865 resultados para Interdisciplinary Sharing


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Abstract is not available.


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Set-Sharing analysis, the classic Jacobs and Langen's domain, has been widely used to infer several interesting properties of programs at compile-time such as occurs-check reduction, automatic parallelization, flnite-tree analysis, etc. However, performing abstract uniflcation over this domain implies the use of a closure operation which makes the number of sharing groups grow exponentially. Much attention has been given in the literature to mitígate this key inefficiency in this otherwise very useful domain. In this paper we present two novel alternative representations for the traditional set-sharing domain, tSH and tNSH. which compress efficiently the number of elements into fewer elements enabling more efficient abstract operations, including abstract uniflcation, without any loss of accuracy. Our experimental evaluation supports that both representations can reduce dramatically the number of sharing groups showing they can be more practical solutions towards scalable set-sharing.


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We study the problem of efñcient, scalable set-sharing analysis of logic programs. We use the idea of representing sharing information as a pair of abstract substitutions, one of which is a worst-case sharing representation called a clique set, which was previously proposed for the case of inferring pair-sharing. We use the clique-set representation for (1) inferring actual set-sharing information, and (2) analysis within a topdown framework. In particular, we define the abstract functions required by standard top-down analyses, both for sharing alone and also for the case of including freeness in addition to sharing. Our experimental evaluation supports the conclusión that, for inferring set-sharing, as it was the case for inferring pair-sharing, precisión losses are limited, while useful efñciency gains are obtained. At the limit, the clique-set representation allowed analyzing some programs that exceeded memory capacity using classical sharing representations.


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Abstract is not available.


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Finding useful sharing information between instances in object- oriented programs has been recently the focus of much research. The applications of such static analysis are multiple: by knowing which variables share in memory we can apply conventional compiler optimizations, find coarse-grained parallelism opportunities, or, more importantly,erify certain correctness aspects of programs even in the absence of annotations In this paper we introduce a framework for deriving precise sharing information based on abstract interpretation for a Java-like language. Our analysis achieves precision in various ways. The analysis is multivariant, which allows separating different contexts. We propose a combined Set Sharing + Nullity + Classes domain which captures which instances share and which ones do not or are definitively null, and which uses the classes to refine the static information when inheritance is present. Carrying the domains in a combined way facilitates the interaction among the domains in the presence of mutivariance in the analysis. We show that both the set sharing part of the domain as well as the combined domain provide more accurate information than previous work based on pair sharing domains, at reasonable cost.


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We discuss here different variants of the Sharing abstract domain, including the base domain that captures set-sharing, a variant to capture pairsharing, in which redundant sharing groups (w.r.t. the pair-sharing property) can be eliminated, and an alternative representation based on cliques. The original proposal for using cliques in the non-redundant version of the domain is reviewed, then extended to the base domain. Variants of all the domains including freeness alone, and freeness together with linearity are also studied.


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Logic programming systems which exploit and-parallelism among non-deterministic goals rely on notions of independence among those goals in order to ensure certain efficiency properties. "Non-strict" independence (NSI) is a more relaxed notion than the traditional notion of "strict" independence (SI) which still ensures the relevant efficiency properties and can allow considerable more parallelism than SI. However, all compilation technology developed to date has been based on SI, presumably because of the intrinsic complexity of exploiting NSI. This is related to the fact that NSI cannot be determined "a priori" as SI. This paper fills this gap by developing a technique for compile-time detection and annotation of NSI. It also proposes algorithms for combined compile- time/run-time detection, presenting novel run-time checks for this type of parallelism. Also, a transformation procedure to eliminate shared variables among parallel goals is presented, attempting to perform as much work as possible at compiletime. The approach is based on the knowledge of certain properties about run-time instantiations of program variables —sharing and freeness— for which compile-time technology is available, with new approaches being currently proposed.


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This paper presents improved unification algorithms, an implementation, and an analysis of the effectiveness of an abstract interpreter based on the sharing + freeness domain presented in a previous paper, which was designed to accurately and concisely represent combined freeness and sharing information for program variables. We first briefly review this domain and the unification algorithms previously proposed. We then improve these algorithms and correct them to deal with some cases which were not well analyzed previously, illustrating the improvement with an example. We then present the implementation of the improved algorithm and evaluate its performance by comparing the effectiveness of the information inferred to that of other interpreters available to us for an application (program parallelization) that is common to all these interpreters. All these systems have been embedded in a real parallelizing compiler. Effectiveness of the analysis is measured in terms of actual final performance of the system: i.e. in terms of the actual speedups obtained. The results show good performance for the combined domain in that it improves the accuracy of both types of information and also in that the analyzer using the combined domain is more effective in the application than any of the other analyzers it is compared to.


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The increasing worldwide demand for electricity impels to develop clean and renewable energy resources. In the field of portable power devices not only size and weight represent important aspects to take into account, but the fuel and its storage are also critical issues to consider. In this last sense, the direct methanol (MeOH) fuel cells (DMFC) play an important role as they can offer high power and energy density, low emissions, ambient operating conditions and fast and convenient refuelling.


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Current methods and tools that support Linked Data publication have mainly focused so far on static data, without considering the growing amount of streaming data available on the Web. In this paper we describe a case study that involves the publication of static and streaming Linked Data for bike sharing systems and related entities. We describe some of the challenges that we have faced, the solutions that we have explored, the lessons that we have learned, and the opportunities that lie in the future for exploiting Linked Stream Data.


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Data-related properties of the activities involved in a service composition can be used to facilitate several design-time and run-time adaptation tasks, such as service evolution, distributed enactment, and instance-level adaptation. A number of these properties can be expressed using a notion of sharing. We present an approach for automated inference of data properties based on sharing analysis, which is able to handle service compositions with complex control structures, involving loops and sub-workflows. The properties inferred can include data dependencies, information content, domain-defined attributes, privacy or confidentiality levels, among others. The analysis produces characterizations of the data and the activities in the composition in terms of minimal and maximal sharing, which can then be used to verify compliance of potential adaptation actions, or as supporting information in their generation. This sharing analysis approach can be used both at design time and at run time. In the latter case, the results of analysis can be refined using the composition traces (execution logs) at the point of execution, in order to support run-time adaptation.


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Empirical Software Engineering (ESE) replication researchers need to store and manipulate experimental data for several purposes, in particular analysis and reporting. Current research needs call for sharing and preservation of experimental data as well. In a previous work, we analyzed Replication Data Management (RDM) needs. A novel concept, called Experimental Ecosystem, was proposed to solve current deficiencies in RDMapproaches. The empirical ecosystem provides replication researchers with a common framework that integrates transparently local heterogeneous data sources. A typical situation where the Empirical Ecosystem is applicable, is when several members of a research group, or several research groups collaborating together, need to share and access each other experimental results. However, to be able to apply the Empirical Ecosystem concept and deliver all promised benefits, it is necessary to analyze the software architectures and tools that can properly support it.


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Conferencia por invitación, impartida el 31 d mayo de 2014 en el Workshop on Language Technology Service Platforms: Synergies, Standards, Sharing at LREC2014


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This paper discusses a model based on the agency theory to analyze the optimal transfer of construction risk in public works contracts. The base assumption is that of a contract between a principal (public authority) and an agent (firm), where the payment mechanism is linear and contains an incentive mechanism to enhance the effort of the agent to reduce construction costs. A theoretical model is proposed starting from a cost function with a random component and assuming that both the public authority and the firm are risk averse. The main outcome of the paper is that the optimal transfer of construction risk will be lower when the variance of errors in cost forecast, the risk aversion of the firm and the marginal cost of public funds are larger, while the optimal transfer of construction risk will grow when the variance of errors in cost monitoring and the risk aversion of the public authority are larger


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O objetivo desta investigação foi verificar se, diante da autonomia e vocação que possuem, bem como da possibilidade de receber amparo e incentivos governamentais, as universidades pertencentes à região do Grande ABC atenderam as recomendações feitas pelo PNPG vigente. Para tanto, foram analisadas cinquenta e sete dissertações e duas teses da área de ciências sociais aplicadas, publicadas no período entre 2011 e 2014, pelas seguintes instituições: Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP); Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul (USCS); Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) e Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial (FEI). Essa averiguação se deu ao redor de dois eixos organizadores do PNPG 2011-2014: o terceiro eixo – o aperfeiçoamento da avaliação e sua expansão para outros segmentos do sistema de CT&I (formação de pós-graduados voltados para atividades extra-acadêmicas/setor empresarial) e o quarto eixo – a multi e a interdisciplinaridade entre as principais características da pós-graduação e importantes temas da pesquisa (promover, por meio de programas, áreas de concentração e linhas de pesquisa, a convergência de temas e compartilhamento de problemas em oposição à sua mera associação ou sobreposição). Este estudo – qualitativo, bibliográfico, documental, exploratório, descritivo, tipo estado do conhecimento – se desenvolveu por meio de pesquisa documental e de análise de conteúdo temático categorial. A coleta de dados foi feita por meio dos repositórios digitais de teses e dissertações mantidos na internet pelas Universidades, cuja produção científica foi investigada. Após a análise dos dados ficou demonstrado que aproximadamente 68,96% da produção científica da área de ciências sociais aplicadas, publicada pelas universidades do Grande ABC, no período entre 2011 e 2014, corresponde às expectativas do PNPG atual no que diz respeito às recomendações constantes no terceiro eixo. Em relação às recomendações feitas no texto do quarto eixo, vemos que aproximadamente 31,03% dos trabalhos selecionados atendem às expectativas do Plano, apresentando em sua estrutura, segundo a fundamentação teórica utilizada neste trabalho, características de interdisciplinaridade.