978 resultados para Isomorphic coordinate projections


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This thesis addresses the problem of detecting and describing the same scene points in different wide-angle images taken by the same camera at different viewpoints. This is a core competency of many vision-based localisation tasks including visual odometry and visual place recognition. Wide-angle cameras have a large field of view that can exceed a full hemisphere, and the images they produce contain severe radial distortion. When compared to traditional narrow field of view perspective cameras, more accurate estimates of camera egomotion can be found using the images obtained with wide-angle cameras. The ability to accurately estimate camera egomotion is a fundamental primitive of visual odometry, and this is one of the reasons for the increased popularity in the use of wide-angle cameras for this task. Their large field of view also enables them to capture images of the same regions in a scene taken at very different viewpoints, and this makes them suited for visual place recognition. However, the ability to estimate the camera egomotion and recognise the same scene in two different images is dependent on the ability to reliably detect and describe the same scene points, or ‘keypoints’, in the images. Most algorithms used for this purpose are designed almost exclusively for perspective images. Applying algorithms designed for perspective images directly to wide-angle images is problematic as no account is made for the image distortion. The primary contribution of this thesis is the development of two novel keypoint detectors, and a method of keypoint description, designed for wide-angle images. Both reformulate the Scale- Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) as an image processing operation on the sphere. As the image captured by any central projection wide-angle camera can be mapped to the sphere, applying these variants to an image on the sphere enables keypoints to be detected in a manner that is invariant to image distortion. Each of the variants is required to find the scale-space representation of an image on the sphere, and they differ in the approaches they used to do this. Extensive experiments using real and synthetically generated wide-angle images are used to validate the two new keypoint detectors and the method of keypoint description. The best of these two new keypoint detectors is applied to vision based localisation tasks including visual odometry and visual place recognition using outdoor wide-angle image sequences. As part of this work, the effect of keypoint coordinate selection on the accuracy of egomotion estimates using the Direct Linear Transform (DLT) is investigated, and a simple weighting scheme is proposed which attempts to account for the uncertainty of keypoint positions during detection. A word reliability metric is also developed for use within a visual ‘bag of words’ approach to place recognition.


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Tracking/remote monitoring systems using GNSS are a proven method to enhance the safety and security of personnel and vehicles carrying precious or hazardous cargo. While GNSS tracking appears to mitigate some of these threats, if not adequately secured, it can be a double-edged sword allowing adversaries to obtain sensitive shipment and vehicle position data to better coordinate their attacks, and to provide a false sense of security to monitoring centers. Tracking systems must be designed with the ability to perform route-compliance and thwart attacks ranging from low-level attacks such as the cutting of antenna cables to medium and high-level attacks involving radio jamming and signal / data-level simulation, especially where the goods transported have a potentially high value to terrorists. This paper discusses the use of GNSS in critical tracking applications, addressing the mitigation of GNSS security issues, augmentation systems and communication systems in order to provide highly robust and survivable tracking systems.


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China has a reputation as an economy based on utility: the large-scale manufacture of low-priced goods. But useful values like functionality, fitness for purpose and efficiency are only part of the story. More important are what Veblen called ‘honorific’ values, arguably the driving force of development, change and value in any economy. To understand the Chinese economy therefore, it is not sufficient to point to its utilitarian aspect. Honorific status-competition is a more fundamental driver than utilitarian cost-competition. We argue that ‘social network markets’ are the expression of these honorific values, relationships and connections that structure and coordinate individual choices. This paper explores how such markets are developing in China in the area of fashion and fashion media. These, we argue, are an expression of ‘risk culture’ for high-end entrepreneurial consumers and producers alike, providing a stimulus to dynamic innovation in the arena of personal taste and comportment, as part of an international cultural system based on constant change. We examine the launch of Vogue China in 2005, and China’s reception as a fashion player among the international editions of Vogue, as an expression of a ‘decisive moment’ in the integration of China into an international social network market based on honorific values.


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The South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network (SAIFRN) was established in 2007 to foster and coordinate a research partnership among South Asian and international research groups interested in infant and young child feeding. SAIFRN has brought together a mix of researchers and program managers from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka together with international partners from Australia. As the first activity, SAIFRN conducted a series of analyses using Demographic and Health Surveys of Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka and the National Family Health Survey of India. The results highlight that most indicators of infant and young child feeding in these four countries have not reached the targeted levels. The rates vary considerably by country, and the factors associated with poor feeding practices were not always consistent across countries. Driven by the ultimate goal of improved child survival in the region, SAIFRN wishes to expand its partnerships with governmental and nongovernmental organizations that share common interests both within and outside the South Asia region. In the future, SAIFRN hopes to provide more opportunities to researchers in the region to improve their skills by participating in capacity-building programs in collaboration with international partner institutions, and looks forward to liaising with potential donors to support such activities.


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Comorbid depression and anxiety in late life present challenges for geriatric mental health care providers. These challenges include identifying the often complex diagnostic presentations both clinically and in a research context. This potent comorbidity can be conceived as double jeopardy in older adults, further diminishing their quality of life. Geriatric health care providers need to understand psychiatric comorbidity of this type for accurate diagnosis and early referral to specialists, and to coordinate interdisciplinary care. Researchers in the field also need to recognize potential multiple impacts of comorbidities with respect to assessment and treatment domains. This article describes the prevalence of late-life depression and anxiety disorders and reviews studies on this comorbidity in older adults. Risk factors and protective factors for anxiety and depression in later life are reviewed, and information is provided about comparative symptoms, the selection of assessment tools, and challenges to the provision of interdisciplinary, evidence-based care.


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Track defects cause profound effects to the stability of railway wagons; normally such problems are modeled for cases of wagons running at constant speed. Brake/traction torque adversely affect the wheel-rail contact characteristics but they are not explicitly considered in most of the wagon-track interaction simulation packages. This research developed a program that can simulate the longitudinal behaviour of railway wagon dynamics under the actions of braking or traction torques. This paper describes the mathematical formulation of modelling of a full wagon system using a fixed coordinate reference system. The effect of both the lateral and the vertical track geometry defects to the dynamics of wagons is reported; sensitivity of traction/brake state is analysed through a series of numerical examples.


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The paper provides an assessment of the performance of commercial Real Time Kinematic (RTK) systems over longer than recommended inter-station distances. The experiments were set up to test and analyse solutions from the i-MAX, MAX and VRS systems being operated with three triangle shaped network cells, each having an average inter-station distance of 69km, 118km and 166km. The performance characteristics appraised included initialization success rate, initialization time, RTK position accuracy and availability, ambiguity resolution risk and RTK integrity risk in order to provide a wider perspective of the performance of the testing systems. ----- ----- The results showed that the performances of all network RTK solutions assessed were affected by the increase in the inter-station distances to similar degrees. The MAX solution achieved the highest initialization success rate of 96.6% on average, albeit with a longer initialisation time. Two VRS approaches achieved lower initialization success rate of 80% over the large triangle. In terms of RTK positioning accuracy after successful initialisation, the results indicated a good agreement between the actual error growth in both horizontal and vertical components and the accuracy specified in the RMS and part per million (ppm) values by the manufacturers. ----- ----- Additionally, the VRS approaches performed better than the MAX and i-MAX when being tested under the standard triangle network with a mean inter-station distance of 69km. However as the inter-station distance increases, the network RTK software may fail to generate VRS correction and then may turn to operate in the nearest single-base RTK (or RAW) mode. The position uncertainty reached beyond 2 meters occasionally, showing that the RTK rover software was using an incorrect ambiguity fixed solution to estimate the rover position rather than automatically dropping back to using an ambiguity float solution. Results identified that the risk of incorrectly resolving ambiguities reached 18%, 20%, 13% and 25% for i-MAX, MAX, Leica VRS and Trimble VRS respectively when operating over the large triangle network. Additionally, the Coordinate Quality indicator values given by the Leica GX1230 GG rover receiver tended to be over-optimistic and not functioning well with the identification of incorrectly fixed integer ambiguity solutions. In summary, this independent assessment has identified some problems and failures that can occur in all of the systems tested, especially when being pushed beyond the recommended limits. While such failures are expected, they can offer useful insights into where users should be wary and how manufacturers might improve their products. The results also demonstrate that integrity monitoring of RTK solutions is indeed necessary for precision applications, thus deserving serious attention from researchers and system providers.


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The coordination polymer complex tetracesium bis(5-nitroisophthalate) heptahydrate [Cs4(C8H3NO6)2 (H2O)7]n has been synthesized and characterized using single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Crystals are monoclinic, space group P21/c, with Z = 4 in a cell with dimensions a = 12.3213(3), b =6.7557(2) c = 36.2020(9) Å, β = 90.548(2)o. The complex is based on a repeating unit comprising four independent and different Cs coordination centres, two 6-coordinate, and two 8-coordinate [Cs-O, range 2.959(5)-3.386(5)Å], and seven water molecules, two of which are monodentate and the other five bridging, while all other oxygen atoms in the structure, including those of the nitro groups form inter-Cs bridges. Extensive water O-H…O hydrogen-bonding interactions give a three-dimensional framework. This structure represents the first of an alkali metal compound of 5-nitroisophthalic acid that has been reported.


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We describe a novel two stage approach to object localization and tracking using a network of wireless cameras and a mobile robot. In the first stage, a robot travels through the camera network while updating its position in a global coordinate frame which it broadcasts to the cameras. The cameras use this information, along with image plane location of the robot, to compute a mapping from their image planes to the global coordinate frame. This is combined with an occupancy map generated by the robot during the mapping process to track the objects. We present results with a nine node indoor camera network to demonstrate that this approach is feasible and offers acceptable level of accuracy in terms of object locations.


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We treat two related moving boundary problems. The first is the ill-posed Stefan problem for melting a superheated solid in one Cartesian coordinate. Mathematically, this is the same problem as that for freezing a supercooled liquid, with applications to crystal growth. By applying a front-fixing technique with finite differences, we reproduce existing numerical results in the literature, concentrating on solutions that break down in finite time. This sort of finite-time blow-up is characterised by the speed of the moving boundary becoming unbounded in the blow-up limit. The second problem, which is an extension of the first, is proposed to simulate aspects of a particular two-phase Stefan problem with surface tension. We study this novel moving boundary problem numerically, and provide results that support the hypothesis that it exhibits a similar type of finite-time blow-up as the more complicated two-phase problem. The results are unusual in the sense that it appears the addition of surface tension transforms a well-posed problem into an ill-posed one.


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In the structure of title compound [Cs2(C7H5N2O4)2(H2O)2]n the asymmetric unit comprises two independent and different Cs centres, one nine-coordinate, the other seven coordinate, with both having irregular stereochemistry. The CsO9 coordination comprises oxygen donors from three bridging water molecules, one of which is doubly bridging, three from carboxylate groups, and three from nitro groups, of which two are bidentate chelate bridging. The CsO6N coordination comprises the two bridging water molecules, one amine N donor, one carboxyl O donor and four O donors from nitro groups (two from the chelate bridges). The extension of the dimeric unit gives a two-dimensional polymeric structure which is stabilized by both intra- and intermolecular amine N-H...O and water O-H...O hydrogen bonds to carboxyl O acceptors, as well as inter-ring pi-pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.4172(15)A].


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The use of stable isotope ratios δ18O and δ2H are well established in assessment of groundwater systems and their hydrology. The conventional approach is based on x/y plots and relation to various MWL’s, and plots of either ratio against parameters such as Clor EC. An extension of interpretation is the use of 2D maps and contour plots, and 2D hydrogeological vertical sections. An enhancement of presentation and interpretation is the production of “isoscapes”, usually as 2.5D surface projections. We have applied groundwater isotopic data to a 3D visualisation, using the alluvial aquifer system of the Lockyer Valley. The 3D framework is produced in GVS (Groundwater Visualisation System). This format enables enhanced presentation by displaying the spatial relationships and allowing interpolation between “data points” i.e. borehole screened zones where groundwater enters. The relative variations in the δ18O and δ2H values are similar in these ambient temperature systems. However, δ2H better reflects hydrological processes, whereas δ18O also reflects aquifer/groundwater exchange reactions. The 3D model has the advantage that it displays borehole relations to spatial features, enabling isotopic ratios and their values to be associated with, for example, bedrock groundwater mixing, interaction between aquifers, relation to stream recharge, and to near-surface and return irrigation water evaporation. Some specific features are also shown, such as zones of leakage of deeper groundwater (in this case with a GAB signature). Variations in source of recharging water at a catchment scale can be displayed. Interpolation between bores is not always possible depending on numbers and spacing, and by elongate configuration of the alluvium. In these cases, the visualisation uses discs around the screens that can be manually expanded to test extent or intersections. Separate displays are used for each of δ18O and δ2H and colour coding for isotope values.


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Historically, cities as urban forms have been critical to human development. In 1950, 30% of the world’s population lived in major cities. By the year 2000 this had increased to 47% with further expected growth to 50% by the end of 2007. Projections suggest that city-based densities will edge towards 60% of the global total by 2030. Such rapidly increasing urbanisation, in both developed and developing economies, challenges options for governance and planning, as well as crisis and disaster management. A common issue to the livability of cities as urban forms through time has been access to clean and reliable water supply. This is an issue that is particularly important in countries with arid ecosystems, such as Australia. This paper examines preliminary aspects, and theoretical basis, of a study into the resilience of the (potable) water supply system in Southeast Queensland (SEQ), an area with one of the most significant urban growth rates in Australia. The first stage will be to assess needs and requirements for gauging resilience characteristics of a generic water supply system, consisting of supply catchment, storage reservoir/s and treatment plant/s. The second stage will extend the analysis to examine the resilience of the SEQ water supply system incorporating specific characteristics of the SEQ water grid made increasingly vulnerable due to climate variability and projected impacts on rainfall characteristics and compounded by increasing demands due to population growth. Longer-term findings will inform decision making based on the application of the concept of resilience to designing and operating stand-alone and networked water supply infrastructure systems as well as its application to water resource systems more generally.


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Background: Heat-related mortality is a matter of great public health concern, especially in the light of climate change. Although many studies have found associations between high temperatures and mortality, more research is needed to project the future impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality. Objectives: We conducted a systematic review of research and methods for projecting future heat-related mortality under climate change scenarios. Data sources and extraction: A literature search was conducted in August 2010, using the electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, ScienceDirect, ProQuest, and Web of Science. The search was limited to peer-reviewed journal articles published in English up to 2010. Data synthesis: The review included 14 studies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Most projections showed that climate change would result in a substantial increase in heat-related mortality. Projecting heat-related mortality requires understanding of the historical temperature-mortality relationships, and consideration of the future changes in climate, population and acclimatization. Further research is needed to provide a stronger theoretical framework for projections, including a better understanding of socio-economic development, adaptation strategies, land-use patterns, air pollution and mortality displacement. Conclusions: Scenario-based projection research will meaningfully contribute to assessing and managing the potential impacts of climate change on heat-related mortality.


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For a series of six-coordinate Ru(II)(CO)L or Rh(III)(X–)L porphyrins which are facially differentiated by having a naphthoquinol- or hydroquinol-containing strap across one face, we show that ligand migration from one face to the other can occur under mild conditions, and that ligand site preference is dependent on the nature of L and X–. For bulky nitrogen-based ligands, the strap can be displaced sideways to accommodate the ligand on the same side as the strap. For the ligand pyrazine, we show 1 H NMR evidence for monodentate and bidentate binding modes on both faces, dependent on ligand concentration and metalloporphyrin structure, and that inter-facial migration is rapid under normal conditions. For monodentate substituted pyridine ligands there is a site dependence on structure, and we show clear evidence of dynamic ligand migration through a series of ligand exchange reactions.