567 resultados para IPN HYDROGELS


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Esta pesquisa investiga a influência de intervenções lúdicas na diminuição da ansiedade materna com mães de recém-nascidos pré-termo hospitalizados, em um hospital universitário da Grande São Paulo. São estudadas 30 mães que tiveram parto prematuro, com faixa etária entre 16 e 40 anos e escolaridade até 2º grau, por meio de estudo avaliativo-interventivo-evolutivo. Inicia-se por uma entrevista psicológica semidirigida, com o objetivo de traçar o histórico gestacional, seguida de aplicação da Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Irritabilidade IDA, visando identificar o nível de ansiedade materna e do Inventário de Percepção Neonatal IPN-I para verificar a expectativa das mães em relação ao comportamento de choro, alimento e vômito de seus bebês pré-termo. A seguir são efetuadas intervenções grupais lúdicas em 16 encontros, um a cada semana, de 60 minutos, segundo modelo piagetiano, que estimula processos afetivosemocionais e cognitivos. Os dados relativos ao histórico gestacional revelam que 75% das mães encontram-se na segunda gestação e já sofreram aborto ou óbito fetal; têm ida de gestacional média de 31 semanas; peso médio do bebê ao nascer de 1.640g. e tempo de internação médio de 39,93 dias. Na análise do IDA em relação à ansiedade, 75% delas apresentam escore de alta intensidade (11,25), também alto quanto à depressão (10); o escore médio (3,73) da irritabilidade exteriorizada acompanha o da irritabilidade interiorizada (3,23). A correlação entre depressão e ansiedade indica que uma reação emocional segue a outra, não havendo diferença significativa importante entre ambas (p=0,306). O IPN-I comprova que as 30 mães têm expectativas em relação ao próprio filho similares aos bebês em geral, mostrando escores médios de 8,63 e 9,20, respectivamente, confirmados pelo escore 10,0 apontado em 75% da amostra, o que configura uma alta expectativa quanto aos aspectos de sono, alimentação e vômito dos bebês. A análise qualitativa revela que a criação de grupos lúdicos mostra-se favorável, com alta adesão e motivação das mães, favorecendo a diminuição da ansiedade, a adaptação à realidade vivida e a interação mãe-bebê de forma saudável durante a internação. O estudo apresenta a trajetória interventiva de três casos emblemáticos de diferentes níveis de ansiedade, ilustrando esta evolução. Estes dados sugerem que esta modalidade de intervenção caracterize-se como uma medida de prevenção, promoção e preservação da saúde física e psíquica da mãe e do recémnascido prematuro, com repercussões na família e na sociedade.(AU)


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Phospholipids when dispersed in excess water generally form vesicular membrane structures. Cryo-transmission and freeze-fracture electron microscopy are combined here with calorimetry and viscometry to demonstrate the reversible conversion of phosphatidylglycerol aqueous vesicle suspensions to a three-dimensional structure that consists of extended bilayer networks. Thermodynamic analysis indicates that the structural transitions arise from two effects: (i) the enhanced membrane elasticity accompanying the lipid state fluctuations on chain melting and (ii) solvent-associated interactions (including electrostatics) that favor a change in membrane curvature. The material properties of the hydrogels and their reversible formation offer the possibility of future applications, for example in drug delivery, the design of structural switches, or for understanding vesicle fusion or fission processes.


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Este trabalho descreve a síntese, caracterização e aplicação de sistemas poliméricos baseados em polímeros condutores em sistemas de liberação controlada de drogas. Esta tese pode ser dividida em duas partes: na primeira se apresentam os resultados da aplicação de filmes de polianilina e polipirrol na liberação de drogasmodelo como a dopamina protonada e o ácido salicílico. Na liberação de salicilato utilizou-se um filme polianilina eletrosintetizado e dopado com íons cloreto. Já para a liberação de dopamina protonada (um cátion) a liberação foi conduzida a partir de um sistema bicamadas, com um filme de polianilina recoberta com uma camada de Náfion. É mostrada a liberação controlada nos dois casos, porém também se discutem limitaçãoes deste tipo de sistema que levaram ao estudo de uma forma alternativa de controle eletroquímico utilizando polímeros condutores. A segunda parte do trabalho mostra então esta nova metodologia que se baseia em compósitos de poianilina eletropolimerizada no interior de hidrogéis de poliacrilamida. É mostrado que este novo material é eletroativo e mantém as características de intumescimento dos hidrogéis, tanto necessárias ao desenvolvimento destes sistemas de liberação controlada. Mecanismos para o crescimento e distribuição da polianilina na matriz isolante e para a atuação do compósito no controle eletroquímico da liberação são propostos com base nos dados de microscopia de força atômica, Raman e eletrônica de varredura, além de testes de liberação controlada com moléculas de diferentes cargas.


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Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo produzir membranas porosas de carboximetilquitosana e hidrogéis de quitosana com propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas adequadas para aplicações em Engenharia de Tecidos. Para isso, quitosanas com diferentes graus de acetilação (4,0%<GA<40%) e de elevada massa molar média viscosimétrica (Mv>750.000 g.mol-1) foram produzidas através da aplicação de processos consecutivos de desacetilação assistida por irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade (DAIUS) à beta-quitina extraída de gládios de lulas Doryteuthis spp. A carboximetilação de quitosana extensivamente desacetilada (Qs-3; GA=4%) foi realizada pela reação com ácido monocloroacético em meio isopropanol/solução aquosa de NaOH, gerando a amostra CMQs-0 (GS≈0,98; Mv≈190.000 g.mol-1). A irradiação de ultrassom de alta intensidade foi empregada para tratar solução aquosa de CMQs-0 durante 1 h e 3 h, resultando nas amostras CMQs-1 (Mv≈94.000 g.mol-1) e CMQs-3 (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1), respectivamente. Para a produção de membranas reticuladas, genipina foi adicionada em diferentes concentrações (1,0x10-4 mol.L-1, 3,0x10-4 mol.L-1 ou 5,0x10-4 mol.L-1) às soluções aquosas das CMQs, que foram vertidas em placas de Petri e a reação de reticulação procedeu por 24 h. Em seguida, as membranas reticuladas (M-CMQs) foram liofilizadas, neutralizadas, lavadas e liofilizadas novamente, resultando em nove amostras, que foram caracterizadas quanto ao grau médio de reticulação (GR), grau médio de hidratação (GH), morfologia, propriedades mecânicas e quanto à susceptibilidade à degradação por lisozima. O grau médio de reticulação (GR) foi tanto maior quanto maior a concentração de genipina empregada na reação, variando de GR≈3,3% (M-CMQs-01) a GR≈17,8% (M-CMQs-35). As análises de MEV revelaram que as membranas reticuladas M-CMQs são estruturas porosas que apresentam maior densidade de poros aparentes quanto maiores os valores de Mve GR. Entretanto, as membranas preparadas a partir de CMQs de elevada massa molar (Mv>94.000 g.mol-1) e pouco reticuladas (GR<10%), apresentaram propriedades mecânicas superiores em termos de resistência máxima à tração (>170 kPa) e elongação máxima à ruptura (>40%). Por outro lado, as membranas mais susceptíveis à degradação enzimática foram aquelas preparadas a partir de CMQs de baixa massa molar (Mv≈43.000 g.mol-1) e que exibiram baixos graus de reticulação (GR<11%). Hidrogéis estáveis de quitosana sem o uso de qualquer agente de reticulação externo foram produzidos a partir da gelificação de soluções aquosas de quitosana com solução de NaOH ou vapor de NH3. Os hidrogéis produzidos a partir de soluções de quitosana de elevada massa molar média ponderal (Mw≈640.000 g.mol-1) e extensivamente desacetilada (DA≈2,8%) em concentrações poliméricas acima 2,0%, exibiram melhores propriedades mecânicas com o aumento da concentração polimérica, devido à formação de numerosos emaranhamentos físicos das cadeias poliméricas em solução. Os resultados mostram que as propriedades físico-químicas e mecânicas dos hidrogéis de quitosana podem ser controladas variando a concentração do polímero e o processo de gelificação. A avaliação biológica de tais hidrogéis para a regeneração de miocárdio infartado de ratos revelou que os hidrogéis de quitosana preparados a partir de soluções de polímero a 1,5% foram perfeitamente incorporados sobre a superfície do epicárdio do coração e apresentaram degradação parcial acompanhada por infiltração de células mononucleares.


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Hardware/Software partitioning (HSP) is a key task for embedded system co-design. The main goal of this task is to decide which components of an application are to be executed in a general purpose processor (software) and which ones, on a specific hardware, taking into account a set of restrictions expressed by metrics. In last years, several approaches have been proposed for solving the HSP problem, directed by metaheuristic algorithms. However, due to diversity of models and metrics used, the choice of the best suited algorithm is an open problem yet. This article presents the results of applying a fuzzy approach to the HSP problem. This approach is more flexible than many others due to the fact that it is possible to accept quite good solutions or to reject other ones which do not seem good. In this work we compare six metaheuristic algorithms: Random Search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, Hill Climbing, Genetic Algorithm and Evolutionary Strategy. The presented model is aimed to simultaneously minimize the hardware area and the execution time. The obtained results show that Restart Hill Climbing is the best performing algorithm in most cases.


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Teachers are deeply concerned on how to be more effective in our task of teaching. We must organize the contents of our specific area providing them with a logical configuration, for which we must know the mental structure of the students that we have in the classroom. We must shape this mental structure, in a progressive manner, so that they can assimilate the contents that we are trying to transfer, to make the learning as meaningful as possible. In the generative learning model, the links before the stimulus delivered by the teacher and the information stored in the mind of the learner requires an important effort by the student, who should build new conceptual meanings. That effort, which is extremely necessary for a good learning, sometimes is the missing ingredient so that the teaching-learning process can be properly assimilated. In electrical circuits, which we know are perfectly controlled and described by Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's two rules, there are two concepts that correspond to the following physical quantities: voltage and electrical resistance. These two concepts are integrated and linked when the concept of current is presented. This concept is not subordinated to the previous ones, it has the same degree of inclusiveness and gives rise to substantial relations between the three concepts, materializing it into a law: The Ohm, which allows us to relate and to calculate any of the three physical magnitudes, two of them known. The alternate current, in which both the voltage and the current are reversed dozens of times per second, plays an important role in many aspects of our modern life, because it is universally used. Its main feature is that its maximum voltage is easily modifiable through the use of transformers, which greatly facilitates its transfer with very few losses. In this paper, we present a conceptual map so that it is used as a new tool to analyze in a logical manner the underlying structure in the alternate current circuits, with the objective of providing the students from Sciences and Engineering majors with another option to try, amongst all, to achieve a significant learning of this important part of physics.


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INTRODUCTION: Around 80% of people are affected by low back pain at least once in their life, often caused by trauma provoking intervertebral disc (IVD) herniation and/or IVD degeneration. Apart from some promising approaches for nucleus pulposus repair, so far no treatment or repair is available for the outer fibrous tissue, annulus fibrosus (AF). We aimed for sealing and repairing an AF injury in a bovine IVD organ culture model in vitro over 14 days under different loading conditions. For this purpose, a silk fleece composite from Bombyx mori silk was combined with genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel [1]. METHODS: Bovine IVDs of 12-17 months old animals were isolated by first removing all surrounding tissue, followed by cutting out the IVDs [2]. Culturing of discs occurred in high glucose Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium (HG-DMEM) supplemented with 5% serum as previously described. On the next day, injury was induced using a 2mm biopsy punch (Polymed, Switzerland). The formed cavity was filled with (0.4%) genipin-enhanced human based fibrin hydrogel (35- 55mg/mL human fibrinogen, Baxter, Austria) and sealed with a silk fleece-membrane composite (Spintec Engineering, Germany). Different culture conditions were applied: free swelling, static diurnal load of 0.2MPa for 8h/d and complex loading at 0.2MPa compression combined with ± 2° torsion at 0.2Hz for 8h/d. Complex loading was applied by a custom built 2 degree of freedom bioreactor [3]. After 14 days of culture cell activity was determined with resazurin assay. Additionally, glycosaminoglycan (dimethyl-methylene blue), DNA (Hoechst) and collagen content (hydroxy-proline) were determined. Finally, real-time qPCR of major IVD marker genes was performed. RESULTS: The silk seal closing the injury site could successfully withstand the forces of all three loading conditions with no misplacement over the two weeks’ culture. Nevertheless, disc height of the repaired discs did not significantly differ from the injured group. The disc phenotype could be maintained as demonstrated by biochemical analysis of gene expression, cell activity, DNA-, collagen- and GAG content. The silk itself was evaluated to be highly biocompatible for hMSC, as revealed by cytotoxicity assays. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS: The silk can be considered a highly-elastic and biocompatible material for AF closure and the genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel has also good biomechanical properties. However, the cyto-compatibility of genipin seems rather poor and other hydrogels and/or cross-linkers should be looked into. REFERENCES: 1 C.C. Guterl et al. (2014) Characterization of Mechanics and Cytocompatibility of Fibrin Genipin Annulus Fibrosus Sealant with the Addition of Cell Adhesion Molecules, Tissue Eng Part A 2 S.C. Chan, B. Gantenbein-Ritter (2012) Preparation of intact bovine tail intervertebral discs for organ culture, J Vis Exp 3 B Gantenbein et al. (2015) Organ Culture Bioreactors - Platforms to Study Human Intervertebral Disc Degeneration and Regenerative Therapy, Curr Stem Cell Res Ther [epub ahead of print] ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: This project is supported by the Gebert Rüf Stiftung project # GRS-028/13.


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L’utilisation de lentilles cornéennes peut servir à améliorer le profil d’administration d’un principe actif dans les yeux. Avec une efficacité d’administration de 5% par l’utilisation de gouttes, on comprend rapidement que l’administration oculaire doit être améliorée. Cette faible administration a donné naissance à plusieurs tentatives visant à fabriquer des lentilles cornéennes médicamentées. Cependant, à cause de multiples raisons, aucune de ces tentatives n’a actuellement été mise sur le marché. Nous proposons dans cette étude, une possible amélioration des systèmes établis par le développement d’une lentille cornéenne à base de 2-(hydroxyéthyle)méthacrylate (HEMA), dans laquelle des microgels, à base de poly N-isopropylacrylamide (pNIPAM) thermosensible encapsulant un principe actif, seront incorporé. Nous avons donc débuté par développer une méthode analytique sensible par HPCL-MS/MS capable de quantifier plusieurs molécules à la fois. La méthode résultante a été validée selon les différents critères de la FDA et l’ICH en démontrant des limites de quantifications et de détections suffisamment basses, autant dans des fluides simulés que dans les tissus d’yeux de lapins. La méthode a été validée pour sept médicaments ophtalmiques : Pilocarpine, lidocaïne, proparacaïne, atropine, acétonide de triamcinolone, timolol et prednisolone. Nous avons ensuite fait la synthèse des microgels chargés négativement à base de NIPAM et d’acide méthacrylique (MAA). Nous avons encapsulé une molécule modèle dans des particules ayant une taille entre 200 et 600 nm dépendant de la composition ainsi qu’un potentiel zêta variant en fonction de la température. L’encapsulation de la rhodamine 6G (R6G) dans les microgels a été possible jusqu’à un chargement (DL%) de 38%. L’utilisation des isothermes de Langmuir a permis de montrer que l’encapsulation était principalement le résultat d’interactions électrostatiques entre les MAA et la R6G. Des cinétiques de libérations ont été effectuées à partir d’hydrogels d’acrylamide chargés en microgels encapsulant la R6G. Il a été trouvé que la libération des hydrogels chargés en microgels s’effectuait majoritairement selon l’affinité au microgel et sur une période d’environ 4-24 heures. La libération à partir de ces systèmes a été comparée à des formules d’hydrogels contenant des liposomes ou des nanogels de chitosan. Ces trois derniers (liposomes, microgels et nanogels) ont présenté des résultats prometteurs pour différentes applications avec différents profils de libérations. Enfin, nous avons transposé le modèle développé avec les gels d’acrylamide pour fabriquer des lentilles de contact de 260 à 340 µm d’épaisseur à base de pHEMA contenant les microgels avec une molécule encapsulée devant être administrée dans les yeux. Nous avons modifié la composition de l’hydrogel en incorporant un polymère linéaire, la polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). L’obtention d’hydrogels partiellement interpénétrés améliore la rétention d’eau dans les lentilles cornéennes. L’encapsulation dans les microgels chargés négativement a donné de meilleurs rendements avec la lidocaïne et cette dernière a été libérée de la lentille de pHEMA en totalité en approximativement 2 heures qu’elle soit ou non encapsulée dans des microgels. Ainsi dans cette étude pilote, l’impact des microgels n’a pas pu être déterminé et, de ce fait, nécessitera des études approfondies sur la structure et les propriétés de la lentille qui a été développée. En utilisant des modèles de libération plus représentatifs de la physiologie de l’œil, nous pourrions conclure avec plus de certitude concernant l’efficacité d’un tel système d’administration et s’il est possible de l’optimiser.


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Stem cells, either from embryonic or adult sources, have demonstrated the potential to differentiate into a wide range of tissues depending on culture conditions. This makes them prime candidates for use in tissue engineering applications. Current technology allows us to process biocompatible and biodegradable polymers into three-dimensional (3D) configurations, either as solid porous scaffolds or hydrogels, with controlled macro and/or micro spatial geometry and surface chemistry. Such control provides us with the ability to present highly controlled microenvironments to a chosen cell type. However, the precise microenvironments required for optimal expansion and/or differentiation of stem cells are only now being elucidated, and hence the controlled use of stem cells in tissue engineering remains a very young field. We present here a brief review of the current literature detailing interactions between stem cells and 3D scaffolds of varying morphology and chemical properties, concluding with remaining challenges for those interested in tissue engineering using tailored scaffolds and stem cells.


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The ingress of water and Kokubo simulated body fluid (SBF) into poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA), and its co-polymers with tetrahydrofurduryl methacrylate (THFMA), loaded with either one of two model drugs, vitamin 1312 or aspirin, was studied by mass uptake over the temperature range 298-318 K. The polymers were studied as cylinders and were loaded with either 5 wt% or 10 wt% of the drugs. From DSC studies it was observed that vitamin B-12 behaved as a physical cross-linker restricting chain segmental mobility, and so had a small anti-plasticisation effect on PHEMA and the co-polymers rich in HEMA, but almost no effect on the T-g of co-polymers rich in THFMA. On the other hand, aspirin exhibited a plasticising effect on PHEMA and the copolymers. All of the polymers were found to absorb water and SBF according to a Fickian diffusion mechanism. The polymers were all found to swell to a greater extent in SBF than in water, which was attributed to the presence of Tris buffer in the SBF. The sorptions of the two penetrants were found to follow Fickian kinetics in all cases and the diffusion coefficients at 310 K for SBF were found to be smaller than those for water, except for the polymers containing aspirin where the diffusion coefficients were higher than for the other systems. For example, for sorption into PHEMA the diffusion coefficient for water was 1.41 X 10(-11) m(2)/s and for SBF was 0.79 x 10-11 m(2)/s, but in the presence of 5 wt% aspirin the corresponding values were 1.27 x 10(-1)1 m(2)/s and 1.25 x 10(-11) m(2)/s, respectively. The corresponding values for PHEMA loaded with 5 wt% B-12 were 1.25 x 10(-11) m(2)/s and 0.74 x 10(-11) m(2)/s, respectively.


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A model drug release study on the ingress of water and Kokubo simulated body fluid (SBF) into poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (THFMA) and its copolymers with tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with vitamin B-12 was undertaken over the temperature range 298-318 K. The polymers were studied as cylinders and were loaded with either 5 or 10 wt-% of the drug. The drug release from the polymers was found to follow a Fickian diffusion mechanism in the early stages of the drug release, with higher normalized release rates at higher temperatures and higher drug loadings. The normalized release rates were also found to be higher for the SBF solution than for water. The copolymer composition was found to have a significant effect on the rate of release of the drug, with the rate falling rapidly between HEMA mole fractions of 1.0 and 0.8, but for lower mole fractions of HEMA the normalized release rate decreased more slowly. This behaviour followed the trend found for the changes in the equilibrium penetrant contents for the copolymers.


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The ingress of water into copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tetrahydrofurfuryl methacrylate (THFMA) loaded with either one of two model drugs, ie vitamin B-12 or aspirin, was studied at 310 K using three-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance (3D NMR) imaging. The poly(HEMA) was loaded with 5 wt% of the drugs. From the imaging profiles it was observed that incorporation of vitamin B-12 into the polymers rich in HEMA resulted in crack formation at the interface between the rubbery region and the glassy core on sorption of water, although these cracks were 'healed' behind the diffusion front. However, for the copolymers with low HEMA contents and for those containing aspirin, no evidence for similar crack formation was found. For the copolymers loaded with 5 wt% of aspirin or vitamin B-12 the values of the water diffusion coefficients, determined by curve-fitting the relative water concentration profiles from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements, were found to be smaller than those obtained from a mass uptake study. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.


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We present optical, near-IR, and radio follow-up of 16 Swift bursts, including our discovery of nine afterglows and a redshift determination for three. These observations, supplemented by data from the literature, provide an afterglow recovery rate of 52% in the optical/near-IR, much higher than in previous missions (BeppoSAX, HETE-2, INTEGRAL, and IPN). The optical/near-IR afterglows of Swift events are on average 1.8 mag fainter at t = 12 hr than those of previous missions. The X-ray afterglows are similarly fainter than those of pre-Swift bursts. In the radio the limiting factor is the VLA threshold, and the detection rate for Swift bursts is similar to that for past missions. The redshift distribution of pre-Swift bursts peaked at z similar to 1, whereas the six Swift bursts with measured redshifts are distributed evenly between 0.7 and 3.2. From these results we conclude that ( 1) the pre-Swift distributions were biased in favor of bright events and low-redshift events, ( 2) the higher sensitivity and accurate positions of Swift result in a better representation of the true burst redshift and brightness distributions ( which are higher and dimmer, respectively), and (3) similar to 10% of the bursts are optically dark, as a result of a high redshift and/or dust extinction. We remark that the apparent lack of low-redshift, low-luminosity Swift bursts and the lower event rate than prelaunch estimates ( 90 vs. 150 per year) are the result of a threshold that is similar to that of BATSE. In view of these inferences, afterglow observers may find it advisable to make significant changes in follow-up strategies of Swift events. The faintness of the afterglows means that large telescopes should be employed as soon as the burst is localized. Sensitive observations in RIz and near-IR bands will be needed to discriminate between a typical z similar to 2 burst with modest extinction and a high-redshift event. Radio observations will be profitable for a small fraction (similar to 10%) of events. Finally, we suggest that a search for bright host galaxies in untriggered BAT localizations may increase the chance of finding nearby low-luminosity GRBs.


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The diffusion of styrene into linear low density polyethylene in a solution of supercritical CO2 was investigated using NMR microimaging. For both pure styrene and styrene dissolved in supercritical CO2, the diffusion was found to follow Fickian kinetics. Supercritical CO2 was found to enhance the rate and extent of diffusion of styrene into the substrate by up to three times under the conditions of this investigation, compared to pure styrene. NMR imaging was used to measure the concentration profiles of the styrene penetrants in real time, and the results were fitted to a Fickian model for diffusion. At a CO2 pressure of 150 bar and temperature of 40 degrees C, the diffusion coefficient of a 30 wt-% solution of styrene into LLDPE was calculated to be 1 X 10(-11) m(2). s(-1). This is significantly faster than the diffusion coefficient measured for pure styrene diffusion at 40 degrees C (3 x 10(-12) m(2). s(-1)). The diffusion coefficients determined by gravimetric analysis were slightly higher than those determined by the imaging method. This was probably due to residual styrene and/or polystyrene adhering to the surface of the films in the gravimetric technique.


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PFG-NMR was used to study the chemical exchange of linear PHEMA having a range of molecular weights with water in DMSO containing varying quantities of water. The aim was to investigate the use of PFG-NMR to study chemical exchange between a polymer with exchangeable protons and a small fast diffusing molecule to provide insight into the conformation adopted by a polymer in solution. The experimental data were simulated closely for the two-site exchange case using the Bloch equations modified for chemical exchange and diffusion. The exchange rate could be used to detect changes in polymer conformation resulting from changes in the solvent. PHEMA of MW 10 000 showed significant time-dependent changes in exchange rate, resulting from preferential solvation of the OH sites by water, and subsequent conformational changes which altered accessibility of the OH sites to water. This behavior was not observed for larger MW PHEMA, which adopted a stable conformation immediately. Large changes in the exchange rate were not reflected in changes to the hydrodynamic radius, suggesting that a minimal overall change in the chain dimensions occurred. DMSO was found to be a poor solvent for PHEMA, which adopts a compact conformation in DMSO. This work has demonstrated that PFG-NMR is a sensitive method for detecting subtle changes in polymer conformation in polymers with exchangeable protons.