988 resultados para Goyeneche y Barreda, Jose Sebasti an de, abp., 1784-1872.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Ochenta y siete chronologias de todos los Papas, Emperadores, Reyes y Obispos que se sabe auer auido en Espaa y Concilios que se an celebrado en ella ... hasta el ao setecientos del nacimiento de Christo, 64 p. pag.


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Reprint. Originally published: Madrid : A. de Sancha, 1786.


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"Prologo" signed: Samuel A. Lafone Quevedo.--Enrique Pena.


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One of an edition of 350 copies.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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In Statnotes 24 and 25, multiple linear regression, a statistical method that examines the relationship between a single dependent variable (Y) and two or more independent variables (X), was described. The principle objective of such an analysis was to determine which of the X variables had a significant influence on Y and to construct an equation that predicts Y from the X variables. Principal components analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA) are also methods of examining the relationships between different variables but they differ from multiple regression in that no distinction is made between the dependent and independent variables, all variables being essentially treated the same. Originally, PCA and FA were regarded as distinct methods but in recent times they have been combined into a single analysis, PCA often being the first stage of a FA. The basic objective of a PCA/FA is to examine the relationships between the variables or the structure of the variables and to determine whether these relationships can be explained by a smaller number of factors. This statnote describes the use of PCA/FA in the analysis of the differences between the DNA profiles of different MRSA strains introduced in Statnote 26.


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* The author was supported by NSF Grant No. DMS 9706883.


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During the 2007-2008 austral spring season, the ANDRILL (Antarctic Drilling project) Southern McMurdo Sound Project recovered an 1138-m-long core, representing the last 20 m.y. of glacial history. An extensive downhole logging program was successfully carried out. Due to drill hole conditions, logs were collected in several passes from the total depth at 1138.54 m below seafloor (mbsf) to 230 mbsf. After data correction, several statistical methods, such as factor analysis, cluster analysis, box-and-whisker diagrams, and cross-plots, were applied. The aim of these analyses was to use detailed interpretation of the downhole logs to obtain a description of the lithologies and their specific physical properties that is independent of the core descriptions. The sediments were grouped into the three main facies, diamictite, mudstone and/or siltstone, and sandstone, and the physical properties of each were determined. Notable findings include the high natural radioactivity values in sandstone and the high and low magnetic susceptibility values in mudstone and/or siltstone and in sandstone. A modified lithology cluster column was produced on the basis of the downhole logs and statistical analyses. It was possible to use the uranium content in the downhole logs to determine hiatuses and thus more accurately place the estimated hiatuses. Using analyses from current literature (geochemistry, clasts, and clay minerals) in combination with the downhole logs (cluster analysis), the depths 225 mbsf, 650 mbsf, 775 mbsf, and 900 mbsf were identified as boundaries of change in sediment composition, provenance, and/or environmental conditions. The main use of log interpretation is the exact definition of lithological boundaries and the modification of the paleoenvironmental interpretation.


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La sinostosis sagital precoz o escafocefalia es la forma ms frecuente de craneosinostosis. Se produce por el cierre prematuro de la sutura sagital lo que da lugar a un crneo alargado en su dimetro anteroposterior. El trmino escafocefalia fue acuado por Baer en 1860, y significa cabeza en forma de quilla o bote (gr. , barco), lo que describe a la perfeccin las deformidades presentes en estos pacientes: una cabeza alargada en su dimetro anteroposterior, con estrechamiento del dimetro biparietal y abombamientos compensadores frontales y occipitales. Su incidencia se calcula en torno a uno de cada 2000 a 3000 recin nacidos vivos con una proporcin de 3,5 a 1 entre varones y mujeres. Aproximadamente el 72 % de los casos son de tipo espordico aunque se ha observado agregacin familiar en un 6% de los pacientes afectados. Se acepta que la causa de las craneosinostosis simples es multifactorial, con un origen heterogneo desde el punto de vista etiolgico y distintos procesos fisiopatolgicos que pueden confluir en su desarrollo. Se postula que las craneosinostosis no sindrmicas tienen un componente gentico, con interacciones entre genes y factores ambientales que an no se conocen en su totalidad. Junto a factores mecnicos (como la restriccin del movimiento fetal, compresiones por gestaciones mltiples, anomalas anatmicas uterinas...), se reconocen causas relacionadas con trastornos en la hidrodinmica del LCR (mielomeningocele, derivaciones ventriculoperitoneales en el tratamiento de la hidrocefalia), teratgenos o malformaciones del SNC que limitan la expansin de las vesculas telenceflicas (holoprosencefalia, microcefalia...)...


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Two types of health reforms in Latin America are analysed: one based on insurance and service commodification and the one referred to the unified public systems of progressive governments. Health insurance with explicit service packages has not fulfilled their purposes of universal coverage, equal access to necessary health services and improvement of health conditions but has opened health as a field of profit making for insurance companies and private health providers. The national health services as a state obligation have developed territorialized health services and widened substantially timely access to the majority of the population. The adoption of an integrated and wide social policy has an impact on population well fare. It faces some problems derived from the old health systems and the power of the insurance and medical complex.


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La adiccin al juego no slo se caracteriza por la prdida de control ante el juego, sino que esta conducta tiende a generar problemas en los diferentes mbitos de la vida del ludpata. Por ello, este aspecto se recoge en el Manual diagnstico y estadstico de los trastornos mentales-5 (DSM-V) como uno de los criterios para realizar su valoracin diagnstica. Objetivo: describir y analizar los diferentes elementos que conforman la compleja problemtica aparejada a esta adiccin y que pueden terminar en situaciones de exclusin social. Mtodo: Se opta por una metodologa cualitativa que se ajusta mejor a los intereses del estudio. Como tcnica se ha seleccionado la historia de vida, instrumento de evaluacin que permite conocer la verdadera magnitud del problema desde el punto de vista de los afectados. Resultados. De manera general, se ha descubierto que ser ludpata tiene muchos ms consecuentes que el problema econmico evidente. No debemos despreciar las implicaciones de esta conducta a otros niveles: familiar, laboral, legal y social, que pueden considerarse, a medio plazo, como factores mucho ms execrables que el del mero gasto econmico. Conclusin. Es fcil avistar que los graves problemas que acarrea la adiccin al juego son capaces de desmembrar el proyecto vital del ludpata y el de su familia. Todo vale, aunque para ello tenga que jugarse su puesto de trabajo, su casa, su familia, sus amistades, su estatus social y su propia dignidad.