495 resultados para GLANDULAR TRICHOMES


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Cultures of Trichodesmium from the Northern and Southern Great Barrier Reef Lagoon (GBRL) have been established in enriched seawater and artificial seawater media. Some cultures have been maintained with active growth for over 6 years. Actively growing cultures in an artificial seawater medium containing organic phosphorus (glycerophosphate) as the principal source of phosphorus have also been established. Key factors that contributed to the successful establishment of cultures were firstly, the seed samples were collected from depth, secondly, samples were thoroughly washed and thirdly, incubations were conducted under relatively low light intensities (PAR similar to 40-50 mumol quanta m(-2) s(-1)). N-2 fixation rates of the cultured Trichodesmium were found to be similar to those measured in the GBRL. Specific growth rates of the cultures during the exponential growth phase in all enriched media were in the range 0.2-0.3 day(-1) and growth during this phase was characterised by individual trichomes (filaments) or small aggregations of two to three trichomes. Characteristic bundle formation tended to occur following the exponential growth phase, which suggests that the bundle formation was induced by a lack of a necessary nutrient e.g. Fe. Results from some exploratory studies showed that filament-dominated cultures of Trichodesmium grew over a range of relatively low irradiances (PAR similar to 5-120 mumol quanta m(-2) s(-1)) with the maximum growth occurring at - 40-50 mumol quanta m(-2) s(-1). These results suggest that filaments of the tested strain are well adapted for growth at depth in marine waters. Other studies showed that growth yields were dependent on salinity, with maximum growth occurring between 30 and 37 psu. Also the cell yields decreased by an order of magnitude with the reduction of Fe additions from 450 to 45 nM. No active growth was observed with the 4.5 nM Fe addition.


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Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and the related kallikrein family of serine proteases are current or emerging biomarkers for prostate cancer detection and progression. Kallikrein 4 (KLK4/hK4) is of particular interest, as KLK4 mRNA has been shown to be elevated in prostate cancer. In this study, we now show that the comparative expression of hK4 protein in prostate cancer tissues, compared with benign glands, is greater than that of PSA and kallikrein 2 (KLK2/hK2), suggesting that hK4 may play an important functional role in prostate cancer progression in addition to its biomarker potential. To examine the roles that hK4, as well as PSA and hK2, play in processes associated with progression, these kallikreins were separately transfected into the PC-3 prostate cancer cell line, and the consequence of their stable transfection was investigated. PC-3 cells expressing hK4 had a decreased growth rate, but no changes in cell proliferation were observed in the cells expressing PSA or hK2. hK4 and PSA, but not hK2, induced a 2.4-fold and 1.7-fold respective increase, in cellular migration, but not invasion, through Matrigel, a synthetic extracellular matrix. We hypothesised that this increase in motility displayed by the hK4 and PSA-expressing PC-3 cells may be related to the observed change in structure in these cells from a typical rounded epithelial-like cell to a spindle-shaped, more mesenchymal-like cell, with compromised adhesion to the culture surface. Thus, the expression of E-cadherin and vimentin, both associated with an epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), was investigated. E-cadherin protein was lost and mRNA levels were significantly decreased in PC-3 cells expressing hK4 and PSA (10-fold and 7-fold respectively), suggesting transcriptional repression of E-cadherin, while the expression of vimentin was increased in these cells. The loss of E-cadherin and associated increase in vimentin are indicative of EMT and provides compelling evidence that hK4, in particular, and PSA have a functional role in the progression of prostate cancer through their promotion of tumour cell migration.


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A remarkably diverse suite of spiroacetals including a novel member of the rare, branched chain class has been identified in the glandular secretions of Bactrocera tryoni, the most destructive horticultural pest in Australia.


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This study concerns the nature of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and the role of nitric oxide (NO) in the rat gastrointestinal tract. The major objectives were (i) to characterise NOS isoforms in the gastric glandular mucosa, (ii) to localise NOS isoforms in the rat gastric glandular mucosa, (iii) to investigate the role of NO in carbachol-stimulated gastric mucus secretion, (iv) to investigate the nature of NOS and small intestine. Immunoblotting was performed using polyclonal antisera raised against two peptides found in the rat brain NOS sequence and commercial monoclonal antibodies directed against neuronal and endothelial isoforms of NOS. A160kDa band was detected in brain and gastric mucosal samples with antibodies and antisera directed against neuronal NOS sequences, and a 140kDa band was detected in gastric mucosal samples using an anti-endothelial NOS antibody. An intense 160kDa neuronal NOS band was detected in a high-density fraction of gastric mucosal cells separated on a Percoll gradient. Detection of neuronal NOS by a carboxyl-terminal antiserum in samples of brain, but not of gastric mucosa, could be blocked by the peptide (20g/ml) against which the antibody was raised. After affinity purification, recognition of gastric mucosal NOS was blocked by peptide. Particulate neuronal NOS was found in the brain by immunoblotting while 94% of gastric mucosal enzyme was soluble. Gastric mucosal endothelial NOS was 95% particulate. 95% of NOS activity in the gastric mucosa was due to neuronal NOS. Paraformaldehyde- and acetone-fixed gastric mucosal sections were subject to immunocytochemistry using the above antibodies. Neuronal NOS was localised to the surface mucosal epithelial cells while endothelial NOS was associated with microvessels at the base of the mucosa and to larger vessels in the submucosa. Intragastric administration of carbachol or 16, 16-dimethyl prostaglandin E2 increased the thickness of the rat gastric mucus layer. The NOS inhibitor NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester dose-dependently, and selectively, prevented the stimulatory effect of carbachol. Ca2+-independent NOS activity in rat ileal, jejunal and colonic muscle was increased after LPS induction. Ca2+-dependent activity was not affected. Distribution of inducible NOS protein paralleled Ca2+ -independent activity. LPS treatment did not affect the content of neuronal NOS in colonic muscle.


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The Caribbean Island Biodiversity Hotspot is the largest insular system of the New World and a priority for biodiversity conservation worldwide. The tribe Adeliae (Euphorbiaceae) has over 35 species endemic to this hotspot, representing one of the most extraordinary cases of speciation in the West Indies, involving taxa from Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, and the Bahamas. These species form a monophyletic group and traditionally have been accommodated in two endemic genera: Lasiocroton and Leucocroton. A study based on: (1) scanning electron microscopy of pollen and trichomes, (2) macromorphology, and (3) molecular data, was conducted to reveal generic relationships within this group. Phylogenies were based on parsimony and Bayesian analyses of nucleotide sequences of the ITS regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the non-coding chloroplast DNA spacers psbM-trnD and ycf6-pcbM. One species, Lasiocroton trelawniensis, was transferred from the tribe into the genus Bernardia. Of the remaining species, three major monophyletic assemblages were revealed, one was restricted to limestone ares of Hispaniola and was sister to a clade with two monophyletic genera, Lasiocroton and Leucocroton. Morphological, biogeographical, and ecological data provided additional support for each of these three monophyletic assemblages. The Hispaniolan taxa were accommodated in a new genus with four species: Garciadelia. Leucocroton includes the nickel hyperaccumulating species from serpentine soils of Cuba, while the rest of the species were placed in Lasiocroton, a genus restricted to limestone areas. The geographic history of the islands as well as the phylogenetic placement of the Leucocroton-alliance, allows the research to include the historical biogeography of the alliance across the islands of the Caribbean based on a dispersal-vicariance analysis. The alliance arose on Eastern Cuba and Hispaniola, with Lasiocroton and Leucocroton diverging on Eastern Cuba according to soil type. Within Leucocroton, the analysis shows two migrations across the serpentine soils of Cuba. Additional morphological, ecological, and phylogenetic analyses support four new species in Cuba (Lasiocroton gutierrezii) and Hispaniola ( Garciadelia abbottii, G. castilloae, and G. mejiae). ^


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The MAREDAT atlas covers 11 types of plankton, ranging in size from bacteria to jellyfish. Together, these plankton groups determine the health and productivity of the global ocean and play a vital role in the global carbon cycle. Working within a uniform and consistent spatial and depth grid (map) of the global ocean, the researchers compiled thousands and tens of thousands of data points to identify regions of plankton abundance and scarcity as well as areas of data abundance and scarcity. At many of the grid points, the MAREDAT team accomplished the difficult conversion from abundance (numbers of organisms) to biomass (carbon mass of organisms). The MAREDAT atlas provides an unprecedented global data set for ecological and biochemical analysis and modeling as well as a clear mandate for compiling additional existing data and for focusing future data gathering efforts on key groups in key areas of the ocean. The present collection presents the original data sets used to compile Global distributions of diazotrophs abundance, biomass and nitrogen fixation rates


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The MAREDAT atlas covers 11 types of plankton, ranging in size from bacteria to jellyfish. Together, these plankton groups determine the health and productivity of the global ocean and play a vital role in the global carbon cycle. Working within a uniform and consistent spatial and depth grid (map) of the global ocean, the researchers compiled thousands and tens of thousands of data points to identify regions of plankton abundance and scarcity as well as areas of data abundance and scarcity. At many of the grid points, the MAREDAT team accomplished the difficult conversion from abundance (numbers of organisms) to biomass (carbon mass of organisms). The MAREDAT atlas provides an unprecedented global data set for ecological and biochemical analysis and modeling as well as a clear mandate for compiling additional existing data and for focusing future data gathering efforts on key groups in key areas of the ocean. The present data set presents depth integrated values of diazotrophs abundance and biomass, computed from a collection of source data sets.


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Background: There is an urgent need to identify molecular signatures in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) that may select patients who are likely to respond to molecularly targeted therapies. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of undertaking focused molecular analyses on routine diagnostic biopsies in patients with SCLC.

Methods: A series of histopathologically confirmed formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded SCLC specimens were analysed for epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFR), KRAS, NRAS and BRAF mutations, ALK gene rearrangements and MET amplification. EGFR and KRAS mutation testing was evaluated using real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR cobas®), BRAF and NRAS mutations using multiplex PCR and capillary electrophoresis-single strand conformation analysis, and ALK and MET aberrations with fluorescent in situ hybridization. All genetic aberrations detected were validated independently.

Results: A total of 105 patients diagnosed with SCLC between July 1990 and September 2006 were included. 60 (57 %) patients had suitable tumour tissue for molecular testing. 25 patients were successfully evaluated for all six pre-defined molecular aberrations. Eleven patients failed all molecular analysis. No mutations in EGFR, KRAS and NRAS were detected, and no ALK gene rearrangements or MET gene amplifications were identified. A V600E substitution in BRAF was detected in a Caucasian male smoker diagnosed with SCLC with squamoid and glandular features.

Conclusion: The paucity of patients with sufficient tumour tissue, quality of DNA extracted and low frequency of aberrations detected indicate that alternative molecular characterisation approaches are necessary, such as the use of circulating plasma DNA in patients with SCLC.


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Os processos degenerativos do tecido cutâneo estão amplamente associados ao seu envelhecimento natural, onde se verifica perda de tecido fibroso, renovação celular mais lenta e redução da rede vascular e glandular da pele. Alguns fatores externos ao organismo podem contudo acelerar estes processos, como por exemplo a exposição solar, consumo excessivo de álcool e tabaco, poluição ambiental e aumento de peso. De entre estes processos destacam-se o processo descamativo, um fenómeno natural do mecanismo de diferenciação dos queratinócitos. É um processo complexo que envolve essencialmente a degradação da coesão entre células da pele. A lipodistrofia ginóide é outro destes processos, comummente denominado de celulite, e que se caracteriza como uma distrofia celular complexa, com alterações do metabolismo hídrico que conferem uma aparência de "casca de laranja" à pele. A flacidez é um processo resultante da atrofia tecidular, onde se verifica a perda progressiva de massa muscular que é substituída por tecido adiposo. Está diretamente relacionada com a redução da produção de fibras de colagénio e fibras elásticas no tecido subcutâneo. Por fim, insuficiência venosa é um termo utilizado para caracterizar um processo que afeta o sistema venoso dos membros inferiores, que se desenvolve por aumento da pressão venosa em combinação com um retorno venoso ineficiente. Embora ainda não exista compreensão total destes mecanismos, já é possível encontrar uma série de tratamentos que visam minimizar ou mesmo tratá-los, de modo a que não se agravem e representem um risco sério para a saúde.


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A Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) é uma das três patologias autoimunes mais frequentes na população mundial, ainda assim frequentemente infradiagnosticada. Esta síndrome é uma doença autoimune crónica que afeta as glândulas exócrinas, particularmente as glândulas salivares e lacrimais. A SS primária (SSp) afeta especificamente as glândulas exócrinas, enquanto que a SS secundária (SSs) aparece associada a outras patologias autoimunes sistémicas. A SS é caracterizada, histopatologicamente, por um infiltrado inflamatório linfocitário que interfere com a função glandular normal. Afeta 0,5% da população mundial, sendo claramente mais predominante em mulheres (9:1 versus homens), principalmente por volta dos 50 anos (após a menopausa), ainda que também possa aparecer depois da menarca (entre os 20 e os 30 anos). Considera se que a etiologia da SS é multifatorial. Fatores genéticos, ambientais, hormonais e virais estão implicados na sua etiopatogénese. É muito importante o papel dos Médicos Dentistas no diagnóstico da SSp, uma vez que na maior parte dos casos são eles quem detetam os primeiros sintomas, mais propriamente a boca seca. Diversos testes auxiliares são utilizados para o diagnóstico desta doença, tais como: o teste de Schimer, o teste de Rosa Bengala, a Sialometria, a Sialografia, a Biópsia das glândulas salivares, entre outros. A SSp, regra geral, tem um curso não doloroso, sendo a boca seca e a secura ocular as suas duas características clínicas mais salientes. A maior parte das manifestações orais que se apresentam nestes pacientes são resultado de hipofunção das glândulas salivares (da boca seca), tais como: a cárie dentária, a doença periodontal, as infeções fúngicas, entre outras. Esta doença também se pode associar a problemas a nível sistémico, que podem ser subdivididos em não viscerais (pele, artralgia, mialgia) e viscerais (pulmão, coração, rim, sistema gastrointestinal, sistema endócrino e sistema nervoso central e periférico). O tratamento é empírico, sintomático e direcionado a tratar as complicações da doença mais inicial, que consiste em limitar os danos da xerostomia e da queratoconjuntivite. A prevenção dos sintomas a nível oral e ocular é fundamental em pacientes com SSp, para assim terem maior qualidade de vida.


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Objectives: To highlight systemic involvement features in Sjögren Syndrome (SS). Materials and methods: A case of a 32-year-old woman presenting with flaccid tetraparesis, in the setting of severe hypokalaemia, is described. Results: Additional evaluation confirmed primary SS with type 1 renal tubular acidosis (RTA1) and gammaglobulin-mediated vasculitis. A significant clinical improvement was achieved following adequate treatment. Conclusion: Extra-glandular involvement in SS is usually due to autoimmune lymphocytic infiltration and severe complications can be avoided if there is a prompt diagnosis.


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This study investigated the chemotaxonomic studies on Schwenckia americana Linn., a member of the family Solanaceae predominantly found mostly in low grass fields, Nigeria. The habit is annual herbaceous weed with slender stem characterized with free branching and growing up to 45cm in height.They are used mainly as medicine. The leaves are simple, entire, elliptic to ovate in shape, smooth, variable, petiolate and larger at the lower region of stem and narrowing to smaller almost sessile and oblanceolate towards the apical regions which are alternately arranged and acrescently structured from the top to the base upto 3.7 ± 1.5cm long and 2.4±0.6cm wide. The inflorescence is a panicle of 15 or more flowers occurring at stem terminal.The flowers are whitish tubular structures measuring up to 1.0±0.2cm in length and 0.1cm in diameter. The petals are whitish up to 0.9 ±0.2cm in length and sepals are greenish up to 0.1cm in length. The berry fruit is greenish when unripe and pale yellowish when ripe up to 0.3±0.1cm in diameter. The seeds are blackish and spherical or triangular shaped with rough edges measuring up to 0.1cm in diameter. The epidermal studies reveal anomocytic stomata whereas the trichomes are simple uniseriate forms wth bulge heads. The anatomy of mid-ribs and petioles showed bicollateral vascular systems. There are three vascular traces and the node is unilacunar. The petioles have 2 rib traces at primary growth phase. At secondary growth phase, the mid-rib and petiole revealed vascular arcs and the stem has a ring of open vascular system. The cytological studies showed a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 24 and n = 12 for the haploids. Alkaloids, saponins, tannins, phlobatannins, flavonoids, combined anthraquinones, free anthraquinones and cardiac glycosides are present.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents the third most common cancer type and the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the western world. CRC results from the accumulation of both acquired genetic and epigenetic changes that transform normal glandular epithelium into adenocarcinoma (Lao and Grady 2011), affecting several genes such as Apc, K-ras, dcc/Smad4 and p53 or DNA mismatch repair genes (Pancione et al. 2012). p38 MAPKs are a subfamily of Serine-Threonine kinases activated by different stimuli that control fundamental cellular processes such as cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, migration and apoptosis (Dhillon et al. 2007, Nebreda and Porras 2000, Wagner and Nebreda 2009). There are four p38 MAPKs isoforms in mammals: α, β, δ and γ. p38α MAPK is ubiquitously expressed and is the most abundant isoform (Cuenda and Rousseau 2007). p38α is involved in the regulation of many cellular functions, among them, cell migration and invasion. In cancer, it can act as either a promoter or a suppressor of tumor growth, playing different roles during tumor progression (del Barco Barrantes and Nebreda 2012). C3G is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) mainly for the Ras family members: Rap1 (Gotoh et al. 1995) and R-Ras (Gotoh et al. 1997), but it can also act through GEF independent mechanisms. C3G regulates several cellular functions such as cell death, adhesion, migration and invasion (Radha et al. 2011). In collaboration with Dr. Carmen Guerrero’s group (Centro del Investigación del Cáncer de Salamanca), our group has found a new functional relationship between C3G and p38α MAPK involved in the regulation of cell death in MEFs (Gutierrez-Uzquiza et al. 2010) and in the chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) K562 cell line (Maia et al. 2009). Moreover, C3G and p38α act through a common regulatory pathway to control cell adhesion in K562 cells regulating focal adhesion proteins (Maia et al. 2013)...


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Introducción: El Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) es una enfermedad autoinmune común, caracterizada por un infiltrado linfocitario en las glándulas exocrinas, particularmente en las glándulas salivales y lagrimales. Su diagnóstico es complicado por la variedad de síntomas que el paciente puede presentar, y su similitud con otras enfermedades autoinmunes. La AQP-5 es una proteína que participa en el transporte de agua a través del epitelio glandular. Recientemente ha habido un considerable interés en la posibilidad de que una distribución anormal de AQP-5 pueda contribuír a los síntomas secos del SS, y que por tanto su estudio vaya encaminado a facilitar el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad. Objetivo: Evaluar la distribución de AQP-5 en biopsias de glándulas salivales menores. Materiales y métodos: Se realizaron biopsias de glándulas salivales menores, localizadas en la parte interna del labio correspondiente a la mucosa oral en pacientes sanos y en pacientes con SS1 y SS2. Se colocó la muestra de tejido en formaldehído por 24 horas para fijarlo, se incluyeron en parafina y se prepararon los cortes histológicos con tinción de rutina con Hematoxilina y Eosina. Se analizararon las muestras identificando los focos del infiltrado inflamatorio y se realizó el procedimiento de Inmunohistoquímica para observar la distribución de AQP-5 en cada grupo. Resultados: Se observó una distribución de AQP-5 similar entre los grupos. En los pacientes con SS1 el 29% presentó una distribución apical, el 68% presentó una distribución difusa (la acuaporina se observó en todo el citoplasma) y solamente el 3% presentó una distribución basal; en los pacientes con SS2 el 48% presentó una distribución apical y el 52% una distribución difusa; y en los pacientes sanos el 29% presentó una distribución apical y el 71% una distribución difusa de AQP-5. Conclusiones: No existe diferencia en la distribución de AQP-5 en las células acinares de pacientes con SS1, pacientes con SS2 y pacientes sanos.