917 resultados para International public law


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O terrorismo contemporâneo se destaca como um dos mais discutidos tópicos da agenda política internacional. No contexto da globalização, a atuação de grupos extremistas é bem mais complexa e articulada do que jamais foi, e sua periculosidade é exacerbada pela potencial utilização de armas de destruição em massa. Se é certo que a solução para seu enfrentamento pode ser almejada pela cooperação entre as nações, é igualmente verdadeiro que o Direito pode ser um instrumento idôneo para assegurar melhor colaboração e maior efetividade das medidas. Partindo do pressuposto que o terrorismo pode ser compreendido como um instituto do Direito Criminal, apresento esta monografia, a fim de investigar como o Brasil – que notoriamente carece de normatização útil na legislação ordinária – poderia criar uma lei antiterror. A metodologia de pesquisa é primordialmente descritiva, com enfoque na compreensão do terrorismo enquanto instituto jurídico-criminal. Dedicamo-nos a um estudo crítico dos aspectos teóricos e práticos de se criar uma lei antiterror, inclusive estudando projetos de lei em tramitação, a fim de ver como o Legislativo tem abordado a matéria.


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While countries managed to rapidly rise and recover economically, Brazilian social indicators have advanced at short pace in the last decades. Although millions of Brazilians have recently left poverty, Brazil still has a long way to go regarding its socioeconomic development. Circa one fifth of the population is still considered functionally illiterate, basic education has one of the poorest performances in the world, the country has no top-level universities nor produces technology or patents at relevant levels. This paper, at first, analyses how the interaction between government and private agents influenced Brazil’s industrial and economic development, identifying the existence of bonds based on the exchange of private interests that at great extension kept public policies from reaching goals of national interest – the so called crony capitalism. Secondly, the paper verifies how development policies based on the promotion of innovative companies and segments of the industry may positively impact broad socioeconomic development. The paper delves specifically into the cooperation between universities and industry as a development tool. Enterprises and universities, guided by their endogenous interests, may be combined for the structuring of a national innovation system. While universities are fundamentally interested in promoting knowledge accumulation, enterprises are willing to invest financial capital in universities in exchange for the economic exploitation of products developed within the academic environment and direct access to its human capital. Lastly, the paper identifies the legal and cultural barriers and advances of this mechanism in Brazil. It verifies that, notwithstanding the institutional advance promoted by the Law of Innovation to the university-enterprise cooperation in Brazil, the law wasn’t entirely capable of eliminating the legal uncertainty of this relationship and capturing in an efficient way the interests of the agents involved. Recently, federal law n. 12.863/2013 officially offered universities the option of bypassing problems related to public law by regulating support foundations, which conceives greater certainty and simplicity to the cooperation. There are, however, remaining uncertainties regarding the norms to be edited by the executive power, as well as conflicts of interest linked to the property rights over patents resulting from this kind of cooperation. The paper verifies, moreover, the existence of ideological resistance to this tool within universities, in such a way that it is unlikely that those relationships develop in a systematic way throughout the country without further engagement from the government and its executive and legislative bodies.


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O presente estudo destina-se à análise do modelo de assimetria regulatória, a partir de dois problemas pontuais, quais sejam: os mecanismos necessários para se obter um ambiente assimétrico, bem como a maneira pela qual se deve orquestrar tal modelo, de forma a compatibilizar uma convivência sustentável em uma estrutura híbrida de competição. Observar-se-á a maneira pela qual pode ser promovida a alteração de um ambiente de simetria regulatória para um ambiente de assimetria, resguardando os direitos e obrigações dos prestadores de determinada atividade, inseridos naquela seara. Ademais, buscar-se-á sugerir instrumentos legais para se permitir a composição de dois meios de exploração de determinada atividade econômica, um que se dê segundo o direito público (publicatio); e outro, que se relacione com o direito privado (ordenatio); compreendendo assim, a dita assimetria regulatória. A título ilustrativo, adentrar-se-á na verificação da medida provisória (MP) 656/14 - a qual previa um possível modelo em que se teria duas ofertas de infraestrutura aeroportuária - para melhor exemplificar como, juridicamente, pode-se viabilizar esta disposição de prestação dual, via poder público (ou delegatários), segundo a forma de concessão; e iniciativa privada, segundo a forma de autorização.


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This article will discuss the systemic challenges of integrating hybrid economies, and their NME features, into the WTO. It will analyze how the Multilateral Trading System has dealt differently with the issue with the issue during the GATT and the WTO eras. It will then discuss the relationship between NMEs and the principles and rules of the multilateral trading system


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The negotiations of mega agreements between the US and the Pacific countries (TPP) and between the US and the EU (TTIP) are raising the attention of experts on international trade law and economics. TPP and TTIP are proclaimed to be the designers of the rules for the XXI Century. Old trade instruments such as tariffs are said to be no more important for TTIP because tariffs are negligible among those partners but significant to for TPP. Another relevant agreement in negotiation is between the EU and Mercosul, where tariffs are the most important issue in discussion. The main purpose of this paper is to shows that tariff are important for all these agreements, not because of its nominal value, but because the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on tariffs are so significant that all concessions can be distorted by overvalued and by devaluated currencies. The article is divided into several sections: the first gives an introduction to the issue; the second explains the methodologies used to determine exchange rate misalignments and also presents some results for Brazil, US and China; the third summarizes the methodology applied to calculate the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on the level of tariff protection through an exercise of “misalignment tariffication” and examines the effects of exchange rate variations on tariffs and their consequences for the multilateral trading system; the fourth creates a methodology to estimate exchange rates against a basket of currencies (a virtual currency of the World) and a proposal to deal with persistent and significant misalignments related to trade rules. The fifth presents some estimates for the main PTAs. The conclusions are present in the last section


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Over the last decades, there is an increasing concern around what should be the role played by the World Trade Organization before the proliferation of preferential and plurilateral trade agreements (PTAs). Moreover, the expansion of the trade agenda through issues not encompassed by the WTO agreements, such as sustainability and global value chains led to a process of fragmentation of international trade law, strengthening the false idea that there would be a complete antagonism between preferentialism and multilateralism. As tariff preferences have diminished in importance, non-tariff measures as domestic regulation have become relatively more significant as determinants of market access and the conditions of competition. Given this equation, and regarding the importance to safeguard the progress achieved by the multilateral trade system, the present article seeks to elucidate some points considered relevant to the regulatory barriers subject and, therefore, address the role that can be attributed to the WTO as a key to effective governance of trade regulatory cooperation


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The debate on the link between trade rules and rules on exchange rates is raising the attention of experts on international trade law and economics. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on tariffs as applied by the WTO – World Trade Organization. It is divided into five sections: the first one explains the methodology used to determine exchange rate misalignments and also presents its results for Brazil, US and China; the second summarizes the methodology applied to calculate the impacts of exchange rate misalignments on the level of tariff protection through an exercise of “misalignment tariffication”; the third examines the effects of exchange rate variations on tariffs and their consequences for the multilateral trading system; the fourth one creates a methodology to estimate exchange rates against a currency of the World and a proposal to deal with persistent and significant misalignments related to trade rules. The conclusions are present in the last section


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The economic changes occurred in the 90s, with the restructuring and privatization of various sectors of the economy have led to a redefinition of the State role, assuming a position of regulator and supervisor of public services in place to direct its role as straight intervenor. It is through the regulatory agencies, autarchies with special legal personality under public law, that the Regulator State will act. In this context, the first objective of this research is to analyze the legality of easements imposed by entities of the Direct Administration and Regulatory Agencies, whose execution is delegated to legal persons of private law, being those public service companies or mixed-economy societies. This examination in question the limits of servitude as a restrictive institute of property rights, observing the principles of function, supremacy of the public interests over the private ones, legality and the separation of powers. Defend the property rights like a fundamental right and your insurance as determining factor of economic development and social justice. Use the procedure in use will be the historiccomparative procedure, in order to demonstrate the legality of the public act as a maximum attempt to preserve the balance between the expansion of public services in various sectors of the economy, and the preservation of property rights, through regulation


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Includes bibliography


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With the evolution of the organizations theory, new management practices have transformed the institutions. The improvement of these management practices in cultural unities (UCs) is constant, and interacts in the international axis, since each unity increasingly communicate with other. As a reflection of organizational administrative practices, UCs had developed and assumed the organizational theories to make easy a framework for effective management practices. Comprehending the importance of the studies on UCs requires both a new approach of existing public politics for this field, and the recognition of the Information Science knowledge on area. In this way, it was planned to develop a model constituting a tool for managers in these institutions through the experience of laboratory works carried out with researchers from the European community. Libraries and museums are institutions that operate in the social process of their communities and the archives establish their structural spaces in parallel with the political, economic and social environments of the communities, translate the society and its organic sphere of informational performance. The information transposes a cyclical and essential role for the arrangement of the effective and necessary record to the organizational process and the institutional growth. Studies of this nature contribute to value a economy based on knowledge, and its production emphasizes the human capital that permeates the condition of the information in support for the development of communities and the growth of the organizational environment in political, social and cultural spheres.


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• Editorial remarks.-- Open discussion: Tariffs and subsidies: the current situation and trends in the region ; State-owned utilities and the flight from public law: challenges and trends ; Challenges and opportunities in access to water and sanitation in rural areas.-- Meetings: Proposals based on the Water and Environment Initiative consensuses.-- News of the Network: Peru’s Compensation Mechanisms for Ecosystem Services Act ; Ecuador’s Act on Water Resources and Water Use and Exploitation ; The environmental dynamics of groundwater in Mexico ; The Water Citizenship Programme in the province of Mendoza, Argentina.-- Internet and WWW News


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)