982 resultados para HS 0702 6043
S.bonariensis (malva blanca), tolerante a Glifosato, es importante en Argentina en cultivos de siembra directa. En laboratorio se determinó el comportamiento germinativo de la especie en diferentes condiciones de temperatura (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 20/10, 25/15 y 30/20 °C con fotoperiodo de 12 hs de luz); de estrés salino (soluciones de Cloruro de sodio de 0; 30; 50; 70; 90; 130 y 150 mM) e hídrico (soluciones de polyethylene glycol de 0; 0,2; -0,4; -0,6; -0,8; -1,0 MPa). El diseño fue completamente aleatorizado con cuatro repeticiones. Se analizó la temperatura con modelos lineales generalizados y prueba DGC para diferencias entre las medias. Para el estrés hídrico y salino se analizó con regresión no lineal. A temperatura constante, la germinación máxima se dio a los 15 y a los 20 ºC (77 y 76%), disminuyó un 49% a 25 ºC, se registraron valores iguales o inferiores al 5% a 30 y a 35 ºC y fue nula a 5 y a 40 ºC. No se observaron diferencias significativas en los porcentajes de germinación en condiciones de alternancia térmica, en todos los casos superó el 50%. Al incrementar las concentraciones de cloruro de sodio la germinación decreció en forma exponencial. El 66% de la germinación se registró en el testigo y disminuyó al 10% a 130 mM, siendo inhibida a 150 mM. Cuando el estrés hídrico aumentó de 0 a -0.6 MPa la germinación decreció del 64% al 8% y fue inhibida a -0.8 MPa. La semilla podrá germinar en regiones templadas cálidas, siendo tolerante a la salinidad y medianamente tolerante al estrés hídrico.
The role of different cytokines in the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) proliferative response and in in vitro granuloma formation was evaluated in a cross-sectional study with patients with the different clinical forms and phases of Schistosoma mansoni infection, as well as a group of individuals "naturally" resistant to infection named normal endemic (NE). The blockage of IL-4 and IL-5 using anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-5 antibodies significantly reduced the PBMC proliferative response to soluble egg (SEA) and adult worm (SWAP) antigens in acute (ACT), chronic intestinal (INT) and hepatosplenic (HS) patients. Similar results were obtained in the in vitro granuloma formation. Blockage of IL-10 had no significant effect on either assay using PBMC from ACT or HS. In contrast, the addition of anti-IL-10 antibodies to PBMC cultures from INT patients significantly increased the proliferative response to SEA and SWAP as well as the in vitro granuloma formation. Interestingly, association of anti-IL-4 and anti-IL-10 antibodies did not increase the PBMC proliferative response of these patients, suggesting that IL-10 may act by modulating IL-4 and IL-5 secretion. Addition of recombinant IL-10 decreased the proliferative response to undetectable levels when PBMC from patients with the different clinical forms were used. Analysis of IFN-g in the supernatants showed that PBMC from INT patients secreted low levels of IFN-g upon antigenic stimulation. In contrast, PBMC from NE secreted high levels of IFN-g. These data suggest that IL-10 is an important cytokine in regulating the immune response and possibly controlling morbidity in human schistosomiasis mansoni, and that the production of IFN-g may be associated with resistance to infection.
In the present study we investigated the effect of salt intake on myenteric neuron size of the colon of adult male Wistar rats. The animals were placed on either a high-salt (HS; 8%; 12 animals) or a low-salt diet (LS; 0.15%; 12 animals) for 15 or 52 weeks and blood pressure was measured. The sizes of myenteric neurons of the distal colon from both groups were measured. No difference in neuron size was observed between the HS and LS groups after 15 weeks. After 52 weeks on HS, neuron size was increased (P<0.005) when compared with the LS group. The rats also presented hypertension, which was significantly different at 52 weeks (142 ± 11 vs 119 ± 7 mmHg). These results suggest that a long time on an HS diet can significantly increase myenteric nerve cell size.
Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) is a common inherited anemia characterized by the presence of spherocytic red cells. Defects in several membrane protein genes have been involved in the pathogenesis of HS. ß-Spectrin-related HS seems to be common. We report here a new mutation in the ß-spectrin gene coding region in a patient with hereditary spherocytosis. The patient presented acanthocytosis and spectrin deficiency and, at the DNA level, a novel frameshift mutation leading to HS, i.e., a C deletion at codon 1392 (ß-spectrin São PauloII), exon 20. The mRNA encoding ß-spectrin São PauloII was very unstable and the mutant protein was not detected in the membrane or in other cellular compartments. It is interesting to note that frameshift mutations of the ß-spectrin gene at the 3' end allow the insertion of the mutant protein in the red cell membrane, leading to a defect in the auto-association of the spectrin dimers and consequent elliptocytosis. On the other hand, ß-spectrin São PauloII protein was absent in the red cell membrane, leading to spectrin deficiency, HS and the presence of acanthocytes.
In the present paper we discuss the development of "wave-front", an instrument for determining the lower and higher optical aberrations of the human eye. We also discuss the advantages that such instrumentation and techniques might bring to the ophthalmology professional of the 21st century. By shining a small light spot on the retina of subjects and observing the light that is reflected back from within the eye, we are able to quantitatively determine the amount of lower order aberrations (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia) and higher order aberrations (coma, spherical aberration, etc.). We have measured artificial eyes with calibrated ametropia ranging from +5 to -5 D, with and without 2 D astigmatism with axis at 45º and 90º. We used a device known as the Hartmann-Shack (HS) sensor, originally developed for measuring the optical aberrations of optical instruments and general refracting surfaces in astronomical telescopes. The HS sensor sends information to a computer software for decomposition of wave-front aberrations into a set of Zernike polynomials. These polynomials have special mathematical properties and are more suitable in this case than the traditional Seidel polynomials. We have demonstrated that this technique is more precise than conventional autorefraction, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 0.1 µm for a 4-mm diameter pupil. In terms of dioptric power this represents an RMSE error of less than 0.04 D and 5º for the axis. This precision is sufficient for customized corneal ablations, among other applications.
Proteoglycans are abundant in the developing brain and there is much circumstantial evidence for their roles in directional neuronal movements such as cell body migration and axonal growth. We have developed an in vitro model of astrocyte cultures of the lateral and medial sectors of the embryonic mouse midbrain, that differ in their ability to support neuritic growth of young midbrain neurons, and we have searched for the role of interactive proteins and proteoglycans in this model. Neurite production in co-cultures reveals that, irrespective of the previous location of neurons in the midbrain, medial astrocytes exert an inhibitory or nonpermissive effect on neuritic growth that is correlated to a higher content of both heparan and chondroitin sulfates (HS and CS). Treatment of astrocytes with chondroitinase ABC revealed a growth-promoting effect of CS on lateral glia but treatment with exogenous CS-4 indicated a U-shaped dose-response curve for CS. In contrast, the growth-inhibitory action of medial astrocytes was reversed by exogenous CS-4. Treatment of astrocytes with heparitinase indicated that the growth-inhibitory action of medial astrocytes may depend heavily on HS by an as yet unknown mechanism. The results are discussed in terms of available knowledge on the binding of HS proteoglycans to interactive proteins, with emphasis on the importance of unraveling the physiological functions of glial glycoconjugates for a better understanding of neuron-glial interactions.
Tämä tutkimusraportti kokoaa yhteen yhdessä Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran kansanrunousarkiston kanssa toteutetun pornografiaa käsittelevän muistitiedon keruuhankkeen ”Siinä oli hämähäkki väärinpäin” lähtökohdat, erittelee kuhunkin keruukysymykseen saadut vastaukset sekä kokoaa lyhyesti yhteen aineistosta johdettavia yleisiä teemoja. Muistitietokeruun tavoitteena oli kartoittaa eri ikäisten suomalaisten pornoa koskevia näkemyksiä, muistoja ja kokemuksia sekä pornon kulttuurista asemaa Suomessa toisen maailmansodan jälkeen. Keruu aukeni 16.4.2012 ja sulkeutui 31.10.2012. Vastauksia kertyi tänä aikana kaikkiaan 45, yhteensä 853 sivua tekstiä. Keruuseen osallistui 14 naista ja 31 miestä, joista nuorin oli syntynyt vuonna 1994 ja vanhin vuonna 1925. Vastaajien synnyin- ja asuinpaikat, koulutus- ja ammattitaustat, vastauksista ilmenevä seksuaalinen suuntautuminen ja pornoon asennoituminen vaihtelivat, joskin myönteisiä asenteita ilmeni runsaasti. Keruukutsussa esitettiin yhteensä 26 kysymystä, joiden tiimoilta vastaajia pyydettiin halutessaan kirjoittamaan. Raportti käy lävitse kaikki nämä keruukutsun viiteen kokonaisuuteen jaetut kysymykset ja niihin annetut vastaukset. Kysymykset vaihtelivat pornon määritelmistä pornosisältöjä koskeviin muistoihin, lapsuuskokemuksiin, pornon ostamiseen, löytämiseen ja säilömiseen, pornosta käytyihin keskusteluihin sekä pornoon liittyviin kehoihanteisiin ja seksileluihin. Jotkut osallistujat vastasivat lähes kaikkiin kysymyksiin, toiset taas kirjoittivat vapaamuotoisemmin muistoistaan ja näkemyksistään. Raportti pyrkii välittämään aineiston monimuotoisuuden, joskin siitä on pääosin rajattu pois vastaukset, jotka keskittyvät vastaajien yleisempiin lapsuutta tai seksuaalisuutta koskeviin muistoihin pornografiaan erikseen keskittymättä. 1920- ja 30-luvuilla syntyneiden vastaajien lapsuusmuistot käsittelevät aikaa, jolloin pornografiaa ei massatuotettuina kuvina tai teksteinä ollut Suomessa yleisesti saatavilla. Vastaukset kuvastavat osaltaan mediakulttuurista muutosta seksiteemaisten lehtien asteittaisesta saatavuudesta pornolehtien kasvavaan näkyvyyteen, kaitafilmien ja videoiden katseluun sekä netissä saatavilla olevan pornon määrän ja kirjon räjähdysmäiseen kasvuun. Toisaalta vastaajat kuvailevat myös seksuaalisen kiihotuksen tavoittelua postimyynti- ja mainoskatalogien, valtavirran kaunokirjallisuuden ja elokuvien äärellä. Vastaajat ovat kohdanneet pornoa yleensä varhaisessa teini-iässä. Lapsuus- ja nuoruusmuistoissa pornoa on löydetty vanhempien ja muiden sukulaisten kätköistä, metsäpiiloista ja roskiksista. Ystävykset ovat jakaneet pornoa keskenään motiivinaan seksuaalisuuteen kohdistuneen kiinnostuksen ohella sekä huvittuneisuus että kielletyn aineiston vetovoima. Pornon löytämiseen, säilömiseen ja piilotteluun liittyy paljon muistoja, joita vastaajat käsittelevät pääosin lämpimin sävyin. Pornokulutuksen siirtyessä enenevästi nettiin kätköjen tarve on selvästi pienentynyt. Vastaajat pitivät pornon määrittelemistä keskimäärin vaikeana tehtävänä. Vaikeaksi miellettiin myös pornon vaikutusten eritteleminen siksi, ettei niiden eristämistä ympäröivän kulttuurin ja yhteiskunnan laajemmista vaikutteista pidetty mahdollisena. Pornografia oli ollut monen vastaajan elämässä tärkeä asia: yksille se oli riippuvuutta aiheuttava ja parisuhteita tuhoava voima, toisille taas parisuhteen seksielämää piristävä ja puolisoita toisiinsa lähentävä tekijä. Lisäksi vastaajien kokemukset ja pornoa koskevat näkemykset vaihtelivat elämänkaaren myötä iän, parisuhteiden ja muiden viitekehyksen mukaan. Suppeasta vastaajamäärästään huolimatta aineisto täydentää omalta osaltaan sekä kotimaisen mediahistorian kokonaiskuvaa että ymmärrystä kansalaisten arkisista pornokokemuksista eri elämänvaiheissa.
Inhalation of hypertonic saline (HS) causes bronchoconstriction in asthmatic subjects. Repeated inhalation of HS leads to substantially reduced bronchoconstriction, known as the refractory period. Refractoriness due to different stimuli has also been described (cross-refractoriness). Nocturnal asthma is defined as an increase in symptoms, need for medication, airway responsiveness, and/or worsening of lung function that usually occurs from 4 to 6 am. Our objective was to determine the effect of refractoriness on nocturnal asthma. The challenge test consisted of inhalations of 4.5% saline with increasing durations until a reduction of 20% in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) (PD20HS) or total time of 15.5 min. Twelve subjects with nocturnal asthma were challenged with HS at 16:00 and 18:00 h and FEV1 was measured at 4:00 h. One to 2 weeks later, FEV1 was determined at 16:00 and 4:00 h. LogPD20HS at 18:00 h was significantly greater than logPD20HS at 16:00 h, 0.51 ± 0.50 and 0.69 ± 0.60 mg, respectively (P = 0.0033). When subjects underwent two HS challenges in the afternoon, mean (± SD) FEV1 reduction was 206 ± 414 mL or 9.81 ± 17.42%. On the control day (without challenge in the afternoon) FEV1 reduction was 523 ± 308 mL or 22.75 ± 15.40% (P = 0.021). Baseline FEV1 values did not differ significantly between the control and study days, 2.48 ± 0.62 and 2.36 ± 0.46 L, respectively. The refractory period following HS challenges reduces the nocturnal worsening of asthma. This new concept may provide beneficial applications to asthmatic patients.
Shock and resuscitation render patients more susceptible to acute lung injury due to an exacerbated immune response to subsequent inflammatory stimuli. To study the role of innate immunity in this situation, we investigated acute lung injury in an experimental model of ischemia-reperfusion (I-R) followed by an early challenge with live bacteria. Conscious rats (N = 8 in each group) were submitted to controlled hemorrhage and resuscitated with isotonic saline (SS, 0.9% NaCl) or hypertonic saline (HS, 7.5% NaCl) solution, followed by intratracheal or intraperitoneal inoculation of Escherichia coli. After infection, toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and 4 mRNA expression was monitored by RT-PCR in infected tissues. Plasma levels of tumor necrosis factor α and interleukins 6 and 10 were determined by ELISA. All animals showed similar hemodynamic variables, with mean arterial pressure decreasing to nearly 40 mmHg after bleeding. HS or SS used as resuscitation fluid yielded equal hemodynamic results. Intratracheal E. coli inoculation per se induced a marked neutrophil infiltration in septa and inside the alveoli, while intraperitoneal inoculation-associated neutrophils and edema were restricted to the interseptal space. Previous I-R enhanced lung neutrophil infiltration upon bacterial challenge when SS was used as reperfusion fluid, whereas neutrophil influx was unchanged in HS-treated animals. No difference in TLR expression or cytokine secretion was detected between groups receiving HS or SS. We conclude that HS is effective in reducing the early inflammatory response to infection after I-R, and that this phenomenon is achieved by modulation of factors other than expression of innate immunity components.
We studied the effect of oral sirolimus, administered to prevent and treat in-stent restenosis (ISR), on the variation of serum levels of inflammatory markers following coronary stenting with bare metal stents. The mean age of the patients was 56 ± 13 years, 65% were males and all had clinically manifested ischemia. Serum levels of high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) concentration were determined by chemiluminescence and serum levels of all other biomarkers by ELISA. One group of patients at high risk for ISR received a loading oral dose of 15 mg sirolimus and 5 mg daily thereafter for 28 days after stenting (SIR-G). A control group (CONT-G) was submitted to stenting without sirolimus therapy. The increase in hs-CRP concentration was highest at 24 h after stenting in both groups. A significant difference between SIR-G and CONT-G was observed at 4 weeks (-1.50 ± 5.0 vs -0.19 ± 0.4, P = 0.008) and lost significance 1 month after sirolimus discontinuation (-1.73 ± 4.3 vs -0.01 ± 0.7, P = 0.0975). A continuous fall in MMP-9 concentration was observed in SIR-G, with the greatest reduction at 4 weeks (-352.9 ± 455 vs +395.2 ± 377, P = 0.0004), while a positive variation was noted 4 weeks after sirolimus discontinuation (227 ± 708 vs 406.2 ± 472.1, P = 0.0958). SIR-G exhibited a higher increase in P-selectin after sirolimus discontinuation at week 8 (46.1 ± 67.9 vs 5.8 ± 23.7, P = 0.0025). These findings suggest that the anti-restenotic actions of systemic sirolimus include anti-proliferative effects and modulation of the inflammatory response with inhibition of adhesion molecule expression.
Although enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) are well-recognized diarrheal agents, their ability to translocate and cause extraintestinal alterations is not known. We investigated whether a typical EPEC (tEPEC) and an atypical EPEC (aEPEC) strain translocate and cause microcirculation injury under conditions of intestinal bacterial overgrowth. Bacterial translocation (BT) was induced in female Wistar-EPM rats (200-250 g) by oroduodenal catheterization and inoculation of 10 mL 10(10) colony forming unit (CFU)/mL, with the bacteria being confined between the duodenum and ileum with ligatures. After 2 h, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN), liver and spleen were cultured for translocated bacteria and BT-related microcirculation changes were monitored in mesenteric and abdominal organs by intravital microscopy and laser Doppler flow, respectively. tEPEC (N = 11) and aEPEC (N = 11) were recovered from MLN (100%), spleen (36.4 and 45.5%), and liver (45.5 and 72.7%) of the animals, respectively. Recovery of the positive control E. coli R-6 (N = 6) was 100% for all compartments. Bacteria were not recovered from extraintestinal sites of controls inoculated with non-pathogenic E. coli strains HB101 (N = 6) and HS (N = 10), or saline. Mesenteric microcirculation injuries were detected with both EPEC strains, but only aEPEC was similar to E. coli R-6 with regard to systemic tissue hypoperfusion. In conclusion, overgrowth of certain aEPEC strains may lead to BT and impairment of the microcirculation in systemic organs.
Heparan sulphate (HS) and the related polysaccharide, heparin, exhibit conformational and charge arrangement properties, which provide a degree of redundancy allowing several seemingly distinct sequences to exhibit the same activity. This can also be mimicked by other sulphated polysaccharides, both in overall effect and in the details of interactions and structural consequences of interactions with proteins. Together, these provide a source of active compounds suitable for further development as potential drugs. These polysaccharides also possess considerable size, which bestows upon them an additional useful property: the capability of disrupting processes comprising many individual interactions, such as those characterising the attachment of microbial pathogens to host cells. The range of involvement of HS in microbial attachment is reviewed and examples, which include viral, bacterial and parasitic infections and which, in many cases, are now being investigated as potential targets for intervention, are identified.