969 resultados para GFRP wastes
The environmental impact of detergents and other consumer products is behind the continued interest in the chemistry of the surfactants used. Of these, linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LASs) are most widely employed in detergent formulations. The precursors to LASs are linear alkylbenzenes (LABs). There is also interest in the chemistry of these hydrocarbons, because they are usually present in commercial LASs (due to incomplete sulfonation), or form as one of their degradation products. Additionally, they may be employed as molecular tracers of domestic waste in the aquatic environment. The following aspects are covered in the present review: The chemistry of surfactants, in particular LAS; environmental impact of the production of LAS; environmental and toxicological effects of LAS; mechanisms of removal of LAS in the environment, and methods for monitoring LAS and LAB, the latter in domestic wastes. Classical and novel analytical methods employed for the determination of LAS and LAB are discussed in detail, and a brief comment on detergents in Brazil is given.
Process Analytical Chemistry (PAC) is an important and growing area in analytical chemistry, that has received little attention in academic centers devoted to the gathering of knowledge and to optimization of chemical processes. PAC is an area devoted to optimization and knowledge acquisition of chemical processes, to reducing costs and wastes and to making an important contribution to sustainable development. The main aim of this review is to present to the Brazilian community the development and state of the art of PAC, discussing concepts, analytical techniques currently employed in the industry and some applications.
This work presents a study on the determination of the optimal experimental conditions for processing spent commercial zeolites in order to recover lanthanide elements and eventually other elements. The process is based on the fusion of the sample with potassium hydrogenosulfate (KHSO4). Three experimental parameters were studied: temperature, reaction time and catalyst/flux mass ratio. After fusion the solid was dissolved in water and the amount of insoluble matter was used to determine the efficiency of the process. The optimized experimental parameters depend on the composition of the sample processed. Under such conditions the insoluble residue corresponds to SiO2. Lanthanide elements and aluminum present in solution were isolated by conventional precipitation techniques; the yields were at least 75 wt%. The final generated wastes correspond to neutral colorless solutions containing alkali chlorides/sulfates and solids that can be disposed of in industrial dumps.
This work describes a recovery process of cadmium from spent nickel-cadmium batteries by a new hydrometallurgical route based on the selective extraction in hydrochloric acid medium with tributylphosphate (TBP), alone or dissolved in kerosene. The best results were obtained when TBP concentration was at least 75 vol%. Nickel extraction was negligible under these conditions. It was isolated after processing the rafinate through an anionic ion-exchange column. Final wastes generated are basically sodium chloride solutions, with no turbidity, color or heavy metals present in significant amounts.
Els negocis relacionats amb les activitats de lleure i els esports d’aventura actualment es troben en expansió, buscant majoritàriament el contacte amb la natura. Les rutes a cavall formen part del gran ventall d’opcions, per aquesta qüestió s’ha pensat en construir un refugi utilitzat com a final d’etapa per a rutes a cavall. En la major part del territori, la presència de població humana es manifesta en pobles, viles i ciutats, les quals disposes d’aigua sanitària, corrent elèctric i sistema de clavegueram. Per altra banda en les urbanitzacions o cases aïllades poder gaudir d’aquests serveis suposa una inversió econòmica elevada, que implica la utilització de sistemes alternatius. En el present projecte s’ha triat un emplaçament on portar a terme el final d’etapa amb una sèrie de requisits a complir : bosc a les proximitats, disposar d’un o varis accessos per a vehicles (transport del material d’intendència), tranquil•litat, bones vistes, i cobertura de telèfon mòbil. S’han acceptat les següents limitacions : no disposar de xarxa pública d’electricitat ni d’aigua. I s’han dimensionat les instal•lacions per a un màxim de dotze persones i els seus respectius cavalls. El principal objectiu del projecte és el dimensionament de les necessitats elèctriques, d’aigua i d’aiguacalenta sanitària en condicions autònomes, i utilitzant energies renovables. La valoració de les possibles solucions per condicionar les instal•lacions, i oferir una resposta eficient per la demanda. No és un objectiu específic del treball la potabilització de l’aigua ni el tractament dels residus produïts. S’han aprofitat els diferents desnivells que presenta l’emplaçament triat a l’hora de distribuir les instal•lacions, i s’ha utilitzat un antic cobert de dos pisos ja existent. Com a residència s’ha triat un model de casa prefabricada de muntanya. Com a sistema de subministrament elèctric, s’instal•laran plaques solars fotovoltaiques i un generador de corrent com a sistema auxiliar. La captació d’aigua s’efectuarà a partir d’un pou que es troba en el terreny i de la recollida d el’aigua pluvial, instal•lant dipòsits d’emmagatzemament d’aigua segons les necessitats. S’utilitzarà un equip de cloració per potabilitzar l’aigua de consum utilitzada a la residència. En la producció d’aigua calenta sanitària s’utilitzaran plaques solars tèrmiques i una caldera instantània de gas propà com a suport. Per cuinar s’ha triat una cuina de gas propà i una barbacoa que s’instal•larà a l’exterior. S’instal•larà una llar de foc amb recuperador d’aire a la residència i una fosa sèptica amb un sistema d’infiltració per poder abocar les aigües provinents de la residència. Els fems dels cavalls podran ser utilitzats com adob pel terreny.
Actualment a Catalunya existeixen zones amb importants limitacions per l’aplicació de purins al sòl, pel que és imprescindible trobar alternatives de gestió i tractament que permetin l’aprofitament adequat dels recursos continguts a les dejeccions ramaderes sense afectar el medi. La digestió anaeròbia és una de les tècniques utilitzades en el tractament de les dejeccions ramaderes. L’efluent líquid que s’obté d’aquest tractament no modifica el contingut de nitrogen i fòsfor i per tant ha de ser gestionat correctament. L’objectiu general d’aquest projecte és avaluar la precipitació d’estruvita (sal de magnesi, amoni i fosfat) com una alternativa de gestió de l’efluent líquid d’una planta de digestió anaeròbia i compostatge que tracta dejeccions ramaderes conjuntament amb altres residus orgànics. S’han avaluat els efectes dels diferents paràmetres operacionals en la formació d’estruvita (pH, temperatura, velocitat d’agitació, alcalinitat), mitjançant assaigs en discontinu amb solució sintètica. A continuació s’ha procedit a obtenir estruvita a partir de la fracció líquida digerida de purí (FLD), en assaigs en discontinu per estudiar l’efecte del contingut de matèria orgànica i sòlids Totals (ST), així com el contingut en fosfats i el pH de reacció. Finalment, s’han optimitzat els paràmetres de procés en continu, mitjançant la posada en marxa d’un reactor a escala de laboratori i estudi de l’efecte de la velocitat d’agitació i de la introducció del stripping de CO2, tant amb solució sintètica com amb la fracció líquida digerida del purí. Dels resultats obtinguts es pot concloure que els factors que tenen una major influència en el procés d’obtenció d’estruvita són el pH (el pH òptim es situa al voltant de 9), i la presència de matèria orgànica i sòlids ens suspensió, que interfereix de forma quantitativa i qualitativa en la formació de l’estruvita. En el procés en continu s’ha aconseguit reduccions d’un 84% i 98% d’amoni i fòsfor respectivament, obtenintse estruvita que pot ser utilitzada com a fertilitzant d’alliberació lenta. Es pot concloure que la precipitació d’estruvita és una bona alternativa per millorar la gestió de les dejeccions ramaderes alhora que permet recuperar nutrients i tancar cicles. La combinació amb un tractament previ que elimini la matèria orgànica, com podria ser la digestió anaeròbia, i una separació de fases, per eliminar els sòlids en suspensió, es presenta com una configuració amb molts avantatges.
In this paper, we present procedures for the treatment and final disposal of residual solutions containing chromium, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of chemical precipitation of the metal and the potential of the glass encapsulation technique, using broken laboratory glassware. The results demonstrated that pH-values convenient for chemical precipitation are between 10 - 11. With regard to Cr(OH)3 encapsulation, the leaching and solubilization tests allowed to classify the waste as non-dangerous and non-inert. Finally, it is pointed out that the adoption of waste management practices in universities should be encouraged, helping to train professionals skilled in good laboratory practices.
This work describes a hydrometallurgical route for processing spent commercial catalysts (CoMo and NiMo/Al2O3). Samples were preoxidized (500 ºC, 5 h) in order to eliminate coke and other volatile species present. The calcined solid was dissolved in concentrated H2SO4 and water (1:1 vol/vol) at 90 ºC; the insoluble matter was separated from the solution. Molybdenum was recovered by solvent extraction using tertiary amines at pH around 1.8. Cobalt (or nickel) was separated by addition of aqueous ammonium oxalate at the above pH. Phosphorus was removed by passing the liquid through a strong anion exchange column. Aluminum was recovered by neutralizing the solution with NaOH. The route presented in this work generates less final aqueous wastes because it is not necessary to use alkaline medium during the metal recovery steps.
This work presents a study on the separation of Fe(III) and Ti(IV) from sulfuric acid leaching solutions of ilmenite (FeTiO3) using liquid-liquid extraction with D2EHPA in n-dodecane as extracting agent. The distribution coefficients (K D) of the elements related to free acidity and concentration of Fe(III) and Ti(IV) were determined. Free acidity was changed from 3x10-2 to 11.88 mol L-1 and D2EHPA concentration was fixed at 1.5 mol L-1. Recovery of final products as well as recycling of wastes generated in the process were also investigated. The LLE process as a feasible alternative to obtain high-purity TiO2.
The ornamental rock industry generates huge amounts of wastes during the process of extraction and sawing of rock blocks. The ornamental rock powder waste is a non-biodegradable material, which represents the increase in environmental problem. The waste was collected from a granitic rock sawing plant located in Santo Antônio de Pádua, Rio de Janeiro. The chemical-environmental characterization and classification of the waste were done according to ABNT standards. The results showed that the granitic rock powder waste should be classified as Class II A - "No Inert", because of its high concentrations of lead, chrome, iron and manganese.
This work presents hydrometallurgical routes for recovering valuable elements from spent button cells, based on leaching of internal components with sulfuric acid (Li/MnO2 and Zn-air) or nitric acid (Ag-Zn), at 90 ºC for 2h. Slow evaporation of the leachate crystallized MnSO4.H2O, whereas lithium was partially recovered as LiF. Mercury present in Zn-air and Ag-Zn samples was precipitated as HgS. Silver was recovered as AgCl before mercury precipitation. Zinc and iron were precipitated as hydroxides. The amount of iron varied according to the intensity of the corrosion of the external cell case. Final wastes are neutral and colorless sodium sulfate/nitrate solutions.
This work presents the students´ profile before and after working in the course "Laboratory Chemical Waste Treatment" in the last ten years. The structure of the course is also described. Although students have shown an increasing previous experience on waste management, many fundamental aspects are missing, especially knowledge on the directives focusing environmental aspects. Visits to industrial plants are also essential to better understand the impact of wastes in environment. Most students nowadays consider waste management as an essential part of their professional formation. A good waste management program must consider several topics of extreme relevance.
This work aimed to assess the photocatalytic degradation of a model odor compound (dimethyl disulfide, DMDS), found in liquid and gaseous wastes of plants for processing poultry byproducts. The effect of pH and temperature on adsorption and photocatalytic degradation was evaluated through factorial experimental designs. The results suggest the presence of an optimum region for adsorption, at 45.0 ºC and pH 4.0. In the photocatalytic runs an optimum for temperature and pH was also observed. At 45 ºC and pH 4.0 the removal of DMDS was 99% after 60 min of irradiation.
Growing knowledge on the health-promoting impact of antioxidants in everyday foods, combined with the assumption that a number of common synthetic preservatives may have hazardous side effects has led to increased investigations in the field of natural antioxidants, principally those found in plants. Food industries normally discard plant residues that could benefit the human health and diminish undesirable environmental impact. Once estimated the content of antioxidants in these residues, advantageous economical and social alternatives to the discard are possible, for example, their use for preparation of nutraceuticals to be offered to low-income populations. We present here a broad, although not complete, account of the continuously growing knowledge on the antioxidant capacity of whole fruits, seeds and peels, cereals, vegetal oils and aromatic plants, at several physical forms, as well as a description of the usual methods for evaluating their antioxidant capacity and examples of agroindustrial processes that could be harnessed for the production of antioxidant supplement food, along with research perspectives in the area.
Industrial hazardous wastes must receive appropriate treatment to ensure a safe disposal to humans and environment. One of the techniques adopted for this purpose is the stabilization/solidification in polymer matrices. This paper evaluated the use of recycled polyethylene terephthalate as an incorporation matrix of incinerator ash. The polymer and the ash were submitted to an extrusion process in different percentages. The final product was evaluated through thermal and leaching tests and the leachate extracts constituents were determinated by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed a reduction in the release of substances up to 99% by mass for the conditions used.