816 resultados para Girl Scouts


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O trabalho apresentado é decorrente do Projeto de Intervenção realizado no âmbito do Curso de 2º Ciclo em Educação Especial – domínio cognitivo e motor, da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Resumo A referida intervenção contempla a minimização das dificuldades apresentadas por uma menina a nível da leitura e escrita e da sua socialização, numa perspetiva inclusiva. M. é o nome fictício da aluna alvo da intervenção. Atualmente, frequenta o 3º ano de escolaridade numa escola pública, em Lisboa área da sua residência. A revisão da literatura vai sustentar e facilitar a compreensão clara e concisa da intervenção realizada e das posições defendidas sobre esta matéria. Deste modo, são tratados temas no âmbito da exclusão social e escolar, da escola Inclusiva e dos obstáculos que ainda encontramos nas escolas, dos preconceitos, dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais, das adaptações curriculares, da aprendizagem cooperativa e diferenciação pedagógica, referimo-nos ainda às dificuldades de aprendizagem e, por último, à comunicação e à linguagem oral e escrita. Para obter informações sobre a M. e sobre o contexto da intervenção, bem como sobre todo o seu processo de inclusão escolar, utilizamos como suporte metodológico, a pesquisa documental, as entrevistas semi-diretivas à professora titular de turma e à professora de ensino especial, a observação naturalista, a sociometria e as notas de campo para se poder complementar as informações. A planificação global da intervenção foi elaborada a partir do relacionamento/ cruzamento dos dados que resultaram da análise da informação recolhida. Para uma intervenção fundamentada caracterizamos inicialmente o seu contexto escolar e familiar e posteriormente a M. Os princípios orientadores da intervenção realizada, assentam numa perspetiva de investigação para a ação, e tiveram presentes os objetivos definidos para a M. As atividades foram realizadas, numa perspetiva de aprendizagem muito estruturada, muito refletida e avaliada durante todo o processo, implicando todos os intervenientes. Esta intervenção, levou-nos a estimular práticas educativas, diferenciadas e inclusivas na turma, com a professora titular dessa turma e com a professora do ensino especial com os colegas da M.


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This study examined the effects of infant sex, maternal postnatal depression, and maternal interactive style on infant sensitivity to maternal negative emotional shifts. Face-to-face interactions of 68 mother–infant dyads were analyzed at 8 and 18 weeks. Twenty-five (28%) mothers had postnatal depression. Interactions were analyzed in terms of overall maternal interactive style: “sensitive,” “anxious,” “intrusive,” and “sad.” Episodes of negative shifts in maternal emotional expression were recorded, along with expressions of infant sensitivity to these changes. Daughters of depressed mothers showed higher rates of sensitivity to maternal negative emotion whereas their sons showed lower rates, in comparison to both girl and boy infants of well mothers. While maternal interactive style had no effect on 8-week infant sensitivity to maternal negative emotional shifts, high rates of 18-week infant sensitivity were predicted by both an 8-week and a concurrent, “sad” maternal interactive style. The findings are discussed in relation to theories of emotional and interpersonal development.


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This study documents the size and nature of “Hindu-Muslim” and “boy-girl” gaps in children’s school participation and attainments in India. Individual-level data from two successive rounds of the National Sample Survey suggest that considerable progress has been made in decreasing the Hindu-Muslim gap. Nonetheless, the gap remains sizable even after controlling for numerous socio-economic and parental covariates, and the Muslim educational disadvantage in India today is greater than that experienced by girls and Scheduled Caste Hindu children. A gender gap still appears within as well as between communities, though it is smaller within Muslim communities. While differences in gender and other demographic and socio-economic covariates have recently become more important in explaining the Hindu-Muslim gap, those differences altogether explain only 25 percent to 45 percent of the observed schooling gap.


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Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), a non-governmental organisation (NGO), runs a large number of non-formal primary schools in Bangladesh which target out-of-school children from poor families. These schools are well-known for their effectiveness in closing the gender gap in primary school enrolment. On the other hand, registered non-government secondary madrasas (or Islamic schools) today enrol one girl against every boy student. In this article, we document a positive spillover effect of BRAC schools on female secondary enrolment in registered madrasas. Drawing upon school enrolment data aggregated at the region level, we first show that regions that had more registered madrasas experienced greater secondary female enrolment growth during 1999–2003, holding the number of secular secondary schools constant. In this context we test the impact of BRAC-run primary schools on female enrolment in registered madrasas. We deal with the potential endogeneity of placement of BRAC schools using an instrumental variable approach. Controlling for factors such as local-level poverty, road access and distance from major cities, we show that regions with a greater presence of BRAC schools have higher female enrolment growth in secondary madrasas. The effect is much bigger when compared to that on secondary schools.


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This is an analysis of Iris Murdoch's plays, including The Italian Girl, The Severed Head, The Black Prince, The Three Arrows and The Servants and the Snow. It also assesses Murdoch's significance for theatre in the early 1960s and 70s, as Women's Theatre was beginning to make its mark.


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Contemporary US sitcom is at an interesting crossroads: it has received an increasing amount of scholarly attention (e.g. Mills 2009; Butler 2010; Newman and Levine 2012; Vermeulen and Whitfield 2013), which largely understands it as shifting towards the aesthetically and narratively complex. At the same time, in the post-broadcasting era, US networks are particularly struggling for their audience share. With the days of blockbuster successes like Must See TV’s Friends (NBC 1994-2004) a distant dream, recent US sitcoms are instead turning towards smaller, engaged audiences. Here, a cult sensibility of intertextual in-jokes, temporal and narrational experimentation (e.g. flashbacks and alternate realities) and self-reflexive performance styles have marked shows including Community (NBC 2009-2015), How I Met Your Mother (CBS 2005-2014), New Girl (Fox 2011-present) and 30 Rock (NBC 2006-2013). However, not much critical attention has so far been paid to how these developments in textual sensibility in contemporary US sitcom may be influenced by, and influencing, the use of transmedia storytelling practices, an increasingly significant industrial concern and rising scholarly field of enquiry (e.g. Jenkins 2006; Mittell 2015; Richards 2010; Scott 2010; Jenkins, Ford and Green 2013). This chapter investigates this mutual influence between sitcom and transmedia by taking as its case studies two network shows that encourage invested viewership through their use of transtexts, namely How I Met Your Mother (hereafter HIMHM) and New Girl (hereafter NG). As such, it will pay particular attention to the most transtextually visible character/actor from each show: HIMYM’s Barney Stinson, played by Neil Patrick Harris, and NG’s Schmidt, played by Max Greenfield. This chapter argues that these sitcoms do not simply have their particular textual sensibility and also (happen to) engage with transmedia practices, but that the two are mutually informing and defining. This chapter explores the relationships and interplay between sitcom aesthetics, narratives and transmedia storytelling (or industrial transtexts), focusing on the use of multiple delivery channels in order to disperse “integral elements of a fiction” (Jenkins, 2006 95-6), by official entities such as the broadcasting channels. The chapter pays due attention to the specific production contexts of both shows and how these inform their approaches to transtexts. This chapter’s conceptual framework will be particularly concerned with how issues of texture, the reality envelope and accepted imaginative realism, as well as performance and the actor’s input inform and illuminate contemporary sitcoms and transtexts, and will be the first scholarly research to do so. It will seek out points of connections between two (thus far) separate strands of scholarship and will move discussions on transtexts beyond the usual genre studied (i.e. science-fiction and fantasy), as well as make a contribution to the growing scholarship on contemporary sitcom by approaching it from a new critical angle. On the basis that transmedia scholarship stands to benefit from widening its customary genre choice (i.e. telefantasy) for its case studies and from making more use of in-depth close analysis in its engagement with transtexts, the chapter argues that notions of texture, accepted imaginative realism and the reality envelope, as well as performance and the actor’s input deserve to be paid more attention to within transtext-related scholarship.


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The Storms of War, is the first in a trilogy about the de Witt family. The first explores their lives from 1914-1918, as the youngest girl, Celia, sees her perfect world crumble and change. Inspired to write about the wars since Kate visited the trenches in France when she was ten on a school trip. Kate was fascinated by how small they were - and how men could ever live in such places. She really wanted to go into the lives of Germans - the Victorians couldn't get enough of them. Then - almost overnight - they were the enemy and people saw German spies everywhere and the newspapers demanded that all Germans in the country be imprisoned. At the beginning of the book, Rudolf and Verena have four children - and their lives will never be the same again.


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We report on a 4-year-old girl with blepharophimosis, a typical facial gestalt and skeletal abnormalities seen in the blepharofacioskeletal syndrome (BFSS). A comparative review with previous cases provides further evidence that BFSS and Schilbach-Rott syndrome (SRS) are the same condition. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The aim of this study was to investigate electricity supply solutions for an educationalcenter that is being built in Chonyonyo Tanzania. Off-grid power generation solutions andfurther optimization possibilities were studied for the case.The study was done for Engineers Without Borders in Sweden. Who are working withMavuno Project on the educational center. The school is set to start operating in year 2015with 40 girl students in the beginning. The educational center will help to improve genderequality by offering high quality education in a safe environment for girls in rural area.It is important for the system to be economically and environmentally sustainable. Thearea has great potential for photovoltaic power generation. Thus PV was considered as theprimary power generation and a diesel generator as a reliable backup. The system sizeoptimization was done with HOMER. For the simulations HOMER required componentdata, weather data and load data. Common components were chose with standardproperties, the loads were based on load estimations from year 2011 and the weather datawas acquired from NASA database. The system size optimization result for this base casewas a system with 26 kW PW; 5.5 kW diesel generator, 15 kW converter and 112 T-105batteries. The initial cost of the system was 55 875 €, the total net present cost 92 121 €and the levelized cost of electricity 0.264 €/kWh.In addition three optimization possibilities were studied. First it was studied how thesystem should be designed and how it would affect the system size to have night loads(security lights) use DC and could the system then be extended in blocks. As a result it wasfound out that the system size could be decreased as the inverter losses would be avoided.Also the system extension in blocks was found to be possible. The second study was aboutinverter stacking where multiple inverters can work as one unit. This type of connectionallows only the required number of inverters to run while shutting down the excess ones.This would allow the converter-unit to run with higher efficiency and lower powerconsumption could be achieved. In future with higher loads the system could be easilyextendable by connecting more inverters either in parallel or series depending on what isneeded. Multiple inverters would also offer higher reliability than using one centralizedinverter. The third study examined how the choice of location for a centralized powergeneration affects the cable sizing for the system. As a result it was found that centralizedpower generation should be located close to high loads in order to avoid long runs of thickcables. Future loads should also be considered when choosing the location. For theeducational center the potential locations for centralized power generation were found outto be close to the school buildings and close to the dormitories.


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Dans ce mémoire, nous nous sommes servies d’une méthode thématique pour faire une analyseintersectionnelle de L’Amant de Marguerite Duras. Le but était d’étudier la manière complexedont les différentes structures de domination interagissent l’une avec l’autre dans une sociétécoloniale. L’étude a été concentrée sur la recherche d’une identité personnelle effectuée par leprotagoniste féminin et nous avons voulu savoir comment cette recherche est influencée par lesstructures de genre, d’ethnie et de classe.Notre conclusion est que l’appartenance à la catégorie « blanche et pauvre » donne auprotagoniste un sentiment d’aliénation vis-à-vis de la communauté colonisatrice blanche. Cettealiénation l’aide à s’opposer à certaines normes, par exemple le manque de liberté sociale etsexuelle de la femme, en même temps que son comportement peut parfois être interprété commeune confirmation des rôles racistes existant dans la colonie. Néanmoins, nous voulons soulignerque c’est la façon dont l’amant chinois a été décrit qui est troublante, plutôt que lecomportement du protagoniste féminin.


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# 1. Introduction. Exploring the gender and IT problem and possible ways forward /​ Julianne Lynch
# 2. The imagined curriculum: who studies Computing and Information Technology subjects at the senior secondary level? /​ Margaret Vickers and My Trinh Ha
# 3. A question of attention: challenges for researching the under representation of girls in Computing and Information Technology subjects /​ Leonie Rowan
# 4. The nature and purpose of Computing and Information Technology subjects in the senior secondary school curriculum in New South Wales /​ Toni Downes
# 5. The social construction of Computing and Information Technology subject subculture /​ Catherine Harris
# 6. Boy nerds, girl nerds: constituting and negotiating Computing and Information Technology and peer groups as gendered subjects in schooling /​ Kerry Robinson and Cristyn Davies
# 7. CIT teachers' cultures in a globalising world /​ Carol Reid and Jose van der Akker
# 8. Perceptions of changing pedagogies in Computing and Information Technology /​ Susanne Gannon


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This paper challenges mathematics teachers to go back and re-examine ideas as far as possible from the genuine beginner's point of view rather than in terms of being experts on the subject. It suggests tasks that teachers can do to achieve this. Topics covered are the shock of the new, the best single short lesson on trigonometry, the difficulty of remembering not knowing, first student trigonometric steps (scouts and flagpoles), first human steps in trigonometry (examining the stars), rotation becomes number, showing relations and learning ideas, plus a lengthy discussion on trigonometry.


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Rupert Kathner (Ben Mendelsohn) always had stars in his eyes. He wanted to make movies and wanted the whole world to see them. It was at a screening of a pilot for one of his films to studio execs that he met a woman who would change his life. Alma Brooks (Victoria Hill) was working as a secretary at the studio when she met Rupe. When they paired up, a revolutionary filmmaking duo was born. Despite opposition from the Police Commissioner himself, they produced the first true crime movie ever made in Australia: 'The Pyjama Girl Murder Case'. In the end, even the Commissioner gave it his blessing and it was an instant success. In fact, every film they ever made was shown on the big screen. Over the course of 15 years together, these mavericks managed to make a remarkable nineteen movies


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Artworks exhibited : Life 2008 - BKK 2008 - The Oracle 2008 - The Revolution 2008 - The Little Dog 2008 - Modern 2008 - The Unifier 2008 - Love 2008 - Mother 2008 - Shiva 2008 - Homage 2008 - The Beauty 2008 - Apollo 2008 - Troy 2008 - Suvarnabhumi (the plane) 2008 - Uncle Basil 2008 - The Daughter 2008 - Gods of War 2008 - The Trojans 2008 - Le Grand pere 2008 - Albert -  I Remember The Beach 2007 - I Remember The Beach II - My Cosmic Lady 2008 - On The Avenue - Space Pervades a Jar Drawings : Cyberman - Minatour - Fishlady - Italy - Kaspar - Madonna - Red Vessel - Ganesa - Cowboys - Sun - Fire Engine - Kneeling Woman - Blowing Bubbles - Bridge and Horse and Cloud - Kasper Hauser - Eyeball and Watering Can - Red Head - Bombay - Blue Eyes and monkey God - Blue Girl With Buddha