882 resultados para Fe-doped


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Amorphous thin films of Fe/Sm, prepared by evaporation methods, have been magnetically characterized and the results were interpreted in terms of the random magnets theory. The samples behave as 2D and 3D random magnets depending on the total thickness of the film. From our data the existence of orientational order, which greatly influences the magnetic behavior of the films, is also clear.


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The advent of high optical quality transparent nano—structured glasses, the so-called transparent glass ceramics or vitroceramics disclosed the possibility of producing nano-sized photonic devices based on rare-earth doped up—converters. Transparent glass ceramics have been investigated as hosts for lanthanide ions envisioning the production of materials that are easy to shape and with high performance for photonic applications. Rare earth doped glasses have been extensively studied due to their potential applications in optical devices such as solid state lasers and optical fibers. Various photothermal and optical techniques have been successfully applied for the thermal and optical characterization of these rare earth doped materials. In the present thesis, the effective thermal parameters like thermal diffusivity and thermal effusivity of complex materials for various applications have been investigated using photothermal methods along with their optical characterization utilising the common optical absorption as well as fluorescence spectroscopic techniques. These sensitive optical procedures are also essential for exploiting these materials for further photonic applications.


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The present study is mainly concéntrated on the visible fluorescence of Ho3+ ,nd 3+ and Er 3+rare earths in alkaline earth fluoride hosts(caF2,srF2,BaF2) using a nitrogen laser excitation. A nitrogen laser was fabricated and its parametric studies were first carried out.


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The character of the electronic ground state of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 has been addressed with quantum chemical calculations on large embedded clusters. We find a charge ordered state for the crystal structure reported by Radaelli et al. [Phys. Rev. B 55, 3015 (1997)] and Zener polaron formation in the crystal structure with equivalent Mn sites proposed by Daoud-Aladine et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 097205 (2002)]. Important O to Mn charge transfer effects are observed for the Zener polaron.


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The observation of coherent tunnelling in Cu2+ - and Ag2+ -doped MgO and CaO:Cu2+ was a crucial discovery in the realm of the Jahn-Teller (JT) effect. The main reasons favoring this dynamic behavior are now clarified through ab initio calculations on Cu2+ - and Ag2+ -doped cubic oxides. Small JT distortions and an unexpected low anharmonicity of the eg JT mode are behind energy barriers smaller than 25 cm-1 derived through CASPT2 calculations for Cu2+ - and Ag2+ -doped MgO and CaO:Cu2+ . The low anharmonicity is shown to come from a strong vibrational coupling of MO610- units (M=Cu,Ag) to the host lattice. The average distance between the d9 impurity and ligands is found to vary significantly on passing from MgO to SrO following to a good extent the lattice parameter.


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The ab initio periodic unrestricted Hartree-Fock method has been applied in the investigation of the ground-state structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of the rutile-type compounds MF2 (M=Mn, Fe, Co, and Ni). All electron Gaussian basis sets have been used. The systems turn out to be large band-gap antiferromagnetic insulators; the optimized geometrical parameters are in good agreement with experiment. The calculated most stable electronic state shows an antiferromagnetic order in agreement with that resulting from neutron scattering experiments. The magnetic coupling constants between nearest-neighbor magnetic ions along the [001], [111], and [100] (or [010]) directions have been calculated using several supercells. The resulting ab initio magnetic coupling constants are reasonably satisfactory when compared with available experimental data. The importance of the Jahn-Teller effect in FeF2 and CoF2 is also discussed.


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The development of new materials has been the hall mark of human civilization. The quest for making new devices and new materials has prompted humanity to pursue new methods and techniques that eventually has given birth to modern science and technology. With the advent of nanoscience and nanotechnology, scientists are trying hard to tailor materials by varying their size and shape rather than playing with the composition of the material. This, along with the discovery of new and sophisticated imaging tools, has led to the discovery of several new classes of materials like (3D) Graphite, (2D) graphene, (1D) carbon nanotubes, (0D) fullerenes etc. Magnetic materials are in the forefront of applications and have beencontributing their share to remove obsolescence and bring in new devices based on magnetism and magnetic materials. They find applications in various devices such as electromagnets, read heads, sensors, antennas, lubricants etc. Ferromagnetic as well as ferrimagnetic materials have been in use in the form of various devices. Among the ferromagnetic materials iron, cobalt and nickel occupy an important position while various ferrites finds applications in devices ranging from magnetic cores to sensors.


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Fluorescence is a powerful tool in biological research, the relevance of which relies greatly on the availability of sensitive and selective fluorescent probes. Nanometer sized fluorescent semiconductor materials have attracted considerable attention in recent years due to the high luminescence intensity, low photobleaching, large Stokes’ shift and high photochemical stability. The optical and spectroscopic features of nanoparticles make them very convincing alternatives to traditional fluorophores in a range of applications. Efficient surface capping agents make these nanocrystals bio-compatible. They can provide a novel platform on which many biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins can be covalently linked. In the second phase of the present work, bio-compatible, fluorescent, manganese doped ZnS (ZnS:Mn) nanocrystals suitable for bioimaging applications have been developed and their cytocompatibility has been assessed. Functionalization of ZnS:Mn nanocrystals by safe materials results in considerable reduction of toxicity and allows conjugation with specific biomolecules. The highly fluorescent, bio-compatible and water- dispersible ZnS:Mn nanocrystals are found to be ideal fluorescent probes for biological labeling


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Plane-wave transmission gratings were stored in the same location of silver- doped photopolymer ¯lm using peristrophic multiplexing techniques. Constant and vari- able exposure scheduling methods were adopted for storing gratings in the ¯lm using He{Ne laser (632.8 nm). The role of recording geometry on the dynamic range of the ma- terial was studied by comparing the results obtained from both techniques. Peristrophic multiplexing with rotation of the ¯lm in a plane normal to the bisector of the incident beams resulted in better homogenization of di®raction e±ciencies and larger M/# value.


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Polyaniline is chemically synthesised and doped with camphor sulphonic acid. FTIR studies carried out on these samples indicate that the aromatic rings are retained after polymerisation. The percentage of crystallinity for polyaniline doped with camphor sulphonic acid has been estimated from the X-ray diffraction studies and is around 56% with respect to polyaniline emeraldine base. The change in dielectric permittivity with respect to temperature and frequency is explained on the basis of interfacial polarisation. AC conductivity is evaluated from the observed dielectric permittivity. The values of AC and DC conductivity and activation energy are calculated. The activation energy values suggested that the hopping conduction is the prominent conduction mechanism in this system.


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Nanoparticles are of immense importance both from the fundamental and application points of view. They exhibit quantum size effects which are manifested in their improved magnetic and electric properties. Mechanical attrition by high energy ball milling (HEBM) is a top down process for producing fine particles. However, fineness is associated with high surface area and hence is prone to oxidation which has a detrimental effect on the useful properties of these materials. Passivation of nanoparticles is known to inhibit surface oxidation. At the same time, coating polymer film on inorganic materials modifies the surface properties drastically. In this work a modified set-up consisting of an RF plasma polymerization technique is employed to coat a thin layer of a polymer film on Fe nanoparticles produced by HEBM. Ball-milled particles having different particle size ranges are coated with polyaniline. Their electrical properties are investigated by measuring the dc conductivity in the temperature range 10–300 K. The low temperature dc conductivity (I–V ) exhibited nonlinearity. This nonlinearity observed is explained on the basis of the critical path model. There is clear-cut evidence for the occurrence of intergranular tunnelling. The results are presented here in this paper


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Optimum conditions and experimental details for the formation of v-Fe203 from goethite have been worked out. In another method, a cheap complexing medium of starch was employed for precipitating acicular ferrous oxalate, which on decomposition in nitrogen and subsequent oxidation yielded acicular y-Fe203. On the basis of thermal decomposition in dry and moist nitrogen, DTA, XRD, GC and thermodynamic arguments, the mechanism of decomposition was elucidated. New materials obtained by doping ~'-Fe203 with 1-16 atomic percent magnesium, cobalt, nickel and copper, were synthesised and characterized


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Metglas 2826 MB having a nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 is an excellent soft magnetic material and finds application in sensors and memory heads. However, the thin-film forms of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 are seldom studied, although they are important in micro-electro-mechanical systems/nano-electromechanical systems devices. The stoichiometry of the film plays a vital role in determining the structural and magnetic properties of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18 thin films: retaining the composition in thin films is a challenge. Thin films of 52 nm thickness were fabricated by RF sputtering technique on silicon substrate from a target of nominal composition of Fe40Ni38Mo4B18. The films were annealed at temperatures of 400 °C and 600 °C. The micro-structural studies of films using glancing x-ray diffractometer (GXRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) revealed that pristine films are crystalline with (FeNiMo)23B6 phase. Atomic force microscope (AFM) images were subjected to power spectral density analysis to understand the probable surface evolution mechanism during sputtering and annealing. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) was employed to determine the film composition. The sluggish growth of crystallites with annealing is attributed to the presence of molybdenum in the thin film. The observed changes in magnetic properties were correlated with annealing induced structural, compositional and morphological changes


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Preparatiun or aci cular maghemi te containing dopan ls li ke Mg. i and Gd and their characleris,llion us ing different analytica l techniques have been reported. These in vestigat ions reveal that the addition of dopants li ke Mg. Ni and Gd modifies the magnetic properties without cfrecting any structural changes. The opt ical bandgaps of these doped compositions have ,li S() hecn determ ined. Evidence is ,li so av,li lab le from spectroscopic investi gations suggest ing thalmaghcllli te prepared vi,l the ()xa l,ltc precursor route does nm exhi bit a hydrogen fe rrite structure