922 resultados para FAUNA RECORDS
This is an inventory of public records from Franklin County. The State Historical Society of Iowa received funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission along with 5 other Iowa counties for this two year study.
This is an inventory of public records from Osceola County. The State Historical Society of Iowa received funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission along with 5 other Iowa counties for this two year study.
The decomposition of plant residues is a biological process mediated by soil fauna, but few studies have been done evaluating its dynamics in time during the process of disappearance of straw. This study was carried out in Chapecó, in southern Brazil, with the objective of monitoring modifications in soil fauna populations and the C content in the soil microbial biomass (C SMB) during the decomposition of winter cover crop residues in a no-till system. The following treatments were tested: 1) Black oat straw (Avena strigosa Schreb.); 2) Rye straw (Secale cereale L.); 3) Common vetch straw (Vicia sativa L.). The cover crops were grown until full flowering and then cut mechanically with a rolling stalk chopper. The soil fauna and C content in soil microbial biomass (C SMB) were assessed during the period of straw decomposition, from October 2006 to February 2007. To evaluate C SMB by the irradiation-extraction method, soil samples from the 0-10 cm layer were used, collected on eight dates, from before until 100 days after residue chopping. The soil fauna was collected with pitfall traps on seven dates up to 85 days after residue chopping. The phytomass decomposition of common vetch was faster than of black oat and rye residues. The C SMB decreased during the process of straw decomposition, fastest in the treatment with common vetch. In the common vetch treatment, the diversity of the soil fauna was reduced at the end of the decomposition process.
Background and objectives: Polypharmacy (PP) is a typical con-sequence of multiple chronic conditions in elderly patients. PP is commonly defined as the use of multiple concurrent drug therapies although a standard definition is not used. The aims of this study were to assess the PP rate among nursing home (NH) residents using the data of the pharmacy medication records and to investigate the threshold level of PP as predictor of drug cost, length of hospital stay and mortality rate
O Rio Grande do Sul detém grande relevância na produção de tabaco. Adotam-se três sistemas de manejo: convencional, mínimo e plantio direto. Para analisar o impacto desses sistemas sobre a população da fauna do solo, efetuou-se uma amostragem da fauna epigeica. Foram avaliados preparo convencional (PC), cultivo mínimo (CM) e plantio direto (PD), além de área de reconversão da fumicultura para a vitivinicultura (RV) e de mata nativa (MN). Na amostragem, foram utilizadas dez armadilhas Provid em cada área. Os atributos avaliados foram: abundância de organismos, riqueza, índice de diversidade (H') e equitabilidade de Shannon (J). Collembola (Arthropoda: Hexapoda) foi identificada até o nível de família, devido à sua sensibilidade às modificações do ambiente. Efetuaram-se a análise multivariada de Agrupamento Hierárquico e a Análise de Componentes Principais, e os índices H' e J foram comparados pelo teste t, de Student. O PD apresentou maior número total de organismos, isolando-se das demais áreas pela análise de agrupamento hierárquico. Os valores de riqueza foram muito semelhantes entre as áreas, destacando-se a aproximação entre RV e MN. Os tratamentos PC, PD e RV não diferiram estatisticamente quanto ao H', apresentando valores de 1,58; 1,60; e 1,52, respectivamente. CM apresentou menor valor de H' (1,18) e MN, o valor intermediário (1,33). O comportamento estatístico de J foi muito semelhante ao encontrado em H'. Em relação à Classe Collembola, foram identificadas as famílias Entomobrydae, Sminthuridae, Poduridae e Hipogasturidae. PD apresentou exemplares das quatro famílias identificadas, enquanto nas demais áreas foram identificadas apenas Entomobrydae e Sminthuridae. Pela Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA), as diferenças entre as áreas explicaram 32 % da variabilidade encontrada; desse percentual, 59,3 % foram explicados pelos eixos 1 e 2. A presença ou ausência de revolvimento do solo e a rotação com culturas de cobertura foram os fatores que mais influenciaram as populações de fauna epigeica.
The interactions between soil invertebrates and environmental variations are relatively unknown in the assessment of soil quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil quality in areas with different soil management systems, based on soil fauna as indicator, in Além Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The soil invertebrate community was sampled using pitfall traps, in the dry and rainy seasons, from areas with five vegetation types (acacia, mimosa, eucalyptus, pasture, and secondary forest). The abundance of organisms and the total and average richness, Shannon's diversity index, the Pielou uniformity index, and change index V were determined. The fauna was most abundant in the areas of secondary forest and mimosa plantations in the dry season (111.3 and 31.7 individuals per trap per day, respectively). In the rainy season, the abundance of organisms in the three vegetation types did not differ. The highest values of average and total richness were recorded in the secondary forest in the dry season and in the mimosa stand in the rainy season. Shannon's index ranged from 1.57 in areas with acacia and eucalyptus in the rainy season to 3.19 in the eucalyptus area in the dry season. The uniformity index was highest in forest stands (eucalyptus, acacia and mimosa) in the dry season, but higher in the rainy season in the pasture and secondary forest than in the forest stands. The change index V indicated that the percentage of extremely inhibited groups was lowest in the area with mimosa, both in the dry and rainy season (36 and 23 %, respectively). Of all forest stands, the mimosa area had the most abundant soil fauna.
No compartimento serapilheira-solo, a fauna do solo exerce importante papel na disponibilização de nutrientes, uma vez que é responsável pela regulação da comunidade de microrganismos decompositores da matéria orgânica e pela fragmentação desse material. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a riqueza e abundância da fauna edáfica, bem como sua distribuição vertical, em área de restinga periodicamente inundada na Ilha da Marambaia, RJ, em duas épocas distintas, verão (chuvosa) e inverno (seca). Foram coletadas 10 amostras de serapilheira e de solo na profundidade de 0-5 cm, em que foram feitas extrações da fauna por meio de extratores do tipo Berlese-Tüllgren. Observou-se aumento da abundância da fauna edáfica do período seco para o chuvoso, enquanto a riqueza de grupos taxonômicos não foi modificada. Em ambas as épocas, os grupos de maior ocorrência foram Formicidae e Collembola. Quanto à distribuição vertical, verificou-se a preferência dos organismos pelo compartimento serapilheira, no período chuvoso, e pelo solo, no período seco. A microfagia e a saprofagia representaram as principais formas de utilização dos recursos alimentares, seguidos da predação, sugerindo melhor estruturação do habitat no ecossistema. Além disso, a ocorrência de grupos que só são percebidos em ambientes não perturbados indica que o ecossistema de restinga da Ilha da Marambaia, no momento em que foi avaliado, ano de 2002, encontrava-se pouco ou nada degradado e em bom estado de conservação.
The results of ecological restoration techniques can be monitored through biological indicators of soil quality such as the leaf litter arthropod fauna. This study aimed to determine the immediate effect of brushwood transposition transferred from an area of native vegetation to a disturbed area, on the leaf litter arthropod fauna in a degraded cerrado area. The arthropod fauna of four areas was compared: a degraded area with signal grass, two experimental brushwood transposition areas, with and without castor oil plants, and an area of native cerrado. In total, 7,660 individuals belonging to 23 taxa were sampled. Acari and Collembola were the most abundant taxa in all studied areas, followed by Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, and Symphyla. The brushwood transposition area without castor oil plants had the lowest abundance and dominance and the highest diversity of all areas, providing evidence of changes in the soil community. Conversely, the results showed that the presence of castor oil plants hampered early succession, negatively affecting ecological restoration in this area.
O plantio consorciado de eucalipto com leguminosas pode promover a melhoria da qualidade biológica do solo em áreas degradadas e também ser vantajoso para as espécies do consórcio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de sistemas de plantios (puros e consorciados) de Acacia mangium (AM), Sesbania virgata (SV) e Eucalyptus camaldulensis (EC), sobre o desenvolvimento das plantas em estudo (variáveis dendrométricas) e especificamente sobre a fauna da serapilheira e dos primeiros 5 cm do solo. Realizou-se um experimento, cujo delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com seis tratamentos e três repetições. Os tratamentos utilizados para avaliação dos atributos dendrométricos foram: 100EC (100 % EC) e 100AM (100 % AM); 50EC:50AM (50 % EC + 50 % AM); 50EC:50SV (50 % EC + 50 % SV); e 50AM:50SV (50 % AM + 50 % SV). Para avaliação da fauna do solo foram: 100EC, 100AM, 100SV (100 % SV), 50EC:50SV e 50 AM:50SV. Aos 48 meses após o plantio, foram feitas medições de altura (H) e diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP) das espécies E. camaldulensis e A. mangium e estimativas da área basal (AB) e volume de madeira com casca por indivíduo (VCI). Na serapilheira e no solo (0-5 cm), foram avaliadas a abundância e diversidade da fauna edáfica. O E. camaldulensis quando cultivado em consórcio com as leguminosas apresentou maior DAP, AB e VCI. Em contrapartida, a A. mangium não teve essas variáveis influenciadas quando em consórcio com o E. camaldulensis e com a S. virgata. Plantios de E. camaldulensis e S. virgata em consórcio promoveram maior abundância total de organismos e maiores valores dos índices de diversidade de Shannon e Pielou, principalmente no que se refere ao compartimento serapilheira.
Fertilization and/or the accumulation of organic matter from plant residues can influence the composition of soil and litter community. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of P and K fertilization on total faunal and nematode faunal composition and richness in plant litter and soil for 360 days in an area reforested with Acacia auriculiformis (A. Cunn), located in the municipality of Conceição de Macabu in the State of Rio de Janeiro. For each treatment (fertilized and unfertilized plots), samples of litter and soil (to a depth of 5 cm) were collected and transferred into a Berlese-Tüllgren funnels for the extraction of fauna. Mesofauna and macrofauna were quantified, and the major taxa identified. Nematodes were extracted by centrifugal flotation in sucrose solution and identified according to feeding habits. Density (number of individuals m-2) of total fauna, microphages, social insects and saprophages varied significantly per treatment and sampling time in both litter and soil. The total number of individuals collected was 5,127, and the total number of nematodes 894. Phosphorus and potassium fertilization resulted in an increase in total fauna density and richness in the litter due to an increased abundance of social insects, saprophages and herbivores. In the soil, fertilization increased the saprophage and predator densities. Saprophages were the predominant taxa in the litter, while social insects (Formicidae) prevailed in the soil. Litter nematode populations were favored by mineral fertilization. Bacteriophages were the predominant nematode group in both litter and soil.
This report describes the work accomplished to date on research project HR-173, A Computer Based Information System for County Equipment Cost Records, and presents the initial design for this system. The specific topics discussed here are findings from the analysis of information needs, the system specifications developed from these findings, and the proposed system design based upon the system specifications. The initial system design will include tentative input designs for capturing input data, output designs to show the output formats and the items to be output for use in decision making, file design showing the organization of information to be kept on each piece of equipment in the computer data file, and general system design explaining how the entire system will operate. The Steering Committee appointed by Iowa Highway Research Board is asked to study this report, make appropriate suggestions, and give approval to the proposed design subject to any suggestions made. This approval will permit the designer to proceed promptly with the development of the computer program implementation phase of the design.
This appendix is divided into three sections. The first section contains abstracts of each of the eight computer programs in the system, instructions for keypunching the three input documents, and computer operating instructions pertaining to each program. The second section contains system flowcharts for the entire system as well as program flowcharts for each program. The last section contains PL/l program listings of each program.
A recent inventory of the bats of Mozambique with new documentation of 7 new species for the country
The bat fauna of Mozambique is poorly documented. We conducted a series of inventories across the country between 2005 and 2009, resulting in the identification of 50 species from 41 sites. Of these, seven species represent new national records that increase the country total to 67 species. These data include results from the first detailed surveys across northern Mozambique, over an area representing almost 50% of the country. We detail information on new distribution records and measurements of these specimens. Special attention is paid to the Rhinolophidae, because these include several taxa that are currently in a state of taxonomic confusion. Furthermore, we also present some notes on taxonomy, ecology and echolocation calls. Finally, we combine modelled distributions to present predicted species richness across the country. Species richness was lowest across the coastal plain, to the east and far north, and is predicted to increase in association with rising altitude and higher topographic unevenness of the landscape.
According to Jenkyns (2010), oceanic anoxic events (OAE) record profound changes in the climatic and paleoceanographic state of the planet and represent major disturbances in the global carbon cycle. One of the most studied OAEs on a worldwide scale is the Cenomanian-Turonian OAE 2, which is characterized by a pronounced positive excursion in carbon-isotope records and the important accumulation of organic-rich sediments. The section at Gongzha (Tibet) and the sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco (Mexico) are located in remote parts of the Tethys, and show δ13C records, which are well correlated with those of classical Tethyan sections. Both sections, however, do not exhibit the presence of organic-rich sediments. Phosphorus Mass Accumulation Rates (PMAR) in Tibet show a pattern similar to that observed in the Tethys by Mort et al. (2007), which suggests enhanced Ρ regeneration during the OAE 2 time interval, though there is no evidence for anoxic conditions in Tibet. Ρ appears here to have been mainly driven by detrital influx and sea-level fluctuations. The sections at Barranca and Axaxacualco show that the Mexican carbonate platform persisted during this anoxic event, which allowed the evolution of platform fauna otherwise not present in Tethyan sections. The persistence of this carbonate platform close to the Caribbean Igneous Plateau, which is thought to have released bio-limiting metals, is explained by local uplift which delayed the drowning of the platform and a specific oceanic circulation that permitted the preservation of oligotrophic conditions in the area. The Coniacian-Santonian OAE (OAE3) appears to have been more dependent on local conditions than OAE2. The presence of black shales associated with OAE3 appear to have been restricted to shallow-water settings and epicontinental seas in areas located around the Atlantic Ocean. The sections at Olazagutia (Spain), and Ten Mile - Arbor Park (USA), two potential Global Boundary Stratotype Sections and Points (GSSP) sites, are devoid of organic-rich sediments and lack a δ13C positive excursion around the C-S boundary. The Gabal Ekma section (Sinai, Egypt) exhibits accumulations of organic-rich sediments, in addition to phosphorite bone beds layers, which may have been linked to an epicontinental upwelling zone and/or storm inputs. Our data suggest that OAE 3 is rarely expressed by truly anoxic conditions and seems to have been linked to local conditions rather than global paleoenvironmental change. The evidence for detrital-P being the likely cause of Ρ fluctuations during the OAEs studied here does not negate the idea that anoxia was the principal driver of these fluctuations in the western Tethys. However, an explanation is required as to why the Ρ accumulation signatures are mirrored in both oxic and anoxic sedimentary successions. 'Eustatic/climatic' and 'productivity/anoxic' models may have both operated simultaneously in different parts of the world depending on local conditions, both producing similar trends in Ρ accumulation. - Selon Jenkyns (2010), les événements anoxiques océaniques enregistrent de profonds changements dans le climat et la paléoceanographie de la planète et représente des perturbations majeures du cycle du carbone. L'un des plus étudiés à l'échelle mondiale est l'ΟΑΕ2 du Cénomanien-Turonien, qui est caractérisé par une très forte excursion positive des isotopes du carbone et une importante accumulation de sédiments riche en matière organique. La section de Gongzha (Tibet) et les sections de Barranca et Axaxcualco (Mexique) sont situées aux confins de la Téthys, et enregistrent une courbe isotopique en δ13C parfaitement corrélable avec les sections téthysiennes, mais ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales. Le taux de phosphore en accumulation de masses (PMAR) au Tibet montre un pattern similaire observé également par Mort et al. (2007) dans la Téthys, suggérant un model de régénération du Ρ durant l'anoxie, cependant aucune conditions anoxiques régnent dans la région du Tibet. Ρ apparaît donc principalement guidé par le détritisme et les fluctuations du niveau marin. Les sections de Barranca et d'Axaxacualco montrent que la plateforme carbonatée mexicaine persiste durant cet événement anoxique, et permet le développement d'une faune de plateforme qui n'est pas présente dans les sections téthysiennes. La persistance de cette plateforme carbonatée si proche du plateau Caribéen, qui est connu pour le relâchement de métaux bio-limitant, peut être expliqué par un soulèvement tectonique local qui inhibe l'ennoiement de la plateforme et une circulation océanique spécifique qui permet la préservation de conditions oligotrophiques dans cette région. L'événement anoxique océanique du Coniacien-Santonien apparaît plus dépendant des conditions locales que pour l'ΟΑΕ2. Les black shales associés à POAE3 sont restreints aux zones situées autour de l'océan Atlantique et plus particulièrement aux eaux peu profondes et épicontinentales. Les sections d'Olazagutia (Espagne), Ten Mile Creek et Arbor Park (USA), qui sont deux potentielles sections GSSP (Sections de stratotype de limite globaux et de points), ne montre pas d'accumulation de black shales et pas de forte excursion positive en δ13C autour de la limite C-S. La section de Gabal Ekma (Sinai, Egypte) montre des accumulations de black shales, en plus des couches de phosphorites et d'accumulation d'os (« bone beds »), vraisemblablement lié à des zones active d'upwelling épicontinentale et/ou d'apport de tempêtes. Nos données suggèrent que l'OAE 3 est rarement exprimé par de vraies conditions anoxiques et semble être plus lié à des conditions plus locales que des changements paléo-environnementaux globaux, comme observés pour le Cénomanien- Turonien. Les arguments pour un modèle lié au phosphore détritique qui serait la cause des fluctuations du phosphore total durant les OAEs, n'écartent pas l'idée que l'anoxie est la principale cause de ces fluctuations dans les sections riches en matière organique de l'Ouest téthysien. Cependant une explication est nécessaire pour comprendre pourquoi la signature de l'accumulation du phosphore est semblable dans les successions sédimentaires déposées dans des conditions oxygénées et anoxiques. Les modèles « Eustatisme/Climat » et « Productivité/anoxie » ont simultanément opéré dans les différentes parties du monde dépendant de conditions locales, et ont produit des tendances similaires en accumulation de phosphore.