1000 resultados para Judo -- Ensenyament
Aim. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of active (AR) and passive recovery (PR) after a judo match on blood lactate removal and on performance in an anaerobic intermittent task (4 bouts of upper body Wingate tests with 3-min interval between bouts; 4WT).Methods. The sample was constituted by 17 male judo players of different competitive levels: A) National (Brazil) and International medallists (n. 5). B) State (São Paulo) medallists (n. 7). Q City (São Paulo) medallists (n. 5). The subjects were submitted to: 1) a treadmill test for determination of VO2peak and velocity at anaerobic threshold (VAT); 2) body composition; 3) a 5-min judo combat, 15-min of AR or PR followed by 4WT.Results. The groups did not differ with respect to: body weight, VO2peak, VAT, body fat percentage, blood lactate after combats. No difference was observed in performance between AR and PR, despite a lower blood lactate after combat (10 and 15 min) during AR compared to PR. Groups A and B performed better in the high-intensity intermittent exercise compared to athletes with lower competitive level (C).Conclusion. The ability to maintain power output during intermittent anaerobic exercises can discriminate properly judo players of different levels. Lactate removal was improved with AR when compared to PR but AR did not improve performance in a subsequent intermittent anaerobic exercise.
Objective. - In a pioneer way, we investigated the morbidity of sports injuries referred by judo athletes from São Paulo State Championship.Material and methods. - Data collection from 93 senior judokas in State of São Paulo Judo Championship, through Referred Morbidity Inquiry about last year.Results. - One hundred and ten events were registered with a distribution frequency gradient of sprain > contusion > strain > ligament injury > partial and total dislocation. The most injured body areas were: knee (26.3%), shoulder (21.8%), fingers (17.3%), and ankle (10.0%). The most risky situation was when the athlete was training (standing, applying a blow) and it can be explained by the frequent and unprepared exposition of the athletes. Yearly lesion rate was 1.18 injuries per athlete/year.Conclusion. - Sprains constitute the most common judo injury, and athletes are more susceptible when they apply blows; discussion about the direction that the prevention should be applied remains opened. (c) 2006 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Background & Study Aim: Physical activity has been an important factor to increase bone mineral density (BMD) and, consequently, to prevent and treat osteoporosis. The study aimed the effects of adapted Judo training on BMD in postmenopausal women, during pharmacological treatment. Material & Methods: Eighteen female volunteers participated in this study. They were separated into two groups: Adapted Judo training (AJT) (n=11; 52.2±5.3 years) and control group (CG) (n=7; 53.8±4.4 years). Lunar GE Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) measured BMD at lumbar L2-L4, femoral neck and trochanter sites. The training period for AJT was two years, comprised 12 mesocycles with different intensities. ANOVA compared 2 groups in 3 moments of testing and Scheffé Test allowed multiple comparisons between groups for the L2-L4 and femoral neck sites, but at trochanter was Fisher LSD. Results: ANOVA showed significant differences in the AJT group (F(2, 32)=15.187, p=0.000023). Scheffé Test showed significant increase on lumbar BMD after one year of AJT (Δ%=+8.9%, p=0.000017) and after two years this improvement stand still (p=0.33). The CG after one year presented significant decrease in BMD of femoral neck (Δ%=-6.9%, p=0.03) and trochanter (Δ%=-3.7%, p=0.0084). However, the CG recovered the loss of BMD of femoral neck (Δ%=+7.6%, p=0.02) and trochanter (Δ%=+3.8%, p=0.0079) after two years of study. Conclusions: Drug therapy, without the physical activity practice, can aid the maintenance of BMD. AJT may be considered as an efficient physical activity for postmenopausal women with low BMD in pharmacological treatment. © ARCHIVES OF BUDO | SCIENCE OF MARTIAL ARTS.
The objective of this research was to verify the relationship between biological markers of performance of elite judo athletes and performance in different physical fitness tests. Twenty-one judo athletes were involved in the present observational and correlational study. Dermatoglyphic variables and the 2D:4D digit ratio were considered as biological markers, while the physical fitness variables analyzed were body fat, maximal strength, muscular power, the aerobic and anaerobic profile, and performance in specific tests. The statistics involved canonical correlations and a multivariate technique. A high and significant canonical correlation was observed between groups of variables, the first expressed by 1=0.999 (p<0.0001) and the second by 2=0.997 (p<0.001). It appears that, beyond height and body mass, total ridge count, pattern intensity for fingers and 2D:4D had more canonical loading. The physical fitness component of the first canonical variable incorporated, with high intensity were: the sum of skinfold thickness, the bench press onerepetition maximum (1RM), upper and lower body aerobic power. In the second canonical variable, physical fitness was composed of the squat 1RM, suspension time on the bar, the SJFT-index, and mean power during the upper body Wingate test. The data of this investigation showed the interdependence between biological markers of performance and physical fitness in high level judo athletes.
The aim of this study was to compare time-motion indicators during judo matches performed by athletes from different age groups. The following age groups were analysed: Pre-Juvenile (13-14 years, n=522), Juvenile (15-16 years, n 353); Junior (19 years, n = 349) and Senior (>20 years, n = 587). The time-motion indicators included: Total Combat Time, Standing Combat Time, Displacement Without Contact, Gripping Time, Groundwork Combat Time and Pause Time. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) one-way and the Tukey test, as well as the Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney (for non-parametric data), were conducted, using P < 0.05 as significance level. The results showed that all analysed groups obtained a median of 7 (first quantile - 3, third quantile - 12) sequences of combat/pause cycles. In total time of combat, the result was: for Total Combat Time, Standing Combat Time and Gripping Time: Pre-Juvenile and Senior were significantly longer than Juvenile and Junior. Considering Displacement Without Contact, Junior was significantly longer than all other age groups. For Groundwork Combat Time, Senior was significantly longer than all other age groups and Pre-Juvenile was longer than Junior. These results can be used to improve the physiological performance in intermittent practices, as well as technicaltactical training during judo sessions.
The aim of the present study was to compare performance and physiological responses during arm and leg aerobic power tests of combat duration in male child, cadet and senior judo athletes. Power output and physiological parameters, i.e., peak oxygen uptake ((V)over dotO(2)peak), peak ventilation, peak heart rate, lactate, and rate of perceived exertion, of 7 child (under 15 years: age class U15, 12.7 +/- 1.1 yrs), 10 cadet (U17, 14.9 +/- 0.7 yrs) and 8 senior (+20, 29.3 +/- 9.2 yrs) male judo athletes were assessed during incremental tests of combat duration on an arm crank and a cycle ergometer. Children as well as cadets demonstrated higher upper body relative VO(2)peak than seniors (37.3 +/- 4.9, 39.2 +/- 5.0 and 31.0 +/- 2.1 ml.kg(-1).min(-1), respectively); moreover, upper and lower body relative VO(2)peak decreased with increasing age (r = -0.575, p < 0.003 and r = -0.580, p < 0.002, respectively). Children showed lower blood lactate concentrations after cranking as well as after cycling when compared to seniors (7.8 +/- 2.4 vs. 11.4 +/- 2.1 mmol.l(-1) and 7.9 +/- 3.0 vs. 12.0 +/- 1.9 mmol.l(-1), respectively); furthermore, blood lactate values after cranking increased with age (r = 0.473, p < 0.017). These differences should be considered in planning the training for judo athletes of different age classes.
Objective. - The aim of this study was to verify the relationship of aerobic and neuromuscular indexes with specific situations in judo. Method. - Eighteen male judokas took part in the study. The following assessments were performed: vertical jump (CMJ) on a force platform; Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) to obtain the number of throws and percentage of the maximal heart rate (%HRmax) one minute after the test; match simulation to obtain the peak blood lactate (LACmax) and the percentage of the blood lactate removal (BLR); incremental test to obtain the velocity at the anaerobic threshold (vAT) and peak velocity (PV) reached in the test. Results. - A significant correlation was observed between the number of throws in the SJFT, the vAT (r = 0.60; P < 0.01), PV (r = 0.70; P < 0.01) and CMJ (r = 0.74; P < 0.01). A significant inverse correlation was found between the LACmax and vAT (r = -0.59; P = 0.01). Conclusions. - It can be concluded that the performance in the SJFT was determined by the aerobic capacity and power and the muscle power. Athletes with greater aerobic ability (vAT) presented lower blood lactate accumulation after the match. (c) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Judo competitions are divided into weight classes. However, most athletes reduce their body weight in a few days before competition in order to obtain a competitive advantage over lighter opponents. To achieve fast weight reduction, athletes use a number of aggressive nutritional strategies so many of them place themselves at a high health-injury risk. In collegiate wrestling, a similar problem has been observed and three wrestlers died in 1997 due to rapid weight loss regimes. After these deaths, the National Collegiate Athletic Association had implemented a successful weight management program which was proven to improve weight management behavior. No similar program has ever been discussed by judo federations even though judo competitors present a comparable inappropriate pattern of weight control. In view of this, the basis for a weight control program is provided in this manuscript, as follows: competition should begin within 1 hour after weigh-in, at the latest; each athlete is allowed to be weighed-in only once; rapid weight loss as well as artificial rehydration (i.e., saline infusion) methods are prohibited during the entire competition day; athletes should pass the hydration test to get their weigh-in validated; an individual minimum competitive weight (male athletes competing at no less than 7% and females at no less than 12% of body fat) should be determined at the beginning of each season; athletes are not allowed to compete in any weight class that requires weight reductions greater than 1.5% of body weight per week. In parallel, educational programs should aim at increasing the athletes', coaches' and parents' awareness about the risks of aggressive nutritional strategies as well as healthier ways to properly manage body weight.
Visual search and oculomotor behaviour are believed to be very relevant for athlete performance, especially for sports requiring refined visuo-motor coordination skills. Modern coaches believe that a correct visuo-motor strategy may be part of advanced training programs. In this thesis two experiments are reported in which gaze behaviour of expert and novice athletes were investigated while they were doing a real sport specific task. The experiments concern two different sports: judo and soccer. In each experiment, number of fixations, fixation locations and mean fixation duration (ms) were considered. An observational analysis was done at the end of the paper to see perceptual differences between near and far space. Purpose: The aim of the judo study was to delineate differences in gaze behaviour characteristics between a population of athletes and one of non athletes. Aspects specifically investigated were: search rate, search order and viewing time across different conditions in a real-world task. The second study was aimed at identifying gaze behaviour in varsity soccer goalkeepers while facing a penalty kick executed with instep and inside foot. Then an attempt has been done to compare the gaze strategies of expert judoka and soccer goalkeepers in order to delineate possible differences related to the different conditions of reacting to events occurring in near (peripersonal) or far (extrapersonal) space. Judo Methods: A sample of 9 judoka (black belt) and 11 near judoka (white belt) were studied. Eye movements were recorded at 500Hz using a video based eye tracker (EyeLink II). Each subject participated in 40 sessions for about 40 minutes. Gaze behaviour was considered as average number of locations fixated per trial, the average number of fixations per trial, and mean fixation duration. Soccer Methods: Seven (n = 7) intermediate level male volunteered for the experiment. The kickers and goalkeepers, had at least varsity level soccer experience. The vision-in-action (VIA) system (Vickers 1996; Vickers 2007) was used to collect the coupled gaze and motor behaviours of the goalkeepers. This system integrated input from a mobile eye tracking system (Applied Sciences Laboratories) with an external video of the goalkeeper’s saving actions. The goalkeepers took 30 penalty kicks on a synthetic pitch in accordance with FIFA (2008) laws. Judo Results: Results indicate that experts group differed significantly from near expert for fixations duration, and number of fixations per trial. The expert judokas used a less exhaustive search strategy involving fewer fixations of longer duration than their novice counterparts and focused on central regions of the body. The results showed that in defence and attack situation expert group did a greater number of transitions with respect to their novice counterpart. Soccer Results: We found significant main effect for the number of locations fixated across outcome (goal/save) but not for foot contact (instep/inside). Participants spent more time fixating the areas in instep than inside kick and in goal than in save situation. Mean and standard error in search strategy as a result of foot contact and outcome indicate that the most gaze behaviour start and finish on ball interest areas. Conclusions: Expert goalkeepers tend to spend more time in inside-save than instep-save penalty, differences that was opposite in scored penalty kick. Judo results show that differences in visual behaviour related to the level of expertise appear mainly when the test presentation is continuous, last for a relatively long period of time and present a high level of uncertainty with regard to the chronology and the nature of events. Expert judoist performers “anchor” the fovea on central regions of the scene (lapel and face) while using peripheral vision to monitor opponents’ limb movements. The differences between judo and soccer gaze strategies are discussed on the light of physiological and neuropsychological differences between near and far space perception.
We evaluated the heart rate responses of 15 adult and six child subjects to beginning judo class sessions. Heart rate responses were compared to cardiovascular intensity ranges recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Heart rate responses of adults (n=15) averaged 70 percent of age-predicted maximum heart rate with a range of 96 beats/minute to 154 beats/minute. The heart rate responses of the children (n=6) averaged 68 percent of age-predicted maximum heart rate with a range of 133-161 beats/min. Our results show that judo is effective in elevating heart rate to levels recommended by the ACSM for appropriate periods of time to improve cardiovascular fitness.
We evaluated the musculoskeletal fitness changes in 18 children enrolled in the Montana Tech Fall Judo Camp (test sample) and 12 children from a 3rd grade class at a local elementary school in Butte, Montana (control sample). The musculoskeletal fitness tests included push-up test, pull-up test, and one-minute timed sit-ups for the test sample and push-ups and one minute timed sit-ups for the control sample, with five minutes of rest between each test. The test sample increased their performances in pull-ups, sit-ups, and push-ups by 07, 3.7, and 6.6 repetitions, respectively. The control sample decreased in their sit-up performance by 1.3 repetitions, and improved their push-up performance by 0.2 repetitions. These results show that the test sample improved their musculoskeletal fitness as measured fitness as measured by these tests.
par Ernest H. Levy
par Angel Pulido. Trad. de L'Espagnol, rev. par Max Nordau