992 resultados para Injections, Intraperitoneal


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1) O A. revê as vias de infecção naturais e os processos de inoculações empregados em ratos, no estudo da lepra murina. 2) Na natureza, o contacto prolongado de animal sadio com doente e a infecção por via gástrica devem ser os modos comuns de contaminação. 3) Foram encontrados dentro do Polyplax spinulosa (Burmeister) capturados em ratos leprosos, bacilos ácido álcool resistentes. Tentativas de cultura com êste material, foram infrutíferas. 4) O A. infectou ratos colocando no estômago, por meio de sondas de vidro, material leproso. Em cinco animais, todos se infectaram. 5) Por via subcutânea e por via intraperitoneal, a infecção se processa em quase 100% dos casos. 6) Foi possível infectar gambás (Didelphis aurita) com lepra murina. Êsses animais provavelmente são mais suscetíveis à lepra dos ratos que à humana. 7) Conseguiu-se infectar pinto por inoculação de emulsão de lepra murina no músculo do peito, por via intraperitoneal e por via gástrica. 8) Pombos também se infectaram após inoculação no músculo do peito e por via venosa.


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The A. prepared five antigens from his leprosy cultures which by analogy with ROST's product he called Leprolins. The methods of its preparation and use are given. After a few tests to prove its innocuity for man the A. in cooperation with Dr. JOSÉ MARIANO, injected all five antigens intracutaneously in 120 patients. Now the products are being tested in 17 Leper Colonies of Brazil, in Argentina by Dr. SALOMON SCHUJMAN and in two leprosaria of Colombia. As antigen for skin tests the first results obtained are more or less identical with the results with Lepromin. Its use in serology for leprosy diagnosis will be made by Dr. T. PINTO of Rio, and Prof. LUIZ PRADO BARRIENTOS, of La Paz, Bolivia. As curative means the Leprolins are being injected into resistent lesions of leprosy and also by intraven injections, whose results Dr. José Mariano will publish soon. The Leprolins Souza-Araujo are put at disposal of all leprologists interested in its use.


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1) — Duas amostras de vírus capazes de produzir uma mielencefalite foram isoladas de dois camundongos brancos suíços, de criação, espontâneamente infetados, em um total de 7.000 animais examinados; uma terceira amostra foi obtida por trituração e filtração dos intestinos de camundongos aparentemente normais. 2) — Foram feitas separadamente dez passagens por inoculação intra¬cerebral em camundongos jovens e adultos. Verificou-se por testes de imunidade cruzada que as três amostras eram idênticas. Prossegiu-se então nas passagens com apenas uma das amostras. 3) — O poder infetante aumenta com o número de passagens: o período médio de incubação diminui e aumenta a letalidade. 4) — A infecção espontânea e experimental é descrita. A doença parece ser mais comum em animais jovens. O período de incubação varia de 5 a 30 dias. Às vêzes observa-se uma fase prodromica: fraqueza, menor atividade, dificuldade em andar; geralmente surge a paralisia flácida sem sintomas prévios, na grande maioria das vêzes, nos membros posteriores. Três formas clínicas foram observadas: super-aguda, aguda e crônica. 5) — Em camundongos normais o vírus pode ser demonstrado nas fezes e nos intestinos. Ele é comum no tubo digestivo e só ocasionalmente invade o sistema nervoso central, ou melhor, a encefalomielite e primàriamente uma doença do trato digestivo no qual a invasão do SNC é um acidente. 6) — O vírus passa através de velas de CHAMBERLAND L3 e L5, em BER KEFED V, N e W e em filtro Seitz EK, a suspensão sendo tão ativa como antes da filtração. Conserva-se bem em glicerina a 50% pelo menos 60 dias, se guardado na geladeira. Suspensão de cérebro e medula aquecida em banho-maria a 56°C por 30 minutos perde a atividade. 7) — O título variou entre 4.000 e 20.000 dmm. 8) — Obteve-se infecção por inoculação intracerebral, por instilação nasal e, com menos regularidade, por inoculação intraperitoneal; a via gástrica deu sempre resultados negativos. Camundongos muito jovens são mais suscetíveis do que os adultos. 9) — O vírus foi sempre isolado ate 90 dias pos-inoculação, do cérebro e da medula de camundongos com paralisia. Animais inoculados por via i.c., que permaneceram aparentemente normais, albergam o vírus no cérebro pelo menos durante 30 dias. 10) — Não foi possível isolar vírus do fígado, pulmão, bago, rim e sangue de camundongos infetados por via intracerebral. 11) — Camundongos que foram inoculados por via i.c. e não apresentaram sintomas de infecção, mostraram-se em geral imunes a uma posterior inoculação de vírus. Os soros de animais convalescentes apresentam anticorpos neutralizantes verificados por provas de proteção. 12) — A inoculação intracerebral do vírus em macaco, coelho, cobaia e rato, todos jovens, não produziu infecção. 13) — As lesões encontradas foram de poliomielencefalite aguda, com atrofia do corno anterior da medula. Ao nível da substancia cinzenta medular e cerebral encontram-se abundantes focos inflamatórios, com predominância de mononucleares, bem como em torno de numerosos vasos. Em certos pontos do cérebro, sobretudo no rinencéfalo, foram vistos focos extensos de encefalite hemorrágica. É evidente que em torno do foco e participando das infiltrações celulares, muitos elementos microgliais puderam ser reconhecidos. As meninges, especialmente a pia-máter, mostraram-se levemente alteradas e assim mesmo em focos esparsos.


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This report belongs to the series of works carried out Oswaldo Cruz Ins¬titute, on the treatment of treponematosis with penicillin. The present report deals with investigations performed in order to ascer¬tain the following points: 1) the mininal curative dosis for the initial lesions of yaws; 2) the effect of reduction of the number of injections each day, to verifie the possibility of application of penicillin in the prophylaxis of yaws in rural zones; 3) reduction of the time of treatment by application of high dosis. 1) With dosis of 150 and 100 Oxford units each four hours, clinical reco¬very was obtained after 17 days of treatment. With 50 O.u. during 40 days clinical recovery was not obtained. 2) a) With 3 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6,12 and 18 hoórs clocks) clinical recovery was obtained after 14 to 16 days; b) with 2 injections of 400 O.u. each day (6 and 18 hoors clocks), clinical recovery was obtained after 16 to 23 days; c) with 1 injection of 1.600 and 3.200 each day, clinical recovery was obtained after 30 and 20 days. 3) With dosis of 33.3 and 46.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight each four hours, during 15 days, clinical recovery was obtained more or less in 25 days. The same result was obtained with the dosis of 61.5 and 166.7 O.u. by each kilo of weight, each four hours, during 4 days. But with 100.000 O.u. in fine dosis of 20.000 in a day ou by, clinical recovery was not obtained.


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After going through the more important theories on cellular permeability, researches were undertaken with the purpose of proving the actual influence of the various degrees of cellular permeability on the phenomena of organic resistance against infections, and on the production of antibodies. Three groups of substances known to have action on cellular permeability were used; the first consisting of the following permeable substances: testos-terona, acetylcholine, and the spreading-factor of the staphyloccocus. The second group included substances which help in developing low cellular permeability: atropin, adrenalin and calcium. Finally, the third group consisted of a substance which helps to maintain normal permeability: cortin (an extract of the suprarenal cortex). In order to study the process developed by these elements with regard to organic resistance against infections, adult mice were inoculated with the following germs: K. pneumoniae, P. aeruginosa, S. enteriditis and D. pneumoniae, in the smallest possible amount capable of starting a mortal sep infection in approximately 24 hours, exception made of D. pneumonias which causes death in 48 hours. The animals were divided into groups of 10, a before taking the injections containing the germs, they were given the sub lances under observation, through their peritoneum of intramuscularly. T. animals that died were autopsied and blood was taken from their hearts an aseptic process so as not to introduce extraneous organisms. For the purpose of determining the development of antibodies (hem lysins, precipitins and aglutinins), rabbits were used, which had been prep ously immunized by a treatment consisting of 6 intravenous injections of polyvolent antigen made of sheep blood cells, fresh human serum, and of suspension of S. enteriditis. It was concluded that: Cellular permeability plays a very important part in the development infections. Permeable substances help the development of germ infections. Substances helping to develop low permeability proved not to have any influence worth mentioning. Substances helping to maintain normal permeability, such as coffin, it crease resistance against infections. The different substances used which have action on cellular permeability had no influence worth mentioning on the development of certain ant bodies (hemolysins, precipitins and aglutinins). It was admitted that the phenomena under study relative to resistance against infections are closely connected to the dynamics of the cellular elements, which circumstance is basically dependent on the permeability of Citations of cells.


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Arrangement of potassium in the tissues having been mentioned, as well as the rôle it plays in some pathological processes such as suprarenal insufficiency, anaphylactic shock and shock caused by hemorrhage or traumatism, experiences were undertaken to establish the rates of plasma potassium during bacteria infections artificially developed in rabbits by K. pneumoniae. P. aeruginosa and S. enteridits. It was concluded that during the period of the infections, the rate of potassium of the plasma increases almost immediately after the inoculation and stays high when the infections are of a serious or mortal character; the rate continue to increase until the death of the animal occurs. When these infections are not very serious, as in the cases of infections resulting from inoculations of bacteria as not recent — and consequently with attenuated virulence — K pneumoniae, or P aeruginosa and S enteriditis, to which rabbits are naturally very resistant, the rate of potassium of the plasma increases after an intravenous inoculation of germs according to the septicemic period of the infection; however, when, because of its natural resistance, the animal overcomes the infection, the amount of potassium gradually decreases and finally gets back to the normal rate. The action of cortin on potassium of the plasma was also tested on animals suffering from acute infections caused by K. pneumoniae, which, under normal conditions cause death of the rabbits, nor did it increase the rate of potassium of the plasma when a larger amount of bacteria (300,000,000) was inoculated. However, cortin inoculated several times prevented a higher rate of potassium in the plasma during the development of the infection when a smaller number of bacteria (150,000,000) was inoculated, which quantity, under normal conditions, always causes mortal infections. When cortin is discontinued 20 hours after the inoculation of germs, the infection increases fastly and the animal dies in a very short time. Now, if the injections of cortin continue to be given every hour until the 26th hour instead of only until the 20th hour, the amount of potassium in the plasma — very high if the hormones substance is no longer inoculated — gradually becomes smaller and finally comes back to the normal rate if the inoculations continue to be made; it will increase again only if the substance is no longer injected; after a few hours the injection is gone, potassium is found to come back to its former rate, and in consequence the animal is perfectly cured of an infection otherwise mortal. ln view of the results thus obtained, it was concluded that, during the development of those infections, the checking of the rate of potassium of the plasma provided a means of controlling the resistance of a body suffering from an infection, that rate increasing when the infection is developing and becoming more severe, or getting back to normal when the infection decreases. The checking of the rate of potassium of the plasma also made known the action of cortin on the tissues, which is found to control the permeability of the cells to potassium. Suggestions were made that potassium of the plasma be thereofre checked during infections in the human body, to make possible proving that the phenomena studied in those animals also take place in the human body. In case this is found to be true, we sould possess an important element to check organic vitality during infections.


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Studies have been carried out on the method of Britton and Silvette modified by Reinecke and Kendall, for the evaluation of cortico-adrenal extracts, based on the deposition of glycogen in the liver of adrenaletomized rats. The test was performed in a total of 180 normal and adrenalectomized rats. The extracts tested were: a) an aqueous extract of cortico-adrenal cortex prepared by the Swingle and Pfiffner technique; b) the same extract added with ascorbic acid (Supracortin Labor); c) desoxycorticosterone acetate (Percortol Ciba and Syncortyl Roussell). Male rats were used, ranging from 40-200g, fed since the 18 th days old with a special diet, in which they were maintained until the day before the injection. Adrenalectomy was performed under urethane anesthesia. The fourth day after operation, food was removed and they were fasted for 24 hours. In the morning of the fifth day, injections of the material to be assayed were given at hourly and two hours intervals, during four to eight hours. One or two hours after the last injection, the animals were sacrified, the livers removed and dropped into a hot 30% solution of potassium hydroxide, and worked by Good, Kramer and Somogyi method. The glycogen was calculated as milligrams per lOOg of body and liver weight. The results obtained are shown in the tables I, II, and III. When several dosages of the same sample of extract were made (5 animals each dose), the amount of glycogen deposited in the liver per lOOg of body and liver weight, was found to be a positive function of the dose injected. The graph 2, shows these results. The synthetic compounds were ineffective. Our results are in agreement with those of Reinecke and Kendall and of Olson et al.


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The A. summarizes clinical records of four lepers treated with Leprolin “Souza-Araujo”, as follow: ist – Male, 28 years old, lepromatous case, treated during about 3 years, who received 80 injections of the antigen, being 52 by vene, 18 by muscle and 10 intradermally. Total about 100 cm³. Results: Absence of clinical signs, routine examinations negative for acidfast bacilli. Histopathology: from lepromatous became incaracteristic, with a few bacilli. Mitsuda test from negative became positive. 2nd – Male, 33 ys. old, lepromatous case. From September 1944 to February 1948 received 110 intravenous injections (57 cm³) and 10 cm³ perineurally to control neurites. His Mitsuda test was negative in 1944 and in 1945 became positive and remained so until 1948 (4 times controlled). Since Sept. 1946 became bacillus negative in his mucous, ear lobe and lymph nodes. Out of his lepromatous symptoms remained only mild atrophy of his hands. 3rd- Male, 30 ys. old, lepromatous case, treated since 1944. From 1946 to Feb. 1948 received 80 intravenous injections (high dosage: from 2 to 5 cm³), total 310 cm³ and 140 cm³ intramuscularly. His Mitsuda test was negative in 1943; became positive (from 1945 till 1948) after Leprolin treatment. Bacilloscopy became negative even in sections. Histopathology: the lesions from lepromatous changed to tuberculoid. 4th – Male, 17 years old, lepromatous case, received, from Dec. 1944 to Feb. 1948 only 88 intravenous injections of small doses of Leprolin (0,1 to 1,0 cm³). His Mitsuda remained negative from 1944 to 1946 and in 1947 became positive. Routine examinations negative for bacilli. Histopathology: the lepromataus lesions regressed to incaracteristic, without bacillus.


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The author gives the clinical records of 20 patients, 14 of which were treated during 17 months, and the rest much less. The method used for treatment was the ecclectical — preferred by the A. since many years —, in which he associates electricity with minor surgery, chaulmestrol (pure or with 0.5 p. c. iodine or 4 p. c. creosote) and other auxilliary curative agents. The chaulmoogra derivatives were used daily as nostrils tamponage (2 p.c. mentholated or thymolated ester), periodically by injections inside the enlarged lymph nodes and nerve abscesses, and twice weekly by subcutaneous infiltrations (MUIR method) 5 c.c. each, and chaulmoogra soap tablets per os. The galvanocauterisation session was once per week, on active leprotic lesions, followed by painting with 30 p. c. trichloracetic acid solution. All 20 patients were bacilliferous before treatment, and became stronger positive after some months treatment. At the end 14 negativated and 6 remained positive and sometimes bacilli being very scanty. 16 out of 20 gave interesting serological reactions, viz.: Wassermann, Stern, Kahn. Rubino, Witebsky and Gaté (Formol-gel) positive in 5; Stern, Rubino. Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann and Kahn negative in 2; Stern. Kahn, Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann anticomplementary in 1; Wassermann. Stern, Kahn, Rubino and Gaté negative in 1. in the beginning, and a few months later Stern. Witebsky and Gaté becoming positive; Stern. Rubino. Witebsky and Gaté positive and anticomplementary W. in 1; Stern, Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann. Kahn and Rubino negative in 1; Witebsky and Gaté positive and Wassermann, Stern, Kahn and Rubino negative in 1; Witebsky 3 times anticomplemantary and strongly positive Gaté in 1; Wassermann and Gaté positive in 1; Stern and Rubino positive in 1 and Stern test negative in one. In 7 cases high Formol-gel were associated with a high sedimentation index. Many cases had very high S.I. being a false measure of the severity of the disease; others remained very high notwithstanding the great improvement of the disease. All patients with more than 12 months treatment became practically symptom free. Lepra reaction amongst them was rare and always started by embolic rash, being controlled by destruction of such skin lesions by galvanocauterisation. In a few cases the lepromata infiltrated with "Subintrol" (a 3 p. c. special chaulmoogra soap prepared by Dr. ASTROGILDO MACHADO) were completely destroyd and never relapsed. In October 1946 Dr. ERNEST MUIR saw here a few cases treated by the author's method and suggested the combination of Diasone with galvanocauterisation which is being done now with satifactory results. The second part of this paper, reporting many leprosy cases treated by the so-called ecclectical method, which are symptom free and negativated since five to ten years, will be published as soon as the sulfone-therapy be summarised in some reliable scientific report to be compared with.


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Lankesterella alencari n. sp. a Sporozoa that occur in the blood and CNS of the South American frog Leptodactylus acellatus is described. Since the tissue forms of this parasite have been previously reported as belonging to the genus Toxoplasma, we attempted in fection of 2 species of amphibia (Bufo marinus an dLeptodactylus ocellatus) with a Toxoplasma strain of human origen; inoculation was by intraperitoneal injection of parasite-containing ascitic fluid from infected mice. Attempt of experimental inoculation of the parasite found in the CNS of L. ocellatus in a highly susceptible host (mice) was unsuccessful. These results suggest that Toxoplasma does not occur naturally in the amphibia; be related to Toxoplasma is excluded. The following genera of haematozoa found in brazilian amphibia have been considered briedfly: Haemobartonella, Cytamoeba, Dactylosoma, Hepatozoon and Trypanosoma.


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Após ter-se verificado que a buclizina era capaz de acelerar o crescimento de tumor maligno até 33%, animais de laboratório foram tratados com essa substância em doses subletais agudas e muito acima das doses terapêuticas, por vias subcutâneas e intraperitoneal, ocorrendo, ocasionalmente, o aparecimento de fibrosarcomas nos ratos Wistar e sarcoma indiferenciado e adenoma papilífero em camundongos Swiss. O primeiro tumor surguiu em 1970, ao qual foi dada a sigla "BUSP" (BUclizina-SPoladore). O tumor vem sendo mantido com facilidade, apresentando como características: crescimento lento, permitindo uma sobrevida do animal em torno de três meses; peso em torno de cento e vinte e cinco gramas na fase final; intensa hiperemia peritumoral; tumor maciço, quase sem necrose na parte central; persistindo bastante livre entre a pele e os tecidos subjacentes, durante toda a evolução.


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Estudou-se a atividade da ceruloplasmina, adenosina desaminase (AD) e transaminases glutâmico oxalacética (TGO) e glutâmico pirúvica (TGP) na supra-renal de ratos normais e injetados previamente (24 horas antes) com uma injeção única, por via intraperitoneal, de ACTH em doses de 0,5 e 1,2 un. internacionais. observou-se uma elevação estatisticamente significativa das TGO e ceruloplasmina enquanto a AD sofria diminuição sensível em sua atividade.


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Mice treated with hyperchlorinated water (50 ppm of chlorine) and control mice, drinking tap water (1-3 ppm of chlorine) were inoculated with 2.5 x 10 [raised to the power of 6] sarcoma 180 cells, by intraperitoneal route. Tumor evolution was measured by enumeration of tumor cells in peritoneal cavity and by evaluation of weight gain at different time intervals after tumor implantation. In mice treated with excessive amounts of chlorine there was enhancement of tumor growth demonstrated by: (a) shorter incubation period and increased weight gain (ascites formation) after tumor implantation; (b) increased number of tumor cells in the peritoneal cavity 2, 3 and 4 days after tumor challenge. The number of peritoneal cells exsudated after tumor implantation was lower in mice treated with hyperchlorinated water than in controls. The tumor enhancement observed after excessive chlorine ingestion would be due to: (a) reduction of the number of peritoneal macrophages that migrate to the peritoneal cavity and (b) reduction of the tumoricidal capacity of peritonela macrophages induced by the direct effect of chlorine or by the reduction of the amount of endogenous endotoxins due to the bactericidal effect of chlorine.


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PURPOSE: Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) tear is an extremely rare complication in patients with classic neovascular membranes without RPE detachment. We evaluate their incidence and functional outcome following treatment with intravitreal ranibizumab. METHODS: Observational study of 72 consecutive patients (74 eyes) treated at Jules Gonin University Eye Hospital, Lausanne, with intravitreal ranibizumab 0.5 mg for classic choroidal neovascularization (CNV) between March 2006 and February 2008. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fundus examination and optical coherence tomography were recorded monthly; fluorescein angiography was performed at baseline and repeated at least every 3 months. RESULTS: RPE tears occurred in four (5.4%) eyes temporal to the fovea, after a mean of four injections (range 3-6). Mean baseline BCVA was 0.25 decimal equivalent (logMAR 0.67) and improved despite the RPE tear to 0.6 decimal equivalent (logMAR 0.22). CONCLUSION: RPE tears following intravitreal ranibizumab injections for classic CNV can occur in about 5% of patients, even in the absence of baseline RPE detachment. Nevertheless, vision may improve provided the fovea is not involved.


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Introduction: Calcific tendonitis of rotator cuff is observed on plainradiographs in 10% of adults, but remains asymptomatic in half thesecases. Sometimes, these calcifications induce acute flares withmassive inflammation similar to gout or CPPD crisis. Analgesics/anti-inflammatory medications are usually not sufficient to controlssymptoms in these situations. Local steroid infiltration with or withoutremoval of the calcific deposition with a needle aspiration may beuseful. A new approach could be IL-1 inhibitors. Indeed, basic calciumphosphate crystals are capable of stimulating the release of activeIL-1β in vitro. These crystals trigger IL-1β release, in an analogousmanner to MSU crystals in acute gout, suggesting that IL-1β blockademay be clinically useful.Case presentation: This report describes a 70-year old woman withacute rest pain of the right shoulder since 48 hours. On examination,we found massive limitations of active and passive movements. Thepatient evaluated, on the visual scale, her symptoms at 10/10 the nightand 5/10 the day. The radiography and showed a rounded, 8 mmcalcification in the subscapularis tendon. The ultrasound aspectrevealed a heterogeneous calcification partially non solid, surroundedby massive inflammation on Doppler. C-reactive protein anderythrocyte sedimentation rate were high (74 mg/ml, 54 mm/hour).The patient received subcutaneous injections of anakinra: 100 mgdaily for 3 days (D1-D3). We evaluated the patient in our consult at dayD1, D2, D3, D7, D16 and by phone at D70.This treatment rapidly relieved the inflammatory symptoms (within afew hours with no relapse). The mobility of the shoulder, the biologicsparameters improved and the size of the calcification as well thedegree of inflammation regressed on ultrasound after 3 days.Conclusion: This is the first report of a woman with an acute flareinduced by calcific tendonitis who received anakinra. IL-1 inhibitionmay be a therapeutic target in calcific tendonitis. To analyse thisresponse more precisely and elaborate definitive conclusions, aprospective pilot study is on-going in our ambulatory institute.