959 resultados para Foot Joints


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Tarsal coalition (a congenital fibrous, cartilaginous or bony connection between two bones) often leads to a flatfoot deformity in children. Usually it presents with recurrent ankle sprains or insidious onset of a painful rigid flatfoot and movement limitation of midtarsal and subtalar joints. Clinical diagnosis is confirmed by X-rays, computed axial tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance. The anteater nose sign is caused by a tubular elongation of the anterior process of the calcaneus that approaches or overlaps the tarsal scaphoid (navicular) and resembles the nose of an anteater on a lateral foot or ankle radiograph. The treatment of this union is primarily symptomatic but if the pain persists must be surgical .


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Abstract: The first metatarsal sesamoid bones are not always taken into consideration when making a diagnosis, in pathologies that affect the region of the first metatarsal head. This is due to the insufficient knowledge of all the pathologies that can affect the sesamoids and the relative little incidence that they have. With the increment of sports activities, in particular the running, increasingly affects of the symptoms concerning this region are observed. Methods: A literature search was performed in 5 databases (Medline, PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library and BUCEA). The terms included in the search were: sesamoids, anatomy, biomechanics, sesamoids review and sesamoids pathology. In the initial search articles with no more than 10 years, only humans and revision texts are considered. Results: 24 articles were selected and include different pathologies with diagnosis using imaging tests and treatments, both conservative and surgical; as well as aspects from the biomechanics of the metatarsal-sesamoid joint. Conclusion: Sesamoids due of his anatomy, topography and function can be involved in a lot of pathologies; with similar signs and symptoms that can confuse the podiatry when he has to make a correct diagnosis or treatment.


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The overall objective of the work contained in this paper is to identify background information on the use of load-transfer devices in highway pavement joints and to provide a preliminary assessment of the market potential for use of alternative materials in that capacity. The intent of the authors is to provide a concise compilation of information upon which HITEC personnel may judge whether or not the use of alternative materials for concrete highway pavement joints is worth a more thorough and rigorous evaluation.


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Sub lethal (0.2 ppm) mercuric chloride induced stress related histopathological alterations in the epithelial linings of foot (podium) of the edible freshwater mussel Lamellidens marginalis (Lamarck) were studied using histochemical techniques up to 60 days of exposure. The histomorphological changes were manifested only slowly and its intensity was somewhat proportional to the duration of exposure. The immediate response of the exposed mussels was the altered mucous secretion. There was a progressive incorporation of sulphated glycoproteins into the secretory contents of the mucous cells especially in the first half of the experiment. Marked histopathological changes including necrosis, appearance of pyknotic nuclei, sloughing of epithelial cells and appearance of non-tissue spaces, etc., started appearing during the later half of the experiment. The fag end of the experiment, which witnessed prominent histomorphological changes, was accompanied by highly decreased mucous secretion. KEYWORDS: heavy metal toxicity, mercuric chloride, Lamellidens marginalis, freshwater mussel, histopathology.


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The foot of Columbus Avenue in Sandusky, Ohio was the location of Lake Erie steamer service during the years from 1870 to 1930. As this picture shows hundreds of men and women have arrived and parked their automobiles and are preparing to board steamers for Lakeside, Kelleys Island, Cedar Point, and South Bass Island.


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The under-reporting of cases of infectious diseases is a substantial impediment to the control and management of infectious diseases in both epidemic and endemic contexts. Information about infectious disease dynamics can be recovered from sequence data using time-varying coalescent approaches, and phylodynamic models have been developed in order to reconstruct demographic changes of the numbers of infected hosts through time. In this study I have demonstrated the general concordance between empirically observed epidemiological incidence data and viral demography inferred through analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus VP1 coding sequences belonging to the CATHAY topotype over large temporal and spatial scales. However a more precise and robust relationship between the effective population size (


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En esta tesis se estudia la fricción en juntas rocosas utilizando el Método de Elementos Discretos (DEM). En particular, se estudia la influencia de la rugosidad de las superficies de la junta, la elasticidad, la fractura, y el nivel de carga de compresión sobre el comportamiento de cierre y de cizalla de las juntas rocosas. Por primera vez la rugosidad de las juntas considerada como auto-afín es utilizada para estudiar la fricción de juntas rocosas, la rugosidad se describe mediante tres parámetros: el exponente de rugosidad, la longitud de correlación auto-afín y la varianza de alturas. Mediante un algoritmo de computadora basado en métodos espectrales, ocho superficies autoafines isotrópicas con diferente rugosidad fueron creadas. Posteriormente, las ocho superficies fueron utilizadas como moldes para generar las juntas utilizando elementos discretos. Antes de realizar las simulaciones de compresión y cizallaura, se calibraron las propiedades elásticas y de fractura (criterio de fractura elíptico basado en esfuerzos) de las juntas numéricas a los datos experimentales (obtenidos previamente) de unas muestras de mortero mediante la utilización de un volumen elemental representativo (REV). Una vez que las propiedades mecánicas de las juntas se obtuvieron mediante la calibración del REV, se realizaron las pruebas de cierre (prueba de compresión) de las ocho juntas DEM. Se utilizaron dos niveles de esfuerzo de compresión para las pruebas de cierre: 14 MPa y 21 MPa. Después, las ocho juntas DEM fueron cizalladas en dos direcciones mutuamente perpendiculares. Para cada dirección de cizalla y cada nivel de esfuerzo de compresión (14 y 21 MPa), las juntas fueron cizalladas usando uno de los tres modelos mecánicos siguientes: 1) un modelo rígido, en el que las juntas no se pueden deformar, excepto en su superficie, 2) un modelo puramente elástico, en el que las juntas se pueden deformar en todo su volumen y 3) un modelo elástico con fractura en el que las juntas se pueden deformar en su volumen y, si el esfuerzo sobre las uniones entre partículas excede cierto nivel de esfuerzo máximo, las uniones se rompen de una manera irreversible. El uso de estos tres modelos mecánicos nos permitirá estudiar de manera sistemática: la influencia de la rugosidad (modelo rígido), la influencia de la elasticidad y rugosidad (modelo puramente elástico) y, finalmente, el efecto combinado de la rugosidad de las juntas, la elasticidad y la fractura (modelo elástico con fractura). El estudio de los resultados obtenidos de las simulaciones DEM es seguido por una análisis energético el cual permite estudiar la evolución de los diferentes tipos de energía en función del desplazamiento de cizalla: energía elástica almacenada en el sistema, energía de fricción entre elementos discretos, el trabajo relacionado con la dilatación de la junta y la energía disipada por el amortiguamiento interno del DEM.


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Background: The increased prevalence of foot and ankle pathologies in Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) is well documented1, however the provision of foot & ankle (F&A) healthcare services for people with RMDs in Europe has not been evaluated. Objectives: To assess the current healthcare systems for providing foot & ankle healthcare services for people with RMDs in Europe. Methods: A survey was undertaken to evaluate current provision of F&A health care services for people with RMDs across Europe. A questionnaire was distributed to all 22 country presidents representing HP associations within EULAR. The questionnaire used was developed and piloted (in 7 countries) by the EULAR F&A Study Group, and structured to capture the provision and type of F&A services for people with RMDs. When the HP presidents felt unable to answer specific questions they were encouraged to consult a colleague who may be better placed to provide the answers. Results: Sixteen questionnaires were completed (Norway, Ireland, Sweden, Hungary, Netherlands, UK, Denmark, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, France, Czech Republic, Spain, Belgium, Malta). Of the 16, 13 respondents indicated provision of F&A health care services in their country, but only three countries had services specialising in RMD-related F&A problems (Netherlands, UK, Malta). The professions providing the care for patients with RMD-related F&A problems were different depending on the pathology and the country (Table1). Podiatrists provided care for F&A pain and deformity problems in 11 countries, but provided F&A ulcer care in only 8 countriesConclusions: Only 3 countries have F&A health care services specialised to the needs of people with RMDs. The professions providing the care varied between countries, and also depended on the F&A pathology. Interestingly, F&A healthcare services were provided by professions that do not solely specialised in F&A care. Further research is needed to assess the variation of F&A healthcare services between and within European countries and the impact on healthcare of various F&A healthcare service designs. References: Woodburn, J. & Helliwell, P. Foot problems in rheumatology. Rheumatology 36, 932-934 (1997).


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Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), a disease of cloven hooved animals caused by FMD virus (FMDV), is one of the most economically devastating diseases of livestock worldwide. The global burden of disease is borne largely by livestock-keepers in areas of Africa and Asia where the disease is endemic and where many people rely on livestock for their livelihoods and food-security. Yet, there are many gaps in our knowledge of the drivers of FMDV circulation in these settings. In East Africa, FMD epidemiology is complicated by the circulation of multiple FMDV serotypes (distinct antigenic variants) and by the presence of large populations of susceptible wildlife and domestic livestock. The African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) is the only wildlife species with consistent evidence of high levels of FMDV infection, and East Africa contains the largest population of this species globally. To inform FMD control in this region, key questions relate to heterogeneities in FMD prevalence and impacts in different livestock management systems and to the role of wildlife as a potential source of FMDV for livestock. To develop FMD control strategies and make best use of vaccine control options, serotype-specific patterns of circulation need to be characterised. In this study, the impacts and epidemiology of FMD were investigated across a range of traditional livestock-keeping systems in northern Tanzania, including pastoralist, agro-pastoralist and rural smallholder systems. Data were generated through field studies and laboratory analyses between 2010 and 2015. The study involved analysis of existing household survey data and generated serological data from cross-sectional livestock and buffalo samples and longitudinal cattle samples. Serological analyses included non-structural protein ELISAs, serotype-specific solid-phase competitive ELISAs, with optimisation to detect East African FMDV variants, and virus neutralisation testing. Risk factors for FMDV infection and outbreaks were investigated through analysis of cross-sectional serological data in conjunction with a case-control outbreak analysis. A novel Bayesian modeling approach was developed to infer serotype-specific infection history from serological data, and combined with virus isolation data from FMD outbreaks to characterise temporal and spatial patterns of serotype-specific infection. A high seroprevalence of FMD was detected in both northern Tanzanian livestock (69%, [66.5 - 71.4%] in cattle and 48.5%, [45.7-51.3%] in small ruminants) and in buffalo (80.9%, [74.7-86.1%]). Four different serotypes of FMDV (A, O, SAT1 and SAT2) were isolated from livestock. Up to three outbreaks per year were reported by households and active surveillance highlighted up to four serial outbreaks in the same herds within three years. Agro-pastoral and pastoral livestock keepers reported more frequent FMD outbreaks compared to smallholders. Households in all three management systems reported that FMD outbreaks caused significant impacts on milk production and sales, and on animals’ draught power, hence on crop production, with implications for food security and livelihoods. Risk factor analyses showed that older livestock were more likely to be seropositive for FMD (Odds Ratio [OR] 1.4 [1.4-1.5] per extra year) and that cattle (OR 3.3 [2.7-4.0]) were more likely than sheep and goats to be seropositive. Livestock managed by agro-pastoralists (OR 8.1 [2.8-23.6]) or pastoralists (OR 7.1 [2.9-17.6]) were more likely to be seropositive compared to those managed by smallholders. Larger herds (OR: 1.02 [1.01-1.03] per extra bovine) and those that recently acquired new livestock (OR: 5.57 [1.01 – 30.91]) had increased odds of suffering an FMD outbreak. Measures of potential contact with buffalo or with other FMD susceptible wildlife did not increase the likelihood of FMD in livestock in either the cross-sectional serological analysis or case-control outbreak analysis. The Bayesian model was validated to correctly infer from ELISA data the most recent serotype to infect cattle. Consistent with the lack of risk factors related to wildlife contact, temporal and spatial patterns of exposure to specific FMDV serotypes were not tightly linked in cattle and buffalo. In cattle, four serial waves of different FMDV serotypes that swept through southern Kenyan and northern Tanzanian livestock populations over a four-year period dominated infection patterns. In contrast, only two serotypes (SAT1 and SAT2) dominated in buffalo populations. Key conclusions are that FMD has a substantial impact in traditional livestock systems in East Africa. Wildlife does not currently appear to act as an important source of FMDV for East African livestock, and control efforts in the region should initially focus on livestock management and vaccination strategies. A novel modeling approach greatly facilitated the interpretation of serological data and may be a potent epidemiological tool in the African setting. There was a clear temporal pattern of FMDV antigenic dominance across northern Tanzania and southern Kenya. Longer-term research to investigate whether serotype-specific FMDV sweeps are truly predictable, and to shed light on FMD post-infection immunity in animals exposed to serial FMD infections is warranted.


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Objetivo: Describir los desenlaces funcionales, complicaciones postoperatorias, dolor y satisfacción de un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de segunda articulación metatarsofalángica y lesión de la placa plantar, que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente para su reconstrucción en el Hospital Universitario de cuarto nivel Fundación Santa Fé de Bogotá, en el periodo comprendido entre Enero de 2010 hasta Diciembre de 2015. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que evalúa desenlaces funcionales, dolor y satisfacción para un grupo consecutivo de pacientes con diagnóstico de inestabilidad de la segunda articulación metatarsofalángica que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente mediante reconstrucción de la placa plantar entre Enero de 2010 a Diciembre de 2015 en el Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá. Resultados: El procedimiento se realizó a 39 pacientes (40 MTF), encontrando mejoría en dolor, función y satisfacción. El dolor postoperatorio paso de severo a leve en el 80% de los pacientes, 67.5% de los pacientes presentaron prueba de aprehensión positiva, 85% alineamiento adecuado, el reporte de escala de AOFAS postoperatoria fue de 87, y los resultados fueron satisfactorios en un 94.5%. La principal complicación con la cirugía fue la extensión residual del dedo operado (22.5%). Conclusiones: La reconstrucción de la placa plantar en casos de inestabilidad metatarsofalángica ha demostrado tener resultados satisfactorios, en el presente estudio encontramos mejoría respecto a dolor, función y satisfacción posterior a la realización del procedimiento. Sin embargo puede presentar complicaciones como extensión residual del dedo o elevación, rigidez y recidiva.


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Resumo As alterações à sensibilidade do pé tornam o diabético mais vulnerável a traumatismos que tendem a evoluir para lesões por vezes, com consequências graves, influenciando negativamente o bem-estar e a qualidade de vida. Objetivo: Avaliar a implicação da úlcera no pé diabético, na qualidade de vida. Métodos: Estudo de caso. Recorreu-se à entrevista informal e esquema de Cardiff de Impacto da Ferida. Resultados: Através dos dados qualitativos identificaram-se quatro categorias: Preocupação com o futuro, Tranquilidade perante a doença, Recursos e Conhecimento sobre os riscos. Dos dados do questionário, percebeu-se que a mobilidade foi a atividade de vida mais afetada. Conclusões: Tem havido uma preocupação em empoderar e informar a cliente, o que ajuda a melhor se adaptar às transformações pelas quais passa no decurso da sua doença. Seria vantajoso o acompanhamento da utente nos cuidados de saúde primários com vigilância do enfermeiro de família.


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The objective of this work was to apply fuzzy majority multicriteria group decision?making to determine risk areas for foot?and?mouth disease (FMD) introduction along the border between Brazil and Paraguay. The study was conducted in three municipalities in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, located along the border with Paraguay. Four scenarios were built, applying the following linguistic quantifiers to describe risk factors: few, half, many, and most. The three criteria considered to be most likely to affect the vulnerability to introduction of FMD, according to experts? opinions, were: the introduction of animals in the farm, the distance from the border, and the type of property settlements. The resulting maps show a strong spatial heterogeneity in the risk of FMD introduction. The used methodology brings out a new approach that can be helpful to policy makers in the combat and eradication of FMD.


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The research activities described in this thesis were focused on two main topics: the study of shaft-hub joint performance, with particular regard to interference-fitted and adhesively bonded connection, and the fatigue characterization of additively processed metal alloys. The research on interference-fitted shaft-hub joints dealt with some studies in the field of fretting fatigue. Rotating bending fatigue tests were performed on different materials by not conventional specimens to determine the fatigue properties of interference-fitted joints and to investigate the fretting fatigue phenomenon, which led to novel and original results. In adhesively bonded and interference-fitted shaft-hub connections (called hybrid joints) the synergic effect of anaerobic adhesive and interference has the capability of improving the joint strength. However, the adhesive contribution depends on several factors. Therefore, its behavior was investigated for different coupling pressure, coupling procedure, operating temperature and joint design. The study on additively manufactured metal alloy deals with rotating banding fatigue tests. AlSi10Mg and Maraging Stainless Steel CX were involved in the campaign for their wide applicability in Automotive. Build direction, heat and surface treatments were considered as input parameters. Fatigue results were interpreted by statistical method and microscopy analyses in order to determine the effectiveness and the beneficial or detrimental effects of the considered factors. Fracture mode and microstructure were investigated by fractographic and micrographic analyses