566 resultados para Homolog


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Mutations in the whn gene are associated with the phenotype of congenital athymia and hairlessness in mouse and rat. The whn gene encodes a presumptive transcription factor with a DNA binding domain of the forkhead/ winged-helix class. Two previously described null alleles encode truncated whn proteins lacking the characteristic DNA binding domain. In the rat rnu allele described here, a nonsense mutation in exon 8 of the whn gene was identified. The truncated whnrnu protein contains the DNA binding domain but lacks the 175 C-terminal amino acids of the wild-type protein. To facilitate the identification of functionally important regions in this region, a whn homolog from the pufferfish Fugu rubripes was isolated. Comparison of derived protein sequences with the mouse whn gene revealed the presence of a conserved acidic protein domain in the C terminus, in addition to the highly conserved DNA binding domain. Using fusions with a heterologous DNA binding domain, a strong transcriptional activation domain was localized to the C-terminal cluster of acidic amino acids. As the whnrnu mutant protein lacks this domain, our results indicate that a transactivation function is essential for the activity of the whn transcription factor.


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In a search for regulatory proteins that interact with the leucine zipper motif of c-Fos in the yeast two-hybrid screen, we have identified a protein (FZA-B) that has extensive sequence similarity to SUG1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here we show that FZA-B can functionally substitute for SUG1 in yeast and that FZA-B interacts with Fos proteins in vitro through their leucine zippers. In rat liver and in HeLa cells, FZA-B is present in the 26S proteasome complex, as is c-Fos. Immobilized antibody raised against an FZA-B-specific peptide depleted peptidase activity, proteasomal proteins, FZA-B, and c-Fos from a 26S proteasome preparation. FZA-B is found predominantly in the nuclear fraction of COS cells expressing an FZA-B transgene and in the nuclear 26S proteasome of HeLa cells. We conclude that FZA-B is the mammalian homolog of SUG1 (mSug1) and that it is present in the nuclear 26S proteasome of cells. Our results suggest that mSug1 may be involved in the degradation of c-Fos and other transcription factors.


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Immunophilins are intracellular receptors for the immunosuppressants cyclosporin A, FK506, and rapamycin. In addition to their use in organ transplantation, these natural products have been used to investigate signaling pathways in yeast, plant, and mammalian cells. We have recently described the identification of an immunosuppressant-sensitive signaling pathway in and the purification of several immunophilins from Vicia faba plants. We now report the molecular characterization of a 15 kDa FK506- and rapamycin-binding protein from V. faba (VfFKBP15). The amino acid sequence deduced from the cDNA starts with a signal peptide of 22 hydrophobic amino acids. The core region of VfFKBP15 is most similar to yeast and mammalian FKBP13 localized in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In addition, VfFKBP15 has a carboxyl-terminal sequence that is ended with SSEL, a putative ER retention signal. These findings suggest that VfFKBP15 is a functional homolog of FKBP13 from other organisms. Interestingly, two distinct cDNAs corresponding to two isoforms of FKBP15 have been cloned from Arabidopsis and also identified from rice data base, suggesting that pFKBP15 (plant FKBP15) is encoded by a small gene family in plants. This adds to the diversity of plant FKBP members even with the same subcellular localization and is in contrast with the situation in mammalian and yeast systems in which only one FKBP13 gene has been found. Like the mammalian and yeast FKBP13, the recombinant VfFKBP15 protein has rotamase activity that is inhibited by both FK506 and rapamycin with a Ki value of 30 nM and 0.9 nM, respectively, illustrating that VfFKBP15 binds rapamycin in preference over FK506. The mRNA of VfFKBP15 is ubiquitously expressed in various plant tissues including leaves, stems, and roots, consistent with the ER localization of the protein. Levels of VfFKBP15 mRNA are elevated by heat shock, suggesting a possible role for this FKBP member under stress conditions.


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Although transcription and pre-mRNA processing are colocalized in eukaryotic nuclei, molecules linking these processes have not previously been described. We have identified four novel rat proteins by their ability to interact with the repetitive C-terminal domain (CTD) of RNA polymerase II in a yeast two-hybrid assay. A yeast homolog of one of the rat proteins has also been shown to interact with the CTD. These CTD-binding proteins are all similar to the SR (serine/arginine-rich) family of proteins that have been shown to be involved in constitutive and regulated splicing. In addition to alternating Ser-Arg domains, these proteins each contain discrete N-terminal or C-terminal CTD-binding domains. We have identified SR-related proteins in a complex that can be immunoprecipitated from nuclear extracts with antibodies directed against RNA polymerase II. In addition, in vitro splicing is inhibited either by an antibody directed against the CTD or by wild-type but not mutant CTD peptides. Thus, these results suggest that the CTD and a set of CTD-binding proteins may act to physically and functionally link transcription and pre-mRNA processing.


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The c-myc oncogene has been shown to play a role in cell proliferation and apoptosis. The realization that myc oncogenes may control the level of expression of other genes has opened the field to search for genetic targets for Myc regulation. Recently, using a subtraction/coexpression strategy, a murine genetic target for Myc regulation, called EC439, was isolated. To further characterize the ECA39 gene, we set out to determine the evolutionary conservation of its regulatory and coding sequences. We describe the human, nematode, and budding yeast homologs of the mouse ECA39 gene. Identities between the mouse ECA39 protein and the human, nematode, or yeast proteins are 79%, 52%, and 49%, respectively. Interestingly, the recognition site for Myc binding, located 3' to the start site of transcription in the mouse gene, is also conserved in the human homolog. This regulatory element is missing in the ECA39 homologs from nematode or yeast, which also lack the regulator c-myc. To understand the function of ECA39, we deleted the gene from the yeast genome. Disruption of ECA39 which is a recessive mutation that leads to a marked alteration in the cell cycle. Mutant haploids and homozygous diploids have a faster growth rate than isogenic wild-type strains. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analyses indicate that the mutation shortens the G1 stage in the cell cycle. Moreover, mutant strains show higher rates of UV-induced mutations. The results suggest that the product of ECA39 is involved in the regulation of G1 to S transition.


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The stress response promoter element (STRE) confers increased transcription to a set of genes following environmental or metabolic stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. A lambda gt11 library was screened to isolate clones encoding STRE-binding proteins, and one such gene was identified as MSN2, which encoded a zinc-finger transcriptional activator. Disruption of the MSN2 gene abolished an STRE-binding activity in crude extracts as judged by both gel mobility-shift and Southwestern blot experiments, and overexpression of MSN2 intensified this binding activity. Northern blot analysis demonstrated that for the known or suspected STRE-regulated genes DDR2, CTT1, HSP12, and TPS2, transcript induction was impaired following heat shock or DNA damage treatment in the msn2-disrupted strain and was constitutively activated in a strain overexpressing MSN2. Furthermore, heat shock induction of a STRE-driven reporter gene was reduced more than 6-fold in the msn2 strain relative to wild-type cells. Taken together, these data indicate that Msn2p is the transcription factor that activates STRE-regulated genes in response to stress. Whereas nearly 85% of STRE-mediated heat shock induction was MSN2 dependent, there was significant MSN2-independent expression. We present evidence that the MSN2 homolog, MSN4, can partially replace MSN2 for transcriptional activation following stress. Moreover, our data provides evidence for the involvement of additional transcription factors in the yeast multistress response.


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Eukaryotic homologs of Escherichia coli Rec-A protein have been shown to form nucleoprotein filaments with single-stranded DNA that recognize homologous sequences in duplex DNA. Several recent reports in four widely diverse species have demonstrated the association of RecA homologs with meiotic prophase chromatin. The current immunocytological study on mouse spermatocytes and oocytes shows that a eukaryotic homolog, Rad5l, associates with a subset of chromatin sites as early as premeiotic S phase, hours before either the appearance of precursors of synaptonemal complexes or the initiation of synapsis. When homologous chromosomes do begin to pair, the Rad5l-associated sequences are sites of initial contact between homologues and of localized DNA synthesis. Distribution of Rad5l foci on the chromatin of fully synapsed bivalents at early pachynema corresponds to an R-band pattern of mitotic chromosomes. R-bands are known to be preferred sites of both synaptic initiation and recombination. The time course of appearance of Rad51 association with chromatin, its distribution, and its interaction with other Rad5l-associated sequences suggests that it plays an important role preselection of sequences and synaptic initiation.


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RAS2val19, a dominant activated form of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ras2, stimulates both filamentous growth and expression of a transcriptional reporter FG(TyA)::lacZ but does not induce the mating pathway reporter FUS1::lacZ. This induction depends upon elements of the conserved mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway that is required for both filamentous growth and mating, two distinct morphogenetic events. Full induction requires Ste20 (homolog of mammalian p65PAK protein kinases), Ste11 [an MEK kinase (MEKK) or MAPK kinase (MEK) kinase], Ste7 (MEK or MAPK kinase), and the transcription factor Ste12. Moreover, the Rho family protein Cdc42, a conserved morphogenetic G protein, is also a potent regulator of filamentous growth and FG(TyA)::lacZ expression in S. cerevisiae. Stimulation of both filamentous growth and FG(TyA)::lacZ by Cdc42 depends upon Ste20. In addition, dominant negative CDC42Ala118 blocks RAS2val19 activation, placing Cdc42 downstream of Ras2. Our results suggest that filamentous growth in budding yeast is regulated by an evolutionarily conserved signaling pathway that controls cell morphology.


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Baculovirus inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) act in insect cells to prevent cell death. Here we describe three mammalian homologs of IAP, MIHA, MIHB, and MIHC, and a Drosophila IAP homolog, DIHA. Each protein bears three baculovirus IAP repeats and an N-terminal ring finger motif. Apoptosis mediated by interleukin 1beta converting enzyme (ICE), which can be inhibited by Orgyia pseudotsugata nuclear polyhedrosis virus IAP (OpIAP) and cowpox virus crmA, was also inhibited by MIHA and MIHB. As MIHB and MIHC were able to bind to the tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factors TRAF1 and TRAF2 in yeast two-hybrid assays, these results suggest that IAP proteins that inhibit apoptosis may do so by regulating signals required for activation of ICE-like proteases.


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Fusion proteins between the green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the cytoskeleton proteins Act1p (actin), Sac6p (yeast fimbrin homolog), and Abp1p in budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) localize to the cortical actin patches. The actin fusions could not function as the sole actin source in yeast, but fusions between the actin-binding proteins Abp1p and Sac6p complement fully the phenotypes associated with their gene deletions. Direct observation in vivo reveals that the actin cortical patches move. Movement of actin patches is constrained to the asymmetric distribution of the patches in growing cells, and this movement is greatly reduced when metabolic inhibitors such as sodium azide are added. Fusion protein-labeled patches are normally distributed during the yeast cell cycle and during mating. In vivo observation made possible the visualization of actin patches during sporulation as well.


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Ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis of the mitotic cyclins A and B is required for the completion of mitosis and entry into the next cell cycle. This process is catalyzed by the cyclosome, an approximately 22S particle that contains a cyclin-selective ubiquitin ligase activity, E3-C, that requires a cyclin-selective ubiquitin carrier protein (UBC) E2-C. Here we report the purification and cloning of E2-C from clam oocytes. The deduced amino acid sequence of E2-C indicates that it is a new UBC family member. Bacterially expressed recombinant E2-C is active in in vitro cyclin ubiquitination assays, where it exhibits the same substrate specificities seen with native E2-C. These results demonstrate that E2-C is not a homolog of UBC4 or UBC9, proteins previously suggested to be involved in cyclin ubiquitination, but is a new UBC family member with unique properties.


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C factor, an intercellular signaling protein, is required for aggregation and sporulation of the social bacterium, Myxococcus xanthus. We report that C factor, which normally is associated with the cell surface, provides input to the Frz signal transduction cascade. Elements of this cascade have sequence homology to bacterial chemotaxis systems and are known to control the frequency of gliding reversal. Exposure of developing cells of a C-factor-less mutant (csgA) to purified C factor increases the ratio of methylated to nonmethylated FrzCD protein, the Frz homolog of the methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins. Methylation depends on the cognate methyltransferase FrzF, and its extent increases with the concentration of C factor. C-factor-induced methylation also depends on the product of a gene, called class II, which is necessary in vivo for all known responses to C factor. A model for aggregation is proposed in which C factor stimulates the Frz cascade and thereby decreases cell reversals in a way that preferentially leads cells into an aggregate.


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Hsubc9, a human gene encoding a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, has been cloned. The 18-kDa HsUbc9 protein is homologous to the ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes Hus5 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Ubc9 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The Hsubc9 gene complements a ubc9 mutation of S. cerevisiae. It has been mapped to chromosome 16p13.3 and is expressed in many human tissues, with the highest levels in testis and thymus. According to the Ga14 two-hybrid system analysis, HsUbc9 protein interacts with human recombination protein Rad51. A mouse homolog, Mmubc9, encodes an amino acid sequence that is identical to the human protein. In mouse spermatocytes, MmUbc9 protein, like Rad51 protein, localizes in synaptonemal complexes, which suggests that Ubc9 protein plays a regulatory role in meiosis.


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A convenient, high yield conversion of doxorubicin to 3'-deamino-3'-(2''-pyrroline-1''-yl)doxorubicin is described. This daunosamine-modified analog of doxorubicin is 500-1000 times more active in vitro than doxorubicin. The conversion is effected by using a 30-fold excess of 4-iodobutyraldehyde in anhydrous dimethylformamide. The yield is higher than 85%. A homolog of this compound, 3'-deamino-3'-(1'',3''-tetrahydropyridine-1''-yl)doxorubicin, was also synthesized by using 5-iodovaleraldehyde. In this homolog, the daunosamine nitrogen is incorporated into a six- instead of a five-membered ring. This analog was 30-50 times less active than its counterpart with a five-membered ring. A similar structure-activity relationship was found when 3'-deamino-3'-(3''-pyrrolidone-1''-yl)doxorubicin (containing a five-membered ring) and 3'-deamino-3'-(3''-piperidone-1''-yl)doxorubicin (with a six-membered ring) were tested in vitro, the former being 5 times more potent than the latter. To further elucidate structure-activity relationships, 3'-deamino-3'-(pyrrolidine-1''-yl)doxorubicin, 3'-deamino-3'-(isoindoline-2''-yl)doxorubicin, 3'-deamino-3'-(2''-methyl-2''-pyrroline-1''-yl)doxorubicin, and 3'-deamino-3'-(3''-pyrroline-1''-yl)doxorubicin were also synthesized and tested. All the analogs were prepared by using reactive halogen compounds for incorporating the daunosamine nitrogen of doxorubicin into a five- or six-membered ring. These highly active antineoplastic agents can be used for incorporation into targeted cytotoxic analogs of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone intended for cancer therapy.


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We have isolated a human cDNA clone encoding the mammalian homolog of stanniocalcin (STC), a calcium- and phosphate-regulating hormone that was first described in fishes where it functions in preventing hypercalcemia. STC has a unique amino acid sequence and, until now, has remained one of the few polypeptide hormones never described in higher vertebrates. Human STC (hSTC) was found to be 247 amino acids long and to share 73% amino acid sequence similarity with fish STC. Polyclonal antibodies to recombinant hSTC localized to a distinct cell type in the nephron tubule, suggesting kidney as a possible site of synthesis. Recombinant hSTC inhibited the gill transport of calcium when administered to fish and stimulated renal phosphate reabsorption in the rat. The evidence suggests that mammalian STC, like its piscine counterpart, is a regulator of mineral homeostasis.