908 resultados para Integration and security technologies


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Japan is an important ally of the United States–the world’s third biggest economy, and one of the regional great powers in Asia. Making sense of Japan’s foreign and security policies is crucial for the future of peace and stability in Northeast Asia, where the possible sources of conflict such as territorial disputes or the disputes over Japan’s war legacy issues are observed.^ This dissertation explored Japan’s foreign and security policies based on Japan’s identities and unconscious ideologies. It employed an analysis of selected Japanese films from the late 1940s to the late 1950s, as well as from the late 1990s to the mid-2000s. The analysis demonstrated that Japan’s foreign and security policies could be understood in terms of a broader social narrative that was visible in Japanese popular cultural products, including films and literatures. Narratives of Japanese families from the patriarch’s point of view, for example, had constantly shaped Japan’s foreign and security policies. As a result, the world was ordered hierarchically in the eyes of the Japan Self. In the 1950s, Japan tenaciously constructed close but asymmetrical security relations with the U.S. in which Japan willingly subjugated itself to the U.S. In the 2000s, Japan again constructed close relations with the U.S. by doing its best to support American responses to the 9/11 terrorist attacks by mobilizing Japan’s SDFs in the way Japan had never done in the past.^ The concepts of identity and unconscious ideology are helpful in understanding how Japan’s own understanding of self, of others, and of the world have shaped its own behaviors. These concepts also enable Japan to reevaluate its own behaviors reflexively, which departs from existing alternative approaches. This study provided a critical analytical explanation of the dynamics at work in Japan’s sense of identity, particularly with regard to its foreign and security policies.^


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The aim of this special issue is to widen the existing debates on security privatization by looking at how and why an increasing number of private actors beyond private military and/or security companies (PMSCs) have come to perform various security related functions. While PMSCs produce security for profit, most other private sector actors make profit by selling goods and services that were originally not connected with security in the traditional understanding of the term. However, due to the continuous introduction of new legal and technical regulations by public authorities, many non- security related private businesses nowadays have to perform at least some security functions. Little research, however, has been done thus far, both in terms of security practices of non- security related private businesses and their impact on security governance. This introduction explains how this special issue contributes to closing this glaring gap by 1) extending the conceptual and theoretical arguments in the existing body of literature; and 2) offering a range of original case studies on the specific roles of non- security related private companies of all sizes, areas of businesses, and geographic origin.


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The information contained in this Annual Safety and Security Report is provided to new and prospective students and employees, as well as their families, and all current members of the campus community. It contains Public Safety Services and Programming,Building Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Program,Campus Security authorities, Annual Preparation of Crime Statistics, Disclosure of Crime Statistics, Daily Crime Log, How to Report a Crime, Suspicious Activity or Emergency, Silent Witness Program, Relationship with Local Authorities, Off-Campus Violations & Criminal Activity, Confidential Reporting, Timely Warning Procedures, Emergency Response, Notification and Evacuation Procedures Activation Authority, Available Communications Media, Emergency Notification Tests, Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Shelter-in-Place Procedures,Crime Prevention and Safety Awareness Programs, Emergency Telephones, Access To Facilities, Maintenance of Buildings and Grounds, Alcohol and Other Drugs, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking, Sex Offender Registration, Weapons on Campus, Referrals for Disciplinary Action, Crime Information: Definitions and Statistics, Uniform Crime Reporting Definitions, Reporting Areas. Crime Statistics


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A new semi-implicit stress integration algorithm for finite strain plasticity (compatible with hyperelas- ticity) is introduced. Its most distinctive feature is the use of different parameterizations of equilibrium and reference configurations. Rotation terms (nonlinear trigonometric functions) are integrated explicitly and correspond to a change in the reference configuration. In contrast, relative Green–Lagrange strains (which are quadratic in terms of displacements) represent the equilibrium configuration implicitly. In addition, the adequacy of several objective stress rates in the semi-implicit context is studied. We para- metrize both reference and equilibrium configurations, in contrast with the so-called objective stress integration algorithms which use coinciding configurations. A single constitutive framework provides quantities needed by common discretization schemes. This is computationally convenient and robust, as all elements only need to provide pre-established quantities irrespectively of the constitutive model. In this work, mixed strain/stress control is used, as well as our smoothing algorithm for the complemen- tarity condition. Exceptional time-step robustness is achieved in elasto-plastic problems: often fewer than one-tenth of the typical number of time increments can be used with a quantifiable effect in accuracy. The proposed algorithm is general: all hyperelastic models and all classical elasto-plastic models can be employed. Plane-stress, Shell and 3D examples are used to illustrate the new algorithm. Both isotropic and anisotropic behavior is presented in elasto-plastic and hyperelastic examples.


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En 2007, le premier ministre Stephen Harper a annoncé que le renouvellement de l’engagement du Canada dans les Amériques était une priorité internationale pour son gouvernement. Le document qui a formalisé la nouvelle priorité accordée à l’hémisphère occidental stipule que le Canada s’est engagé à faire progresser concurremment la démocratie, l’intégration économique et la sécurité. Cette recherche a pour but de remettre en cause le discours officiel en analysant la politique du Canada à l’égard de la Colombie et du Honduras. L’étude sur le cas colombien porte sur les effets de l’intégration économique sur les droits humains et la sécurité. Elle montre que le texte de l’accord de libre-échange Canada-Colombie et les évaluations d’impact sur les droits humains n’abordent pas convenablement les risques entourant les investissements canadiens et que leurs lacunes diluent l’engagement d’Ottawa envers la protection des droits humains et la résolution du conflit. L’étude sur le cas hondurien porte sur l’impact des déficits démocratiques et de l’insécurité sur l’intégration économique. Elle montre que le virage à droite qui a suivi le coup d’État de 2009 a permis au gouvernement canadien d’entreprendre des négociations de libre-échange bilatérales et de prendre part à la réforme du code minier du Honduras, tandis que les déficits démocratiques et l’insécurité ont empêché la population hondurienne de participer d’une manière significative au processus d’intégration économique. Nous concluons que ces deux cas contredisent le discours officiel dans la mesure où l’objectif de l’intégration économique a été atteint aux dépens des autres objectifs.


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This essay aims to contribute to discuss public policies of social protection and practice guidelines for psychosocial care. Targeting children and underage adolescents whose documents, even though permeated with egalitarian discourses and promoted actions aimed at the construction of autonomy, continue endorsing welfare guardianship and addressed to the people classified as at-risk through biopolitical, disciplinary and security technologies based on a minority logic. The essay problematizes the ways in which psychology has found legitimacy in practices that eventually looms confinement practices which aspire to move away from, as was evidenced by documents and practices.


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Open source is a software development paradigm that has seen a huge rise in recent years. It reduces IT costs and time to market, while increasing security and reliability. However, the difficulty in integrating developments from different communities and stakeholders prevents this model from reaching its full potential. This is mainly due to the challenge of determining and locating the correct dependencies for a given software artifact. To solve this problem we propose the development of an extensible software component repository based upon models. This repository should be capable of solving the dependencies between several components and work with already existing repositories to access the needed artifacts transparently. This repository will also be easily expandable, enabling the creation of modules that support new kinds of dependencies or other existing repository technologies. The proposed solution will work with OSGi components and use OSGi itself.


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The robotics is one of the most active areas. We also need to join a large number of disciplines to create robots. With these premises, one problem is the management of information from multiple heterogeneous sources. Each component, hardware or software, produces data with different nature: temporal frequencies, processing needs, size, type, etc. Nowadays, technologies and software engineering paradigms such as service-oriented architectures are applied to solve this problem in other areas. This paper proposes the use of these technologies to implement a robotic control system based on services. This type of system will allow integration and collaborative work of different elements that make up a robotic system.


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For many years the European Union has been improving the efficient use of energy resources and yet the demand for energy in the EU continues to increase. When Europe belonged to one of the world’s key energy markets with relatively easy access to energy resources, growing energy needs were not seen as a source of concern. Today, however, as the competition for energy resources is intensifying and the global position of the EU energy market is being challenged by growing economies in the developing countries, above all China and India, the EU needs to adopt bold policies to guarantee the sustainable supply of energy. This report argues the EU needs to develop a fully-fledged external energy policy; i.e. a common, coherent, strategic approach that build bridges between the interests and needs of the EU integrated energy market on the one hand and supplier countries on the other. The EU’s external energy policy has two main objectives. The first one is to ensure a sustainable, stable and cost-effective energy supply. The second is to promote energy market integration and regulatory convergence with neighbouring countries (often but not always this supports the achievement of the first objective). However, in order to improve its effectiveness, the EU’s external energy policy needs to be seen in a broader economic and political context. Any progress in energy cooperation with third countries is contingent upon the EU’s general stance and offer to those countries.


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These are the proceedings for the eighth national conference on XML, its Associated Technologies and its Applications (XATA'2010). The paper selection resulted in 33% of papers accepted as full papers, and 33% of papers accepted as short papers. While these two types of papers were distinguish during the conference, and they had different talk duration, they all had the same limit of 12 pages. We are happy that the selected papers focus both aspects of the conference: XML technologies, and XML applications. In the first group we can include the articles on parsing and transformation technologies, like “Processing XML: a rewriting system approach", “Visual Programming of XSLT from examples", “A Refactoring Model for XML Documents", “A Performance based Approach for Processing Large XML Files in Multicore Machines", “XML to paper publishing with manual intervention" and “Parsing XML Documents in Java using Annotations". XML-core related papers are also available, focusing XML tools testing on “Test::XML::Generator: Generating XML for Unit Testing" and “XML Archive for Testing: a benchmark for GuessXQ". XML as the base for application development is also present, being discussed on different areas, like “Web Service for Interactive Products and Orders Configuration", “XML Description for Automata Manipulations", “Integration of repositories in Moodle", “XML, Annotations and Database: a Comparative Study of Metadata Definition Strategies for Frameworks", “CardioML: Integrating Personal Cardiac Information for Ubiquous Diagnosis and Analysis", “A Semantic Representation of Users Emotions when Watching Videos" and “Integrating SVG and SMIL in DAISY DTB production to enhance the contents accessibility in the Open Library for Higher Education". The wide spread of subjects makes us believe that for the time being XML is here to stay what enhances the importance of gathering this community to discuss related science and technology. Small conferences are traversing a bad period. Authors look for impact and numbers and only submit their works to big conferences sponsored by the right institutions. However the group of people behind this conference still believes that spaces like this should be preserved and maintained. This 8th gathering marks the beginning of a new cycle. We know who we are, what is our identity and we will keep working to preserve that. We hope the publication containing the works of this year's edition will catch the same attention and interest of the previous editions and above all that this publication helps in some other's work. Finally, we would like to thank all authors for their work and interest in the conference, and to the scientific committee members for their review work.


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Although the ASP model has been around for over a decade, it has not achieved the expected high level of market uptake. This research project examines the past and present state of ASP adoption and identifies security as a primary factor influencing the uptake of the model. The early chapters of this document examine the ASP model and ASP security in particular. Specifically, the literature and technology review chapter analyses ASP literature, security technologies and best practices with respect to system security in general. Based on this investigation, a prototype to illustrate the range and types of technologies that encompass a security framework was developed and is described in detail. The latter chapters of this document evaluate the practical implementation of system security in an ASP environment. Finally, this document outlines the research outputs, including the conclusions drawn and recommendations with respect to system security in an ASP environment. The primary research output is the recommendation that by following best practices with respect to security, an ASP application can provide the same level of security one would expect from any other n-tier client-server application. In addition, a security evaluation matrix, which could be used to evaluate not only the security of ASP applications but the security of any n-tier application, was developed by the author. This thesis shows that perceptions with regard to fears of inadequate security of ASP solutions and solution data are misguided. Finally, based on the research conducted, the author recommends that ASP solutions should be developed and deployed on tried, tested and trusted infrastructure. Existing Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) should be used where possible and security best practices should be adhered to where feasible.