999 resultados para Gulf of Mexico


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Status papers on resources, livelihoods and ecosystem approach to fisheries in the Gulf of Mannar(GoM) were presented.Five priority initiatives were agreed: collaborative effort in conservation and management of charismatic species (e.g. dugong),capacity building and training,education and awareness building, strengthening of data collection and sharing of information.


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Specimens of Decapterus russelli have been collected from Lema, north of the Gulf of Oman. The ocular lens diameter and weight were tested as an additional age indicator to those already in use. The results showed that this technique could be adopted for determining the age of the species Decapterus russelli when the specimens are in the second year of age in case of eye lens diameter. On the other hand, eye lens weight failed to separate between the four age groups observed. The method is especially useful for age determination when otolith or scale ring are not visible or when false rings give erroneous reading.


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This paper deals with the levels and distributions of nutrient salts in the United Arab Emirates waters. Water samples were collected bimonthly during 1994-1995 from the marine environment of the United Arab Emirates, which extends more than 800km along the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman. Concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, as well as total concentrations of total dissolved nitrogen, phosphorus, and silicon in the area were scattered in the ranges: (ND-6.32; mean: 0.84 µg-at N/l), ND-3.02; mean: 0.42 µg-at N/l), (ND-10.88; mean: 1.18 µg-at N/1), (ND-4.22; mean: 0.62 µg-at P/l), (1.14-28.80; mean: 6.52 µg-at Si/l), (1.52-39.58; mean: 12.28 µg-at N/l), (0.40-4.98; mean: 1.07 µg-at P/l), and (2.77-44.74; mean: 13.02 Si/l) respectively. Of inorganic nitrogen species, ammonium was the highest in the Arabian Gulf waters and nitrate was the highest at the Gulf of Oman. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen total species, phosphate and silicate amounted to 16.4, 47.6, 56.5% respectively, of the concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and silicon in the Arabian Gulf and 22.6, 64.4, 44.9% respectively, in the Gulf of Oman, indicating that more than 80% of nitrogen was present in organic forms. Distributions of nutrient in the two regions were higher in the summer season and lower in the winter season due to the oxidation of organic materials. Regional distributions revealed higher values for nitrite (1.3 times), nitrate (2.8 times), phosphate (2.2 times), total dissolved nitrogen (1.3 times), total dissolved phosphorus (1.6 times), and total dissolved silicon (1.3 times) in the Gulf of Oman compared to the Arabian Gulf, indicating more oligotrophic conditions at the Arabian Gulf Whereas no distinct patterns of distribution were observed in the Arabian Gulf waters, an increase in the seaward direction was measured at the Gulf of Oman. Vertical distributions indicated a general increase with depth in the two regions. The mean ratios for total concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, and silicon in the Arabian Gulf (1: 11.6: 12.6) and the Gulf of Oman (1: 10.1: 11.8) were lower than the Redfield ratio.


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From the distribution of oceanographic data (temperature and salinity) in both Arabian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, the steric components (thermal, haline and steric heights) are calculated for the upper 50m layer during different seasons. The analysis reveals relevant evidence, that temperature variations (thermal component) play a role in the fluctuations of sea level within the investigated area. The salinity variations (haline component) is only significant near the entrance. The sea level variations due to density (steric component) is low during winter and spring and high during summer and autumn. The steric height is always lower in the northern and central regions of Arabian Gulf and higher in eastern region of Arabian Gulf and in the Gulf of Oman, i.e. the surface water must flow from the Gulf of Oman to the Arabian Gulf. The steric sea level gradient around the Strait of Hormuz are 0.04 cm/km in winter, 0.04 cm/km in spring, and 0.025 cm/km in summer and 0.014 cm/km in autumn.


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Rapid biodiversity and socio-economic studies of the Gulf of Mannar were required as part of the process to propose the Sri Lankan side as a Biosphere Reserve. These included livelihoods; land use; infrastructure; biodiversity; agriculture; fisheries; archaeological and cultural significance; and development and environmental issues.


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The pharaoh Cuttlefish (Sepia Pharaonis) is the most abundant species in the persian gulf and oman sea. The stock patterns of this species was studied conserning biological, morphological and electrophoretical aspects. In addition to measuring the biological patterns; 21 quantitative and qualitative factors were measured or counted. There tissues namely muscle, eye and liver were also used for further polyacrylamide electrophoresis analysis (SDS-Page method). The densitograms of protein bands of each tissue were prepared by Gel-Scanner and also the amount of bands' areas were estimated. The results of LSD test showed that tentacle length (TL), Tentacle club length (TCL) and TCL were indicative factors which they showed significant difference between male TL and female specimen of Bushehr and Balouchestan regions. Regarding to length and weight frequencies data the results indicated that males are always bigger than females and also, the cuttlefishes of the gulf of oman are bigger than persian gulf's samples. There were found a significant sample correlation (95%) between different quantitative parameters and the most correlation (0.963) was found to be between TL and TCL; whereas the less correlation (0.384) was observed between GL and LA3. However the gill length factor illustrated the less correlation with the other factors. The results of Cluster analysis for both sexes showed that the cuttlefishes of both studied regions belongs to seperate stocks. The electrophoretic experiments of proteins showed that the protein bands of the sample tissue of muscle and eye from both sampling areas revealed significant differences; whereas the tissue of liver wasn't recognized as an indicative tissue for population studies. Taking into consideration the findings of the present study including: (1) difference in spawning season, (2) results of dendrograms, (3) observed Significant differences in one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) for morphometric measurements, (4) differences in body length and weight, (5) ecological variations of the persian gulf and oman sea, (6) as well as the results of electrophoresis of proteins have indicatend that: "The Pharaoh cuttlefishes of Bushehr and Balouchestan waters belong to two seperate stocks. Also, it is believed that each region has propably two different populations and more studies are needed to approve this result.


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Correlation between total length (TL), fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) of Raslrineobola argentea (pellegrin 1904) in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria indicate that FL = 0.92 TL - 0.74 and SL = 0.90 TL - 1.74. Length-weight relationship of log-transformed data shows that the slopes of the regression lines were 3.06 to 3.22 for juveniles, 2.70 to 3.05 for males and 3.24 to 3.71 for females. The slopes were significantly different between groups at at a =0.05. The Fulton's condition factor (K) was highest in December (1.019-1.073) and March/April (1.015-1.030) but lowest in June (1:00-1.025) for all stations. Significant differences between groups demands for the use of different growth models for juveniles, males and females especially for the von Bertalanffy growth equation which uses length-weight relationship. Observed cyclic viations in condition factor suggests two peak breeding seasons for this species in the Winam Gulf. The practical lmplications of these results in stock assessment using length-based fish stock assessment methods is briefly discussed.


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Deep ocean sediments off the west coast of Africa exhibit a peculiar undrained strength profile in the form of a crust, albeit of exceptionally high water content, overlying normally consolidated clay. Hot-oil pipelines are installed into these crustal sediments, so their origins and characteristics are of great interest to pipeline designers. This paper provides evidence for the presence of burrowing invertebrates in crust material, and for the way sediment properties are modified through their creation of burrows, and through the deposition of faecal pellets. A variety of imaging techniques are used to make these connections, including photography, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray computer tomography. However, the essential investigative technology is simply the wet-sieving of natural cores, which reveals that up to 60% by dry mass of the crustal material can consist of smooth, highly regular, sand-sized capsules that have been identified as the faecal pellets of invertebrates such as polychaetes. Mechanical tests reveal that these pellets are quite robust under effective stresses of the order of 10 kPa, acting like sand grains within a matrix of fines. Their abundance correlates closely with the measured strength of the crust. While this can easily be accepted in the context of a pellet fraction as high as 60%, the question arises how a smaller proportion of pellets, such as 20%, is apparently able to enhance significantly the strength of a sediment that otherwise appears to be normally consolidated. A hypothesis is suggested based on the composition of the matrix of fines around the pellets. These appear to consist of agglomerates of clay platelets, which may be the result of the breakdown of pellets by other organisms. Their continued degradation at depths in excess of 1 m is taken to explain the progressive loss of crustal strength thereafter.


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The aim of this paper is to investigate the mechanism of small scale sand-wave migration. According to the environmental characteristic of the north gulf of South China Sea, a quasi-3D mechanics model has been built for simulating the small scale sand wave migration. The calculation results are shown to be consistent with the observed data in the trough of sand ridge. Considering the effect of environmental actions and sand wave features, we develop an effective formula to predict sand-wave migration. It is indicated that the physical models should be used to predict the migration of the small scale sand-wave, which is rarely dominated by wave activity.


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We present an analysis of extensive nutrient data sets from two river-dominated coastal ecosystems, the northern Adriatic Sea and the northern Gulf of Mexico, demonstrating significant changes in surface nutrient ratios over a period of 30 years. The silicon:nitrogen ratios have decreased, indicating increased potential for silicon limitation. The nitrogen:phosphorus and the silicon:phosphorus ratios have also changed substantially, and the coastal nutrient structures have become more balanced and potentially less limiting for phytoplankton growth. It is likely that net phytoplankton productivity increased under these conditions and was accompanied by increasing bottom water hypoxia and major changes in community species composition. These findings support the hypothesis that increasing coastal eutrophication to date may be associated with stoichiometric nutrient balance, due to increasing potential for silicon limitation and decreasing potential for nitrogen and phosphorus limitation. On a worldwide basis, coastal ecosystems adjacent to rivers influenced by anthropogenic nutrient loads may experience similar alterations.


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Geochemical processes in estuarine and coastal waters often occur on temporally and spatially small scales, resulting in variability of metal speciation and dissolved concentrations. Thus, surveys, which are aimed to improve our understanding of metal behaviour in such systems, benefit from high-resolution, interactive sampling campaigns. The present paper discusses a high-resolution approach to coastal monitoring, with the application of an automated voltammetric metal analyser for on-line measurements of dissolved trace metals in the Gulf of Cadiz, south-west Spain. This coastal sea receives metal-rich inputs from a metalliferous mining area, mainly via the Huelva estuary. On-line measurements of dissolved Cu, Zn, Ni and Co were carried out on-board ship during an eight-day sampling campaign in the study area in June 1997. A pumping system operated continuously underway and provided sampled water from a depth of ca. 4 m. Total dissolved metal concentrations measured on-line in the Gulf of Cadiz ranged between <5 nM Cu (<3 nM Ni) ca. 50 km off-shore and 60–90 nM Cu (5–13 nM Ni) in the vicinity of the Huelva estuary. The survey revealed steep gradients and strong tidal variability in the dissolved metal plume extending from the Huelva estuary into the Gulf of Cadiz. Further on-line measurements were carried out with the automatic metal monitor from the bank of the Odiel estuary over a full tidal cycle, at dissolved metal concentrations in the μM range. The application confirmed the suitability of the automated metal monitor for coastal sampling, and demonstrated its adaptability to a wide range of environmental conditions in the dynamic waters of estuaries and coastal seas. The near-real time acquisition of dissolved metal concentrations at high resolution enabled an interactive sampling campaign and therefore the close investigation of tidal variability in the development of the Huelva estuary metal plume.


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According to the environmental characteristic of the north gulf of South China Sea, a quasi-3D mechanics model has been built for simulating the small scale sand-waves migration in the seas of southwest of Hainan Island. Based on the submarine micro-geomorphic data induced by multi-beam system and hydrographic survey record, the migrations of the sand-waves in the study area are predicted. The results show that calculation is consistent with the observation data in the groove of sand ridge, but not well in the crest of sand ridge. It is indicated that the mechanics model should be used to predict the migration of the small scale sand-waves which are dominated by bed load in the seas. This paper is very meaningful to project the route of submarine pipeline.


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The principal tidal constituents M-2, S-2, K-1 and O-1 in the South China Sea, Gulf of Tonkin and Gulf of Thailand are simulated simultaneously using the numerical scheme of Kwok et al. (1995 Proceedings of the 1st Asian Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, pp. 16-19). The average differences between the computed and observed harmonic constants are mostly within 5 cm and 10 degrees for amplitudes and phase-lags, respectively. The simulated tidal regimes in the present model are believed to be more accurate than the previous numerical results. Our studies confirm that a clockwise rotating M-2 amphidromic system lies in the southeast of the Gulf of Thailand and an S-2 amphidromic system at the near-shore area of the northeast South China Sea. The linear tidal energy equation developed by Garrett (1975 Deep-Sea Research 22, 23-35) is generalized to the nonlinear case. Based on the numerical results, the energy budgets in the South China Sea and its subareas, namely the Taiwan Strait, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Gulf of Thailand and the remaining area are investigated. The tidal motion in the Taiwan Strait is maintained mainly by the energy fluxes from the East China Sea for both semidiurnal and diurnal species and partially from the Luzon Strait for semidiurnal species. For the other parts of the South China Sea, the tidal motion is mainly maintained by the energy fluxes through the Luzon Strait. The energy inputs from the tide-generating force are negative for semidiurnal species and positive for diurnal species. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Paraprionospio pinnata (Ehlers, 1901), a poorly known and potentially cosmopolitan polychaete, was examined from museum specimens and from collections in Jiaozhou Bay, the Yellow Sea. New observations indicate that previous Chinese records of P. pinnata are doubtful, and that Chinese waters contain at least three valid species of Paraprionospio, two are known and one is new. Paraprionospio inaequibranchia (Caullery, 1914) and Paraprionospio coora Wilson, 1990, previously misidentified as P. pinnata, are reported from Chinese waters for the first time. Paraprionospio crist'ata. new species, is characterized by having brown pigment patches on the prostomium, ventral crests on chaetigers 9 and 10, dorsal crests on the middle part of the body (from chaetigers 21-23, not beyond chaetiger 29). thin filaments on chaetiger 3, and bifoliate branchial lamellae.


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© 2014, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.This study assesses the skill of advanced regional climate models (RCMs) in simulating southeastern United States (SE US) summer precipitation and explores the physical mechanisms responsible for the simulation skill at a process level. Analysis of the RCM output for the North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program indicates that the RCM simulations of summer precipitation show the largest biases and a remarkable spread over the SE US compared to other regions in the contiguous US. The causes of such a spread are investigated by performing simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, a next-generation RCM developed by the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. The results show that the simulated biases in SE US summer precipitation are due mainly to the misrepresentation of the modeled North Atlantic subtropical high (NASH) western ridge. In the WRF simulations, the NASH western ridge shifts 7° northwestward when compared to that in the reanalysis ensemble, leading to a dry bias in the simulated summer precipitation according to the relationship between the NASH western ridge and summer precipitation over the southeast. Experiments utilizing the four dimensional data assimilation technique further suggest that the improved representation of the circulation patterns (i.e., wind fields) associated with the NASH western ridge substantially reduces the bias in the simulated SE US summer precipitation. Our analysis of circulation dynamics indicates that the NASH western ridge in the WRF simulations is significantly influenced by the simulated planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes over the Gulf of Mexico. Specifically, a decrease (increase) in the simulated PBL height tends to stabilize (destabilize) the lower troposphere over the Gulf of Mexico, and thus inhibits (favors) the onset and/or development of convection. Such changes in tropical convection induce a tropical–extratropical teleconnection pattern, which modulates the circulation along the NASH western ridge in the WRF simulations and contributes to the modeled precipitation biases over the SE US. In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the NASH western ridge is an important factor responsible for the RCM skill in simulating SE US summer precipitation. Furthermore, the improvements in the PBL parameterizations for the Gulf of Mexico might help advance RCM skill in representing the NASH western ridge circulation and summer precipitation over the SE US.