1000 resultados para Jaboticabal


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Realizou-se, na Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal, um estudo da variação do valor nutritivo do feno de capim-de-rodes (Chloris gayana Kunth), em três tipos de estocagem: em galpão, no campo com cobertura plástica, e no campo com cobertura morta, em três diferentes tempos de armazenamento (60, 120 e 180 dias), com utilização de ensaios de digestibilidade in vivo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, distribuídos em um fatorial 3 x 3 com três repetições. A análise de variância revelou não haver diferenças significativas para os coeficientes de digestibilidade da matéria seca, mas sim para o extrato etéreo e extrativo não nitrogenado digestível, cujas médias foram 54%, 39,86% e 59,02% aos 60, 120 e 180 dias de armazenamento, e de 51,85%, 59,10% e 58,25% para o extrativo não-nitrogenado digestível, respectivamente. Em relação aos tipos de estocagem, os coeficientes de digestibilidade foram: 52,10%, 51,87% e 54,94% para o extrato etéreo, e 58,18% 57,16% e 53,88% para o extrativo não-nitrogenado. A ingestão média de matéria seca pelos animais foi de 72 g/kg P.V.0,75.


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Fez-se um estudo de seleção de métodos para cobre disponível, empregando-se trinta solos coletados na região de Jaboticabal, SP. Os solos utilizados pertencem aos seguintes grandes grupos: Solos Podzolizados de Lins e Marília, variação Lins e variação Marília, Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro fase arenosa, Latossolo Roxo, e Terra Roxa Estruturada. O cobre dos solos foi extraído através das seguintes soluções extratoras: CaCl2 0,5 M; Mg02 2,0 N; CH3COONH4 1,0 N1 pH 6,0 e pH 4,8; HCl 0,05 N e O,1 N; H2SO4 0,05 N; DTPA 0,005 M pH 7,3 e pH 6,0; EDTA 0,01 M + (NH4)2CO3 1,0 MpH 8,6; EDTA 0,02 M + CH3C0011 0,5 M + CH3COONH4 0,5 M pH 4,65 (AAAc-EDTA); e Na2EDTA 1,0%. Foi realizado ensaio em casa de vegetação, e o milho (Zea mays L.) foi empregado como planta teste. Excluindo-se o extrator CaCl2 0,5 M, todos os demais apresentaram coeficientes de correlação entre cobre extraído do solo e o absorvido pelo milho, significativos e próximos uns dos outros. Assim, com base também em parâmetros como o coeficiente de variação, o coeficiente angular e a praticidade do método, pode-se indicar um dos seguintes extratores para a avaliação do cobre disponível dos solos: DTPA 0,005 M pH 7,3, HCl 0,1 N e Na2EDTA 1,0%.


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The objectives of the present study were: to evaluate the variation in total number of microorganisms in laying hen fecal samples and to identify the pathogenic microorganisms possibly present such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella sp., Clostridium botulinum, C chauvoei, Campylobacter sp., Escherichia coli, and Corynebacterium sp. The experiment was conducted at the School of Agrarian and Veterinarian Sciences of Jaboticabal, - UNESP. Fecal samples were collected from the aviary. A fully randomized experimental design was used with 7 treatments and 4 replications, for a total of 28 samples. A decrease in total number of microorganisms was detected when treatment T0 (zero days of storage) was compared with treatment T6 (42 days of storage), with oscillations in numbers being observed during this period of time. Pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium noyvi, C perfringens, C sordelli, C septicum and C noyvi type B were detected, as well as non-pathogenic bacteria such as Bacillus sp. and Staphylococcus epidermidis.


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Palms of the Syagrus genus have several natural hybrids in Brazil. They are widely cultivated around the world as ornamental palm. S. romanzoffiana is the parental of natural hybrids with other Syagrus species that are potentially useful as palm cultivated for heart of palm production. The objective of this work was to evaluate the pollen grains viability got from plants grown in the Experimental Nursery of the FCAVJ/UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Pollen grains were sampled from inflorescence in three occasions: in the right day of anthesis, one day before and one day after anthesis. For each day, the inflorescence was subdivided in epical, medium and basal portions where pollen grains were collected. The results shown that: a) for S. coronata there was no statistical differences in pollen viability (pollen viability average = 92.89%); b) for S. romanzoffiana the average pollen viability was 87.27%, 87.47% e 86.85% before, during and after the anthesis, respectively. The basal portion pollen grains had lower viability (85.19% - p<0.01) than those from the medium (88.17%) and the apical (88.46%) portion of the inflorescence. These results shown that both species have no problems with pollen viability and can be used as parental of hybrids with other Syagrus species.


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Realizou-se, no campus da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias da UNESP, em Jaboticabal, SP, um estudo com o objetivo de determinar a ingestão voluntária e a digestibilidade aparente de rações contendo diferentes relações de cana-de-açúcar: cama-de-frango (CC1= 65,50 : 34,50%; CC2= 58,00 : 42,00%; e CC3- 52,00 : 48,00% combinadas com três níveis de milho (M1 = 0 kg; M2 = 0,75 kg e M3 = 1,50 kg), através do delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 3 com três repetições. Utilizaram-se nove bezerros pesando, em média, 334 kg. Através da análise de regressão, detectou-se efeito linear positivo (P < 0,01) entre os níveis de milho e a digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca, da matéria orgânica, do extrato etéreo, do extrato não nitrogenado e dos teores de nutrientes digestíveis totais. As proporções de cana: cama-de-frango com menores quantidades de cana proporcionaram aumentos na digestibilidade da proteína e da fibra bruta (P < 0,01). Não houve interação significativa entre os níveis de milho e as proporções de cana: cama-de-frango. O valor nutritivo e a ingestão de matéria seca total foram significativamente aumentadas nas rações com os níveis crescentes de milho (P < 0,01).


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In order to determine the in vitro digestibility of the dry matter, crude protein and gross energy of caged laying hen manure, an experiment was conducted at the Faculdade de Ciências Agrarias e Veterinarias, campus de Jaboticabal, using completely randomized design with four treatments and six replications. The treatments T1, T2, T3 and T4 consisted of manure stocked for 0, 7, 14 and 21-days, respectively. The in vitro digestibility mean values for T1, T2, T3 and T4 were, respectively, 49.25; 51.43; 49.60 and 46.27% for the dry matter, 60.20; 66.90; 59.40 and 49.21% for the crude protein and 57.30; 63.71; 61.17 and 54.50% for the gross energy. The digestibility regression equations for the dry matter, crude protein and gross energy were, respectively: Y = 49.37 + 0.44X - 0.028X2; Y - 60.77 + 1.23X - 0.086X2 and Y = 57.54 + 1.24X - 0.066X2 were Y = digestibility coefficients and X = stocking times.


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The present work was conducted at FCAV-UNESP, Campus de Jaboticabal, in late harvest crop time of 1991. One hundred interpopulational hybrids obtained from a top-cross between Dent Composite and Flint Composite populations were evaluated. The analyzed characteristics were: Spodoptera frugiperda damages, lodging, damaged ears percentage, and productivity. Estimates of heritability, variance between progenies and genetical gain for each character of available population were determined. Estimates of the progenies variance, like those from heritability for the different analysed characters, indicate that there is an adequate genetical variance for the utilization of that material on subsequent genetic breeding programs, though allowing genetical gains, on the following selection cycles for the characteristics: grain weight, lodging and damages caused by armyworm larvae, whereas for the other characteristics the obtained results were not satisfactory.


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O trabalho foi conduzido no Campus da Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias de Jaboticabal/UNESP com o objetivo de estudar o efeito de duas frequências (35 e 42 dias) e duas alturas do corte (15 cm e 30 cm do solo) sobre as características morfo-fisiológicas de recuperação, a produção e a composição bromatológica do capim-colonião (Panicum maximum Jacq.). Os resultados revelaram que plantas cortadas a intervalos de 42 dias apresentaram maior percentagem de perfilhos decapitados (53,70%), menor vigor de rebrota (918,89 kg de MS/ha/21 dias), porém maior produção de matéria seca (12.652,67 kg/ha). O vigor de rebrota mostrou melhor correlação com a percentagem de perfilhos decapitados (r = -0,60*), do que com os teores de carboidratos totais não estruturais da base do colmo (r = -0,04) e da parte subterrânea (r = -0,39). Com base nas produções de matéria seca e de proteína bruta, bem como, na composição bromatológica, o capim-colonião poderia ser cortado, no período de janeiro a abril, a intervalos de 42 dias, independentemente das alturas adotadas (15 cm ou 30 cm de solo).


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This work was carried out at FCAV-UNESP, Campus of Jaboticabal, Brazil, to study the effects of nitrogen fertilization (0 and 50 kg N/ha/cut), three sucessive periods of growth (December 21st 1987, January 25th 1988 and February 29th 1988)) and three cutting ages (28, 35 and 42 days) on composition in crude protein and in vitro dry matter digestibility of two cultivars of Panicum maximum Jacq. i.e., Coloniao and Tobiata. Plants were harvested in five vertical layers above soil level (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and over 80 cm). The samples were divided in: green leaves, green stems and dry material. Generally, values of in vitro dry matter digestibility and the levels of crude protein of both cultivars were greater in the higher layers of the vegetation, with a decrease, however, for the other layers and more advanced phases of plants development, mainly with no N fertilization.


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Studies were conducted to identify and characterize different accessions of itchgrass. Seeds were collected in the counties of Aramina, Campinas, Dumont, Igarapava, Jaboticabal, and Ribeirao Preto, all in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Accessions were characterized based on dimensions of their stomata, stomatal index (SI), and length and width of their seed (caryopses and husk). Chromosome number and length also were determined, and accessions were further differentiated using molecular markers (polymerase chain reaction [PCR]). Itchgrass from Ribeirao Preto had much longer and narrower seeds than those from the other locations, and their husks were longer as well. Accessions had similar SIs, both on the abaxial and adaxial leaf surfaces. Stomata from Campinas and Igarapava accessions were longer and wider, whereas those from Dumont and Ribeirao Preto were similar and smaller than all others. The accession from Ribeirao Preto is diploid (2n = 20); the rest are polyploid, with the total length of chromosomes smaller than all others. These differences were confirmed by molecular differentiation (PCR).


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The experiment was conducted at UNESP-Jaboticabal during the 2001-2002 winter-spring-summer periods to evaluate the herbage mass, botanical composition, dry matter production of mix pastures, and leaf: sheat-stem ration of Tifton 85 or overseeding with annual winter or summer species. The treatments were: pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke) plus bristeal oat (Avena strigosa Schreb); sorghum sudan grass (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf) (SS AG2501 C) plus bristeal oat, overseeded on Tifton 85 area on 06/19/02/04, or 07/02/02, and Tifton 85, conducted in a randomized block design. The AG2501 contributed with a small participation in the botanical composition and the presence of millet in the experiment was not observed. Highest herbage mass at first and second evaluations related to first seeding time was 63% higher compared to the second seeding time. The herbage mass were similar he production in the other evaluations were similar. on the second seeding time, it was observed highest oat species in relation to the first seeding time. The leaf: sheat-stem ration decreased during the experiment due to the pasture botanical composition changes.


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Background: Hematology tests are useful to evaluate physiologic disturbances in fish and can provide important information for the diagnosis and prognosis of disease. Objectives: the primary purpose of this study was to define reference intervals for thrombocytes and leukocytes in healthy channel catfish (Ictalurus punctactus). In addition, the morphologic, cytochernical, and ultrastructural features of blood cells were assessed. Methods: Blood samples (0.5 mL were collected into EDTA from 40 clinically healthy catfish on a commercial fish farm in Jaboticabal, Brazil. Thrombocyte, total WBC, and differential WBC counts were determined and reference intervals were calculated as the 25-95th percentiles of data. Thrombocyte and leukocyte morphology was assessed in blood smears stained with May Griinwald-Giemsa-Wright and ultrastructurally by transmission electron microscopy. Cytochemical staining patterns were described using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), peroxidase, nonspecific esterase, alkaline phosphatase, and toluidine blue. Results: Reference intervals were as follows: thrombocytes 58,802-99,569/mu L; total WBCs 27,460-41,523/mu L; lymphocytes 5380-11,581/mu L; monocytes 2949-7459/mu L; neutrophils 12,529-22,748/mu L, and basophils 736-2003/mu L. Neutrophils were positive for peroxidase and PAS; monocytes were positive for nonspecific esterase; and basophils were positive with toluidine blue. Conclusion: the morphologic and staining features of neutrophils and monocytes of channel catfish are similar to those of mammals, and the presence of basophils in this species was verified. These reference intervals and morphologic findings provide a foundation for future investigations on the functions and alterations of blood cells in channel catfish.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate methods for predicting availability of Zn in soils. Surface soil samples representing Podzolized soils from Lins and Marilia var. Marilia and var. Lins, medium texture Dark-Red Latosol, Dusky-Red Latosol and Terra Roxa Estruturada, were gathered from fields in Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. Com was used as indicator plant in a greenhouse experiment. Availability of Zn was determined with: 0.5 M CaCl2, 2.0 N MgCl2, N CH3COONH4 (pH 6.0 and 4.8), 0.05 and 0.1 N HCl, 0.05 N H2SO4, 0.005 M DTPA (pH 7.3 and 6.0), 1.0% Na2-EDTA, 0.01 M EDTA + 1.0 M (NH4)2CO3 (pH 8.6) and 0.02 M EDTA + 0.5 M CH3COOH + 0.5 M CH3COONH4. By using the simple correlation coefficients (Zn extracted from soils x absorbed by plants it can be concluded that the complexant agents and acid solutions showed to be efficient. The salt solutions showed low extraction capacity, low correlation coefficients and less accuracy. By considering aspects as accuracy and easy management DTPA pH 7,3 and Na2-EDTA can be indicated as the most apropriates (r values, respectively, 0.873** and 0.868** and V.C. 7.52% and 7.98%).


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Natural predation first instar larvae of the cotton leafworm (CLW) A. argillacea was studied in cotton fields in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil, during 1986. The presence of naturally occurring arthropod predators showed a first instar larvae predation rate of 78.6 and 88.9% after 24 h and 48 h of exposure, respectively. A predator prey ratio of 1 : 1 (1 CLW key predator per 1 prey/plant) maintained a level of no more than 1 CLW small larvae per plant. The most evident arthropod predators in the studied fields were: beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), ants Pheidole sp. and Conomyrma sp.; Dermaptera Doru lineare (Eschs); Hemiptera Geocoris sp., and Orius insidiosus Say; and the spiders Theridion volubile, Chrysso pulcherrima, Misumenops sp., Chiracanthium sp., and Oxyopes salticus Hentz.


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Este experimento foi realizado em Jaboticabal, SP, como objetivo de se avaliar o comportamento de dois genótipos de girassol (Helianthus annuus L.) no tocante à composição mineral e teor de óleo. Utilizou-se o híbrido Contissol 812 e a cuttivar IAC-Anhandy com 80cm entre linhas e cinco plantas por metro linear, em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, em cinco datas de semeadura: 20.1; 20.2; 5.3; 20.3 e 5.4. O atraso das datas de semeadura exerceu efeito depressivo e significativo sobre a absorção (N-total 86,4 e 19,1; P = 8,3 e 1,6; K = 77,0 e 17,5; Ca =52,1 e 6,8 e Mg = 10,3 e 1,7) e a exportação (N-total = 89,6 e 27,3; P = 9,1 e 2,5; K = 30,1 e 8,8; Ca = 7,0 e 2.1 e Mg =9,7 e 2,8) de nutrientes, expressos em kg/ha, para a primeira e última data, respectivamente, nos dois genótipos que mantiveram constante (40%) o teor de óleo. Concluiu-se que os dois genótipos se comportaram de forma semelhante e que as semeaduras realizadas até o final de fevereiro foram as melhores, e nas efetuadas posteriormente a absorção total em kg/ha dos diversos nutrientes foi afetada negativamente, pelo fato de a produção de aquênios ter sido obtida em níveis indesejáveis.