937 resultados para Grazing cycles


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether intravaginal application of seminal plasma at the time of follicle aspiration in IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment cycles has the potential to increase pregnancy rate. To calculate the number of patients needed to achieve significance in a multicenter trial. DESIGN: Double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized pilot study. SETTING: University department of gynecological endocrinology and reproductive medicine. PATIENT(S): One hundred sixty-eight patients undergoing IVF or intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment. INTERVENTION(S): Cryopreserved seminal plasma from the patient's partner or sodium chloride (placebo) was injected into the cervix and the posterior fornix of the vagina just after follicle aspiration. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Clinical-pregnancy rate. RESULT(S): One hundred sixty-eight patients agreed to participate in the study. Participation was limited to one treatment cycle. Thirty-one patients (18%) were excluded from the study, mainly as a result of canceled embryo transfers. Seventy patients received placebo, and 67 received seminal plasma. The clinical-pregnancy rate was 25.7% (18/70) in the placebo group. The clinical-pregnancy rate in the seminal plasma group reached 37.3% (25/67), corresponding to a relative increase of 45%. CONCLUSION(S): Even though significance was not reached in this pilot study, the data suggest that seminal plasma has the potential to improve pregnancy rate. It is estimated that around 450 patients need to be recruited to reach significance in a multicenter study.


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The relationship of different types of grassland use with plant species richness and composition (functional groups of herbs, legumes, and grasses) has so far been studied at small regional scales or comprising only few components of land use. We comprehensively studied the relationship between abandonment, fertilization, mowing intensity, and grazing by different livestock types on plant diversity and composition of 1514 grassland sites in three regions in North-East, Central and South-West Germany. We further considered environmental site conditions including soil type and topographical situation. Fertilized grasslands showed clearly reduced plant species diversity (−15% plant species richness, −0.1 Shannon diversity on fertilized grasslands plots of 16 m2) and changed composition (−3% proportion of herb species), grazing had the second largest effects and mowing the smallest ones. Among the grazed sites, the ones grazed by sheep had higher than average species richness (+27%), and the cattle grazed ones lower (−42%). Further, these general results were strongly modulated by interactions between the different components of land use and by regional context: land-use effects differed largely in size and sometimes even in direction between regions. This highlights the importance of comparing different regions and to involve a large number of plots when studying relationships between land use and plant diversity. Overall, our results show that great caution is necessary when extrapolating results and management recommendations to other regions.


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Fifty head of crossbred steers started grazing 51 acres of pasture on May 1 in a rotational grazing system using a variable density paddock system. Twenty-two head grazed 92 days, 27 grazed 140 days, and one steer died. A total of 11,922 pounds was produced on 5,804 animal-days of grazing. The average daily gain was 2.02 pounds for group 1 and 2.07 for group 2. The stocking rate for the first 92 days was .98 steers per acre and .53 for the final 48 days. The animal days of grazing per acre was 113 and the pounds of gain per acre was 233. Total return for land, labor and management for the demonstration was $2,829.76 or $55.49/acre.


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The Andrew Jackson Demonstration Farm (AJDF) is located in central Jackson County in east central Iowa. A board of directors operates the farm for the purpose of demonstrating different production practices and management strategies. From 1996 to 1998 management intensive grazing practices and the grazing of stockers on a combination of permanent and tillable pasture have been demonstrated. Grazing strategies or practices demonstrated during these years included establishment of Eastern Gamagrass and Big Bluestem, variable density grazing, measuring forage on-offer, estimating dry matter intake, grazing corn, pasture renovation, and fencing and water systems. Production performance data were gathered for the three years stockers that were grazed. During this time the stockers averaged 121 animal days of grazing, a 1.1 head per acre stocking rate, a 1.85 pound average daily gain, and 228 pounds of gain per acre. The financial measures evaluated the value of gain on pasture and the pasture cost of the gain. The value of gain per pound was positive for 1996 and 1997 at $.58 and $.52 whereas in 1998 it was a -$.04. Pasture costs per pound of gain ranged from $.12 to $.16. Production performance is only one part of the profit picture when evaluating a stocker operation. Buysell margins are the other significant part that can greatly impact the profit potential of a summer grazing program.


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Iowa Lakes Controlled Grazing, Inc. (ILCG) was formed to educate producers and non-producers about alternative grazing methods which are conducive to optimizing economic profit and enhancing the environment. In 1994, four beef producers—one from each county agreed to cooperate with the ILCG to collect production and economic information on what they are currently doing with their beef operations. In 1995, three of the four continued to cooperate and four new cooperators were started in the ILCG program. All cooperators are willing to share this information with others.


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Pastures containing hay-type and grazing tolerant alfalfa hybrids were grazed in a season-long or complementary rotational stocking system with Nfertilized smooth bromegrass. The pastures were stocked at a seasonal density of .8 cow-calf pairs per acre for 120 days in 1998 and 141 days in 1999. Pastures were intensively managed by daily stripstocking with the assumptions that 50% of live forage was available and daily live dry matter consumption of each cow-calf pair was 3.5% of the cow’s body weight. First-cutting forage was harvested as hay from 40% of the pasture acres to remove excess forage growth early in the grazing season. Grazing occurred on the remaining 60% of each pasture for the first 44 and 54 days and 100% of each pasture after days 45 and 55 in 1998 and 1999, respectively. Proportions of ‘Amerigraze’ and ‘Affinity’ alfalfa in the live forage dry matter decreased by 70% and 55% in pastures stocked season-long and by 60% and 42% in pastures used for complementary stocking (alfalfa type, p<.05; grazing management, p<.05) in 1998, but decreased by a mean of 72% and was unaffected by hybrid or stocking system in 1999. Cows grazing either alfalfa hybrid by either grazing system had greater weight gains during the breeding and overall grazing seasons and greater increases in body condition score pre-breeding and during the breeding season than the cows that grazed smooth bromegrass for the entire season in 1998. Also, cows grazing either alfalfa hybrid in the season-long system had greater breeding season increases in body condition score than cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary system with smooth bromegrass in 1998. Cows grazing in the season-long alfalfa system had greater prebreeding season weight (p<.10) increases and condition score (p<.05) increases than cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary system in 1999. Daily and seasonal body weight gains of calves were not affected (p>.10) by the presence of alfalfa in 1998 or by alfalfa type and grazing management in 1998 and 1999. Total animal production (cow and calf) in 1998 was greater (p<.10) from the season-long alfalfa pastures compared with the complementary stocked pastures. Total (p<.10) and live (p<.05) forage masses, estimated by monthly clippings, were greater in September of 1998 from the season-long alfalfa pastures than pastures using alfalfa for complementary stocking. Total (p<.10) and live (p<.05) forage masses were greater in August of 1999 from season-long alfalfa pastures than pastures using alfalfa for complementary stocking.


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Pastures containing hay-type and grazing tolerant alfalfa hybrids were grazed in a season-long or complimentary rotational stocking system with Nfertilized smooth bromegrass. The pastures were stocked at a seasonal density of .8 cow-calf pairs per acre for 120 days. Pastures were intensively managed by daily strip-stocking with the assumptions that 50% of live forage was available and daily live dry matter consumption of each cow-calf pair was 3.5% of the cow’s body weight. First-cutting forage was harvested as hay from 40% of pasture acres to remove excess forage growth early in the grazing season. Forage was grazed from the remaining 60% of each pasture for the first 44 days of the experiment and then from the entire pasture thereafter. Live forage yields, estimated by monthly clippings, were greater in May and September on the season-long alfalfa pastures compared with the complementary pastures and on the alfalfa pastures compared with the N-fertilized smooth bromegrass pastures. The proportions of legumes in the live dry matter in pastures with grazing tolerant and hay-type alfalfas in the season-long grazing systems declined by 70% and 50%, respectively, in the 120 day trial. The proportions of legumes in the live dry matter in pastures with grazing tolerant and the hay-type alfalfas in the complementary grazing system declined 60% and 42%, respectively, in the 120 day trial. Cows grazing either alfalfa hybrid by either management system had greater weight gains during the breeding and grazing seasons and greater increases in body condition score prebreeding and during the breeding season than the cows that grazed N-fertilized smooth bromegrass for the entire season. Also, cows grazing either alfalfa in the season-long system had greater breeding season increases in body condition score than cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary system with N-fertilized smooth bromegrass. Daily gains and seasonal gains of calves from cows grazing the alfalfa pastures tended to be greater than those grazing N-fertilized smooth bromegrass. Within alfalfa treatments, calves of cows grazing alfalfa pastures in the season-long system tended to produce more pounds per acre than those of cows grazing alfalfa in the complementary systems.


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Fifty-six acres of central Iowa corn land were seeded to bromegrass and divided with high-tensile wire into eight seven-acre plots. This bromegrass was fertilized with 70 pounds of nitrogen each spring and fall, 1987-1990. In 1991 – 1995, the nitrogen was increased to 80 pounds both spring and fall. The plots were stocked with 1.3 cow/calf pairs per acre in 1987-1991 and 1993–1995, but in 1992 the plots were stocked with 1.55 cow/calf pairs per acre. The pairs were rotated using two distinct schemes among four cells for about 150 days. The plots averaged 607 pounds of net calf weight per acre per year over nine years. Rainfall was quite variable during the grazing seasons and was reflected in calf performance as well as summer feed costs. This intensive rotational grazing system has greatly reduced both weed population and the need for mechanical clipping.


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Economic comparisons of income on highly erodible land (HEL) in Adams County were made utilizing five years of grazing data collected from a 13- paddock intensive-rotational grazing system and a four-paddock rotational-grazing system and four years of data collected from an 18-paddock intensive-rotational grazing system, all at the Adams County CRP Research and Demonstration Farm near Corning. Net income from the average grazing weight-gain of Angus-sired calves nursing crossbred cows was compared to the net income from grazing yearling steers, to the net income of eight NRCS-recommended crop rotations, and to the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) option. Results of these comparisons show the 13-paddock intensive rotational grazing system with cow-calf pairs to be the most profitable alternative, with a net return of $19.86 per acre per year. The second most profitable alternative is the CRP option, with a net return of $13.09 per acre, and the third most profitable option is the fourpaddock rotation with cows and calves with a net return of $12.53 per acre. An 18-paddock system returned a net income of $2.47 per acre per year with cows and calves in 1993, but lost an average of $107.69 per acre each year in 1994 and 1995 with yearling steers. Each year, the steers were purchased high and sold low, contributing to the large loss per acre. The following recommended crop rotations all show net losses on these 9-14 % slope, Adair-Shelby Complex soils (ApD3): continuous corn; corn-soybean rotation; corn-soybean rotation with a farm program deficiency payment; corn-corn-corn-oats-meadow-meadow rotation with grass headlands; continuous corn to “T” with grass headlands and buffer strips; continuous corn to “T” with grass headlands, buffer strips, and a deficiency payment; corn-corn-oats-meadow rotation to “T”; and corn-soybeans-oats-meadow-meadow-meadow-meadow rotation to “T”. Per-acre yield assumptions of 90 bushels for corn, 30 bushels for soybeans, 45 bushels for oats, and four tons for alfalfa were used, with per-bushel prices of $2.40 on corn, $5.50 on soybeans, and $1.50 on oats. Alfalfa hay was priced at $40.00 per ton and grass hay at $33.33 per ton. The calf weight-gain in the cow/ calf systems was valued at $.90 per pound. All crop expenses except land costs were calculated from ISU publication Fm 1712, “Estimated Costs of Crop Production in Iowa - 1995.” Land costs were determined by using an opportunity cost and actual property tax figures for the land at the grazing site. In preparation for the end of the CRP beginning in 1996, further economic comparisons will be made after additional grazing seasons and data collection. This project is an interagency cooperative effort sponsored by the Southern Iowa Forage and Livestock Committee which has special permission from the USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) to use CRP land for research and demonstration.


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To determine environmental, soil, and sward effects at the initiation of cattle grazing in the spring on seasonal (forage accumulated during the grazing season) and cumulative (seasonal + initial forage mass) forage accumulation (FA), 15 commercial cow-calf producers from southern Iowa were selected by historical initial grazing date. At grazing initiation, twelve .25-m2 samples were hand-clipped from each pasture and sward heights (SH) measured with a falling plane meter (4.8 kg/m2) to determine initial forage mass. At each location, soil temperature and load bearing capacity (LBC) were measured and a soil sample was collected to measure pH and moisture, P, and K concentrations. Cumulative degree-days (base=3.85°C) and precipitation at grazing initiation were calculated from NOAA records. At the beginning of each month, at least three grazing exclosures were placed on each grazed pasture to determine monthly FA. SH in each exclosure was recorded, and a .25-m2 forage sample was hand-clipped proximate to each exclosure. At the end of each month, SH was recorded and .25-m2 hand-clipped forage samples from inside exclosures were obtained. In linear regressions, cumulative and seasonal SH increased with greater soil P (r2=.5049 and .5417), soil K (r2=.4675 and .4397), and initial forage mass (r2=.1984 and .2801). Seasonal SH increased with earlier initial grazing dates (r2=.1996) and less accumulated degree-days (r2=.2364). Cumulative and seasonal FA increased with earlier initial grazing dates (r2=.2106 and .3744), lower soil temperatures (r2=.2617 and.2874), and greater soil P (r2=.3489 and .2598). Cumulative FA increased with greater soil K (r2=.4675). In quadratic regressions, cumulative and seasonal SH were correlated to soil P (r2=.6310 and .5310) and soil K (r2=.5095 and.4401). Cumulative and seasonal FA were correlated to degree days (r2=.3630 and.4013) and initial grazing date (r2=.3425 and .4088). Cumulative FA was correlated to soil P (r2=.3539), and seasonal FA was correlated to soil moisture (r2=.3688).


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Grazing yearling steers is one way to utilize the forages required for participation in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) after CRP contracts expire. In 1995, a stocker-steer intensive-rotational grazing study was conducted at the CRP Research and Demonstration Project near Corning, Iowa. A similar study was carried out in 1994. Seventy-five yearling crossbred steers grazed a 65- acre pasture that had been divided into 27 paddocks using electric fencing from May 4, 1995 to September 14, 1995. During this period, the 65-acre pasture system produced 9,975 animal-days of grazing and 11,403 pounds of gain. On a per-acre basis, this translates to 153.5 animal-days of grazing and 175.4 pounds of gain. The stocking rate was constant for the entire 133- day grazing season at 1.15 steers per acre. On May 4, 1995, the beginning of the grazing season, the average weight of the steers was 495.7 pounds. By the end of the grazing trial on September 14, 1995, the average weight of the steers had increased to 647.7 pounds. The average gain per steer during the 133-day grazing period was 152 pounds, and the average daily gain per steer was 1.14 pounds. The average bodyweight of the steers during the entire grazing season was 571.7 pounds.


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Two rotational-grazing systems, a 13-paddock and a 4-paddock, have been demonstrated on CRP land near Corning, Iowa since 1991 and this report summarizes the 2001 production data. Establishment of this project was to show economically feasible grass alternatives to row crops and CRP for steeply sloping (9% - 14% slope), highly-erodible land (HEL). Stocking rates were 1.57 and 1.72 acres per pair on the 13- and 4-paddock systems, respectively. In a 119 day grazing season calves gained 2.23 and 2.27 lbs/day for the 13- and 4-paddock systems, while cows gained 51.4 and 113.4 lbs, respectively. While some system hay growth was utilized to stave off drought conditions, there was a net hay gain of 11 and 5.5 bales of hay for the 13- and 4-paddock systems, respectively


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A steer grazing demonstration was conducted in 2001 at the CRP Research and Demonstration Project farm near Corning, Iowa. Ninety-five steers were delivered to the Adams County CRP farm on April 27, 2001. The steer pasture at the CRP farm was 76 acres, divided into 33 paddocks with electric fence. Cattle were moved 101 times to a fresh paddock during the grazing season. Most of the moves (79.2%) followed 1 day of grazing in a paddock. No paddock was grazed for more than 3 days in succession. Rate of gain on pasture (2.12 lbs./animal/day) was higher in 2001 than in any previous year in the 8-year steer grazing project at the CRP farm. The 95 steers gained a total of 21,056 pounds on pasture, and the cost of the gain on pasture was $51.30/cwt. The 2001 steer grazing project showed a small profit above all costs. The net profit was $4.12/steer or $5.15/acre. Large profits and large losses are possible, primarily depending on the difference between the buying and selling prices.