729 resultados para Hydro
The thesis aims at analysing the role of collective action as a viable alternative to the traditional forms of intervention in agriculture in order to encourage the provision of agri-environmental public goods. Which are the main benefits of collective action, in terms of effectiveness and efficiency, compared to traditional market or public intervention policies? What are the drivers that encourage farmers to participate into collective action? To what extent it is possible to incorporate collective aspects into policies aimed at providing agri-environmental public goods? With the objective of addressing these research questions, the thesis is articulated in two levels: a theoretical analysis on the role of collective action in the provision of public goods and a specific investigation of two local initiative,s were an approach collective management of agro-environmental resources was successfully implemented. The first case study concerns a project named “Custodians of the Territory”, developed by the local agency in Tuscany “Comunità Montana Media Valle del Serchio”, which settled for an agreement with local farmers for a collective provision of environmental services related to the hydro-geological management of the district. The second case study is related to the territorial agri-environmental agreement experimented in Valdaso (Marche), where local farmers have adopted integrated pest management practices collectively with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of their farming practices. The analysis of these initiatives, carried out through participatory methods (Rapid Rural Appraisal), allowed developing a theoretical discussion on the role of innovative tools (such as co-production and co-management) in the provision of agri-environmental public goods. The case studies also provided some recommendations on the government intervention and policies needed to promote successful collective action for the provision of agri-environmental public goods.
La presente tesi di dottorato ha come argomento la produzione d’idrogeno per via fermentativa sfruttando il metabolismo anaerobico di particolari batteri estremofili del genere Thermotoga. In questo lavoro, svolto in seno al progetto Bio-Hydro, sfruttando reattori batch da 116 mL, è stato selezionato il ceppo migliore di Thermotoga fra i quatto ceppi testati: T. neapolitana. Una volta individuato il candidato batterico migliore è stato individuato il valore ottimale di pH (8.5 a t.amb) per la produzione d’idrogeno. Un intenso lavoro è stato svolto sul medium di coltura permettendone la minimizzazione e rendendolo così economicamente sostenibile per il suo utilizzo nel reattore da 19L; in questo caso il glucosio è stato completamente sostituito con due sottoprodotti agroindustriali individuati in precedenza, il melasso di barbabietola e il siero di latte. Sono stati poi eliminati i gravosi micronutrienti e le vitamine. È stata sfruttata la capacità di T. neapolitana di produrre biofilm e sono stati testati 4 diversi supporti in vetro sinterizzato e ceramici, tali test hanno permesso di individuare Biomax come supporto migliore. Sono stati svolti studi sul metabolismo di T. neapolitana volti ad individuare le concentrazioni inibenti di ogni substrato testato, l’inibizione da prodotto (idrogeno) e l’inibizione da ossigeno. Tutte queste prove hanno dato le conoscenze di base per la conduzione di esperienze su reattore da 19L. L’innovativo reattore di tipo SPCSTR è stato interamente studiato, progettato e costruito presso il DICMA. dell’Università di Bologna. La conduzione di esperienze batch su SPCSTR ha dato la possibilità di verificare il funzionamento del nuovo tipo d’impianto. Presso il Wageningen UR (NL), è stata svolta la selezione del miglior ceppo di Caldicellulosisruptor fra 3 testati e del miglior supporto per la produzione d’idrogeno; è stato poi costruito testato e condotto in continuo l’innovativo reattore CMTB.
Natürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung ist in allen Bereichen der Erdkruste ein wichtiger und stark verbreiteter Prozess. Sie beeinflusst die effektive Permeabilität und Fluidtransport auf mehreren Größenordnungen, indem sie hydraulische Konnektivität bewirkt. Der Prozess der Bruchbildung ist sowohl sehr dynamisch als auch hoch komplex. Die Dynamik stammt von der starken Wechselwirkung tektonischer und hydraulischer Prozesse, während sich die Komplexität aus der potentiellen Abhängigkeit der poroelastischen Eigenschaften von Fluiddruck und Bruchbildung ergibt. Die Bildung hydraulischer Brüche besteht aus drei Phasen: 1) Nukleation, 2) zeitabhängiges quasi-statisches Wachstum so lange der Fluiddruck die Zugfestigkeit des Gesteins übersteigt, und 3) in heterogenen Gesteinen der Einfluss von Lagen unterschiedlicher mechanischer oder sedimentärer Eigenschaften auf die Bruchausbreitung. Auch die mechanische Heterogenität, die durch präexistierende Brüche und Gesteinsdeformation erzeugt wird, hat großen Einfluß auf den Wachstumsverlauf. Die Richtung der Bruchausbreitung wird entweder durch die Verbindung von Diskontinuitäten mit geringer Zugfestigkeit im Bereich vor der Bruchfront bestimmt, oder die Bruchausbreitung kann enden, wenn der Bruch auf Diskontinuitäten mit hoher Festigkeit trifft. Durch diese Wechselwirkungen entsteht ein Kluftnetzwerk mit komplexer Geometrie, das die lokale Deformationsgeschichte und die Dynamik der unterliegenden physikalischen Prozesse reflektiert. rnrnNatürliche hydraulische Bruchbildung hat wesentliche Implikationen für akademische und kommerzielle Fragestellungen in verschiedenen Feldern der Geowissenschaften. Seit den 50er Jahren wird hydraulisches Fracturing eingesetzt, um die Permeabilität von Gas und Öllagerstätten zu erhöhen. Geländebeobachtungen, Isotopenstudien, Laborexperimente und numerische Analysen bestätigen die entscheidende Rolle des Fluiddruckgefälles in Verbindung mit poroelastischen Effekten für den lokalen Spannungszustand und für die Bedingungen, unter denen sich hydraulische Brüche bilden und ausbreiten. Die meisten numerischen hydromechanischen Modelle nehmen für die Kopplung zwischen Fluid und propagierenden Brüchen vordefinierte Bruchgeometrien mit konstantem Fluiddruck an, um das Problem rechnerisch eingrenzen zu können. Da natürliche Gesteine kaum so einfach strukturiert sind, sind diese Modelle generell nicht sonderlich effektiv in der Analyse dieses komplexen Prozesses. Insbesondere unterschätzen sie die Rückkopplung von poroelastischen Effekten und gekoppelte Fluid-Festgestein Prozesse, d.h. die Entwicklung des Porendrucks in Abhängigkeit vom Gesteinsversagen und umgekehrt.rnrnIn dieser Arbeit wird ein zweidimensionales gekoppeltes poro-elasto-plastisches Computer-Model für die qualitative und zum Teil auch quantitativ Analyse der Rolle lokalisierter oder homogen verteilter Fluiddrücke auf die dynamische Ausbreitung von hydraulischen Brüchen und die zeitgleiche Evolution der effektiven Permeabilität entwickelt. Das Programm ist rechnerisch effizient, indem es die Fluiddynamik mittels einer Druckdiffusions-Gleichung nach Darcy ohne redundante Komponenten beschreibt. Es berücksichtigt auch die Biot-Kompressibilität poröser Gesteine, die implementiert wurde um die Kontrollparameter in der Mechanik hydraulischer Bruchbildung in verschiedenen geologischen Szenarien mit homogenen und heterogenen Sedimentären Abfolgen zu bestimmen. Als Resultat ergibt sich, dass der Fluiddruck-Gradient in geschlossenen Systemen lokal zu Störungen des homogenen Spannungsfeldes führen. Abhängig von den Randbedingungen können sich diese Störungen eine Neuausrichtung der Bruchausbreitung zur Folge haben kann. Durch den Effekt auf den lokalen Spannungszustand können hohe Druckgradienten auch schichtparallele Bruchbildung oder Schlupf in nicht-entwässerten heterogenen Medien erzeugen. Ein Beispiel von besonderer Bedeutung ist die Evolution von Akkretionskeilen, wo die große Dynamik der tektonischen Aktivität zusammen mit extremen Porendrücken lokal starke Störungen des Spannungsfeldes erzeugt, die eine hoch-komplexe strukturelle Entwicklung inklusive vertikaler und horizontaler hydraulischer Bruch-Netzwerke bewirkt. Die Transport-Eigenschaften der Gesteine werden stark durch die Dynamik in der Entwicklung lokaler Permeabilitäten durch Dehnungsbrüche und Störungen bestimmt. Möglicherweise besteht ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der Bildung von Grabenstrukturen und großmaßstäblicher Fluid-Migration. rnrnDie Konsistenz zwischen den Resultaten der Simulationen und vorhergehender experimenteller Untersuchungen deutet darauf hin, dass das beschriebene numerische Verfahren zur qualitativen Analyse hydraulischer Brüche gut geeignet ist. Das Schema hat auch Nachteile wenn es um die quantitative Analyse des Fluidflusses durch induzierte Bruchflächen in deformierten Gesteinen geht. Es empfiehlt sich zudem, das vorgestellte numerische Schema um die Kopplung mit thermo-chemischen Prozessen zu erweitern, um dynamische Probleme im Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum von Kluftfüllungen in hydraulischen Brüchen zu untersuchen.
Three-dimensional flow visualization plays an essential role in many areas of science and engineering, such as aero- and hydro-dynamical systems which dominate various physical and natural phenomena. For popular methods such as the streamline visualization to be effective, they should capture the underlying flow features while facilitating user observation and understanding of the flow field in a clear manner. My research mainly focuses on the analysis and visualization of flow fields using various techniques, e.g. information-theoretic techniques and graph-based representations. Since the streamline visualization is a popular technique in flow field visualization, how to select good streamlines to capture flow patterns and how to pick good viewpoints to observe flow fields become critical. We treat streamline selection and viewpoint selection as symmetric problems and solve them simultaneously using the dual information channel [81]. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first attempt in flow visualization to combine these two selection problems in a unified approach. This work selects streamline in a view-independent manner and the selected streamlines will not change for all viewpoints. My another work [56] uses an information-theoretic approach to evaluate the importance of each streamline under various sample viewpoints and presents a solution for view-dependent streamline selection that guarantees coherent streamline update when the view changes gradually. When projecting 3D streamlines to 2D images for viewing, occlusion and clutter become inevitable. To address this challenge, we design FlowGraph [57, 58], a novel compound graph representation that organizes field line clusters and spatiotemporal regions hierarchically for occlusion-free and controllable visual exploration. We enable observation and exploration of the relationships among field line clusters, spatiotemporal regions and their interconnection in the transformed space. Most viewpoint selection methods only consider the external viewpoints outside of the flow field. This will not convey a clear observation when the flow field is clutter on the boundary side. Therefore, we propose a new way to explore flow fields by selecting several internal viewpoints around the flow features inside of the flow field and then generating a B-Spline curve path traversing these viewpoints to provide users with closeup views of the flow field for detailed observation of hidden or occluded internal flow features [54]. This work is also extended to deal with unsteady flow fields. Besides flow field visualization, some other topics relevant to visualization also attract my attention. In iGraph [31], we leverage a distributed system along with a tiled display wall to provide users with high-resolution visual analytics of big image and text collections in real time. Developing pedagogical visualization tools forms my other research focus. Since most cryptography algorithms use sophisticated mathematics, it is difficult for beginners to understand both what the algorithm does and how the algorithm does that. Therefore, we develop a set of visualization tools to provide users with an intuitive way to learn and understand these algorithms.
In the treatment of copper ores by hydro-electro-metallurgical methods, not only is copper deposited, but other metals are also dissolved. In practice it has been found* that iron, under certain conditions, causes the copper to deposit on the cathode as a nonadherent precipitate and also that the iron in solution causes a great decrease in current efficiency, especially when the electrolysis is conducted by operating with a higher current density at the cathode than at the anode. The present investigation deals with the effects of the two valences of iron on the current efficiency and endeavors to determine whether or not there is a ratio of the two at which point the efficiency becomes zero or approaches it.
Following the rapid growth of China's economy, energy consumption, especially electricity consumption of China, has made a huge increase in the past 30 years. Since China has been using coal as the major energy source to produce electricity during these years, environmental problems have become more and more serious. The research question for this paper is: "Can China use alternative energies instead of coal to produce more electricity in 2030?" Hydro power, nuclear power, natural gas, wind power and solar power are considered as the possible and most popular alternative energies for the current situation of China. To answer the research question above, there are two things to know: How much is the total electricity consumption in China by 2030? And how much electricity can the alternative energies provide in China by 2030? For a more reliable forecast, an econometric model using the Ordinary Least Squares Method is established on this paper to predict the total electricity consumption by 2030. The predicted electricity coming from alternative energy sources by 2030 in China can be calculated from the existing literature. The research results of this paper are analyzed under a reference scenario and a max tech scenario. In the reference scenario, the combination of the alternative energies can provide 47.71% of the total electricity consumption by 2030. In the max tech scenario, it provides 57.96% of the total electricity consumption by 2030. These results are important not only because they indicate the government's long term goal is reachable, but also implies that the natural environment of China could have an inspiring future.
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are promising devices for stationary and portable power and heat generation, because they can use complex fuels such as hydro-carbons, CO, and alcohols. Extreme, non-equilibrium conditions and high tem-peratures (≥ 700 ˚C) required for SOFC operation hamper efforts to understand the mechanisms of component degradation in SOFCs. This talk focuses on new insights into SOFC chemistry and the conversion of carbon-containing fuels (both hydrocarbons and oxygenated) into electricity, carbon dioxide and water, gleaned from a combination of techniques including electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, voltammetry, and vibrational Raman scattering.
[1] We present quantitative autumn, summer and annual precipitation and summer temperature reconstructions from proglacial annually laminated Lake Silvaplana, eastern Swiss Alps back to AD 1580. We used X-ray diffraction peak intensity ratios of minerals in the sediment layers (quartz qz, plagioclase pl, amphibole am, mica mi) that are diagnostic for different source areas and hydro-meteorological transport processes in the catchment. XRD data were calibrated with meteorological data (AD 1800/1864–1950) and revealed significant correlations: mi/pl with SON precipitation (r = 0.56, p < 0.05) and MJJAS precipitation (r = 0.66, p < 0.01); qz/mi with MJJAS temperature (r = −0.72, p < 0.01)and qz/am with annual precipitation (r = −0.54, p < 0.05). Geological catchment settings and hydro-meteorological processes provide deterministic explanations for the correlations. Our summer temperature reconstruction reproduces the typical features of past climate variability known from independent data sets. The precipitation reconstructions show a LIA climate moister than today. Exceptionally wet periods in our reconstruction coincide with regional glacier advances.
The Opalinus Clay in Northern Switzerland has been identified as a potential host rock formation for the disposal of radioactive waste. Comprehensive understanding of gas transport processes through this low-permeability formation forms a key issue in the assessment of repository performance. Field investigations and laboratory experiments suggest an intrinsic permeability of the Opalinus Clay in the order of 10(-20) to 10(-21) m(2) and a moderate anisotropy ratio < 10. Porosity depends on clay content and burial depth; values of similar to 0.12 are reported for the region of interest. Porosimetry indicates that about 10-30 of voids can be classed as macropores, corresponding to an equivalent pore radius > 25 nm. The determined entry pressures are in the range of 0.4-10 MPa and exhibit a marked dependence on intrinsic permeability. Both in situ gas tests and gas permeameter tests on drillcores demonstrate that gas transport through the rock is accompanied by porewater displacement, suggesting that classical flow concepts of immiscible displacement in porous media can be applied when the gas entry pressure (i.e. capillary threshold pressure) is less than the minimum principal stress acting within the rock. Essentially, the pore space accessible to gas flow is restricted to the network of connected macropores, which implies a very low degree of desaturation of the rock during the gas imbibition process. At elevated gas pressures (i.e. when gas pressure approaches the level of total stress that acts on the rock body), evidence was seen for dilatancy controlled gas transport mechanisms. Further field experiments were aimed at creating extended tensile fractures with high fracture transmissivity (hydro- or gasfracs). The test results lead to the conclusion that gas fracturing can be largely ruled out as a risk for post-closure repository performance.
The aim of this study was to analyse the effects of climatic factors (i.e. monthly mean temperature and total precipitation) on radial growth (earlywood width, latewood width, and total ringwidth) and on latewood stable carbon isotope composition in a pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L) stand in northeastern Hungary. Earlywood widths showed the weakest common variance and lack of statistically significant relationship to monthly precipitation and temperature. Latewood width showed the strongest common chronological signal. Correlation analysis with the monthly climate series pointed out the strongest positive/negative correlation with June precipitation for latewood width/stable carbon isotope ratio. These parameters shared the strongest climatic response also for seasonal scale since the highest correlation coefficients, 0.49 and -0.62 for latewood width and stable carbon isotope ratio, respectively, were obtained for both with a 10-month precipitation total (from previous November to current August of the growing season). A combined parameter, derived as difference between latewood width and stable carbon isotope indices showed improved statistical relationship compared to the hydroclimatic calibration target both for local and regional spatial scales. Spatial correlation analysis indicated that the hydroclimatic signal encoded in these moisture sensitive tree-ring parameters from Bakta Forest is expected to be representative for the northeastern Carpathians and for the large part of the Great Hungarian Plain. In addition, the hydroclimatic signal of latewood width chronology was compared to three independent records. Results showed that neither the strength nor the rank of the similarity of the local hydroclimate signals were stable throughout the past two centuries. Future palaeo(hydro)climatological efforts targeting the Carpathian(-Balkan) region are recommended to track carefully the spatial domains for which a given, local, proxy-derived hydroclimate reconstruction might provide useful information.
Laser pulses are largely used for processing and analysis of materials and in particular for nano-particle synthesis. This paper addresses fundamentals of the generation of nano-materials following specific thermodynamic paths of the irradiated material. Computer simulations using the hydro code MULTI and the SESAME equation of state have been performed to follow the dynamics of a target initially heated by a short laser pulse over a distance comparable to the metal skin depth.
Crystal structures of organosulfur donor 2-(5′,6′-dihydro[1,3]dithiolo[4,5-b][1,4]-dithiin-2′-ylidene)-6,7-di-hydro-5H-[1,3]dithiolo[4,5-b][1,4]dithiepine-6,6-dimethanol (D) and its conducting salt D2I3 are described. Conductivity properties of D2I3 are also discussed.
Recent observed hydro-climatic changes in mountainous areas are of concern as they may directly affect capacity to fulfill water needs. The canton of Vaud in Western Switzerland is an example of such a region as it has experienced water shortage episodes during the past decade. Based on an integrated modeling framework, this study explores how hydro-climatic conditions and water needs could evolve in mountain environments and assesses their potential impacts on water stress by the 2060 horizon. Flows were simulated based on a daily semi-distributed hydrological model. Future changes were derived from Swiss climate scenarios based on two regional climate models. Regarding water needs, the authorities of the canton of Vaud provided a population growth scenario while irrigation and livestock trends followed a business-as-usual scenario. Currently, the canton of Vaud experiences moderate water stress from June to August, except in its Alpine area where no stress is noted. In the 2060 horizon, water needs could exceed 80% of the rivers' available resources in low- to mid-altitude environments in mid-summer. This arises from the combination of drier and warmer climate that leads to longer and more severe low flows, and increasing urban (+ 40%) and irrigation (+ 25%) water needs. Highlighting regional differences supports the development of sustainable development pathways to reduce water tensions. Based on a quantitative assessment, this study also calls for broader impact studies including water quality issues.