1000 resultados para Gabinete dos Negócios Políticos


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O texto discute as tensões emergentes nos processos em curso nas áreas remanescentes de quilombos do sudeste paulista, entre a ação coletiva mediada por um movimento social, e reforçada pelo reconhecimento legal de um direito coletivo ao território, e estratégias múltiplas dos agentes locais visando contornar a precariedade de sua condição social e econômica, por meio de uma abordagem etnográfica de redes sociais, entendendo essas tensões como críticas para as políticas sociais cujo objetivo é o desenvolvimento territorial.


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Para a análise do tema da repressão durante o governo Vargas (1930-1945), as cartas de presos políticos e de seus familiares revelaram ser fontes valiosas para a percepção do alcance e dos significados para parte da sociedade do poder repressivo empregado por este governo no combate a seus “inimigos”. Por meio dessas cartas, dirigidas, especialmente, ao chefe de polícia Filinto Müller, percebe-se o poder que a polícia alcançou nesse período e também como os familiares dos presos políticos foram atingidos pela política repressiva varguista, tendo suas famílias desorganizadas e forçando as mulheres destes a desempenharem outros papéis além dos de esposa, mãe e dona-de-casa.


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O livro tenta compreender, por meio de uma abordagem histórica e política, as contradições e os dilemas que enfrentam os trabalhadores da área de saúde pública. Eles se formam geralmente em meio a modelos biomédicos e individualistas, mas nesse segmento da medicina predomina um candente discurso em defesa do trabalho em equipe e multidisciplinar. Conforme diz o autor, mesmo esse discurso está impregnado de abordagens com viés simplesmente organizativo ou tecnicista. Além disso, confunde o processo de trabalho médico com o processo de trabalho em saúde. Em tal contexto, saem do foco as necessidades sociais em saúde da população e dos próprios trabalhadores e, ainda, a necessidade de se criar espaços coletivos, onde as práticas das equipes possam ser compartilhadas, debatidas e transformadas. O pesquisador discorre também sobre algumas políticas de saúde no Brasil ao longo da história, enfatizando especialmente o período pós-regime militar (1964-1985), em que os movimentos sociais, em particular o da Reforma Sanitária Brasileira, tiveram papel central nas mudanças empreendidas na área. Ele cita, por exemplo, a implantação do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e a Estratégia de Saúde da Família, modelo adotado posteriormente e hoje priorizado nas políticas


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A educação financeira, tema constante de programas de TV de grande audiência, é analisada nesta obra como uma crença produzida pelo mundo das finanças, segundo a qual a financeirização é um processo que envolve valores morais, culturais, políticos, simbólicos e sociais presentes no mercado e que se configuram e se reconfiguram, colaborando assim para a transformação cognitiva da sociedade e do capitalismo contemporâneo. No Brasil o tema ganhou relevância durante o Governo Lula, com a criação da Estratégia Nacional de Educação Financeira, em 2007, e do Comitê Nacional de Educação Financeira, em 2010. As iniciativas foram seguidas pelo setor privado, com a instituição pela Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo, em 2011, do projeto Bovespa Vai Até Você, visando a democratização e popularização do mercado de capitais. É a partir desse programa, que a bolsa paulista institui o programa Mulheres em Ação, voltado para o público feminino. A autora observa que a criação de uma nova crença que esteja em consonância com o mundo das finanças é essencial para que o capitalismo se produza e se reproduza. E cita o sociólogo Roberto Grün: [...] o Brasil vive no início do século 21 a instauração de um modo de dominação financeiro. Mais que um simples money talks, estamos diante da dominação cultural das finanças, que impõem a proeminência das suas maneiras de enxergar a realidade brasileira e enquadrar os problemas do país. Tomando como base esse contexto, a autora realiza uma abordagem sociológica do tema, privilegiando as questões sociais, culturais e simbólicas pertinentes. Mais que analisar uma suposta mudança de hábitos das mulheres que procuram pelo curso de educação financeira da BM&FBovespa, o objetivo do estudo é enfatizar estratégias e mecanismos utilizados pela bolsa de valores para atraí-las. Entre estes, está o Mulheres em Ação, projeto que adota com...


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All the time, organizations are seeking ways to relate to their audiences, in order to become stronger institutionally and merchandising. In the era of information technology contacts occur increasingly in virtual form, minimizing the face-to-face. Thus, this study contextualizes the trade fairs as a way to bring business relations / public interest in a real environment and provides the friendly atmosphere, much as in a short time, the company with a large amount of their customers, potential customers, partners, suppliers, and other audiences that may be interesting. However, shows that for the success of these events is a necessary strategic planning, so that subsequent implementation is possible to measure the results. It also envisions the trade fairs getting a new format, that is, their commercial character to give the space for the relational as a way to bring more awareness to organizations and to strengthen ties with their audiences. This beneath the optics of Public Relation as the appropriate professional to manage relationships and therefore be the strategist of the company's participation in a trade fair


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No Brasil, com o Golpe Militar de 1964, iniciou-se um período ditatorial que se intensificou com o Ato Institucional nº 5. Com esta nova forma política imposta no país, foi necessário intervir em diversas esferas sociais, para validar o regime. A esfera educacional recebeu intervenções políticas para que se tornasse mais um instrumento de manutenção da ditadura. Através da educação, o governo pretendia interferir nas idéias e pensamentos dos alunos, para validar a própria permanência no poder. No entanto, houve professores que se negaram a agir como legitimadores do governo militar e iniciaram um movimento no sentido oposto: o de atuar contra este regime. Assim como em muitos outros setores sociais, os professores também participaram intensamente da luta contra a ditadura e, consequentemente, sofreram repressões. Esta pesquisa busca trabalhar com a análise de documentos produzidos por um órgão de repressão desse período relativos a professores acusados de crimes políticos. Trata-se do Departamento Estadual de Ordem Política e Social - DEOPS, mais especificamente o do estado de São Paulo, um dos mais expressivos órgãos de repressão da ditadura militar. O período selecionado para este trabalho vai do ano de 1968, no qual foi instituído o AI-5, até 1974, com o fim do Governo Médici. Buscou-se, portanto, fazer um levantamento do perfil de casos de professores considerados criminosos políticos, a partir da análise de prontuários e dossiês do DEOPS/SP.


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The Project presents as main subject the relationship between entrepreneurship and the Public Relations professional. In the entrepreneurship, business plan is stood up, a document able to assist the entrepreneur to plan the activities related to implementation or creation of a new business. Assuming the business plan is an essential instrument of the entrepreneurial process, this study aims to describe the important use of the business plan for the creation or maintenance of a company and verify the Public Relations acting possibilities in the construction of this plan. For this, the project presents a study on a business plan for a small company with family structure, located in Sao Paulo countryside, in operation for over 30 years. Through the process of the business plan elaboration, it can be seen that the Public Relations professional has important skills that can be assist in the preparation of this plan, such as Marketing tools and communication knowledge and ability to establish a mission, the vision and the company values. Besides, this professional presents entrepreneurial characteristics that can help him in his activities, actions and planning


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The growth and expansion in auto parts market are directly related to the ability of a company to innovate and gain new customers, increasing its portfolio of customers and products. For this purpose the process of prospecting for new business has become a key process in companies seeking this goal, which requires teams and structures dedicated to it. Besides counting on available resources to carry out prospecting, it is necessary to properly manage the process as a whole, whose main result is a business proposal, which may lead to closer relations with the potential client and the activation of a new business. Process failures and difficulties to formulate a commercial proposal lead to documents produced without the quality needed that makes it harder to obtain new business. The objective of this study is to evaluate the process of new businesses quotation in the auto parts industry and indicate opportunities for improving this process. This goal is achieved by mapping the current process, from the diagnosis of problems and the indication of tools that can prevent or minimize the problems diagnosed. The information supporting this study were obtained by the bibliographical research, participant observation of the process, unstructured interviews with some of the involved people in the process and prospecting tools that can improve it. It results the mapping of new business quotation process, the points indicated as failures and difficulties in the process and the appointment of project management tools that can bring improvements to the new business proposals and pointing the moment for your application in the process


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This monograph covers the issues related to the understanding of the new organization's cenary of the globalized society, computerized, which was reflected even within organizations. In this sense, we present a reflection on the theme of segmentation of audiences, especially based on the proposition of France (2008), regarded as important within the professional activities of Public Relations. Issues related to information technology, particularly the history of the internet and social media are presented as a reflection of this new company and also as strategic tools for the establishment of a fruitful relationship with the public organizations. All topics presented will support the monograph's study objects, presenting the Brazilian DeMolay Order, focusing on the challenges faced by the management of the National Bureau 2011/2012, that through integrated actions of communication and relationships, especially the virtual environment, resulted in the growth participant's numbers in the activities proposed by the national administration


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The trade fair industry has great relevance in the national and international economic environment and it is constantly expanding. The general objective of this work is to analyze the main linguistic variants found in the trade fair terminological set. Our research is based on the theories of Cabré (1993, 1999), Barros (2004), Krieger & Finatto (2004), Alves (2007), Barbosa (2009), Dubuc (1985), Berber Sardinha (2004), Babini (2006) and Faulstich (1998, 2001). For this work we constitute two corpora of specialized texts, one for English language and another for Portuguese language. Successively we performed a collection of terms using software for corpora processing. These terms were organized into two notional systems, one in English and another in Portuguese. Then we analyzed the main types of variants found in our terminological set. Among them, those who had higher productivity are the lexical variants, followed by graphical, morphological and syntactic variants.


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In present article, we present reflections on the process of closing public schools in the countryside in Brazil. Through bibliographical survey, as well as documental research, we carried out a retrospective analysis of the historical moment in which the implementation of policies of mass education directed to people living in rural areas occurs. We have also sought to raise socio-political-economic aspects of the moment in which the process of closing these schools is intensified. The results obtained suggest possible implications of this closure policy, in addition to indicating some of the challenges posed to the public policy of education in the country; for example, the Brazilian federal context and the budget limitations imposed to subnational governments with regard to the funding of school education, particularly in relation to small municipalities and/or municipalities with low tax revenues. This situation quite often occurs because these municipalities present reduced budgets, depending largely on transfers of financial resources from other spheres of the Government, either federal or state, the so-called intergovernmental budgetary transfers; namely, the Municipalities Participation Fund. Such issues demand the resumption of debates about the federative pact, in particular with regard to fiscal federalism, given that the financial capacity of each subnational government is crucial to the implementation of educational policies.


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This work is part of a research project on the role of translations of African-American literature in Brazil and their relation to issues of identity, discourse and aesthetics. It analyzes the translation, by Affonso Blacheyre, of Giovanni's room (1956), by James Baldwin, which was published in 1967 in Brazil. Baldwin is revered for his role in the Civil Rights Movement, having produced works that portray the contradictions of a democratic, but, at the same time, racist society. Giovanni's room was first rejected by his publisher for addressing homosexuality. The text displayed on the book flaps of the translation praises Baldwin's "work with language", in contrast to his anti-racism in other works. The praise of aesthetics of Giovanni's room is noteworthy, in contrast with the absence of any remarks on its critique of the marginalization of homosexuality. The focus on the aesthetics of the work corresponded to characters speaking a more formal register in the translation. Discourses on identity strengthening were less apparent in the 60s in Brazil in comparison to nowadays. The emphasis on aesthetics represented a seemingly "non-political" gesture that made it less shocking in the context of military dictatorship prevalent in the country at the time.