935 resultados para Ingeniería sanitaria-Aparatos y accesorios
Los Territorios Específicos condicionados socioambiental y/o físicoculturalmente son sistematizados en base a sus cualidades éticas y estéticas en su sentido filosófico y formal respectivamente. Los mismos surgen como entidades orgánicamente integradas a nivel de las prácticas culturales en función de una performatividad autopoiética con gradientes y resonancias ampliamente debatidas académicamente y/o, a través de producciones específicas de las artes visuales contemporáneas. La Cartografía Estética propuesta se conforma de un corpus de obras plásticas y teóricas que, en la trayectoria expositiva abordada para este estudio, conforman una constelación de ejes temáticos y procedimentales en vinculación a los modos de producción en artes visuales. Estos nódulos o modos de hacer en artes visuales, se integran en una fascinante e interesante red epistemológica que, a la luz de las obras de arte seleccionadas son transparentadas no sólo en su complejidad epistémica sino que también son confrontados a interesantes gestos y guiños visuales a modo de cita y figuras conceptuales que en sentido moebiano remisionan formas de inscripción de obra y de la legibilidad de la misma conformando un alfabeto visual contemporáneo indispensable a la hora de pensar y entender la producción artística del último siglo en general y de las artes visuales latinoamericanas y chilenas en particular, todas ellas conforman una panorámica global en lo que hoy se conoce y divulga como arte actual. La unidad espacial abordada como Territorios Específicos se constituyen críticamente por conformar zonas y áreas marginales, espacios residuales y limítrofes, a la vez que contenedores y contenido de resistencia asistémica facilitado por un desinterés administrativo consecuente a su calidad de margen residual naturalizado y sus contenidos subyacentes. Metodológicamente, esta investigación ha sido cuidadosamente sistematizada a partir de herramientas de análisis y medición provenientes de las ciencias sociales y otras más afín a las de la ingeniería como arquitectura y urbanismo y de otras ciencias fronterizas de las biofísicas como la arqueología, etnografía y antropología, adaptadas todas a un interesantísimo protocolo instrumental replicable para las artes visuales. Este compendio procedimental comprende acciones de arte de sitio específico realizadas en una franja costera de 30 kilómetros que abarca desde la ciudad de Valdivia hasta 'La Reserva de Curiñanco' en la recientemente inaugurada XIV Región de Los Ríos en Chile. Estas acciones son confrontadas y tensionadas tanto a nivel de la crítica especializada como de sus afluentes epistemológicos colindantes con las ciencias humanas, donde, este corpus de obra contemporáneas, curatorías, proyectos de sitio y debates especializados, aportan considerablemente a la construcción de futuros posibles no solo de las artes visuales en particular y de las ciencias humanas en general, sino que además conllevan un debate ineludible para el desafío implicado en el debate territorio/globalización
En el periodo actual, la expansión del consumo en el territorio se materializa en las ciudades evidenciándose el avance y la instalación de diferentes espacios de consumo. Por un lado, espacios de consumo de grandes capitales del circuito superior como son los shopping center, supermercados e hipermercados y por otro lado, espacios de consumo populares como las ferias comerciales de indumentaria y accesorios, denominadas muchas veces shopping populares, con características distintivas del circuito inferior de la economía urbana (Santos, 1979). En este sentido, se observa que cada vez más las variables distintivas del período como son la técnica, la información, la publicidad, las finanzas, el crédito, entre otras, se hacen presentes en este tipo de actividades.Proponemos en este artículo reflexionar sobre la importancia de estas variables haciendo énfasis en el consumo y en los diversos espacios comerciales. Se presentan brevemente las características del periodo actual y la centralidad del consumo. Luego, se profundiza sobre los espacios de consumo populares como son las ferias comerciales de indumentaria en Argentina para finalmente explicar sintéticamente el caso de la mega- feria "La Salada".
En esta comunicación analizaremos el proceso de composición de los alumnos de primer año de Ingeniería a partir de los datos aportados por un programa informático. Para ello, realizamos un experimento que consistió en la escritura, en computadora, de un resumen a partir de la proyección de un video. Participaron del estudio 30 alumnos de primer año de Ingeniería de Petróleos y Civil (Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo). Registramos el proceso de producción textual mediante un keylogger. Se tuvo en cuenta la distribución temporal del proceso (duración, tiempo invertido en la escritura y en la realización de pausas, distribución de las pausas y valor de las mismas) y la calidad del texto final (evaluación holista). Los resultados sugieren que los alumnos dedican escaso tiempo a la revisión global final del texto, aún cuando el tiempo de pausa es elevado. Además, activan recursivamente los procesos a lo largo del tiempo de escritura, lo cual se correlaciona con la calidad del producto textual
No han pasado inadvertidos el modo y la frecuencia con que los personajes de la comedia de Aristófanes llaman la atención y hacen comentarios sobre la vestimenta y accesorios que portan. El presente trabajo indaga sobre la manipulación del traje y su significado escénico, y el papel del disfraz en la actuación y en la creación dramática. En comedia, los autores de tragedia componen ellos mismos disfrazados
An image processing observational technique for the stereoscopic reconstruction of the wave form of oceanic sea states is developed. The technique incorporates the enforcement of any given statistical wave law modeling the quasi Gaussianity of oceanic waves observed in nature. The problem is posed in a variational optimization framework, where the desired wave form is obtained as the minimizer of a cost functional that combines image observations, smoothness priors and a weak statistical constraint. The minimizer is obtained combining gradient descent and multigrid methods on the necessary optimality equations of the cost functional. Robust photometric error criteria and a spatial intensity compensation model are also developed to improve the performance of the presented image matching strategy. The weak statistical constraint is thoroughly evaluated in combination with other elements presented to reconstruct and enforce constraints on experimental stereo data, demonstrating the improvement in the estimation of the observed ocean surface.
We present an analysis of the space-time dynamics of oceanic sea states exploiting stereo imaging techniques. In particular, a novel Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS) has been developed and deployed at the oceanographic tower Acqua Alta in the Northern Adriatic Sea, off the Venice coast in Italy. The analysis of WASS video measurements yields accurate estimates of the oceanic sea state dynamics, the associated directional spectra and wave surface statistics that agree well with theoretical models. Finally, we show that a space-time extreme, defined as the expected largest surface wave height over an area, is considerably larger than the maximum crest observed in time at a point, in agreement with theoretical predictions.
Stereo video techniques are effective for estimating the space-time wave dynamics over an area of the ocean. Indeed, a stereo camera view allows retrieval of both spatial and temporal data whose statistical content is richer than that of time series data retrieved from point wave probes. Classical epipolar techniques and modern variational methods are reviewed to reconstruct the sea surface from the stereo pairs sequentially in time. Current improvements of the variational methods are presented.
We present a remote sensing observational method for the measurement of the spatio-temporal dynamics of ocean waves. Variational techniques are used to recover a coherent space-time reconstruction of oceanic sea states given stereo video imagery. The stereoscopic reconstruction problem is expressed in a variational optimization framework. There, we design an energy functional whose minimizer is the desired temporal sequence of wave heights. The functional combines photometric observations as well as spatial and temporal regularizers. A nested iterative scheme is devised to numerically solve, via 3-D multigrid methods, the system of partial differential equations resulting from the optimality condition of the energy functional. The output of our method is the coherent, simultaneous estimation of the wave surface height and radiance at multiple snapshots. We demonstrate our algorithm on real data collected off-shore. Statistical and spectral analysis are performed. Comparison with respect to an existing sequential method is analyzed.
Semblanza humana y de la obra de Pedro Suárez Bores, catedrático de Puertos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid desde 1968 a 1999 y profesor emérito de la citada universidad. Dos de las lunas de las hojas caídas del año dos mil diez fueron sombrías. En la primera de ellas, perdí a una de mis referencias humanas, un bastión en mi formación como persona, en mi forma de ser y comportarme, mi padre. En la otra, se fue alguien básico en mi profesión y en la forma de entender la ingeniería del mar, Pedro. Estas líneas pretenden ser un homenaje, una semblanza y un recordatorio de casi treinta años de conversaciones y vivencias entre los dos
An analysis of a stretch of coastline shows multiple alterations through environmental climate actions. The narrow, fragile line displays singularities due to three basic causes. The first is the discontinuity in feed or localised loss of solid coastal material. Called massics, their simplest examples are deltas and undersea canyons. The second is due to a brusque change in the alignment of the shoreline’s edge, headlands, groins, harbour and defence works. Given the name of geometric singularities, their simplest uses are artificial beaches in the shelter of a straight groin or spits. The third is due to littoral dynamics, emerged or submerged obstacles which diffract and refract wave action, causing a change in the sea level’s super-elevation in breaker areas. Called dynamics, the simplest examples are salients, tombolos and shells. Discussion of the causes giving rise to variations in the coastline and formation of singularities is the raison d’être of investigation, using actual cases to check the suitability of the classification proposed, the tangential or differential action of waves on the coastal landscape in addition to possible simple, compound and complex shapes detected in nature, both in erosion and deposit processes
The research work as presented in this article covers the design of detached breakwaters since they constitute a type of coastal defence work with which to combat many of the erosion problems found on beaches in a stable, sustainable fashion. The main aim of this work is to formulate a functional and environmental (but not structural) design method, enabling the fundamental characteristics of a detached breakwater to be defined as a function of the effect it is wished to induce on the coast, and taking into account variables of a different nature (climate, geomorphology and geometry) influencing the changes the shoreline undergoes after its construction. With this article, it is intended to submit the final result of the investigation undertaken, applying the detached breakwater design method as developed to solving a practical case. Thus it may be shown how the method enables a detached breakwater’s geometric pre-sizing to be tackled at a place on the coast with certain climate, geomorphology and littoral dynamic characteristics, first setting the final state of equilibrium it is wanted to obtain therein after its construction.
Although still in an early stage, offshore wind development is now characterized by a boom process. This leads to the necessity of applying an integral management model for the design of offshore wind facilities, being the purpose of the model to achieve technical, economical and environmental viability, all within a sustainable development framework. The foregoing led to the research project exposed in this paper, consisting of drawing up an offshore wind farms methodological proposal; this methodology has a global and/or general nature or point of view whilst searching for optimization of the overall process of operations leading to the design of this type of installations and establishing collated theoretical bases for the further development of management tools. This methodological proposal follows a classical engineering thought scheme: it begins with the alternatives study, and ends with the detailed design. With this in mind, the paper includes the following sections: introduction, methodology used for the research project, conditioning factors, methodological proposal for the design of offshore wind farms, checking the methodological proposal, and conclusions
Offshore wind farms are beginning to form part of coastal and marine landscapes located in dynamic surroundings. An integral management model must therefore be applied to achieve not only technical and economic viability of the project but also respect for the environment. Amongst other aspects, the latter calls for an analysis of the possible impact these facilities may have on littoral processes and this requires the differences between littoral processes prior and subsequent to the facility’s construction to be known. The maritime climate, the composition of the coast, lay-out distribution and characteristics of the facility’s components need to be known, particularly foundations as they are the main obstacles waves and currents meet. This article first addresses different aspects related to an offshore wind farm’s influence on the analysis of how it affects littoral dynamics and, because of their importance in this study, pays special attention to foundations. Coastal erosion due to this type of facility is then examined. The main conclusion of this article is that, whilst there are certain opinions claiming the coast is not affected by the presence of this kind of facility since the distance from location to coast and between wind turbine generators themselves is long, the impact must be analysed in each specific case, at least until experience proves otherwise and criteria are adopted in this respect.
Processes of founding and expanding cities in coastal areas have undergone great changes over time driven by environmental conditions. Coastal settlements looked for places above flood levels and away from swamps and other wetlands whenever possible. As populations grew, cities were extending trying to avoid low and wet lands. No city has been able to limit its growth. The risk of flooding can never be eliminated, but only reduced to the extent possible. Flooding of coastal areas is today dramatically attributed to eustasic sea level rise caused by global climate change. This can be inaccurate. Current climate change is generating an average sea level upward trend, but other regional and local factors result in this trend being accentuated in some places or attenuated, and even reversed, in others. Then, the intensity and frequency of coastal flooding around the planet, although not so much as a unique result of this general eustasic elevation, but rather of the superposition of marine and crustal dynamic elements, the former also climate-related, which give rise to a temporary raising in average sea level in the short term. Since the Little Ice Age the planet has been suffering a global warming change leading to sea level rise. The idea of being too obeying to anthropogenic factors may be attributed to Arrhenius (1896), though it is of much later highlight after the sixties of the last century. Never before, the human factor had been able of such an influence on climate. However, other types of changes in sea levels became apparent, resulting from vertical movements of the crust, modifications of sea basins due to continents fracturing, drifting and coming together, or to different types of climate patterns. Coastal zones are then doubly susceptible to floods. Precipitation immediately triggers pluvial flooding. If it continues upland or when snow and glaciers melt eventually fluvial flooding can occur. The urban development presence represents modifying factors. Additional interference is caused by river and waste water drainage systems. Climate also influences sea levels in coastal areas, where tides as well as the structure and dynamic of the geoid and its crust come into play. From the sea, waters can flood and break or push back berms and other coastline borders. The sea level, controlling the mouth of the main channel of the basin's drainage system, is ultimately what governs flood levels. A temporary rise in sea level acts as a dam at the mouth. Even in absence of that global change, so, floods are likely going to increase in many urban coastal areas. Some kind of innovative methodologies and practices should be needed to get more flood resilience cities
For years, the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) community has crafted usability guidelines that clearly define what characteristics a software system should have in order to be easy to use. However, in the Software Engineering (SE) community keep falling short of successfully incorporating these recommendations into software projects. From a SE perspective, the process of incorporating usability features into software is not always straightforward, as a large number of these features have heavy implications in the underlying software architecture. For example, successfully including an “undo” feature in an application requires the design and implementation of many complex interrelated data structures and functionalities. Our work is focused upon providing developers with a set of software design patterns to assist them in the process of designing more usable software. This would contribute to the proper inclusion of specific usability features with high impact on the software design. Preliminary validation data show that usage of the guidelines also has positive effects on development time and overall software design quality.