932 resultados para INTRACRANIAL ANEURYSMS


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Splenic arterial interventions are increasingly performed to treat various clinical conditions, including abdominal trauma, hypersplenism, splenic arterial aneurysm, portal hypertension, and splenic neoplasm. When clinically appropriate, these procedures may provide an alternative to open surgery. They may help to salvage splenic function in patients with posttraumatic injuries or hypersplenism and to improve hematologic parameters in those who otherwise would be unable to undergo high-dose chemotherapy or immunosuppressive therapy. Splenic arterial interventions also may be performed to exclude splenic artery aneurysms from the parent vessel lumen and prevent aneurysm rupture; to reduce portal pressure and prevent sequelae in patients with portal hypertension; to treat splenic artery steal syndrome and improve liver perfusion in liver transplant recipients; and to administer targeted treatment to areas of neoplastic disease in the splenic parenchyma. As the use of splenic arterial interventions increases in interventional radiology practice, clinicians must be familiar with the splenic vascular anatomy, the indications and contraindications for performing interventional procedures, the technical considerations involved, and the potential use of other interventional procedures, such as radiofrequency ablation, in combination with splenic arterial interventions. Familiarity with the complications that can result from these interventional procedures, including abscess formation and pancreatitis, also is important.


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BACKGROUND: Skew deviation is a vertical ocular misalignment of prenuclear origin. Although well described in the literature, it is still probably underdiagnosed. Natural history of skew deviation is not well described in the literature. PURPOSE: To describe the clinical presentations, etiologies and follow-up of skew deviation. METHODS: Retrospective study of 29 patients diagnosed with skew deviation between 1993 and 1996. RESULTS: The commonest cause was cerebrovascular accident (12/29) and the commonest localisation was mesencephalic (9/29). Other causes included surgery (7/29), tumor (4/29), trauma (3/29), degeneration (3/29), inflammatory (2/29), increased intracranial pressure (1/29). Other localisations included cerebellum (5/29), ponto-mesencephalic (3/29), and medulla (2/29). Vertical diplopia was always accompanied by other neuro-ophthalmologic abnormalities. 69.2% (18/26) patients were totally asymptomatic after 7.5 months. 30.8% (8/26) were still symptomatic (diplopia). One patient required surgery, three patients were relieved with prisms, one patient needed monocular occlusion. One patient died during follow-up and precise data were lacking in two symptomatic patients. CONCLUSION: Skew deviation is not so rare, 10% of the cases referred to us for diplopia in 3 years. The diagnosis of skew deviation should be entertained when vertical diplopia cannot be explained by pathology of extraocular muscles, peripheral or central cranial nerve III or IV palsies, myasthenia, or orbital pathology. Prognosis for recovery in patients with skew deviation is good. 70% will recover, after a median time of 7.5 months. Surgery should be postponed at least for 12 months.


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OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine whether thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) reduces death and morbidity compared with open surgical repair for descending thoracic aortic disease. BACKGROUND: The role of TEVAR versus open surgery remains unclear. Metaregression can be used to maximally inform adoption of new technologies by utilizing evidence from existing trials. METHODS: Data from comparative studies of TEVAR versus open repair of the descending aorta were combined through meta-analysis. Metaregression was performed to account for baseline risk factor imbalances, study design, and thoracic pathology. Due to significant heterogeneity, registry data were analyzed separately from comparative studies. RESULTS: Forty-two nonrandomized studies involving 5,888 patients were included (38 comparative studies, 4 registries). Patient characteristics were balanced except for age, as TEVAR patients were usually older than open surgery patients (p = 0.001). Registry data suggested overall perioperative complications were reduced. In comparative studies, all-cause mortality at 30 days (odds ratio [OR]: 0.44, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.33 to 0.59) and paraplegia (OR: 0.42, 95% CI: 0.28 to 0.63) were reduced for TEVAR versus open surgery. In addition, cardiac complications, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, renal dysfunction, pneumonia, and length of stay were reduced. There was no significant difference in stroke, myocardial infarction, aortic reintervention, and mortality beyond 1 year. Metaregression to adjust for age imbalance, study design, and pathology did not materially change the results. CONCLUSIONS: Current data from nonrandomized studies suggest that TEVAR may reduce early death, paraplegia, renal insufficiency, transfusions, reoperation for bleeding, cardiac complications, pneumonia, and length of stay compared with open surgery. Sustained benefits on survival have not been proven.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine the pattern of extraocular muscle (EOM) paresis in incomplete vasculopathic third nerve palsies (3NP) that have normal pupillary function. METHODS: A retrospective study in a private practice and academic neuro-ophthalmic practice. Patients diagnosed with vasculopathic 3NP within 4 weeks of symptom onset were identified. The chart of each patient was reviewed to determine pupillary function and the pattern and degree of EOM and levator palpebrae paresis at the time of presentation. RESULTS: Of 55 patients with vasculopathic 3NP, 42 (76%) had normal pupillary function. Of these 42, 23 (55%) demonstrated an incomplete EOM palsy, defined as partially reduced ductions affecting all third nerve-innervated EOMs and levator (diffuse pattern) or partially reduced ductions that involved only some third nerve-innervated EOMs and levator (focal pattern). Twenty (87%) of these 23 patients showed a diffuse pattern of paresis; only three (13%) showed a focal pattern of paresis, one that affected only the superior rectus and levator muscles (superior division weakness). CONCLUSIONS: Based on our series, most patients with EOM/levator involvement in pupil-sparing, incomplete 3NP of vasculopathic origin have a diffuse pattern of paresis. In contrast, our review of the literature suggests that pupil-sparing 3NP of aneurysmal origin usually have a focal pattern of paresis. We propose that distinguishing these two patterns of EOM paresis may be helpful in differentiating between vasculopathic and aneurysmal 3NP. Future studies will be needed to confirm the clinical utility of this hypothesis.


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Background: We aimed to analyze the rate and time distribution of pre- and post-morbid cerebrovascular events in a single ischemic stroke population, and whether these depend on the etiology of the index stroke. Methods: In 2,203 consecutive patients admitted to a single stroke center registry (ASTRAL), the ischemic stroke that led to admission was considered the index event. Frequency distribution and cumulative relative distribution graphs of the most recent and first recurrent event (ischemic stroke, transient ischemic attack, intracranial or subarachnoid hemorrhage) were drawn in weekly and daily intervals for all strokes and for all stroke types. Results: The frequency of events at identical time points before and after the index stroke was mostly reduced in the first week after (vs. before) stroke (1.0 vs. 4.2%, p < 0.001) and the first month (2.7 vs. 7.4%, p < 0.001), and then ebbed over the first year (8.4 vs. 13.1%, p < 0.001). On daily basis, the peak frequency was noticed at day -1 (1.6%) with a reduction to 0.7% on the index day and 0.17% 24 h after. The event rate in patients with atherosclerotic stroke was particularly high around the index event, but 1-year cumulative recurrence rate was similar in all stroke types. Conclusions: We confirm a short window of increased vulnerability in ischemic stroke and show a 4-, 3- and 2-fold reduction in post-stroke events at 1 week, 1 month and 1 year, respectively, compared to identical pre-stroke periods. This break in the 'stroke wave' is particularly striking after atherosclerotic and lacunar strokes.


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Prognosis after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) is determined by the severity of initial injury and secondary cerebral damage. The main determinants of secondary cerebral damage are brain ischemia and oedema. Traumatic brain injury is a heterogeneous disease. Head CT-scan is essential in evaluating initial type of injury and severity of brain oedema. A standardised approach based on prevention and treatment of secondary cerebral damage is the only effective therapeutic strategy of severe TBI. We review the classification, pathophysiology and treatment of secondary cerebral damage after severe TBI and discuss the management of intracranial hypertension, cerebral perfusion pressure and brain ischemia.


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Suite à des essais cliniques randomisés démontrant l'efficacité du dépistage de l'anévrisme de l'aorte abdominale (AAA) par échographie, plusieurs recommandations ont été publiées dans de nombreux pays en faveur du dépistage dans une partie de la population générale. De plus, au-delà de la rupture aortique, le dépistage d'un petit AAA semble être une bonne occasion d'appliquer les stratégies de prévention secondaire, permettant une amélioration globale du pronostic cardiovasculaire du patient. Ces recommandations sont cependant peu suivies; les campagnes de dépistage systématique sont rares, laissant la responsabilité du dépistage au médecin généraliste. Cet article se propose de discuter les raisons de la non-implantation du dépistage de l'AAA. [Abstract] Following the evidence of benefits of ultrasound screening for abdominal aorta aneurysms (AAA), several guidelines support this screening in population. Beyond the prompt diagnosis of AAA prior to its rupture of grim vital prognosis, small AAA can beconsidered as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Yet, its detection is an opportunity for secondary prevention to reduce CVD mortality. Despite, these guidelines are poorly applied: systematic screening campaigns are infrequent, making the screening of family physicians responsibility. While the major benefit from this screening strategy is to reduce AAA-related death (but only trivial effect on long-term total mortality), this explains only partially the lack of guidelines implementation. The reasons of the poor implementation of these guidelines are discussed herein.


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BACKGROUND: Recently, it was shown that the relation between admission glucose and functional outcome after ischemic stroke is described by a J-shaped curve, with a glucose range of 3.7-7.3 mmol/l associated with a favorable outcome. We tested the hypothesis that persistence of hyperglycemia above this threshold at 24-48 h after stroke onset impairs 3-month functional outcome. METHODS: We analyzed all patients with glucose >7.3 mmol/l on admission from the Acute STroke Registry and Analysis of Lausanne (ASTRAL). Patients were divided into two groups according to their subacute glucose level at 24-48 h after last well-being time (group 1: ≤7.3 mmol/l, group 2: >7.3 mmol/l). A favorable functional outcome was defined as a modified Rankin Score (mRS) ≤2 at 3 months. A multiple logistic regression analysis of multiple demographic, clinical, laboratory and neuroimaging covariates was performed to assess predictors of an unfavorable outcome. RESULTS: A total of 1,984 patients with ischemic stroke were admitted between January 1, 2003 and October 20, 2009, within 24 h after last well-being time. In the 421 patients (21.2%) with admission glucose >7.3 mmol/l, the proportion of patients with a favorable outcome was not statistically significantly different between the two groups (59.2 vs. 48.7%, respectively). In multiple logistic regression analysis, unfavorable outcome was significantly associated with age (odds ratio, OR: 1.06, 95% confidence interval, 95% CI: 1.03-1.08 for every 10-year increase), National Institute of Health Stroke Score, NIHSS score, on admission (OR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.11-1.21), prehospital mRS (OR: 12.63, 95% CI: 2.61-61.10 for patients with score >0), antidiabetic drug usage (OR: 0.36, 95% CI: 0.15-0.86) and glucose on admission (OR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.02-1.31 for every 1 mmol/l increase). No association was found between persistent hyperglycemia at 24-28 h and outcome in either diabetics or nondiabetics. CONCLUSIONS: In ischemic stroke patients with acute hyperglycemia, persistent hyperglycemia (>7.3 mmol/l) at 24-48 h after stroke onset is not associated with a worse functional outcome at 3 months whether the patient was previously diabetic or not.


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INTRODUCTION: The arteries of bifurcation aneurysms are sometimes so angulated or tortuous that an exchange maneuver is necessary to catheterize them with a balloon or stent delivery catheter. Because of the risk of distal wire perforation associated with exchange maneuvers, we sought to find an alternative technique. METHODS: Our experience shows that a microcatheter tends to preferentially follow a previously placed microcatheter, even if the initial catheterization might be challenging. Accessing an artery with two microcatheters simultaneously may thus be an alternative to an exchange maneuver. Because of this tendency for catheters to behave like sheep following one another, we named this method the sheeping technique (ST). The ST consists of (a) first placing a 1.7 French microcatheter into the division branch requiring balloon or stent protection to straighten the course of the arteries in order to facilitate and (b) positioning in the same artery of a larger and stiffer balloon or stent microcatheter. Once the second balloon or stent microcatheter is in place, the first microcatheter can be pulled back and used to coil the aneurysm. RESULTS: Between January 2009 and December 2012, The ST was successfully used in 208/246 procedures (85 %). Conversion to an exchange maneuver was necessary in 38/246 (15 %). There were no arterial perforations or ischemic events related to the handling of both microcatheters. CONCLUSION: The sheeping technique may improve safety by replacing the need for an exchange maneuver during difficult balloon- or stent-assisted coiling.


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Body fluid biomarkers of central nervous system damage may help improve the prognostic and diagnostic accuracy in ischemic stroke. We studied 53 patients. Stroke severity and outcome was rated using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and modified Rankin scale. Ferritin, S100B, and NfH were measured in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum. Infarct volume was calculated from T2W images. CSF S100B (median 1.00 ng/mL) and CSF ferritin (10.0 ng/mL) levels were elevated in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.62 ng/mL, P < .0001; 2.34 ng/mL, P < .0001). Serum S100B (0.09 ng/mL) was higher in patients with stroke compared with control subjects (0.01 ng/mL). CSF S100B levels were higher in patients with a cardioembolic stroke (2.88 ng/mL) than in those with small-vessel disease (0.89 ng/mL, P < .05). CSF S100B levels correlated with the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score on admission (R = 0.56, P < .01) and the stroke volume (R = 0.44, P = .01). CSF S100B and NfH-SMI35 levels correlated with outcome on the modified Rankin scale. CSF S100B levels were related to stroke severity and infarct volume and highest in cardioembolic stroke.


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Background and Purpose-Demographic changes will result in a rapid increase of patients age >= 90 years (nonagenarians), but little is known about outcomes in these patients after intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) for acute ischemic stroke. We aimed to assess safety and functional outcome in nonagenarians treated with IVT and to compare the outcomes with those of patients age 80 to 89 years (octogenarians).Methods-We analyzed prospectively collected data of 284 consecutive stroke patients age >= 80 years treated with IVT in 7 Swiss stroke units. Presenting characteristics, favorable outcome (modified Rankin scale [mRS] 0 or 1), mortality at 3 months, and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (SICH) using the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) and Safe Implementation of Thrombolysis in Stroke-Monitoring Study (SITS-MOST) criteria were compared between nonagenarians and octogenarians.Results-As compared with octogenarians (n=238; mean age, 83 years), nonagenarians (n=46; mean age, 92 years) were more often women (70% versus 54%; P=0.046) and had lower systolic blood pressure (161 mm Hg versus 172 mm Hg; P=0.035). Patients age >= 90 years less often had a favorable outcome and had a higher incidence of mortality than did patients age 80 to 89 years (14.3% versus 30.2%; P=0.034; and 45.2% versus 22.1%; P=0.002; respectively), while more nonagenarians than octogenarians experienced a SICH (SICHNINDS, 13.3% versus 5.9%; P=0.106; SICHSITS-MOST, 13.3% versus 4.7%; P=0.037). Multivariate adjustment identified age >= 90 years as an independent predictor of mortality (P=0.017).Conclusions-Our study suggests less favorable outcomes in nonagenarians as compared with octogenarians after IVT for ischemic stroke, and it demands a careful selection for treatment, unless randomized controlled trials yield more evidence for IVT in very old stroke patients. (Stroke. 2011; 42: 1967-1970.)


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Posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a potentially fatal complication of solid organ transplantation. The majority of PTLD is of B-cell origin, and 90% are associated with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LG) is a rare, EBV-associated systemic angiodestructive lymphoproliferative disorder, which has rarely been described in patients with renal transplantation. We report the case of a patient with renal transplantation for SLE, who presented, 9 months after renal transplantation, an EBV-associated LG limited to the intracranial structures that recovered completely after adjustment of her immunosuppressive treatment. Nine years later, she developed a second PTLD disorder with central nervous system initial manifestation. Workup revealed an EBV-positive PTLD Burkitt lymphoma, widely disseminated in most organs. In summary, the reported patient presented two lymphoproliferative disorders (LG and Burkitt's lymphoma), both with initial neurological manifestation, at 9 years interval. With careful reduction of the immunosuppression after the first manifestation and with the use of chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy after the second manifestation, our patient showed complete disappearance of neurologic symptoms and she is clinically well with good kidney function. No recurrence has been observed by radiological imaging until now.


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Complex auditory hallucinations are often characterized by hearing voices and are then called auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs). While AVHs have been extensively investigated in psychiatric patients suffering from schizophrenia, reports from neurological patients are rare and, in most cases, incomplete. Here, we characterize AVHs in 9 patients suffering from pharmacoresistant epilepsy by analyzing the phenomenology of AVHs and patients' neuropsychological and lesion profiles. From a cohort of 352 consecutively examined patients with epilepsy, 9 patients suffering AVHs were identified and studied by means of a semistructured interview, neuropsychological tests, and multimodal imaging, relying on a combination of functional and structural neuroimaging data and surface and intracranial EEG. We found that AVHs in patients with epilepsy were associated with prevalent language deficits and damage to posterior language areas and basal language areas in the left temporal cortex. Auditory verbal hallucinations, most of the times, consisted in hearing a single voice of the same gender and language as the patient and had specific spatial features, being, most of the times, perceived in the external space, contralateral to the lesion. We argue that the consistent location of AVHs in the contralesional external space, the prominence of associated language deficits, and the prevalence of lesions to the posterior temporal language areas characterize AVHs of neurological origin, distinguishing them from those of psychiatric origin.