514 resultados para Holly Hutton


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Many functional programs can be viewed as representation changers, that is, as functions that convert abstract values from one concrete representation to another. Examples of such programs include base-converters, binary adders and multipliers, and compilers. In this paper we give a number of different approaches to specifying representation changers (pointwise, functional, and relational), and present a simple technique that can be used to derive functional programs from the specifications.


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This paper is a tutorial on defining recursive descent parsers in Haskell. In the spirit of one-stop shopping, the paper combines material from three areas into a single source. The three areas are functional parsers, the use of monads to structure functional programs, and the use of special syntax for monadic programs in Haskell. More specifically, the paper shows how to define monadic parsers using do notation in Haskell. The paper is targeted at the level of a good undergraduate student who is familiar with Haskell, and has completed a grammars and parsing course. Some knowledge of functional parsers would be useful, but no experience with monads is assumed.


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In functional programming, fold is a standard operator that encapsulates a simple pattern of recursion for processing lists. This article is a tutorial on two key aspects of the fold operator for lists. First of all, we emphasize the use of the universal property of fold both as a proof principle that avoids the need for inductive proofs, and as a definition principle that guides the transformation of recursive functions into definitions using fold. Secondly, we show that even though the pattern of recursion encapsulated by fold is simple, in a language with tuples and functions as first-class values the fold operator has greater expressive power than might first be expected.


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The approximation lemma is a simplification of the well-known take lemma, and is used to prove properties of programs that produce lists of values. We show how the approximation lemma, unlike the take lemma, can naturally be generalised from lists to a large class of datatypes, and present a generic approximation lemma that is parametric in the datatype to which it applies. As a useful by-product, we find that generalising the approximation lemma in this way also simplifies its proof.


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We systematically develop a functional program that solves the countdown problem, a numbers game in which the aim is to construct arithmetic expressions satisfying certain constraints. Starting from a formal specification of the problem, we present a simple but inefficient program that solves the problem, and prove that this program is correct. We then use program fusion to calculate an equivalent but more efficient program, which is then further improved by exploiting arithmetic properties.


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Recursion is a well-known and powerful programming technique, with a wide variety of applications. The dual technique of corecursion is less well-known, but is increasingly proving to be just as useful. This article is a tutorial on the four main methods for proving properties of corecursive programs: fixpoint induction, the approximation (or take) lemma, coinduction, and fusion.


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Exceptions are an important feature of modern programming languages, but their compilation has traditionally been viewed as an advanced topic. In this article we show that the basic method of compiling exceptions using stack unwinding can be explained and verified both simply and precisely, using elementary functional programming techniques. In particular, we develop a compiler for a small language with exceptions, together with a proof of its correctness.


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In this paper we explain how recursion operators can be used to structure and reason about program semantics within a functional language. In particular, we show how the recursion operator fold can be used to structure denotational semantics, how the dual recursion operator unfold can be used to structure operational semantics, and how algebraic properties of these operators can be used to reason about program semantics. The techniques are explained with the aid of two main examples, the first concerning arithmetic expressions, and the second concerning Milner's concurrent language CCS. The aim of the paper is to give functional programmers new insights into recursion operators, program semantics, and the relationships between them.


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Languages based upon binary relations offer an appealing setting for constructing programs from specifications. For example, working with relations rather than functions allows specifications to be more abstract (for example, many programs have a natural specification using the converse operator on relations), and affords a natural treatment of non-determinism in specifications. In this paper we present a novel pictorial interpretation of relational terms as simple pictures of circuits, and a soundness/completeness result that allows relational equations to be proved by pictorial reasoning.


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In previous work we showed how to verify a compiler for a small language with exceptions. In this article we show how to calculate, as opposed to verify, an abstract machine for this language. The key step is the use of Reynold's defunctionalization, an old program transformation technique that has recently been rejuvenated by the work of Danvy et al.


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Corecursive programs produce values of greatest fixpoint types, in contrast to recursive programs, which consume values of least fixpoint types. There are a number of widely used methods for proving properties of corecursive programs, including fixpoint induction, the take lemma, and coinduction. However, these methods are all rather low level, in that they do not exploit the common structure that is often present in corecursive definitions. We argue for a more structured approach to proving properties of corecursive programs. In particular, we show that by writing corecursive programs using a simple operator that encapsulates a common pattern of corecursive definition, we can then use high-level algebraic properties of this operator to conduct proofs in a purely calculational style that avoids the use of inductive or coinductive methods.


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While programming in a relational framework has much to offer over the functional style in terms of expressiveness, computing with relations is less efficient, and more semantically troublesome. In this paper we propose a novel blend of the functional and relational styles. We identify a class of "causal relations", which inherit some of the bi-directionality properties of relations, but retain the efficiency and semantic foundations of the functional style.


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The definition for the notion of a "function" is not cast in stone, but depends upon what we adopt as types in our language. With partial equivalence relations (pers) as types in a relational language, we show that the functional relations are precisely those satisfying the simple equation f = f o fu o f, where "o" and "u" are respectively the composition and converse operators for relations. This article forms part of "A calculational theory of pers as types".


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This article is an introduction to the use of relational calculi in deriving programs. Using the relational caluclus Ruby, we derive a functional program that adds one bit to a binary number to give a new binary number. The resulting program is unsurprising, being the standard $quot;column of half-adders$quot;, but the derivation illustrates a number of points about working with relations rather than with functions.