967 resultados para Fall armyworm.
Vol. 12 No.1; Perspective is a quarterly publication of LaGuardia Community College / CUNY which is designed and edited by the Office of Communications, Bill Freeland, director. Information on news and features stories should be addressed to the office In room M194. Faculty and staff news items should be sent to Dr. Roberta Matthews, Associate Dean of Faculty, room SB65.
Vol. 14 No.1; Perspective is a regular publication of LaGuardia Community College / CUNY which is designed and edited by the Office of Communications, Bill Freeland, director. Randy Fader-Smith is staff writer and photographer. Information for news and feature stories should be addressed to the office in room M413. Faculty and staff news items should be sent to Dr. Roberta Matthews, Associate Dean of Faculty, room M202.
- Fall 1998: LaGuardia Community College/CUNY - Editor-in-Chief, Randy Fader-Smith: Institutional Advancement, Designer, Dale Cohen, Institutional Advancement. Editorial Advisory Board: Susan Blandi: Adult and Continuing Education, Bill Kelly: Student Aff
Two decades after mountaineer Bill Holland ’72 was lost in a fall, his daughter retraces his steps on Mayflower Hill.
Inside this Issue: Archives Kickoff for Winthrop’s Integration CommemorationGiving Thanks … Dean HerringWoodfork ScholarshipActive Friends Member List for 2015Rudy Mancke to SpeakNote From the Chair … Dr. Jane WhiteMembership Form
Inside this Issue: Friends Board Meets Gorman on Blue SoxGiving Thanks — Dean HerringA Note From the Chair — Dr. WeaverMember Application
Inside this Issue: Business Report of the Friends / Endowment to be EstablishedDean HerringKay McSpadden Wins Norman Mailer AwardA Note From the ChairMember Application
Inside this Issue: Sharyn McCrumb 11/3A Few Words from Dean HerringA Note from the ChairFriends of Dacus Library Membership Application
Inside this Issue: Dean’s WelcomeBallot for 2010: Board Members and OfficersBylaws RevisionNew LibrariansBi-Lo Boosters New Online RenewalCampus MapEvent Parking Decal2011: Friends turn 15Message from Chair
Inside this Issue: Dean’s WelcomeProgram highlights, reception, contTwitter!Online renewal optionBi-Lo BoostersBoard meetings, workNew library tools1,001 Books!About the Friends2011: Friends turn 15Message from Chair
Inside this Issue: French Botanist, Andre MichauxSecond Literary LuncheonAnnual Meeting, September 2005Report from the Nominating Committee Officers of Friends of DacusA Brand New Library for Winthrop University Additional Readings about Andre Michaux, his Era, and his Interests
The June issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education showcased as its cover story the blaring headlines, “Should the Internet Be Scrapped?” Did this surprise anyone? If it did, you must not have been paying attention. Over the last decade, the Internet, the Web—yes, yes, I know the terms are technically not synonymous but have become so in usage—has become increasingly useless as a scholarly tool. The CHE story discussed the obvious problems: spam, viruses, unreliable connections, not to mention unreliable information, disinformation and even misinformation.