1000 resultados para Gestão e Planejamento Ambiental
A avaliação de impacto ambiental tem sido muitas vezes, vista apenas como um procedimento burocrático para a obtenção da licença ambiental, desconsiderando os estudos realizados, após a aquisição da licença e contratando outros serviços para orientar a adoção de um sistema de gestão objetivando boas práticas ambientais. Porém sabe-se que a estrutura geral das metodologias de avaliação de impacto ambiental apresenta muitos pontos semelhantes se comparada à identificação dos aspectos e impactos ambientais de um sistema de gestão ambiental, o que indica uma interface entre os dois instrumentos apesar da execução integrada ainda não ser um procedimento comum na gestão ambiental de empreendimentos. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho objetivou analisar as possibilidades do emprego de um sistema de gestão ambiental preconizado pela ISQ 14001 para o gerenciamento de programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental e de licenciamento ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas, através do foco específico naqueles progrmas relacionados diretamente com o monitoramento e o controle da qualidade e da qualidade da água do reservatório, que é um fator essencial para a função de produção de um empreendimento hidrelétrico. Para esta análise, utilizou-se o caso da usina hidrelétrica de Santo Antônio, identificando 9 programas ambientais decorrentes de processos de avaliação de impacto ambiental com grandes possibilidades de serem utilizados na estruturação de sistemas de gestão ambiental de usinas hidrelétricas e cuja adequada execução, corrobora com a integração entre os respectivos instrumentos além de corresponder à necessidade de compatibilização dos instrumentos de política ambiental na busca de um desenvolvimento com adequada proteção ambiental e de uma atuação mais consciente das organizações
The consuming of the natural resources in the agricultural sector does not represent only one external factor of the productive process, but also it implies in a bigger cost for the production, justified for this environmental degradation. In view of the necessity of evaluating the sustainment of the agricultural businesses, the use of performance indicators if makes of extreme importance. The measurement of the support through environmentalindicators is one of the most accepted forms of performing the evaluation of one given agricultural activity. In this context, the Base System for Eco-certification of Agricultural Businesses (Eco-cert Rural) developed by the Embrapa Environment at Jaguariúna/SP, has for purpose to present a method of evaluation of the agricultural businesses, not only of the point of view of the ecological performance, as well as considering the social, economic and organizational aspects. Through the analysis of the performance of the activity and the regularization of the disconformities found, it makes possible the eco-certification of the activities in the varied existing protocols, offering technologies designed to the sustainable development of the agricultural businesses. Using Eco-cert.Rural, this work evaluated the contribution of the use of mechanized harvest in sugar cane handling, front to the traditional system of manual harvest, using the fire. In the Sugar Cane Activity General Performance Index, Agrícola Rio Claro scored 2,08 of a maximum of 15. Amongst all the indicators, those wich reached performance worse had been related to the Use of Energy and the Income, by increasing fossil fuel consumptiom, and implying income concentration due to resignations of rural workers. However, the improvements on the environment quality by supressing manual harvest through fire are very significant. Beyond the great reduction in...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
The research aims to propose grants for development of Municipal Plan for the Management of Organic Solid Waste generated in the municipality of Rio Claro. The research universe was composed of organic waste generators establishments (markets and grocers). From the registry of commercial establishments provided by the municipal government were identified who presented this typology, which totaled 38 establishments. In this universe the interview was conducted in 15 establishments obtained by directed sampling based on the characteristics of size, type and location. The data collected were the amount generated, disposal of waste, waste separation, collection frequency, reasons for the disposal of waste, frequency of purchase of products. From the data obtained in the field, we estimated the total generation of organic waste in this segment for the municipality. Then, the estimated costs for implementation and operation of a composting center, a way to subsidize the implementation of the management plan was carried out. We opted for the aerobic composting process by the simplicity of operation and because it is a technique already known. The average waste generation was established by tracks (size) with: stores up to 4 boxes (classified as small) generate on average 1511 kg / month, 40% of organic waste, the 5-9 boxes (small/midsize) generate on average 4338 kg / month, 35% organic and the 10 to 19 boxes (midsize) generate on average 7647 kg / month with 32% organic. In total establishments generate 105 t/ month of waste, with 35t / month of organics. 94% of establishments are in font segregation of waste into recyclable, organic and waste, indicating that the proposed management of organic waste is amenable to application without many changes in existing routine in stores. Recyclables are sent for recycling through selective collection held by the cooperative, while the organics are destined for the landfill and feed. The results indicate...
The expansion of urban in medium-sized citie, increase the importance of action planning and management of natural resources, among which water is the most important. Such action should include the integration of physical and man-made elements involved. In this context, it becomesimportant for watershed analysis and the use of geotecnologies. Thus, the objective was to demonstrate the contribution of the geo, as a tool for managing a river basin, allowing the integration of physical data and the analysis of anthropogenic environmental scenarios in urban areas. The area chosen, the basin of the Wenzel, is located in Rio Claro / SP, a city whose urbanization process has been intense and continuous. Thematic maps were generated from the physical environment: soil, slope and geological, as well as maps of land use. With regard to land use maps, these were drawn from the visual interpretation of material aerophotogrammetric, considering the years 1995 and 2010, performing an evolutionary analysis. It was observed that the area presents small variation in the physical and structural aspects, with lithological and geomorphological formation favoring the occurrence of floods, erosion and siltation. These processes are accelerated by the forms of land use, with intense urbanization during the period between 1995 and 2010, and poor preservation of permanent preservation areasand. In the floodplain areas there is a high waste disposal is the most notable environmental problem
The present study addresses the application of the Environmental Management System in chicken production on a farm owned by the Nardo brothers, located in the city of Guapiaçu/SP (Brazil). The objectives were to analyze the process of solid waste generation, destination and forms of treatment in this activity; propose measures to reduce the use of potable water for non-potable ends; determine other measures identified through a questionnaire drafted by Embrapa (Brazilian Agriculture Research Cooperative) and administered to employees who have direct involvement in the productive process; pay visits to chicken production enterprises; and employ the guidelines proposed by the National Fowl-Breeding Sanitation Program that guide the application of the Environmental Management System. Adequate management of waste was put into effect through the construction of a compost shed capable of meeting current production demands, in which all procedures were accompanied – from civil construction to the commercialization process of the organic fertilizer generated. The rain-gathering system for the roofs of the pens proposed to reduce the consumption of potable ground water destined for washing the floors of the pens was completely dimensioned and budgeted, allowing the motivated owners to place the project into effect in a timely fashion. Other simpler but no less important proposals were also made in order to bring the production up to the required quality standards.
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo una presentación de políticas públicas ambientales, teniendo como foco el Proyecto “Municipio VerdeAzul” (PMVA), lanzado por la Secretaria de Medio Ambiente del Estado de São Paulo en 2007, que tiene como característica la descentralización y comparte la gestión ambiental con los municipios. De esta manera, como estudio de caso fue realizado un análisis del desarrollo y de los resultados del municipio de Magda-São Paulo en la aplicación de ese proyecto en el año 2010. Para eso, se utilizó una metodología basada, inicialmente en la revisión bibliográfica sobre los temas envueltos, seguida del levantamiento de datos oficiales colectados en trabajo de campo y en sitios de órganos públicos, bien como entrevistas con dirigentes municipales para la realización del análisis e interpretación de esos dados. La investigación permitió concluir que el municipio de Magda obtuvo buenos resultados a partir de la participación en el PMVA, que se presenta como una política pública ambiental estratégica, avanzando en la perspectiva de actuación del poder municipal en la gestión del medioambiente
The present work is the analysis of the practices and techniques currently used in the final allocation given to organic household solid waste in the city of Rio Claro - SP. As the major part of Rio Claro’s household solid waste is formed by the organic fraction, as well as in the rest of the country, this research proposes a study on what is done with that portion of the waste, its treatment and where finally destined, based on the National Solid Waste Politic, recently approved in 2010. With the use of this organic part, for example: as animal feed supplement or compost embodiment for the purpose of producing organic fertilizer, enables the decrease of the percentage of the total destined to dumps and landfills. This total percentage has already been reduced after the popularization of the beneficial recycling programs in Brazil, which are still growing. As cities and the purchasing power of its individuals grow, there is also a consequent growth of waste production by society. The household whether domestic solid waste are lower than Industrial Solid ( RSI ) waste for the production in million tons ( Mton ) quantities , however, those residues are more visible on a daily basis - in cities and periphery as well, due to the inadequate management, - and also offer , as well as industrial and agricultural wastes , several types of harmful effects to the population when managed incorrectly. Therefore, the research aims to assist in the study of Solid Waste Management (MSW) for efficient Urban and Environmental Planning in a midsize city. Thus, this project aims to analyze in the city of Rio Claro, how the allocation of these materials is done and whether these practices denote effective improvement regarding the proper management of waste, in the same way that the recycling chain would allow this effect
The use of environmental management systems - EMS has shown to be a key tool for addressing the environmental aspects and impacts of an organization. The vast majority of EMS based on the requirements of ISO 14001:2004, as it is a globally recognized standard and adopt its recommendations is considered to be a guarantee of fulfilling the basic requirements of an EMS. Despite all the benefits that the system provides, we still find many problems in the implementation of EMS, especially in small and medium enterprises or SME. Most of the difficulties of implementation is related to intrinsic factors that companies of this size have, and issues related to the models and methods used to implement an EMS. Thus, this work aimed to assess whether the guidelines of ISO 14005:2012 meet the needs of SMEs for the effective implementation of an environmental management system. For it has been identified in the relation between SMEs and EMS the majof intrinsic problems of SMEs to implement (PII), such as lack of financial and human resources, and lack of commitment from top management to the SGA. Also was also pointed the main implementation issues related to ISO 14001 (ABNT, 2004) or the models or methods (PIM), highlighting the lack of environmental performance criteria, and the need for a path or sequence of steps for implementation. The study of ISO 14005 (ABNT, 2012) showed that the standard guidelines and implementation examples proposed, include solutions for all problems related to EMS implementation SMEs
The society continues demonstrating its need regarding the products and services, even though it becomes increasingly value the protection of the environment. In this context, environmental management is defined as a management method that emphasizes to continuously improve results and promote sustainable development. Moreover it has as a tool the laws which provide the benchmarks and mechanisms for companies to adapt their activities in such a way that does not alter the quality of the environment. In this sense, in order to propose improvements to a dairy aiming their environmental suitability, a present study was prepared by following the production activities of the enterprise, the raising of standards and applicable legal requirements and environmental assessment for the preparation of an array of aspects and impacts with the task of identifying the most significant according to MOREIRA (2006). The results indicated that some of the impacts of high relevance are related to the generation of wastewater and solid waste, which do not have treatment and / or proper disposal and indeed require intervention for their suitability. Through, these results were drawn up proposals for actions conformation. In addition, they were proposed meeting the requirement for health and safety at work, in accordance with the standard regulations. This study has the function, therefore, propose to the company in question, an environmental management plan that ensures the protection of the environment and health of employees and consequently the improvement of production processes and products
Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (mestrado profissional) - FMB
This is synthesis of the debates held during the round-table “Socioenvironmental conflicts, environmental education and social participation on environmental management”, at the V ENANPPAS (2010), which has focused on the discussion of four main themes: Socioenvironmental conflicts and the myths of social participation; Socioenvironmental conflicts and the uncertainty of conditions to environmental education immersed in problems and conflicts; Solution of Socioenvironmental conflitcts – actions mediated by instrumental rationality and emancipatory interest; Positive actions as dialogical-problematizing practice on concrete reality. From an initial provocative text, each member has brought his first contribution, followed by new questions as consequence of these speeches. The hole debate was recorded, transcripted and made a synthesis to present in this manuscript form.
O texto é uma nova aproximação dos autores a um tema cujo núcleo é a questão da gestão meio ambiental com enfoque na sustentabilidade. A preocupação aqui apresentada refere-se à questão da participação popular e traz alguns exemplos quanto ao protagonismo do Estado em relação ao tópico. Mostra que a legislação brasileira é atualíssima em relação ao assunto e que ela estaria em condições de lidar com as “ruínas”, com as “regressões” resultantes de uma visão de progresso que marca o processo civilizatório ocidental. Sugere a necessidade de “alargar os espaços de participação da grande massa popular nas decisões”. Reconhece, nesse quadro, a importância da mudança da realidade através da mudança do próprio sujeito da transformação. E, justo por reconhecer isso, aponta a fundamentalidade da educação ambiental. Pede ajuda a exemplos tirados de Araraquara, cidade do interior paulista para mostrar os limites e as possibilidades de avançar em um paradigma de participação popular na construção de uma sociedade sustentável.
The consumers' requirements are constantly growing, as well as the concern for the environment. Considering this change of scenario, industrial companies started paying more attention to environmental issues and decided to resort to solutions such as the adoption of the Environmental Management System based on the ISO 14001 model. It is believed that the adoption of this model changes the organizational image, both internally and externally. This possible change was the focus of this research, considering that many publics related to certified companies may have the wrong idea about what being a green company really means. The objective of this study is to verify, through a survey research, the relation between the Environmental Management System based on ISO 14001 with organizational image of Brazilian firms. At first, this paper presents a theoretical review on Environmental Management System, IS0 14001, Organizational image, green Marketing, Greenwashing and Public Relations. Next, the research method is presented, as well as the results obtained through theoretical study, the research application and data analysis, and a brief analysis of the Public Relations' role in the organizational environment at issue. Finally, it presents the results obtained by tabulating the questionnaires, analysis of related data, and consideration about these
The fierce competitiveness of the current market and the sophistication of customer requirements made the commitment to quality a need within organizations. The search for quality has been carried out by the adoption of quality management systems, a formal organization that should be present throughout the organization, from the initial identification of market needs to the satisfaction of customer requirements. The methodology most commonly used for this purpose is based on the requirements of ISO 9001, latest version of 2008. Considering this scenario, was developed a case study in a small company of the industrial sector with the development of a plan for the implementation of ISO 9001. The proposed methodology involved the construction of a theoretical framework on the subject and the development of a case study with a qualitative approach. Initially, was applied a questionnaire to the representative of the organization about the company's operating procedures, activity logs held, current documentation, planning and resource management for the construction of an assessment about the adequacy of the company needs to ISO 9001. Were obtained as results the characterization of production processes and organizational structure of the company and examples of policy and objectives of quality, performance indicators, document control, system for visualization of non-compliances, among others. Finally, the benefits of adopting a quality management system based on ISO 9001 requirements for the company and its environmental issues such as increased process efficiency, less waste and greater profitability, were pointed out, and the conditions for effective certification in the future
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)