490 resultados para Hyperbolic haves
O escoamento sanguíneo é um dos temas de grande interesse para a comunidade científica. Assim, a busca de fluidos que sejam análogos ao sangue bem como o estudo do seu escoamento em microcanais, tal como acontece com o sangue nos capilares, continua a ser alvo de investigação. Numa primeira fase deste trabalho, procedeu-se ao desenvolvimento de um modelo inovador para produzir glóbulos vermelhos artificiais, constituído por Vesículas Unilamelares Gigantes, vulgarmente designadas Giant Unilamellar Vesicles (GUVs), com três concentrações diferentes. Pretende-se que estas vesículas tenham um comportamento reológico idêntico ao escoamento dos glóbulos vermelhos (GVs) em microcanais, permitindo assim proceder a vários estudos hemodinâmicos. No desenvolvimento destas vesículas, foi verificado que as mais adequadas são constituídas por uma mistura natural de lípidos e lecitina de soja. Foi realizado um estudo relativamente à sua concentração, onde se verificou que, com o aumento da quantidade da lecitina de soja nas soluções, a concentração de GUVs tende a aumentar. Foi também realizado um estudo relativo aos diâmetros dos GUVs para verificar se estes se aproximavam em termos de tamanho dos GVs, onde foi verificado que a maioria dos GUVs possuem diâmetros com dimensões entre os 5 e 7 μm, tal como os GVs. Foi ainda verificado que a solução com a menor concentração de lecitina de soja possui uma maior quantidade de GUVs com diâmetros entre os 5 e 7 μm. Na segunda fase, foi estudado experimentalmente o escoamento das três soluções de GUVs em microcanais hiperbólicos, com três caudais diferentes, com o objetivo de visualizar a Camada Livre de Células (CLC), determinar a deformação e estudar as velocidades destes. Foi verificado que existe a formação de CLC em todas as concentrações e que aumenta com o aumento do caudal. Relativamente à deformação, esta é bastante mais evidente na contração do microcanal onde a taxa deformação é máxima. Para o caso da velocidade, foi observado um aumento bastante significativo e linear da velocidade na região da contração do microcanal hiperbólico e uma velocidade baixa e aproximadamente constante a montante e jusante da contração. vi Por fim, foi também realizado o estudo reológico dos GUVs, de forma a investigar se estes têm uma viscosidade próxima do sangue. Foi verificado que os GUVs apresentam uma viscosidade inferior à do sangue total e que existe um ligeiro aumento da viscosidade dos GUVs com o aumento da sua concentração. Por último, também foi efetuada uma comparação da viscosidade da solução de GUVs com uma solução de 5% de Hematócrito (Hct) em soro fisiológico, onde foi verificado que ambas as viscosidades são muito próximas.
Background: Partially clonal organisms are very common in nature, yet the influence of partial asexuality on the temporal dynamics of genetic diversity remains poorly understood. Mathematical models accounting for clonality predict deviations only for extremely rare sex and only towards mean inbreeding coefficient (F-IS) over bar < 0. Yet in partially clonal species, both F-IS < 0 and F-IS > 0 are frequently observed also in populations where there is evidence for a significant amount of sexual reproduction. Here, we studied the joint effects of partial clonality, mutation and genetic drift with a state-and-time discrete Markov chain model to describe the dynamics of F-IS over time under increasing rates of clonality. Results: Results of the mathematical model and simulations show that partial clonality slows down the asymptotic convergence to F-IS = 0. Thus, although clonality alone does not lead to departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations once reached the final equilibrium state, both negative and positive F-IS values can arise transiently even at intermediate rates of clonality. More importantly, such "transient" departures from Hardy Weinberg proportions may last long as clonality tunes up the temporal variation of F-IS and reduces its rate of change over time, leading to a hyperbolic increase of the maximal time needed to reach the final mean (F-IS,F-infinity) over bar value expected at equilibrium. Conclusion: Our results argue for a dynamical interpretation of F-IS in clonal populations. Negative values cannot be interpreted as unequivocal evidence for extremely scarce sex but also as intermediate rates of clonality in finite populations. Complementary observations (e.g. frequency distribution of multiloci genotypes, population history) or time series data may help to discriminate between different possible conclusions on the extent of clonality when mean (F-IS) over bar values deviating from zero and/or a large variation of F-IS over loci are observed.
Introduction : Patients with mild cognitive impairme nt (MCI) may make suboptimal decisions particularly in complex situations, and thi s could be due to temporal discounting, the tendency to prefer immediate rewards over delayed but larger rewards. The present study proposes to evaluate intertemporal prefere nces in MCI patients as compared to healthy controls. Method : Fifty-five patients with MCI and 57 h ealthy controls underwent neuropsy- chological evaluation and a delay discounting questionnaire, which evaluates three para- meters: hyperbolic discounting ( k ), the percentage of choices for delayed and later rewards (%LL), and response consistency (Acc). Results : No significant differences were found in the delay discounting questionnaire between MC I patients and controls for the three reward sizes considered, small, medium, and large, using both k and %LL parameters. There were also no differences in the response consistency, Acc, between the two groups. Conclusions : Patients with MCI perform similarly to healthy controls in a delay discounting task. Memory deficits do not notably affect intertemporal preferences.
Social network sites (SNS), such as Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, have attracted hundreds of millions of users daily since their appearance. Within SNS, users connect to each other, express their identity, disseminate information and form cooperation by interacting with their connected peers. The increasing popularity and ubiquity of SNS usage and the invaluable user behaviors and connections give birth to many applications and business models. We look into several important problems within the social network ecosystem. The first one is the SNS advertisement allocation problem. The other two are related to trust mechanisms design in social network setting, including local trust inference and global trust evaluation. In SNS advertising, we study the problem of advertisement allocation from the ad platform's angle, and discuss its differences with the advertising model in the search engine setting. By leveraging the connection between social networks and hyperbolic geometry, we propose to solve the problem via approximation using hyperbolic embedding and convex optimization. A hyperbolic embedding method, \hcm, is designed for the SNS ad allocation problem, and several components are introduced to realize the optimization formulation. We show the advantages of our new approach in solving the problem compared to the baseline integer programming (IP) formulation. In studying the problem of trust mechanisms in social networks, we consider the existence of distrust (i.e. negative trust) relationships, and differentiate between the concept of local trust and global trust in social network setting. In the problem of local trust inference, we propose a 2-D trust model. Based on the model, we develop a semiring-based trust inference framework. In global trust evaluation, we consider a general setting with conflicting opinions, and propose a consensus-based approach to solve the complex problem in signed trust networks.
Los viajes combinados han ocupado tradicionalmente un lugar destacado dentro de la amplia gama de servicios ofrecidos por los operadores turísticos. Por ello, el Consejo de la Unión Europea adoptó en 1990 la Directiva 90/314/CEE, de 13 de junio, relativa a los viajes combinados, las vacaciones combinadas y los circuitos combinados, con el fin de eliminar, o cuanto menos mitigar, la especial situación de indefensión en que se encontraba aquél que los contrataba. Desde la aprobación de esta Directiva han pasado casi veinticinco años y ante el surgimiento de problemas derivados de la aparición de nuevos modelos de negocio y formas de contratación de los servicios turísticos que ni siquiera se plantearon en aquel momento, se ha hecho necesaria la revisión de una normativa a todas luces obsoleta e incapaz de proteger adecuadamente a los usuarios de estos servicios. Así, el 9 de julio de 2013 la Comisión Europea aprobó la Propuesta de Directiva del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo relativa a los viajes combinados y los servicios asistidos de viaje, por la que se modifican el Reglamento (CE) nº 2006/2004 y la Directiva 2011/83/UE y por la que se deroga la Directiva 90/314/CEE. El objetivo de este trabajo se centra en analizar las modificaciones propuestas por la C C omisión respecto al ámbito de aplicación de la Directiva 90/314/CEE y su posible repercusión en las legislaciones internas, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta el enfoque de armonización máxima que se pretende dar al nuevo texto.
Le corps demeure un sujet d'études en vogue de nos jours. Une multitude d'articles et d'ouvrages abordent la représentation du corps au cinéma. Notre étude se concentre précisément sur le corps du héros du film d'action américain pendant la période classique des années 80. Il sera ainsi question de la musculature hyperbolique d’Arnold Schwarzenegger et de Sylvester Stallone. L'hypothèse de notre recherche est que la mise en scène du physique de l’acteur dans le film d’action demeure représentative de la conception héroïque de son époque. Premièrement, nous explorons la construction héroïque spécifique au film d'action classique. Nous posons que cette figure de héros américain évoque une glorification de la corporalité qui renvoie à la conception mythologique du héros occidental, celle-ci relative à notre imaginaire collectif. Une attention particulière sur la performance de Stallone dans son rôle de John Rambo servira pour appuyer notre réflexion. Deuxièmement, une analyse de la représentation du corps de Schwarzenegger dans ses premiers rôles nous permettra de vérifier à quel point le physique de cet acteur correspond à un nouveau paradigme, un nouveau modèle corporel pour incarner une figure héroïque au cinéma. Troisièmement, nous considérons le contexte socio-politique américain pendant les années 80 afin de constater l'influence de la société dans la construction d'une figure héroïque au cinéma. Une étude de la figure héroïque « reaganienne » sera développée en fonction de la comparaison de ces deux stars. Nous pourrons appréhender comment la représentation du corps dans le film d'action américain peut contribuer à la construction sociale du corps dans notre société occidentale contemporaine.
In this thesis we present a mathematical formulation of the interaction between microorganisms such as bacteria or amoebae and chemicals, often produced by the organisms themselves. This interaction is called chemotaxis and leads to cellular aggregation. We derive some models to describe chemotaxis. The first is the pioneristic Keller-Segel parabolic-parabolic model and it is derived by two different frameworks: a macroscopic perspective and a microscopic perspective, in which we start with a stochastic differential equation and we perform a mean-field approximation. This parabolic model may be generalized by the introduction of a degenerate diffusion parameter, which depends on the density itself via a power law. Then we derive a model for chemotaxis based on Cattaneo's law of heat propagation with finite speed, which is a hyperbolic model. The last model proposed here is a hydrodynamic model, which takes into account the inertia of the system by a friction force. In the limit of strong friction, the model reduces to the parabolic model, whereas in the limit of weak friction, we recover a hyperbolic model. Finally, we analyze the instability condition, which is the condition that leads to aggregation, and we describe the different kinds of aggregates we may obtain: the parabolic models lead to clusters or peaks whereas the hyperbolic models lead to the formation of network patterns or filaments. Moreover, we discuss the analogy between bacterial colonies and self gravitating systems by comparing the chemotactic collapse and the gravitational collapse (Jeans instability).
Le corps demeure un sujet d'études en vogue de nos jours. Une multitude d'articles et d'ouvrages abordent la représentation du corps au cinéma. Notre étude se concentre précisément sur le corps du héros du film d'action américain pendant la période classique des années 80. Il sera ainsi question de la musculature hyperbolique d’Arnold Schwarzenegger et de Sylvester Stallone. L'hypothèse de notre recherche est que la mise en scène du physique de l’acteur dans le film d’action demeure représentative de la conception héroïque de son époque. Premièrement, nous explorons la construction héroïque spécifique au film d'action classique. Nous posons que cette figure de héros américain évoque une glorification de la corporalité qui renvoie à la conception mythologique du héros occidental, celle-ci relative à notre imaginaire collectif. Une attention particulière sur la performance de Stallone dans son rôle de John Rambo servira pour appuyer notre réflexion. Deuxièmement, une analyse de la représentation du corps de Schwarzenegger dans ses premiers rôles nous permettra de vérifier à quel point le physique de cet acteur correspond à un nouveau paradigme, un nouveau modèle corporel pour incarner une figure héroïque au cinéma. Troisièmement, nous considérons le contexte socio-politique américain pendant les années 80 afin de constater l'influence de la société dans la construction d'une figure héroïque au cinéma. Une étude de la figure héroïque « reaganienne » sera développée en fonction de la comparaison de ces deux stars. Nous pourrons appréhender comment la représentation du corps dans le film d'action américain peut contribuer à la construction sociale du corps dans notre société occidentale contemporaine.
We consider a conservation law perturbed by a linear diffusion and a general form of non-positive dispersion. We prove the convergence of the corresponding solution to the entropy weak solution of the hyperbolic conservation law.
The neurons in the primary visual cortex that respond to the orientation of visual stimuli were discovered in the late 1950s (Hubel, D.H. & Wiesel, T.N. 1959. J. Physiol. 148:574-591) but how they achieve this response is poorly understood. Recently, experiments have demonstrated that the visual cortex may use the image processing techniques of cross or auto-correlation to detect the streaks in random dot patterns (Barlow, H. & Berry, D.L. 2010. Proc. R. Soc. B. 278: 2069-2075). These experiments made use of sinusoidally modulated random dot patterns and of the so-called Glass patterns - where randomly positioned dot pairs are oriented in a parallel configuration (Glass, L. 1969. Nature. 223: 578-580). The image processing used by the visual cortex could be inferred from how the threshold of detection of these patterns in the presence of random noise varied as a function of the dot density in the patterns. In the present study, the detection thresholds have been measured for other types of patterns including circular, hyperbolic, spiral and radial Glass patterns and an indication of the type of image processing (cross or auto-correlation) by the visual cortex is presented. As a result, it is hoped that this study will contribute to an understanding of what David Marr called the ‘computational goal’ of the primary visual cortex (Marr, D. 1982. Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information. New York: Freeman.)