708 resultados para Frau
von Fanny Neuda geb. Schmiedl
von M. Letteris
von P. Beer. [Hrsg. von Dorothea Schlesinger]
bearb. von mehreren jüdischen Schriftstellern ; verb. u. mit vielen Zus. verm. von e. sachkundigen Gelehrten. (Vorr.: H. Frank)
von L. Kahn. Aus d. Franz. übers. von Frau Moritz Baum
[Fanny Neuda]
Enth. außerdem: Meyer, Frau Martin: Prolog zur Feier des 200jährigen Bestehens der israelitischen Gemeinde zu Rendsburg und der vor 50 Jahren erfolgten Einweihung des neuerbauten Gotteshauses Rendsburg 1895
Else Dormitzer
Caesarean section is one of the most frequently performed operations in human medicine. It has become a routine procedure with a very low morbidity and mortality. Over the centuries, it has emerged an essential achievement in obstetric medicine. In the presence of cephalo-pelvic-disproportion, cervical dystocia, malpresentation, preterm birth, macrosomia, placental insufficiency, placenta praevia or fetal distress it is crucial to improve the perinatal morbiditiy and mortality of mother and child. The procedure has become much more frequent over the past 20 years for multiple reasons. There is variety in incidence between countries but also regional differences. It's occurrence is being influenced by level of education and socio-economic status of the pregnant woman. In the meantime, also the longterm consequences of cesarean section are well known. The potential hazards for future pregnancies and deliveries are well described. Actual controversy addresses cesarean section on demand without any medical indication, which in fact is only seldom performed in Switzerland. The ethical justification of this procedure needs to be discussed in view of the current tendency towards autonomy and self-determination of the pregnant woman.
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