980 resultados para Hormonal mutants
The protein encoded by the gamma 134.5 gene of herpes simplex virus precludes premature shutoff of protein synthesis in human cells triggered by stress associated with onset of viral DNA synthesis. The carboxyl terminus of the protein is essential for this function. This report indicates that the shutoff of protein synthesis is not due to mRNA degration because mRNA from wild-type or gamma 134.5- virus-infected cells directs protein synthesis. Analyses of the posttranslational modifications of translation initiation factor eIF-2 showed the following: (i) eIF-2 alpha was selectively phosphorylated by a kinase present in ribosome-enriched fraction of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus. (ii) Endogenous eIF-2 alpha was totally phosphorylated in cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene but was not phosphorylated in mock-infected or wild-type virus-infected cells. (iii) Immune precipitates of the PKR kinase that is responsible for regulation of protein synthesis of some cells by phosphorylation of eIF-2 alpha yielded several phosphorylated polypeptides. Of particular significance were two observations. First, phosphorylation of PKR kinase was elevated in all infected cells relative to the levels in mock-infected cells. Second, the precipitates from lysates of cells infected with gamma 134.5- virus or a virus lacking the 3' coding domain of the gamma 134.5 gene contained an additional labeled phosphoprotein of M(r) 90,000 (p90). This phosphoprotein was present in only trace amounts in the immunoprecipitate from cells infected with wild-type virus or mutants lacking a portion of the 5' domain of gamma 134.5. We conclude that in the absence of gamma 134.5 protein, PKR kinase complexes with the p90 phosphoprotein and shuts off protein synthesis by phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of translation initiation factor eIF-2.
Optokinetic and phototactic behaviors of zebrafish larvae were examined for their usefulness in screening for recessive defects in the visual system. The optokinetic response can be reliably and rapidly detected in 5-day larvae, whereas the phototactic response of larvae is variable and not robust enough to be useful for screening. We therefore measured optokinetic responses of mutagenized larvae as a genetic screen for visual system defects. Third-generation larvae, representing 266 mutagenized genomes, were examined for abnormal optokinetic responses. Eighteen optokinetic-defective mutants were identified and two mutants that did not show obvious morphological defects, no optokinetic response a (noa) and partial optokinetic response a (poa), were studied further. We recorded the electroretinogram (ERG) to determine whether these two mutations affect the retina. The b-wave of noa larvae was grossly abnormal, being delayed in onset and significantly reduced in amplitude. In contrast, the ERG waveform of poa larvae was normal, although the b-wave was reduced in amplitude in bright light. Histologically, the retinas of noa and poa larvae appeared normal. We conclude that noa larvae have a functional defect in the outer retina, whereas the outer retina of poa larvae is likely to be normal.
We have analyzed the role of chitin, a cell-wall polysaccharide, in the virulence of Candida albicans. Mutants with a 5-fold reduction in chitin were obtained in two ways: (i) by selecting mutants resistant to Calcofluor, a fluorescent dye that binds to chitin and inhibits growth, and (ii) by disrupting CHS3, the C. albicans homolog of CSD2/CAL1/DIT101/KT12, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene required for synthesis of approximately 90% of the cell-wall chitin. Chitin-deficient mutants have no obvious alterations in growth rate, sugar assimilation, chlamydospore formation, or germ-tube formation in various media. When growing vegetatively in liquid media, the mutants tend to clump and display minor changes in morphology. Staining of cells with the fluorescent dye Calcofluor indicates that CHS3 is required for synthesis of the chitin rings found on the surface of yeast cells but not formation of septa in either yeast cells or germ tubes. Despite their relatively normal growth, the mutants are significantly less virulent than the parental strain in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed mice; at 13 days after infection, survival was 95% in immunocompetent mice that received chs3/chs3 cells and 10% in immunocompetent mice that received an equal dose of chs3/CHS3 cells. Chitin-deficient strains can colonize the organs of infected mice, suggesting that the reduced virulence of the mutants is not due to accelerated clearing.
The functional role of residue Tyr-19 of Chromatium vinosum HiPIP has been evaluated by site-directed mutagenesis experiments. The stability of the [Fe4S4] cluster prosthetic center is sensitive to side-chain replacements. Polar residues result in significant instability, while nonpolar residues (especially with aromatic side chains) maintain cluster stability. Two-dimensional NMR data of native and mutant HiPIPs are consistent with a model where Tyr-19 serves to preserve the structural rigidity of the polypeptide backbone, thereby maintaining a hydrophobic barrier for exclusion of water from the cluster cavity. Solvent accessibility results in more facile oxidation of the cluster by atmospheric oxygen, with subsequent rapid hydrolysis of the [Fe4S4]3+ core.
Establishment of loss-of-function phenotypes is often a key step in determining the biological function of a gene. We describe a procedure to obtain mutant petunia plants in which a specific gene with known sequence is inactivated by the transposable element dTph1. Leaves are collected from batches of 1000 plants with highly active dTph1 elements, pooled according to a three-dimensional matrix, and screened by PCR using a transposon- and a gene-specific primer. In this way individual plants with a dTph1 insertion can be identified by analysis of about 30 PCRs. We found insertion alleles for various genes at a frequency of about 1 in 1000 plants. The plant population can be preserved by selfing all the plants, so that it can be screened for insertions in many genes over a prolonged period.
Camptothecin is a potent antineoplastic agent that interferes with the action of eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I; the covalent enzyme-DNA intermediate is reversibly stabilized, leading to G2 arrest and cell death. We used a genetic screen to identify cellular factors, other than DNA topoisomerase I, that participate in the process of camptothecin-induced cell death. Following ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis of top1 delta yeast cells expressing plasmid-borne wild-type DNA topoisomerase I, six dominant suppressors of camptothecin toxicity were isolated that define a single genetic locus, sct1. Mutant SCT1 cells expressed DNA topoisomerase I protein of similar specific activity and camptothecin sensitivity to that of congenic, drug-sensitive sct1 cells, yet were resistant to camptothecin-mediated lethality. Moreover, camptothecin-treated SCT1 cells did not exhibit the G2-arrested, terminal phenotype characteristic of drug-treated wild-type cells. SCT1 cell sensitivity to other DNA-damaging agents suggests that alterations in SCT1 function suppress camptothecin-induced DNA damage produced in the presence of yeast DNA topoisomerase I.
We have developed a system for the isolation of Neurospora crassa mutants that shows altered responses to blue light. To this end we have used the light-regulated promoter of the albino-3 gene fused to the neutral amino acid permease gene mtr. The product of the mtr gene is required for the uptake of neutral aliphatic and aromatic amino acids, as well as toxic analogs such as p-flurophenylalanine or 4-methyltryptophan. mtr trp-2-carrying cells were transformed with the al-3 promoter-mtr wild-type gene (al-3p-mtr+) to obtain a strain with a light-regulated tryptophan uptake. This strain is sensitive to p-fluorophenylalanine when grown under illumination and resistant when grown in the dark. UV mutagenesis of the al-3p-mtr(+)-carrying strain allowed us to isolate two mutant strains, BLR-1 and BLR-2 (blue light regulator), that are light-resistant to p-fluorophenylalanine and have lost the ability to grow on tryptophan. These two strains have a pale-orange phenotype and show down-regulation of all the photoregulated genes tested (al-3, al-1, con-8, and con-10). Mutations in the BLR strains are not allelic with white collar 1 or white collar 2, regulatory genes that are also involved in the response to blue light.
To test whether yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) can be used in the investigation of mammalian development, we analyzed the phenotypes of transgenic mice carrying two types of beta-globin locus YAC developmental mutants: (i) mice carrying a G-->A transition at position -117 of the A gamma gene, which is responsible for the Greek A gamma form of hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH), and (ii) beta-globin locus YAC transgenic lines carrying delta- and beta-globin gene deletions with 5' breakpoints similar to those of deletional HPFH and delta beta-thalassemia syndromes. The mice carrying the -117 A gamma G-->A mutation displayed a delayed gamma- to beta-globin gene switch and continued to express A gamma-globin chains in the adult stage of development as expected for carriers of Greek HPFH, indicating that the YAC/transgenic mouse system allows the analysis of the developmental role of cis-acting motifs. The analysis of mice carrying 3' deletions first provided evidence in support of the hypothesis that imported enhancers are responsible for the phenotypes of deletional HPFH and second indicated that autonomous silencing is the primary mechanism for turning off the gamma-globin genes in the adult. Collectively, our results suggest that transgenic mice carrying YAC mutations provide a useful model for the analysis of the control of gene expression during development.
The plant defense response to microbial pathogens had been studied primarily by using biochemical and physiological techniques. Recently, several laboratories have developed a variety of pathosystems utilizing Arabidopsis thaliana as a model host so that genetic analysis could also be used to study plant defense responses. Utilizing a pathosystem that involves the infection of Arabidopsis with pathogenic pseudomonads, we have cloned the Arabidopsis disease-resistance gene RPS2, which corresponds to the avirulence gene avrRpt2 in a gene-for-gene relationship. RPS2 encodes a 105-kDa protein containing a leucine zipper, a nucleotide binding site, and 14 imperfect leucine-rich repeats. The RPS2 protein is remarkably similar to the product of the tobacco N gene, which confers resistance to tobacco mosaic virus. We have also isolated a series of Arabidopsis mutants that synthesize decreased levels of an Arabidopsis phytoalexin called camalexin. Analysis of these mutants indicated that camalexin does not play a significant role in limiting growth of avirulent Pseudomonas syringae strains during the hypersensitive defense response but that it may play a role in limiting the growth of virulent strains. More generally, we have shown that we can utilize Arabidopsis to systematically dissect the defense response by isolation and characterization of appropriate defense-related mutants.
Robotics is an emerging field with great activity. Robotics is a field that presents several problems because it depends on a large number of disciplines, technologies, devices and tasks. Its expansion from perfectly controlled industrial environments toward open and dynamic environment presents a many new challenges. New uses are, for example, household robots or professional robots. To facilitate the low cost, rapid development of robotic systems, reusability of code, its medium and long term maintainability and robustness are required novel approaches to provide generic models and software systems who develop paradigms capable of solving these problems. For this purpose, in this paper we propose a model based on multi-agent systems inspired by the human nervous system able to transfer the control characteristics of the biological system and able to take advantage of the best properties of distributed software systems. Specifically, we model the decentralized activity and hormonal variation.
Los objetivos del Jardín Zoológico de Córdoba son, (en correlación a lo planteado en la Estrategia Global para la Conservación en los Zoológicos modernos, 1993): la educación de sus visitantes, la investigación de aspectos relacionados con la fauna y flora autóctona y la conservación de la naturaleza y sus recursos y finalmente la recreación de quienes vienen a este lugar. En la actualidad, existen programas y campañas enfocadas a educar a los visitantes sobre el respeto y protección del ambiente, como así también equipos multidisciplinarios encargados de cuidar la salud, nutrición y reproducción de las especies dentro del Zoológico. Esto último se logra gracias a programas de investigación que se realizan en conjunto con otras instituciones, contribuyendo directamente a incrementar el conocimiento. Dentro de estos programas de investigación se destaca el monitoreo hormonal no invasivo en fauna silvestre, considerado como una herramienta precisa para evaluar la respuesta de estrés en fauna en condiciones tanto in situ como ex situ. El análisis hormonal de metabolitos esteroideos para evaluar la función reproductiva y las respuestas de estrés en aves y en mamíferos está convirtiéndose en una estrategia común en el campo de la zoología. Los avances científicos en la temática aportan información relevante para las ciencias del comportamiento, de la fisiología reproductiva y del estrés, cuyos datos analizados son útiles para la toma de decisiones de manejo de animales en condiciones in situ como ex situ. En Córdoba, Argentina, a través de un proyecto de monitoreo hormonal no invasivo en fauna silvestre, se formalizó durante el 2011 por primera vez un convenio marco (expediente aprobado 1739/11-CONICET central) entre el Jardín Zoológico de Córdoba y el CONICET, que tiene por objeto establecer vínculos de cooperación científica y tecnológica durante 5 años. Hasta el momento se realizaron diferentes investigaciones científicas conjuntamente a la formación de recursos humanos a nivel de grado y posgrado, cuyos productos puedan constituir una base de datos para mejorar el diagnostico y el manejo de fauna silvestre. En 2011, se determinaron los efectos del enriquecimiento ambiental con énfasis en la modificación de la dieta sobre la actividad adrenocortical y el comportamiento de osos meleros (Tamandua tetradactyla); en el 2012, se comenzó con la validación del monitoreo hormonal no invasivo de respuestas de estrés de la mara (Dolichotis patagonum); y en el 2013 se está trabajando en la evaluación de la respuesta de estrés al transporte en el manejo de osos hormigueros (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) durante la reintroducción a su ambiente natural. Estas tareas se realizan en colaboración con especialistas de la UNC-CONICET, de la Universidad de Medicina Veterinaria (Viena, Austria) y del Instituto de Biología de la Conservación del Smithsonian (Front Royal, Estados Unidos). Dada la larga trayectoria de trabajo en conjunto mencionada, es que surge la inquietud de concretar de manera formal, práctica y colaborativa la difusión de los resultados obtenidos. De esta forma, se elabora el presente proyecto de transferencia establecido en conjunto con el IIByT /CONICET-UNC (personal del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de los alimentos); que pretende no sólo llegar a otros científicos, zoólogos e interesados en el monitoreo hormonal no invasivo, sino tambien al personal del Zoológico. Esto incluye a cuidadores, veterinarios y biólogos, con el fin de informar y fomentar el bienestar animal y estandarizar protocolos de trabajos para la aplicación del monitoreo hormonal no invasivo.
Plant survival under environmental stress requires the integration of multiple signaling pathways into a coordinated response, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this integration are poorly understood. Stress-derived energy deprivation activates the Snf1-related protein kinases1 (SnRK1s), triggering a vast transcriptional and metabolic reprogramming that restores homeostasis and promotes tolerance to adverse conditions. Here, we show that two clade A type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2Cs), established repressors of the abscisic acid (ABA) hormonal pathway, interact with the SnRK1 catalytic subunit causing its dephosphorylation and inactivation. Accordingly, SnRK1 repression is abrogated in double and quadruple pp2c knockout mutants, provoking, similarly to SnRK1 overexpression, sugar hypersensitivity during early seedling development. Reporter gene assays and SnRK1 target gene expression analyses further demonstrate that PP2C inhibition by ABA results in SnRK1 activation, promoting SnRK1 signaling during stress and once the energy deficit subsides. Consistent with this, SnRK1 and ABA induce largely overlapping transcriptional responses. Hence, the PP2C hub allows the coordinated activation of ABA and energy signaling, strengthening the stress response through the cooperation of two key and complementary pathways.
Fused in sarcoma (FUS) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein proposed to function in various RNA metabolic pathways, including transcription regulation, pre-mRNA splicing, RNA transport and microRNA processing. Mutations in the FUS gene were identified in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but the pathomechanisms by which these mutations cause ALS are not known. Here, we show that FUS interacts with the minor spliceosome constituent U11 snRNP, binds preferentially to minor introns and directly regulates their removal. Furthermore, a FUS knockout in neuroblastoma cells strongly disturbs the splicing of minor intron-containing mRNAs, among them mRNAs required for action potential transmission and for functional spinal motor units. Moreover, an ALS-associated FUS mutant that forms cytoplasmic aggregates inhibits splicing of minor introns by trapping U11 and U12 snRNAs in these aggregates. Collectively, our findings suggest a possible pathomechanism for ALS in which mutated FUS inhibits correct splicing of minor introns in mRNAs encoding proteins required for motor neuron survival.