810 resultados para Fundamental Rights Conflicts


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Some cyanopolyynes, HCnN (n = 1, 3, ... , 17), are investigated by means of calculations at the MP2/cc-pVTZ and CCSD/cc-pVDZ levels. Although the MP2/cc-pVTZ results for geometries and molecular dipole moments are encouraging, the CCSD/cc-pVDZ level was superior for the study of infrared fundamental intensities. The main bands are also analyzed with a charge-charge flux-dipole flux (CCFDF) partition model based on quantities given by the Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM). The intensity of vibrations corresponding to the stretching of CH bonds (3471-3473 cm(-1)) increases in line with the number of carbon atoms (from 61 to 146 km mol(-1) between HCN and HC13N). This increase is due to the charge flux contribution while the other contributions remain roughly unaltered except for HCN. Moreover, the hydrogen atom loses an almost constant amount of electronic charge during the CH bond enlargement and a small fraction of this charge spreads to atoms farther and farther away from hydrogen as the molecule size increases. The band associated with the doubly degenerate CH bending vibrations (643-732 cm(-1)) presents approximately the same intensity in all the studied cyanopolyynes (from 67 to 76 km mol(-1)). The CCFDF/QTAIM contributions are also nearly the same for these bending modes in HC5N and larger systems. The intensity of the mode mostly identified as CN stretching (around 2378-2399 cm(-1) except for HCN) increases from HCN up to HC7N (from 0.3 to 83 km mol(-1)) and nearly stabilizes around 80-90 km mol(-1) for larger systems. The CCFDF/QTAIM contributions for this mode also change significantly up to HC7N and remain almost constant in larger systems. We also observed the appearing of a very relevant band between 2283 and 2342 cm(-1). This mode is mainly associated with the symmetric stretching of CC triple bonds near the molecule center and exhibits large charge fluxes while the other contributions are almost negligible in the largest cyanopolyynes. The two vibrational bands associated with the smallest frequencies are also studied and extrapolation equations are suggested to predict their positions in larger cyanopolyynes. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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At the time of writing, all three elements that are evoked in the title – emancipation and social inclusion of sexual minorities, labour and labour activism, and the idea and substance of “Europe” – are being invested by deep, long-term, and – to varied degrees – radical processes of social transformation. The meaning of words like “equality”, “rights”, “inclusion”, and even “democracy” is as precarious and uncertain as are the lives of those European citizens who are marginalised by intersecting conditions of gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and class – in a constellation of precarities that is both unifying and fragmented (fragmenting). Conflicts are played, in hidden or explicit ways, over material processes of redistribution as well as discursive practices that revolve around these words. Against this backdrop, and roughly ten years after the European Union provided an input for institutional commitment to the protection of LGBT* workers' rights with the Council Directive 2000/78/EC, the dissertation contrasts discourses on workplace equality for LGBT* persons produced by a plurality of actors, seeking to identify values, semantics, and agendas framing and informing organisations’ views and showing how each actor has incorporated LGBT* rights into its own discourse, each time in a way that is functional to the construction and/or confirmation of its organisational identity: transnational union networks, by presenting LGBT* rights as a natural, neutral commitment within the framework of universal human rights protection; left-wing organisations, by collocating activism for LGBT* rights within a wider project of social emancipation that is for all the marginalised, yet is not neutral, but attached to specific values and opposed to specific political adversaries (the right-wing, the nationalists); business networks, by acknowledging diversity as a path to better performance and profits, thus encouraging inclusion and non-discrimination of “deserving” LGBT* workers.


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Big Brother Watch and others have filed a complaint against the United Kingdom under the European Convention on Human Rights about a violation of Article 8, the right to privacy. It regards the NSA affair and UK-based surveillance activities operated by secret services. The question is whether it will be declared admissible and, if so, whether the European Court of Human Rights will find a violation. This article discusses three possible challenges for these types of complaints and analyses whether the current privacy paradigm is still adequate in view of the development known as Big Data.


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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) states that education should be "directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms... promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups." This study surveyed 53 teachers on their views of Human Rights Education, including their familiarity with the concept, their self-efficacy with teaching it, and conditions that would increase the likelihood of their teaching it. The study found that, regardless of familiarity with the topic, years of teaching experience, or school location (urban/suburban), most teachers were open to teaching Human Rights Education. They did identify the need for better resources in the form of lesson plans, teaching materials, and professional training. In addition, support from other teachers, administration, and parents was felt to be important in order for them to undertake Human Rights Education. The best strategy to move forward with Human Rights Education would be to provide resources and support for teachers so that we can be living up to the expectations put forth in the UDHR.


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Gregory, Richard Claxton “Dick” (Born, October 12, 1932, St. Louis, Mo.), African American comedian and civil rights activist whose social satire changed the way white Americans perceived African American comedians since he first performed in public. Gregory’s autobiography, Nigger, was published in 1963 prior to The assassination of President Kennedy, and became the number one best-selling book in America. Over the decades it has sold in excess of seven million copies. His choice for the title was explained in the forward, where Dick Gregory wrote a note to his mother. “Whenever you hear the word ‘Nigger’,” he said, “you’ll know their advertising my book.” In 1984 he founded Health Enterprises, Inc., a company that distributed weight loss products. In 1987 Gregory introduced the Slim-Safe Bahamian Diet, a powdered diet mix, which was immensely profitable. Economic losses caused in part by conflicts with his business partners led to his eviction from his home in 1992. Gregory remained active, however, and in 1996 returned to the stage in his critically acclaimed one-man show, Dick Gregory Live! The reviews of Gregory’s show compared him to the greatest stand-ups in the history of Broadway.


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This paper anticipates the 2012 revision of the European Insolvency Regulation, which is the sole Union legislation on the subject of cross border insolvency proceedings. The paper first describes the historical background of the Regulation. The salient point of the historical discussion is that the Regulation is the product of forty years of negotiation and arises from a historical context that is no longer applicable to current economic realities, i.e. it provides for liquidation, not reorganization, it doesn’t deal with cross border groups of companies, and it lacks an effective mechanism for transparency and creditor participation. The paper then reviews the unique hybrid jurisdictional system of concurrent universal and territorial proceedings that the Regulation imposes. It looks at this scheme from a practical viewpoint, i.e. what issues arise with concurrent proceedings in two states, involving the same assets, the same creditors, and the same company. The paper then focuses on a significant issue raised by the European Court of Justice in the Eurofoods case, i.e. the need to comply with fundamental due process principles that, while not articulated in the Regulation, lie at the core of Union law. Specifically, the paper considers the ramifications of the Court’s holding that “a Member State may refuse to recognize insolvency proceedings opened in another Member State where the decision to open the proceedings was taken in flagrant breach of the fundamental right to be heard.” In response to the Court’s direction, this paper proposes a package of due process rights, consisting principally of an accessible, efficient and useful insolvency database, the infrastructure of which already exists, but the content and use of which has not yet been developed. As part of a cohesive three part due process package, the paper also proposes the formation of cross border creditors' committees and the establishment of a European Insolvency Administrator. Finally, on the institutional level, this paper proposes that the revision of the Regulation and the development of the insolvency database not only need to be coordinated, but need to be conceptualized, managed and undertaken, not as the separate efforts of diverse institutions, but as a single, unified endeavor.


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"Only nine lectures of the eleven were read in Aberdeen, the last two having been added to complete the discussion of sacrificial ritual."--Pref.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Includes index.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.