982 resultados para Kautsky, Karl, 1854-1938.


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Karl Polanyi is considered one of the most prominent social scientists of the 20th century. In his writings, an important concern was the relationship between the markets and the society (therefore, the state) as a whole; to discuss it, he introduced the concept of "embeddedness", fundamental for his study of the origins and consequences of the Industrial Revolution. An important part of his heritage is the study of the economic history of what he called "ancient societies," especially of Classical Greece. Polanyi used these studies to compare the ancient societies with his own times, in an effort to understand them all. This paper aims to relate Polanyi's work on the Athenian society with his studies about the modern times, showing that it is possible to draw lessons from Polanyi's thought on the relationship between the society, the state and the market that can help to design a political agenda for our days. In the first part, we present the most important aspects o the life and work of Polanyi, and in the second we discuss the most important aspects of his worldview. Then, in the third part, we study his view of the early Athenian economy; mainly, we focus on the coexistence of a kind of state planning and a market, showing how this understanding is crucial for the whole Polanyian legacy, with its emphasis in the comparison of different societies and times. We conclude by underlining the relevance of this interpretation advanced by Polanyi to understand the societies of our days, focusing on some proposals to extend his approach to deal with our contemporary problems.


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Karl Popper versus Theodor Adorno: Lessons from a historical confrontation. In 1961, during the Congress of the German Society of Sociology, two great theoretical references of the XX century faced in a historical debate about the logic of the social sciences. In addition to methodological issues strict sense, the confrontation became known as a debate between positivism and dialectic. The article first deals with the theoretical trajectories of Popper and Adorno and the relation of their theories with their political and ideological certainties. On one hand, the trajectory of the Popperian epistemology is examined, its contributions and vigorous attacks on Marx in what he called 'poverty of historicism" and false predictive Marxist world, and, on the other hand, the role of Adorno in the Frankfurt School, his criticism of totalitarianism and the defense of a critical emancipatory reason. The article also deals with the confrontation itself, the exposure of Popper's twenty-seven theses that culminate with the situation logic and the method of the economy as exemplary for the social sciences and Adorno's critical perspective of sociology and society as non-separable objects. In conclusion we show how the articulation of theory with the weltanschauung of each author helps to clarify the terms of the debate and how the confrontation contributed unequivocally to the dynamics of scientific progress and for the critical history of the ideas.


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RESUMOEste artigo discute as tentativas de publicar uma edição histórico-crítica das obras de Karl Marx, o Marx-Engels Gesamtausgabe (MEGA): a primeira, que foi liderada por David Riazanov na décadas de 1920 e 1930, e o segundo, a MEGA2, projeto que começou na década de 1970 e ainda está em curso de publicação. O artigo apresenta essas duas edições e discute o seu impacto sobre a interpretação do pensamento econômico e filosófico de Marx.


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O objetivo principal deste texto é apresentai alguns elementos essenciais da interpretação do Proslogion feita por Karl Barth em seu livro S. Anselme, Fides Quaerens Intellectum. La preuve de l'existence de Dieu (trad. franc). Com Base no "programa teológico" de Anselmo, Barth identifica as linhas fundamentais para a leitura dos capítulos 2 a 4 do Pioslogion. Tentaremos mostrar a significação e o alcance dessa interpretação para a historiografia do pensamento anselmiano.


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Entre los estudios críticos que existen en torno a la obra de Paul Feyerabend predominan aquellos que subrayan una discontinuidad radical entre la versión temprana y tardía de su pensamiento. Todo ello contribuye a que dispongamos de una visión fragmentada e incompleta de un pensador que evoluciono hasta el 1994, año de su fallecimiento. Nuestro propósito es ofrecer una explicación de su itinerario intelectual de tal modo que quedé patente su continuidad en la clave de sus críticas contra los falsos absolutos erigidos por el positivismo lógico y el racionalismo científico. Mostraremos las diversas cuestiones que Feyerabend aborda en las distintas épocas de su vida pero, al mismo tiempo, subrayaremos la unidad o coherencia lógica que existe en su revisión crítica de la racionalidad científica. Nos preocuparemos por entender las razones por las cuales nuestro filósofo de la ciencia va trasladando sus distintos focos de discusión o crítica.


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Manuel Araújo Porto Alegre (1808-1879) teve atuação fundamental nas instituições culturais do Segundo Reinado, tendo sido pintor, crítico de arte, jornalista e poeta, entre outras atividades. Como diretor da Academia Imperial de Belas Artes, o pintor promoveu a maior reforma que a instituição sofreu durante o Império. Parte da chamada Reforma Pedreira (1854-1857), as introduzidas por Porto Alegre buscavam adaptar a instituição aos progressos técnicos de meados do século XIX, e fazer da corte imperial, o Rio de Janeiro, uma cidade sintonizada com a "civilização". É com este objetivo que o pintor faz da técnica um dos temas centrais de sua administração. Neste artigo, tendo como objeto a intervenção de Araújo Porto Alegre na Aiba, pretendemos refletir como as inovações introduzidas na Academia contribuíram para a constituição de um novo espaço social para o artista do Império.


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Variante(s) de titre : Revue du dix-neuvième siècle


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58696