1000 resultados para Fábio Villares
OBJETIVO: Determinar o valor da biópsia no diagnóstico etiológico de derrames pericárdicos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados, retrospectivamente, de 1990 a 1997, 38 pacientes com derrame pericárdico, com idades variando de 3 meses a 79 anos (média 41,15± 21,78 anos). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos a biópsia pericárdica, tendo como acesso a via subxifóide. RESULTADOS: A biópsia foi positiva em quatro (10,5%) casos, dois de etiologia tuberculosa e dois neoplásica (um adenocarcinoma indeterminado e um mesotelioma); no restante o diagnóstico foi de pericardite crônica inespecífica. CONCLUSÃO: Em nossa casuística a biópsia não foi um método eficaz para o diagnóstico etiológico dos derrames pericárdicos. Acreditamos que a indicação de biópsia pericárdica deva ser individualizada, especificamente nos casos de suspeita de etiologia neoplásica ou tuberculosa.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Informática Médica)
OBJETIVO: Observar, num grupo de pacientes na forma indeterminada da doença de Chagas, o aparecimento de doenças cardiovasculares e sua possível relação com a doença de base. MÉTODOS: Foram seguidos, prospectivamente, 160 pacientes por até 177 meses com avaliações clínicas trimestrais. RESULTADOS: Tornaram-se hipertensos 23 (14,4%) pacientes, sendo 21 (13,2%) com pressão arterial diastólica <110mmHg. Duas pacientes (1,2%) hipertensas tiveram acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCI). Uma (0,6%) paciente teve hemorragia meníngea por ruptura de aneurisma cerebral. Quatro (2,4%) pacientes apresentaram arritmia clinicamente, dois (1,2%) extra-sístoles ventriculares, um (0,6%) extra-sístoles supraventriculares e um (0,6%) fibrilação atrial aguda. Dois (1,2%) pacientes desenvolveram coronariopatia comprovada angiograficamente, um (0,6%) com infarto agudo do miocárdio, outro com angina estável. Um (0,6%) paciente desenvolveu sinais e sintomas de insuficiência cardíaca, juntamente com o aparecimento de hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). CONCLUSÃO: A doença cardiovascular mais freqüente foi a HAS. Duas hipertensas apresentaram AVCI. As arritmias observadas não foram mais freqüentes que na população normal e a coronariopatia também ocorreu raramente, confirmando um bom prognóstico clínico a longo prazo desse grupo de pacientes.
Descrevemos um caso de derrame pericárdico idiopático em que, durante investigação diagnóstica, foi constatado ser um quilopericárdio. A linfografia mostrou aplasia parcial do ducto torácico. Realizamos uma breve revisão da etiopatogenia, quadro clínico, métodos diagnósticos complementares e possibilidades terapêuticas do quilopericárdio.
OBJETIVO: Comparar a letalidade hospitalar (LH) de homens e mulheres submetidos a angioplastia transluminal coronária primária (ATCP) como estratégia de reperfusão no infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo baseado em informações de prontuários médicos de pacientes hospitalizados devido a IAM em hospital de referência para doença coronária, utilizando preferencialmente a ATCP como técnica de reperfusão miocárdica precoce. Foram incluídos 83 pacientes, 35 (42%) mulheres e 48 (58%) homens, que preencheram critérios para reperfusão miocárdica precoce. RESULTADOS: A média de idade das mulheres foi superior a dos homens (66±10 vs 58±11 anos; p<0,001). As mulheres também apresentaram uma maior freqüência de diabetes mellitus (37,1% vs 6,4%; p<0,001). Apesar destas diferenças na idade e na freqüência de diabetes mellitus, os percentuais de pacientes em que a ATCP foi considerada sucesso foram similares entre homens (83,3%) e mulheres (82,3%). A LH foi também bastante semelhante entre homens e mulheres; 14,6% vs 14,3%, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: A possibilidade de que o excesso de risco de morrer entre as mulheres com IAM em relação aos homens possa ser reduzido ou até eliminado com o uso da ATCP apóia a necessidade de que se desenvolva um ensaio clínico a fim de avaliar esta questão.
Relatamos um caso raro de um paciente de 21 meses, portador de comunicação interatrial do tipo seio coronário, associada a comunicação interventricular perimembranosa, e ausência de veia cava superior esquerda. O diagnóstico foi realizado através da ecocardiografia e confirmado pela angiografia. O paciente foi operado sem intercorrências, ambos os defeitos foram fechados com patch de pericárdio bovino e o fluxo das veias coronárias ficou direcionado para o átrio esquerdo. Um ecocardiograma mostrou ausência de shunt residual através dos defeitos.
PURPOSE: To characterize patients with neoplastic pericardial disease diagnosed by clinical presentation, complementary test findings, and the histological type of tumor. METHODS: Twenty-six patients with neoplastic pericardial disease were retrospectively analyzed. RESULTS: Clinical manifestations and abnormalities in chest roentgenograms and electrocardiograms were frequent, but were not specific. Most patients underwent surgery. There was a high positivity of the pericardial biopsy when associated with the cytological analysis of the pericardial liquid used to determine the histological type of the tumor, particularly when the procedure was performed with the aid of pericardioscopy. CONCLUSION: The correct diagnosis of neoplastic pericardial disease involves suspicious but nonspecific findings during clinical examination and in screen tests. The suspicious findings must be confirmed through more invasive diagnostic approaches, in particular pericardioscopy with biopsy and cytological study.
A 38-year-old male underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). A saphenous vein graft was attached to the left marginal branch. The left internal thoracic artery was anastomosed to the left anterior descending artery (LAD). The early recovery was uneventful and the patient was discharged on the 5th postoperative day. After three months, he came back to the hospital complaining of weight loss, weakness, and dyspnea on mild exertion. Chest X-rays showed left pleural effusion. On physical examination, a decreased vesicular murmur was detected. After six days, the diagnosis of chylothorax was made after a milky fluid was detected in the plural cavity and total pulmonary expansion did not occur. On the next day, both anterior and posterior pleural drainage were performed by videothoracoscopy, and prolonged parenteral nutrition (PPN) was instituted for ten days. After seven days the patient was put on a low-fat diet for 8 days. The fluid accumulation ceased, the drains were removed and the patient was discharged with normal pulmonary expansion.
The best surgical approach for the treatment of patients with severe cerebral artery disease and simultaneous serious coronary artery disease still remains controversial. In this report we present a case of a 72-year-old female patient admitted to the hospital with unstable angina. Triple coronary artery obstructive disease and severe bilateral carotid artery stenosis were diagnosed. A combined, simultaneous surgical procedure was performed. After total circulatory by-pass with a membrane oxygenator, the patient's body temperature was lowered to 32°C. During the cool-down period, three proximal anastomoses of segments of autologous saphenous veins were performed in the ascending aorta. Immediately afterwards, bilateral carotid endarterectomy was performed, followed by three distal anastomoses to coronary arteries. The patient showed a satisfactory post-operative outcome. It was concluded that the combination of moderate hypothermia, hemodilution with appropriate hemodynamic control, as used in this patient, was an effective method of cerebral protection. The simultaneous approach of carotid endarterectomy and coronary artery by-pass surgery should be seen as a safe option for the treatment of this type of patient.
"Revista comunicando, vol. 3, 2014"
"Revista comunicando, vol. 4, 2015"
Dissertação de mestrado em Técnicas de Caraterização e Análise Química
OBJECTIVE: Statins have proved to be safe and effective in the secondary prevention of coronary artery disease, but the level of prescription and the reasons for nonadherence to treatment in many coronariopathy treatment centers has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to identify reasons for nonadherence to statin therapy. METHODS: We analyzed 207 consecutive patients with coronary artery disease and hypercholesterolemia (total cholesterol > or = 200mg/dL or LDL - cholesterol > or = 130mg/dL). Patients' average age was 61.7±10 year; 111 (53.6%) male were and 94 (46.6%) were female. We analyzed the level of prescription and adherence to treatment with statins. RESULTS: Statins were prescribed for 139 (67%) patients, but only 85 (41%) used the drug. In spite of being indicated, statins were not prescribed in 68 (33%) patients. Of 54 (26%) patients, nonadherent to statins, 67% did not use the drug due to its high cost, 31% due to the lack of instruction, and only 2% due to side effects. Total cholesterol (260.3±42.2 vs 226.4±51.9; p<0.0001) and LDL cholesterol (174.6±38.1 vs 149.6±36.1; p<0.0001) were lower in patients on medication. HDL-cholesterol increased from 37.6±9.6 to 41.5±12.9mg/dL (p=0.02), and triglycerides were not modified in patients using statins. CONCLUSION: The prescription of statins in patients with coronary artery disease and dyslipidemia is high; however, its adherence is far from satisfactory, due to the high cost of the medication. Reduction in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels did not reach the targets recommended by the Brazilian Consensus on Dyslipidemia.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze clinical and histologic findings of 50 patients with primary neoplams of the heart in a tertiary referral center. METHODS: From 1980 to 1998, we retrospectively analyzed 50 patients, 32 of whom were females, whose ages ranged from 9 to 73 years (mean age = 44.16±18 years). RESULTS: Most tumors were located in the left side of the heart (72%), myxoma being the most common (84%) histologic type. The other histologic types found were as follows: fibroma (4%), lipoma (2%), rhabdomyosarcoma (2%), hemangioma (2%), sarcoma (2%), angiosarcoma (2%), and lymphoma (2%). Diagnosis was established by echocardiography in 94% of the cases. Clinical findings were as follows: dyspnea (36%), weight loss (20%), palpitations (18%), chest pain (16%), fever (8%), and arthralgia (6%). All patients with thromboembolic phenomena (10%) had left atrial myxoma. Approximately 20% of the patients were asymptomatic at the initial clinical assessment. CONCLUSION: Primary cardiac tumors are a rare entity with diverse clinical and histologic findings, requiring, therefore, a high level of clinical suspicion.
During a diagnostic investigation in a 40-year-old male with pericardial effusion associated with hypothyroidism, cholesterol pericarditis was detected. We report a brief review on the etiopathogeny, clinical findings, and therapeutical possibilities of this entity.