividade é o comportamento que surge transversalmente como queixa isolada ou a par de outras queixas na maioria das crianças com e sem doença, que procuram apoio em saúde mental infantil. Nessas crianças, e a partir da recolha dos dados anamnesicos, tem-se verificado a constância de registo, no Livro do Bebé, de Índice de Apgar ≤ 9 ao primeiro minuto. Este estudo exploratório pretendeu analisar a hipótese teórica de que o Índice de Apgar abaixo de 10 ao primeiro minuto pode ser representativo de sofrimento fetal intraparto ou perinatal e assim fragilizar os circuitos neuronais das emoções tendo como consequência o surgimento, ao longo do desenvolvimento infantil e juvenil, de dificuldades na capacidade de gestão ou controlo das emoções, com comportamentos opositivos e/ou agressivos, como resposta defensiva de luta e fuga. Utilizou-se uma amostra de crianças inscritas no serviço de consulta externa de saúde mental infantil e juvenil, e verificou-se se as queixas de perturbação do comportamento com agressividade, formuladas no momento do acolhimento ao serviço, estão relacionadas com o Índice de Apgar ≤ 9 ao primeiro minuto e/ou com os registos de sofrimento fetal. Procurou-se, numa amostra aleatória de crianças sem queixa formulada no serviço de consulta externa de saúde mental infantil e juvenil, perceber as diferenças ou semelhanças dos registos de nascimento relativamente à amostra de crianças inscritas. Foi ainda auscultada a opinião dos profissionais dos serviços de obstetrícia e neonatologia – pediatria, mediante a aplicação de um questionário, no sentido de recolher as opiniões dos profissionais de saúde que lidam com o parto, que avaliam o Índice de Apgar dos recém – nascidos e que os seguem durante as primeiras horas ou dias de vida. Das conclusões a que chegamos, salienta-se que o sofrimento fetal intraparto pode ser predictor de dificuldades de controlo emocional traduzidas em alterações do comportamento com agressividade em situações de stress. Não se conclui que o Índice de Apgar ≤ 9 pode ser predictor de alterações do comportamento com agressividade em situações de stress, uma vez que os registos de ocorrências de sofrimento fetal intraparto e os registos do Índice de Apgar ao primeiro minuto são, na amostra de crianças com queixa, díspares, relacionando-se no entanto de modo estatisticamente significativo na amostra de crianças sem queixa. III No entanto, e apesar das dificuldades metodológicas, fica a certeza de haver mais percursos a percorrer nesta direcção para a compreensão dos distúrbios emocionais e a agressividade.


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Em 29 de Outubro de 1885 era publicado o primeiro número d’O Recreio, Publicação Semanal, Litteraria e Charadistica, criado e dirigido por Ignacio Moreira. No número 26, de 9 de Agosto de 1886, na primeira página, sob o título “Expediente”, dá-se conta aos leitores e aos colaboradores que “d’este numero em deante toda a correspondencia deve ser dirigida a João Romano Torres, rua Nova de S. Mamede, aos Caldas, 26, 3.º - Lisboa” (p. 201). Para João Romano Torres, que acabara de adquirir a publicação, trata-se de um acto refundacional, que significará para o editor o início de um percurso editorial através do qual se dará origem a uma editora cuja actividade chegará ao último quartel do século seguinte, estabelecendo um catálogo que a tornou reconhecível e reconhecida no espaço do livro em Portugal. Desta editora se falará aqui apenas de um período situado entre o ano de 1885 e o fim da primeira década de 1900. ABSTRACT - On the 29th October 1885, the first issue of O Recreio, Publicação Semanal, Litteraria e Charadística (proposed English translation: The Playground, Weekly, Literary and Charades Publication) was published, created and headed by Ignacio Moreira. On the 26th issue, issued on the 9th August 1886, in the front page, under the headline “Dispatch”, it is imparted with readers and collaborators that “from this issue forward, all correspondence should be addressed to João Romano Torres, Nova de S. Mamede street, at Caldas, 26, 3rd - Lisbon” (p. 201). For João Romano Torres, who had just acquired the publication, this was a re-foundational act, which will represent for this publisher the beginning of a publishing trajectory through which a new publishing house will emerge, whose activity will reach the final quarter of the next century, establishing a catalogue which made it recognizable and recognized in the book field in Portugal. This publishing house will be addressed here regarding only the period spanning from the year 1885 to the end of the first decade of the 1900s.


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ABSTRACT: Between pure documentary and pure fiction there are, more and more, a reasonable number of cinematic alternatives that convey a dimension of non-reality. Between the pointedly factual discourse and the irrational belief in an entirely narrative world, there intervenes an informed conviction in a truthful but nonexistent universe, in which the formal enunciation sells an image of objectivity. In a path that leads us from the forms and contents of reflexive and performative documentaries, according to Bill Nichols, and ends up in fake documentary itself, we will have the opportunity to stress the filmic construction and its inherent narrative purpose, be it a fictional story or the creator himself as character (others would say subject) of the cinematic construct. In a boomerang kind of logic, the more the objects direct us to a referent, the more they restore us a creative/authorial reference and, along with it, the narrative idea that instills it. In Woody Allen’s case, this storytelling manifests itself in the fake documentary genre, which works as if it is the reality, only to better manifest the sole reality that interests the director: that of the metacinema, or the cinema as self-referencial reality. The practical examples will be derived from the following films: Take the Money and Run (1969) e Husbands and Wives (1992).


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The main aim of this essay is to present the discursive approaches to Translation Studies (TS) as a well-established field of inquiry about translation phenomena. The term ‘discourse’ itself, however, has been considered a contentious one given its multitude of uses without a clear conceptualization as to whether its use and application privilege a more linguistic orientation or a more sociologically and culturally trend to the study of language. The essay, therefore, briefly discusses what counts as ‘discursive’ in TS by introducing the reader to the principal theories that advocate an essentially ‘discursive turn’ in orientation. After that, the essay explores in depth Systemic-Functional Linguistics as a foundational approach to the study of translation. Finally, the essay brings in the advantages of such an approach and, in the end, invites TS theoreticians to give special attention to the uses of the term ‘discourse’ within their investigations.


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Relatório da UC Seminário de Apoio à Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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The legacy of nineteenth century social theory followed a “nationalist” model of society, assuming that analysis of social realities depends upon national boundaries, taking the nation-state as the primary unit of analysis, and developing the concept of methodological nationalism. This perspective regarded the nation-state as the natural - and even necessary - form of society in modernity. Thus, the constitution of large cities, at the end of the 19th century, through the intense flows of immigrants coming from diverse political and linguistic communities posed an enormous challenge to all social research. One of the most significant studies responding to this set of issues was The Immigrant Press and its Control, by Robert E. Park, one of the most prominent American sociologists of the first half of the 20th century. The Immigrant Press and its Control was part of a larger project entitled Americanization Studies: The Acculturation of Immigrant Group into American Society, funded by the Carnagie Corporation following World War I, taking as its goal to study the so-called “Americanization methods” during the 1920s. This paper revisits that particular work by Park to reveal how his detailed analysis of the role of the immigrant press overcame the limitations of methodological nationalism. By granting importance to language as a tool uniting each community and by showing how the strength of foreign languages expressed itself through the immigrant press, Park demonstrated that the latter produces a more ambivalent phenomenon than simply the assimilation of immigrants. On the one hand, the immigrant press served as a connecting force, driven by the desire to preserve the mother tongue and culture while at the same time awakening national sentiments that had, until then, remained diffuse. Yet, on the other hand, it facilitated the adjustment of immigrants to the American context. As a result, Park’s work contributes to our understanding of a particular liminal moment inherent within many intercultural contexts, the space between emigrant identity (emphasizing the country of origin) and immigrant identity (emphasizing the newly adopted country). His focus on the role played by media in the socialization of immigrant groups presaged later work on this subject by communication scholars. Focusing attention on Park’s research leads to other studies of the immigrant experience from the same period (e.g., Thomas & Znaniecki, The Polish Peasant in Europe and America), and also to insights on multi-presence and interculturality as significant but often overlooked phenomena in the study of immigrant socialization.


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Mestrado Teatro, especialização em artes performativas, teatro música


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O presente Relatório de Estágio tem como objecto de pesquisa a concepção e monitorização de duas Oficinas de Teatro dirigidas a dois grupos de mulheres constituídos, respectivamente, por estudantes universitárias e desempregadas. O estágio realizou-se entre Novembro/2013 e Junho/2014 na Quarta Parede - Associação de Artes Performativas da Covilhã e inseriu-se nos Empowerment Labs, laboratórios formativos que cruzam artes performativas e ciências sociais na reflexão e intervenção sobre a igualdade de género com foco no desemprego feminino. Este relatório expõe os três momentos do processo do estágio: pesquisa de referenciais teórico-práticos, concepção e monitorização das Oficinas de Teatro e reflexão a partir da prática laboratorial. Na pesquisa de referenciais, essencial para delinear a metodologia operacional e o programa de conteúdos, explorei dimensões como o feminismo e a igualdade de género, e procurei compreender de que forma o empowerment, a pedagogia de Paulo Freire e as metodologias do teatro aplicado serviam os objectivos do meu trabalho. A realização das oficinas foi o momento de experimentar as metodologias e o programa delineado. Tendo a igualdade de género como temática unificadora, o empowerment através da arte como objectivo maior e o teatro aplicado como base metodológica, as oficinas inserem-se nos processos de educação não-formal aplicados ao incremento de recursos intelectuais, emocionais, sociais, expressivos e criativos e, neste caso específico, à ampliação da consciência de género. Neste sentido, as oficinas desenvolveram uma abordagem metodológica processual, participativa e multidisciplinar, orientada para a pesquisa performativa, primeiro de uma dramaturgia individual, depois de uma dramaturgia do colectivo e, por fim, de uma dramaturgia orientada para a igualdade de género. O conceito de “dramaturgia” surge aqui no sentido metodológico do pachwork (trabalho com retalhos) e do sampling (recolha e transformação de materiais), relevante sobretudo na última fase, dedicada à construção colectiva de um exercício performativo apresentado publicamente.


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Relatório Final de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Dança, com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino de Dança.


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OBJECTIVE To assess the validity of dengue fever reports and how they relate to the definition of case and severity. METHODS Diagnostic test assessment was conducted using cross-sectional sampling from a universe of 13,873 patients treated during the fifth epidemiological period in health institutions from 11 Colombian departments in 2013. The test under analyses was the reporting to the National Public Health Surveillance System, and the reference standard was the review of histories identified by active institutional search. We reviewed all histories of patients diagnosed with dengue fever, as well as a random sample of patients with febrile syndromes. The specificity and sensitivity of reports were estimated for this purpose, considering the inverse of the probability of being selected for weighting. The concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search was calculated using Kappa statistics. RESULTS We included 4,359 febrile patients, and 31.7% were classified as compatible with dengue fever (17 with severe dengue fever; 461 with dengue fever and warning signs; 904 with dengue fever and no warning signs). The global sensitivity of reports was 13.2% (95%CI 10.9;15.4) and specificity was 98.4% (95%CI 97.9;98.9). Sensitivity varied according to severity: 12.1% (95%CI 9.3;14.8) for patients presenting dengue fever with no warning signs; 14.5% (95%CI 10.6;18.4) for those presenting dengue fever with warning signs, and 40.0% (95%CI 9.6;70.4) for those with severe dengue fever. Concordance between reporting and the findings of the active institutional search resulted in a Kappa of 10.1%. CONCLUSIONS Low concordance was observed between reporting and the review of clinical histories, which was associated with the low reporting of dengue fever compatible cases, especially milder cases.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze vaccination coverage and factors associated with a complete immunization scheme in children < 5 years old. METHODS This cross-sectional household census survey evaluated 1,209 children < 5 years old living in Bom Jesus, Angola, in 2010. Data were obtained from interviews, questionnaires, child immunization histories, and maternal health histories. The statistical analysis used generalized linear models, in which the dependent variable followed a binary distribution (vaccinated, unvaccinated) and the association function was logarithmic and had the children’s individual, familial, and socioeconomic factors as independent variables. RESULTS Vaccination coverage was 37.0%, higher in children < 1 year (55.0%) and heterogeneous across neighborhoods; 52.0% of children of both sexes had no immunization records. The prevalence rate of vaccination significantly varied according to child age, mother’s level of education, family size, ownership of household appliances, and destination of domestic waste. CONCLUSIONS Vulnerable groups with vaccination coverage below recommended levels continue to be present. Some factors indicate inequalities that represent barriers to full immunization, indicating the need to implement more equitable policies. The knowledge of these factors contributes to planning immunization promotion measures that focus on the most vulnerable groups.


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In August 1983 the Authors studied 36 patients with Plasmodium falciparum malaria and 14 normal individuals born in Humaita region who had never had malaria, had no spleen enlargement and had negative parasitemia as well as passive hemagglutination. Medical histories were obtained and complete physical examination were performed in all of them just as blood tests, parasite density and lymphocyte typing. The lymphocytes were separated and then frozen in liquid nitrogen for later typing by rosette formation. The patients were divided in two groups according to the presence (13 patients) or abscence (23 patients) of gametocytes before treatment. Severe malaria was predominant in the group without gametocytes. The results showed a decrease in the T-cell numbers in Plasmodium falciparum acute malaria patients both with or without gametocytes before the treatment, while B-cell numbers were normal only in the patients with gametocytes. These observations as like as those previously reported by the Authors, permit to associate the presence of gametocytes in peripheral blood and normal number of B-cells in patients with mild Plasmodium falciparum malaria.


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Cet article se propose réfléchir à la présence créatrice du performer depuis la notion d’ambiance du choréographe japonais Y. Amagatzu. La notion d’ambiance est décrite par Yoshio Amagatzu comme une spatialité émergente de la rencontre des sujets – performers et public – dans l’espace performatif ; une spatialité sensible exprimant le potentiel de cette rencontre avec une « force orientatrice » spécifique. Mon approche s’intéresse en particulier aux conditions d’accordage (attunement) du performer au potentiel de cette spatialité émergente et aux effets de cette « adhérence perceptive» sur sa présence créatrice. Une approche qui m’a mené à étendre la notion de mouvement à l’espace de la relation performative, au delà des contours visibles du corps physique.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico