979 resultados para Jet propulsion


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Previous researchers use the velocity decay as an input to investigate the ship’s propeller jet induced scour. A researcher indicated that most of the equations used to predict the stability of various protection systems are often missing a physical background. The momentum decay and energy decay are currently proposed as an initial input for seabed scouring investigation, which are more sensible in physics. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and laser Doppler anemometry (LDA) experiments are used to obtain the velocity data and then transforming into momentum and energy decays. The findings proposed several exponential equations of velocity, momentum and energy decays to estimate the region exposed to the seabed scouring.


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A description of the radiation emitted by impurities from within a plasma is crucial if spectral line intensities are to be used in detailed studies, such as the analysis of impurity transport. The simplest and most direct check that can be made on measurements of line intensities is to analyse their ratios with other lines from the same ion. This avoids uncertainties in determining the volume of the emitting plasma and the absolute sensitivity calibration of the spectrometer and, in some cases, the need even for accurate measurements of parameters such as electron density. Consistency is required between the measured line intensity ratios and the theoretical values. The expected consistency has not been found for radiation emitted from the JET scrape-off layer (e.g. Lawson et al 2009a JINST 4 P04013), meaning that the description of the spectral line intensities of impurity emission from the plasma edge is incomplete. In order to gain further understanding of the discrepancies, an analysis has been carried out for emission from the JET divertor plasma and this is reported in this paper. Carbon was the main low Z intrinsic impurity in JET and an analysis of spectral line intensity ratios has been made for the C (IV) radiation emitted from the JET divertor. In this case, agreement is found between the measured and theoretical ratios to a very high accuracy, namely to within the experimental uncertainty of similar to +/- 10%. This confirms that the description of the line intensities for the present observations is complete. For some elements and ionization stages, an analysis of line intensity ratios can lead to the determination of parameters such as the electron temperature of the emitting plasma region and estimates of the contribution of recombination to the electron energy level populations. This applies to C (IV) and, to show the value and possibilities of the spectral measurements, these parameters have been calculated for a database of Ohmic and additionally heated phases of a large number of pulses. The importance of dielectronic, radiative and charge-exchange recombination as well as ionization has been investigated. In addition, the development of T-e throughout two example discharges is illustrated. The presented results indicate a number of areas for further investigation.


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A quantitative study of refractive whole beam defocusing and small scale breakup induced by optical ionization of subpicosecond and picosecond, 0.25 and 1 mu m, laser pulses in gas-jet targets at densities above 1 x 10(19) cm(-3) has been carried out. A significant reduction of the incident laser intensity was observed due to refraction from ionization-induced density gradients. The level of refraction measured with optical probing correlated well with the fraction of energy transmitted through the plasma. The numerical and analytical models were found to agree well with experimental observations.


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The spatial and temporal evolution of spontaneous megagauss magnetic fields, generated during the interaction of a picosecond pulse with solid targets at irradiances above 5 x 10(18) W/cm(2) have been measured using Faraday rotation with picosecond resolution. A high density plasma jet has been observed simultaneously with the magnetic fields by interferometry and optical emission. Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations reproduced the main features of the experiment and showed that the jet formation is due to pinching by the magnetic fields.


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The mean velocity and turbulence intensity are the two main inputs to investigate the ship propeller induced seabed scouring resulting from a vessel is manoeuvring within a port where the underkeel clearances are low. More accurate data including the turbulence intensity is now available by using the laser doppler anemometry (LDA) measurement system and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. Turbulence intensity has a loose definition, which is the velocity fluctuation as the root mean square (RMS) referenced to a mean flow velocity. However, the velocity fluctuation and mean velocity can be the overall value includingxy and z directions or the value of a single component. LDA and CFD results were obtained from two different acquisition systems (Dantec LDA system and Fluent CFD package) and therefore the outputs cannot be compared directly. An effective method is proposed for comparing the turbulence intensity between the experimental measurements and the computational predictions within a ship propeller jet. The flow patterns of turbulence intensity within a ship propeller jet are presented by using the LDA measurements and CFD results from turbulence models of standard k-e, RNG k-e, realizable ke, standard k?, SST k?and Reynolds stresses.


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We experimentally demonstrate a new regime of high-order harmonic generation by relativistic-irradiance lasers in gas jet targets. Bright harmonics with both odd and even orders, generated by linearly as well as circularly polarized pulses, are emitted in the forward direction, while the base harmonic frequency is downshifted. A 9 TW laser generates harmonics up to 360 eV, within the 'water window' spectral region. With a 120 TW laser producing 40 uJ/sr per harmonic at 120 eV, we demonstrate the photon number scalability. The observed harmonics cannot be explained by previously suggested scenarios. A novel high-order harmonics generation mechanism [T. Zh. Esirkepov et al., AIP Proceedings, this volume], which explains our experimental findings, is based on the phenomena inherent in the relativistic laser - underdense plasma interactions (self-focusing, cavity evacuation, and bow wave generation), mathematical catastrophe theory which explains formation of electron density singularities (cusps), and collective radiation due to nonlinear oscillations of a compact charge.


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Oscillatory flows of a choked underexpanded supersonic impinging jet issuing from a convergent nozzle have been computed using the axisymmetric unsteady Navier–Stokes system. This paper focuses on the oscillatory flow features associated with the variation of the nozzle-to-plate distance and nozzle pressure ratio. Frequencies of the surface pressure oscillation and flow structural changes from computational results have been analyzed. Staging behaviour of the oscillation frequency has been observed for both cases of nozzle-to-plate distance variation and pressure ratio variation. However, the staging behavior for each case exhibits different features. These two distinct staging behaviors of the oscillation frequency are found to correlate well if the frequency and the distance are normalized by the length of the shock cell. It is further found that the staging behaviour is strongly correlated with the change of the pressure wave pattern in the jet shear layer, but not with the shock cell structure.


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The performance of a louver-cooling scheme on a flat plate was analyzed using a detached-eddy-simulation turbulence model. It was assumed that the louver-cooling scheme was tested in a wind tunnel with the mainstream flow velocity of 20 m/s, equivalent to a Reynolds number of 16,200, based on the jet diameter. Turbulence closure was achieved by a realizable k-e-based detached-eddy-simulation turbulence model. Solutions of two blowing ratios of 0.5 and 1 were successfully obtained by running parallel on 16 nodes on a computer cluster. The flowfields were found to be highly unsteady and oscillatory in nature, with the maximum fluctuation of the adiabatic effectiveness as high as 15% of the time-averaged value. It is shown that the fluctuations in the adiabatic effectiveness are mainly caused by the spanwise fluctuation of the coolant jet and the unsteady vortical structures created by the interaction of the jet and the mainstream.


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Film cooling is extensively used to provide protection against the severe thermal environment in gas turbine engines. Most of the computational studies on film cooling flow have been done using steady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes calculation procedures. However, the flowfield associated with a jet in a crossflow is highly unsteady and complex with different types of vortical structures. In this paper, a computational investigation about the unsteady phenomena of a jet in a crossflow is performed using detached eddy simulation. Detailed computation of a single row of 35 deg round holes on a flat plate has been obtained for a 1.0 blowing ratio and a 2.0 density ratio. First, time-step size, grid resolution, and computational domain tests for an unsteady simulation have been conducted. Comparison between the results of unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes calculation, detached eddy simulation, and large eddy simulation is also performed. Comparison of the time-averaged detached eddy simulation prediction with the measured film-cooling effectiveness shows that the detached eddy simulation prediction is reasonable. From present detached eddy simulations, the influential coherent vortical structures of a film cooling flow can be seen. The unsteady physics of jet in a crossflow interactions and a jet liftoff in film cooling flows have been explained.


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The application of blown jet vortex generators to control flow separation in a diffuser with an opening angle of 10° has been studied using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code Fluent 6™. Experimental data is available for the uncontrolled flow in the diffuser. The section of the duct upstream of the diffuser has a height H equal to 15 mm; its length and breadth are 101H and 41H respectively; the diffuser has an expansion ratio of 4.7:1. Fully developed flow is achieved upstream of the diffuser. Pipes of diameters equal to 1.5%, 2.5% and 5% of H were considered; pitch angle was constant at 45° and yaw angle was fixed at 60°; velocity ratio was varied from 1.7 to 8.0; both co-rotating and counter-rotating arrays were studied. The best results were obtained with a counter-rotating array of generators with a hole diameter of 5% of H and a velocity ratio of 3.7.


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This paper reports the impact on confinement and power load of the high-shape 2.5 MA ELMy H-mode scenario at JET of a change from all carbon plasma-facing components to an all metal wall. In preparation to this change, systematic studies of power load reduction and impact on confinement as a result of fuelling in combination with nitrogen seeding were carried out in JET-C and are compared with their counterpart in JET with a metallic wall. An unexpected and significant change is reported on the decrease in the pedestal confinement but is partially recovered with the injection of nitrogen.