600 resultados para Heikkilä codex


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In this study, Cross-Polarization Magic-angle Spinning CP/MAS, 2D Exchange, Centerband-Only Detection of Exchange (CODEX), and Separated-Local-Field (SLF) NMR experiments were used to study the molecular dynamics of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) inside Hectorite/PEG intercalation compounds in both single- and double-layer configurations. The results revealed that the overall amplitude of the motions of the PEG chain in the single-layer configuration is considerably smaller than that observed for the double-layer intercalation compound. This result indicates that the effect of having the polymer chain interacting with both clay platelets is to produce a substantial decrease in the motional amplitudes of those chains. The presence of these dynamically restricted segments might be explained by the presence of anchoring points between the clay platelets and the PEG oxygen atoms, which was induced by the Na+ cations. By comparing the PEG motional amplitudes of the double-layered nanocomposites composed of polymers with different molecular weights, a decrease in the motional amplitude for the smaller PEG chain was observed, which might also be understood using the presence of anchoring points.


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The dissertation aims to explore the several forms in which the activity of the Swiss psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) developed on the project and the realisation of the Eranos Conferences, founded in 1933 by Olga Fröbe-Kapteyn (1881-1962). The dissertation, in particular, focuses on the first twenty-year period (1933-1952) that determined the fundamental aspects and shaped the peculiar configuration of the Eranos Conferences as a “research laboratory” on the universal characteristics of the religious phenomenon. The dissertation contains the following chapters: 1) Aspects of C.G. Jung’s intellectual contribution to the religious hermeneutics proposed in the Eranos Conferences; 2) C.G. Jung’s conferences at Eranos: a historical examination; 3) C.G. Jung and the Eranos Archive for Research in Symbolism; 4) C.G. Jung and the hidden history of Eranos; 5) C.G. Jung’s commentary on Opicinus de Canistris’s Codex Palatinus Latinus 1993: fragments of a lost and rediscovered Eranos seminar.


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La ricerca è dedicata allo studio propedeutico ad una nuova edizione critica del primo dei Libri medicinales di Aezio Amideno, medico vissuto nel VI secolo e attivo alla corte di Costantinopoli. Sono stati oggetto principale di studio 35 manoscritti contenenti, in parte o integralmente, il primo libro di Aezio; la collazione ha permesso di individuare numerosi codices descripti e soprattutto di procedere ad una nuova classificazione dei codici. Riguardo alla modalità di utilizzo delle fonti da parte di Aezio si è potuto non solo accertare l’uso indiretto del testo galenico ed escludere la mediazione di Oribasio, ma sono state individuate nuove fonti, oltre a quelle tradizionalmente conosciute. Per la prima volta sono stati presi in esame sia il commento di Cristobal de Horozco ai sedici libri di Aezio che la traduzione latina di Giovanbattista Montano. Presente è infine un saggio di edizione dei capitoli 1-10 e 124 dell’edizione Olivieri, il testo proposto presenta significative differenze rispetto a quello edito nel CMG.


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La tesi di dottorato di Luca Fiori: Il codice autografo di Piero Giustinian: un esempio di genesi ed evoluzione della cronachistica medievale ha il principale obiettivo quello di dimostrare attraverso la editio princeps dell’autografo in latino, i meccanismi di formazione, trasmissione e proliferazione dei testi cronachistici medievali veneziani, mediante la collazione disamina della tradizione testuale di Pietro Giustinian.


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Question and answer session with presenters Pauli Heikkilä, Oren Tikkanen, and Lynn Laitala.


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Former Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rudolf Holsti, ended his professional career as a professor at Stanford University. In spring 1941, he encountered a news article on Alexandra Kropotkina and was encouraged to send her a letter. In this letter, Holsti revealed his admiration for her father, "anarchist prince" Pjotr Kropotkin. Holsti’s letter to Alexandra Kropotkina further related that as foreign minister he had even sent food from the Finnish embassy in Moscow to Kropotkin while he was being held in custody by the Soviet authorities. The notion of an anarchist foreign minister is profoundly paradoxical, but the aim of my research is to find Kropotkin’s influences in Holsti's work and publications. Before entering politics, Holsti defended his thesis for PhD at the University of Helsinki in 1913 with a rather anarchist theme, “The Relation of War to the Origin of the State.” My paper and presentation will attempt to answer: how are Kropotkin's ideas present in Holsti's academic work? In addition, Holsti and Kropotkin are case studies who guide my interests in the co-relation between the scientific revolution and social thinking in the 19th century.


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The Codex Biblioteca Casanatense 1409 which has for a long time been neg- lected in Parzival scholarship, transmits German translations of three continuations of Chre ́tien de Troyes‘ Roman de Perceval ou Le Conte du Graal together with the last two books (XV/XVI) of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival. This article supports the for- merly casually made assumption that the Casanatense manuscript is in fact a direct copy of Codex Donaueschingen 97, the so called Rappoltsteiner Parzifal. As is to be shown, marks in the Donaueschingen codex, as well as significant copying errors in the Casanatense text and its treatment of initials suggest a direct relationship of the two witnesses. The notion of ,writing scene‘ (Schreibszene) with its implications of linguistic semantics, instrumentality, gesture and self reflection, proposed in modern literary scholarship, can help to understand peculiarities of the copying process in the Casanatensis, such as the numerous conceptual abbreviations and the adaptations in the handling of headings. In the final part of the article, the hypothesis is corroborated, that the copy of the Casa- natensis might have been produced in the surroundings of Lamprecht von Brunn (ca. 1320–1399), bishop of Strasburg and Bamberg, and counsellor of the emperor Charles IV.


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Stemmatology, or the reconstruction of the transmission history of texts, is a field that stands particularly to gain from digital methods. Many scholars already take stemmatic approaches that rely heavily on computational analysis of the collated text (e.g. Robinson and O’Hara 1996; Salemans 2000; Heikkilä 2005; Windram et al. 2008 among many others). Although there is great value in computationally assisted stemmatology, providing as it does a reproducible result and allowing access to the relevant methodological process in related fields such as evolutionary biology, computational stemmatics is not without its critics. The current state-of-the-art effectively forces scholars to choose between a preconceived judgment of the significance of textual differences (the Lachmannian or neo-Lachmannian approach, and the weighted phylogenetic approach) or to make no judgment at all (the unweighted phylogenetic approach). Some basis for judgment of the significance of variation is sorely needed for medieval text criticism in particular. By this, we mean that there is a need for a statistical empirical profile of the text-genealogical significance of the different sorts of variation in different sorts of medieval texts. The rules that apply to copies of Greek and Latin classics may not apply to copies of medieval Dutch story collections; the practices of copying authoritative texts such as the Bible will most likely have been different from the practices of copying the Lives of local saints and other commonly adapted texts. It is nevertheless imperative that we have a consistent, flexible, and analytically tractable model for capturing these phenomena of transmission. In this article, we present a computational model that captures most of the phenomena of text variation, and a method for analysis of one or more stemma hypotheses against the variation model. We apply this method to three ‘artificial traditions’ (i.e. texts copied under laboratory conditions by scholars to study the properties of text variation) and four genuine medieval traditions whose transmission history is known or deduced in varying degrees. Although our findings are necessarily limited by the small number of texts at our disposal, we demonstrate here some of the wide variety of calculations that can be made using our model. Certain of our results call sharply into question the utility of excluding ‘trivial’ variation such as orthographic and spelling changes from stemmatic analysis.


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La complétude des Œuvres complètes de Butor est problématique, car elle ne prend pas en compte les collaborations de toutes sortes et les œuvres inscrites sur d’autres supports que du papier. Pour avoir une véritable idée de cette complétude, il faudrait donc imaginer une installation qui réunirait à la fois, entre autres, les codex habituels de Butor, les livres d’artistes, les œuvres numériques. On se rendrait compte que cette installation est fondée sur des passages de frontières entre les genres artistiques, l’assemblage et le collage permettant de passer des frontières entre univers culturels différents.


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Vorlage d. Digitalisats aus d. Besitz d. Theol. Hochschule St. Georgen


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Vorlage d. Digitalisats aus d. Besitz d. Theol. Hochschule St. Georgen


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En los últimos 10 años, la Argentina se ha incorporado a los países exportadores de vinos, en el decimoprimer lugar con productos de excelente calidad (INV, 2011). Entre los atributos que conforman los aspectos de calidad e inocuidad de los vinos se destaca el cumplimiento de los Límites Máximos de Residuos (LMR) de plaguicidas permitidos por las diversas legislaciones según el destino comercial de los mismos. Para los productos procesados, se considera como LMR el establecido para el producto en bruto. Por ejemplo, para productos procesados como el vino se aplica los LMR establecidos en la uva (The Australian Wine Research Institute, 2012). En Argentina, el Instituto Nacional de Vitivinicultura no establece LMR de plaguicidas para el vino por lo que se consideran los LMR establecidos para uva por SENASA en su Resolución 934/10. En la actualidad, benomil y carbendazim son los fungicidas bencimidazoles más utilizados en el cultivo de la vid para controlar la podredumbre de los racimos. El problema mayor se presenta cuando son necesarias aplicaciones en épocas muy cercanas a cosecha, permitiendo el pasaje de residuos de estos fungicidas desde uvas al mosto y luego al vino. En nuestro país está legislada la cantidad máxima de estos plaguicidas en uva en fresco, 3 ppm para benomil al igual que para carbendazim (SENASA, Resolución 934/10). El Codex alimentarius establece un LMR de 3 ppm para carbendazim en uva en fresco y no establece un LMR para el benomil. La Unión Europea establece un LMR de 0,5 ppm para el benomil y carbendazim (suma de benomil y carbendazim expresado como carbendazim). De esta manera es importante su determinación para evitar rechazos y de esta forma proteger la imagen y calidad de la producción nacional y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de los consumidores. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar una metodología analítica validada en vegetales, basada en el método de Jullie Fillion, 1998, para la determinación de residuos de plaguicidas bencimidazoles (benomil y carbendazim) en vinos. Este método consiste en una extracción con acetato de etilo, posterior conversión del benomil a carbendazim y concentración e inyección en cromatógrafo líquido de alta resolución y detector de arreglo de diodos (HPLC-DAD). Los parámetros que se evaluaron fueron: selectividad, linealidad, exactitud y precisión. Los valores obtenidos cumplieron con los criterios de aceptación establecidos por el SENASA en su Resolución 138/2002, el Codex alimentarius, 1999 y Quatrocchi, 1992. Con esto se puede concluir que se obtuvo un método confiable con el cual controlar los niveles de contaminación de benomil y carbendazim en los vinos. Esto es una herramienta importante para la industria vitivinícola ya que para proteger la imagen y calidad de sus productos y garantizar la seguridad alimentaria de los consumidores, deberá implementar programas de monitoreo de residuos de plaguicidas para prevenir que éstos se encuentren en el producto terminado.


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El manuscrito P (Biblioteca Nacional de Francia) del Libro del cavallero Zifar es un códice de fines del siglo XV que, debido a las cerca de 240 ilustraciones que contiene, permite apreciar la dinámica particular de producción y recepción de aquellos manuscritos medievales en los que se conjugan el texto y la imagen como configuradores de sentido. A través de la focalización de un grupo de ilustraciones miniadas que dan cuenta de la dinámica de la aventura caballeresca, centrada tanto en Zifar como en su familia, el presente trabajo postula la relación de esas imágenes con el texto en una retórica deudora tanto de la redacción inicial del texto como de su recepción más de un siglo y medio después