920 resultados para Estuarine cyanobacteria
Patterns of population subdivision and the relationship between gene flow and geographical distance in the tropical estuarine fish Lares calcarifer (Centropomidae) were investigated using mtDNA control region sequences. Sixty-three putative haplotypes were resolved from a total of 270 individuals from nine localities within three geographical regions spanning the north Australian coastline. Despite a continuous estuarine distribution throughout the sampled range, no haplotypes were shared among regions. However, within regions, common haplotypes were often shared among localities. Both sequence-based (average Phi(ST)=0.328) and haplotype-based (average Phi(ST)=0.182) population subdivision analyses indicated strong geographical structuring. Depending on the method of calculation, geographical distance explained either 79 per cent (sequence-based) or 23 per cent (haplotype-based) of the variation in mitochondrial gene flow. Such relationships suggest that genetic differentiation of L. calcarifer has been generated via isolation-by-distance, possibly in a stepping-stone fashion. This pattern of genetic structure is concordant with expectations based on the life history of L. calcarifer and direct studies of its dispersal patterns. Mitochondrial DNA variation, although generally in agreement with patterns of allozyme variation, detected population subdivision at smaller spatial scales. Our analysis of mtDNA variation in L. calcarifer confirms that population genetic models can detect population structure of not only evolutionary significance but also of demographic significance. Further, it demonstrates the power of inferring such structure from hypervariable markers, which correspond to small effective population sizes.
The Indo-West Pacific is characterized by extraordinary marine species diversity. The evolutionary mechanisms responsible for generating this diversity remain puzzling, but are often linked to Pleistocene sea level fluctuations. The impact of these sea level changes on the population genetic architecture of the estuarine fish Lates calcarifer are investigated via a natural experiment in a region of the Indo-West Pacific known to have undergone considerable change during the Pleistocene. L. calcarifer, a coastline-restricted catadromous teleost, provides an excellent model for studying the effects of sea level change as its habitat requirements potentially make it sensitive to the region's physical history. Evidence was found for a large phylogenetic break (4% mtDNA control region; 0.47% ATPase 6 and 8) either side of the Torres Strait, which separates the Western Pacific and Indian Oceans, although some mixing of the clades was evident. This suggests clinal secondary introgression of the clades via contemporary gene flow. Further, populations on Australia's east coast appear to have passed through a bottleneck. This was linked to the historical drying of the Great Barrier Reef coastal lagoon, which resulted in a significant loss of habitat and forced retreat into isolated refugia. These results suggest that historical eustatic changes have left a significant imprint on the molecular diversity within marine species as well as among them in the Indo-West Pacific.
The tropical marine sponge Dysidea herbacea (Keller) contains the filamentous unicellular cyanobacterium Oscillatoria spongeliae (Schulze) Hauck as an endosymbiont, plus numerous bacteria, both intracellular and extracellular. Archaeocytes and choanocytes are the major sponge cell types present. Density gradient centrifugation of glutaraldehyde-fixed cells with Percoll as the support medium has been used to separate the cyanobacterial symbiont from the sponge cells on the basis of their differing densities. The protocol also has the advantage of separating broken from intact cells of O. spongeliae. The lighter cell preparations contain archaeocytes and choanocytes together with damaged cyanobacterial cells, whereas heavier cell preparations contain intact cyanobacterial cells, with less than 1% contamination by sponge cells. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis has revealed that the terpene spirodysin is concentrated in preparations containing archaeocytes and choanocytes, whereas nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the symbiont cell preparations has shown that they usually contain the chlorinated diketopiperazines, dihydrodysamide C and didechlorodihydrodysamide C, which are the characteristic metabolites of the sponge/symbiont association. However, one symbiont preparation, partitioned by a second Percoll gradient, has been found to be devoid of chlorinated diketopiperazines. The capability to synthesize secondary metabolites may depend on the physiological state of the symbiont; alternatively, there may be two closely related cyanobacterial strains within the sponge tissue.
Numerous factors affect the distribution of mangrove plants. Most mangrove species are typically dispersed by water-buoyant propagules, allowing them to lake advantage of estuarine, coastal and ocean currents both to replenish existing stands and to establish new ones. The direction they travel depends on sea currents and land barriers, but the dispersal distance depends on the time that propagules remain buoyant and viable. This is expected to differ for each species. Similarly, each species will also differ in establishment success and growth development rate, and each has tolerance limits and growth responses which are apparently unique. Such attributes are presumably responsible for the characteristic distributional ranges of each species, as each responds to the environmental, physical and biotic settings they might occupy. In practice, species are often ordered by the interplay of different factors along environmental gradients, and these may conveniently be considered at four geographic scales-global, regional, estuarine and intertidal. We believe these influencing factors act similarly around the world, and to demonstrate this point, we present examples of distributional gradients from the two global biogeographic regions, the Atlantic East Pacific and the Indo-West Pacific.
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a toxic-bloom-forming cyanobacterium that is commonly found in tropical to subtropical climatic regions worldwide, but it is also recognized as a common component of cyanobacterial communities in temperate climates. Genetic profiles of C. raciborskii were examined in 19 cultured isolates originating from geographically diverse regions of Australia and represented by two distinct morphotypes. A 609-bp region of rpoC1, a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene, was amplified by PCR from these isolates with cyanobacterium-specific primers. Sequence analysis revealed that all isolates belonged to the same species, including morphotypes with straight or coiled trichomes. Additional rpoC1 gene sequences obtained for a range of cyanobacteria highlighted clustering of C. raciborskii with other heterocyst-producing cyanobacteria (orders Nostocales and Stigonematales). In contrast, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA and short tandemly repeated repetitive sequence profiles revealed a greater level of genetic heterogeneity among C. raciborskii isolates than did rpoC1 gene analysis, and unique band profiles were also found among each of the cyanobacterial genera examined. A PCR test targeting a region of the rpoC1 gene unique to C. raciborskii was developed for the specific identification of C. raciborskii from both purified genomic DNA and environmental samples. The PCR was evaluated with a number of cyanobacterial isolates, but a PCR-positive result was only achieved with C, raciborskii. This method provides an accurate alternative to traditional morphological identification of C. raciborskii.
The abundance and species richness of mollusc and crab assemblages were examined in a subtropical mangrove forest in Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, which has been disturbed and damaged by the construction of a wooden boardwalk and a path. Sections of the forest immediately adjacent to the boardwalk and path were compared with reference areas to determine whether changes to the small-scale structural complexity within the forest affected the benthic fauna. The disturbed area was characterised by having 65-80% fewer pneumatophores, significantly fewer species and individuals of molluscs, but significantly more species and individuals of crabs than the reference areas. The abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the attached epiphytic algae were manipulated at two sites to determine whether observed differences in these features could account for the differences in the assemblage of molluscs in the disturbed area of the forest compared with reference areas. Five experimental treatments were used: undisturbed controls, pneumatophore removals (abundance reduced by ca. 65%), epiphytic algal removals (algae removed from ca. 65% of pneumatophores), pneumatophore disturbance controls and algal disturbance controls. The experimental reduction of the abundance of mangrove pneumatophores and the associated epiphytic algae led to significant declines (by as much as 83%) in the number of molluscs utilising the substratum in the modified plots. There was no significant difference in the abundance of molluscs in the pneumatophore and algal removal plots suggesting any effect was primarily related to removal of the epiphytic algae from the surface of the pneumatophores. The responses by the biota to the changes in the physical environment demonstrate that even relatively small-scale modifications to the physical structure of subtropical mangrove forests can lead to significant effects on the diversity and abundance of macrobenthic organisms in these habitats. Such modifications have the potential to cause cascading effects at higher trophic levels with a deterioration in the value of these habitats as nursery and feeding grounds. Future efforts at conservation of these estuarine environments must focus on the prevention or reduction of modifications to the physical structure and integrity of the system, rather than just on the prevention of loss of entire patches of habitat. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Previous studies on tidal dynamics of coastal aquifers have focussed on the inland propagation of oceanic tides in the cross-shore direction, a configuration that is essentially one-dimensional. Aquifers at natural coasts can also be influenced by tidal waves in nearby estuaries, resulting in a more complex behaviour of head fluctuations in the aquifers. We present an analytical solution to the two-dimensional depth-averaged groundwater flow equation for a semi-infinite aquifer subject to oscillating head conditions at the boundaries. The solution describes the tidal dynamics of a coastal aquifer that is adjacent to a cross-shore estuary. Both the effects of oceanic and estuarine tides on the aquifer are included in the solution. The analytical prediction of the head fluctuations is verified by comparison with numerical solutions computed using a standard finite-difference method. An essential feature of the present analytical solution is the interaction between the cross- and along-shore tidal waves in the aquifer area near the estuary's entry. As the distance from the estuary or coastline increases, the wave interaction is weakened and the aquifer response is reduced, respectively, to the one-dimensional solution for oceanic tides or the solution of Sun (Sun H. A two-dimensional analytical solution of groundwater response to tidal loading in an estuary, Water Resour Res 1997;33:1429-35) for two-dimensional non-interacting tidal waves. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii is a bloom-forming cyanobacterium found in both tropical and temperate climates which produces cylindrospermopsin, a potent hepatotoxic secondary metabolite. This organism is notorious for its association with a significant human poisoning incident on Palm Island, Australia, which resulted in the hospitalization of 148 people. We have screened 13 C. raciborskii isolates from various regions of Australia and shown that both toxic and nontoxic strains exist within this species. No association was observed between geographical origin and toxin production. Polyketide synthases (PKSs) and peptide synthetases (PSs) are enzymes involved in secondary metabolite biosynthesis in cyanobacteria. Putative PKS and PS genes from C. raciborskii strains AWT205 and CYPO2OB were identified by PCR using degenerate primers based on conserved regions within each gene. Examination of the strain-specific distribution of the PKS and PS genes in C. raciborskii isolates demonstrated a direct link between the presence of these two genes and the ability to produce cylindrospermopsin. Interestingly, the possession of these two genes was also linked. They were also identified in an Anabaena bergii isolate that was demonstrated to produce cylindrospermopsin. Taken together, these data suggest a likely role for these determinants in secondary metabolite and toxin production by C. raciborskii. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The thalassinidean shrimp Trypea australiensis (the yabby) commonly occurs on intertidal sandflats and subtidal regions of sheltered embayments and estuaries along the east coast of Australia and is harvested commercially and recreationally for use as bait by anglers. The potential for counts of burrow openings to provide a reliable indirect estimate of the abundance of yabbies was examined on intertidal sandflats on North Stradbroke Island (Queensland, Australia). The relationship between the number of burrow openings and the abundance of yabbies was generally poor and also varied significantly through time, casting doubt on previous estimates of abundance for this species based on unvalidated hole counts. Spatial and temporal variation in population density, the size at maturity and the reproductive period of the yabby were also assessed. Except for an initial peak in abundance as a result of recruitment, the density of yabbies was constant throughout the study but considerably less than that estimated from a previous study in the same area. Ovigerous females were recorded at 3 mm carapace length (CL) which is smaller than previously recorded for this species and thalassinideans in general. Small ovigerous females were found throughout the study, including the summer months, which is unusual for thalassinideans in the intertidal zone. It was hypothesised that in the intertidal zone, small female yabbies may be able to balance the metabolic demands of reproduction and respiration at higher temperatures than can larger females allowing them to reproduce in the warmer months.
A search for new antiparasitic agents from a strain of the fungus Aspergillus carneus isolated from an estuarine sediment collected in Tasmania, Australia, yielded the known terrestrial fungal metabolite marcfortine A ( 1) as an exceptionally potent antiparasitic agent. This study also yielded a series of new depsipeptides, aspergillicins A - E ( 2 - 6) and the known terrestrial fungal metabolite acyl aszonalenin ( 7). Marcfortine A ( 1) and acyl aszonalenin ( 7) were identified by spectroscopic analysis, with comparison to literature data. Complete stereostructures were assigned to aspergillicins A - E ( 2 - 6) on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis, together with ESIMS analysis of the free amino acids generated by acid hydrolysis, and HPLC analysis of Marfey derivatives prepared from the acid hydrolysate. The peptide amino acid sequence for all aspergillicins was unambiguously assigned by MSn ion-trap ESI mass spectrometry.
The specific identity of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from most zooxanthellate corals is unknown. In a survey of symbiotic cnidarians from the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), 23 symbiont types were identified from 86 host species representing 40 genera. A majority (>85%) of these symbionts belong to a single phylogenetic clade or subgenus (C) composed of closely related (as assessed by sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region and the ribosomal large subunit gene), yet ecologically and physiologically distinct, types. A few prevalent symbiont types, or generalists, dominate the coral community of the southern GBR, whereas many rare and/or specific symbionts, or specialists, are found uniquely within certain host taxa. The comparison of symbiont diversity between southern GBR and Caribbean reefs shows an inverse relationship between coral diversity and symbiont diversity, perhaps as a consequence of more-rapid diversification of Caribbean symbionts. Among clade C types, generalists C1 and C3 are common to both Caribbean and southern GBR symbiont assemblages, whereas the rest are regionally endemic. Possibly because of environmental changes in the Caribbean after geographic isolation through the Quaternary period, a high proportion of Caribbean fauna associate with symbiont taxa from two other distantly related Symbiodinium clades (A and B) that rarely occur in Pacific hosts. The resilience of Porites spp. and the resistance of Montipora digitata to thermal stress and bleaching are partially explained by their association with a thermally tolerant symbiont type, whereas the indiscriminant widespread bleaching and death among certain Pacific corals, during El Nino Southern Oscillation events, are influenced by associations with symbionts possessing higher sensitivity to thermal stress.
Cyanobacterial strains isolated from terrestrial and freshwater habitats in Brazil were evaluated for their antimicrobial and siderophore activities. Metabolites of fifty isolates were extracted from the supernatant culture media and cells using ethyl acetate and methanol, respectively. The extracts of 24 isolates showed antimicrobial activity against several pathogenic bacteria and one yeast. These active extracts were characterized by Q-TOF/MS. The cyanobacterial strains Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii 339-T3, Synechococcus elongatus PCC7942, Microcystis aeruginosa NPCD-1, M. panniformis SCP702 and Fischerella sp. CENA19 provided the most active extracts. The 50 cyanobacterial strains were also screened for the presence of non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) and polyketide synthase (PKS) genes and microcystin production. Putative fragment genes coding for NRPS adenylation domains and PKS keto-synthase domains were successfully PCR amplified from 92% and 80% of cyanobacterial strains, respectively. The potential therapeutical compounds siderophores were detected in five cyanobacterial isolates. Microcystin production was detected by ELISA test in 26% of the isolates. Further a protease inhibitor substance was detected by LC-MS/MS in the M. aeruginosa NPLJ-4 extract and the presence of aeruginosin and cyanopeptolin was confirmed by PCR amplification using specific primers, and sequenced. This screening study showed that Brazilian cyanobacterial isolates are a rich source of natural products with potential for pharmacological and biotechnological applications. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A nostocalean nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium isolated from an eutrophic freshwater reservoir located in Piracicaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil, was evaluated for the production of hepatotoxic cyclic heptapeptides, microcystins. Morphologically this new cyanobacterium strain appears closest to Nostoc, however, in the phylogenetic analysis of 165 rRNA gene it falls into a highly stable cluster distantly only related to the typical Nostoc cluster. Extracts of Nostoc sp. CENA88 cultured cells, investigated using ELISA assay, gave positive results and the microcystin profile revealed by ESI-Q-TOF/MS/MS analysis confirmed the production of [Dha(7)]MCYST-YR. Further, Nostoc sp. CENA88 genomic DNA was analyzed by PCR for sequences of mcyD, mcyE and mcyG genes of microcystin synthetase (mcy) cluster. The result revealed the presence of mcyD, mcyE and mcyG genes with similarities to those from mcy of Nostoc sp. strains 152 and IO-102-I and other cyanobacterial genera. The phylogenetic tree based on concatenated McyG, McyD and McyE amino acids clustered the sequences according to cyanobacterial genera, with exception of the Nostoc sp. CENA88 sequence, which was placed in a clade distantly related from other Nostoc strains, as previously observed also in the 165 rRNA phylogenetic analysis. The present study describes for the first time a Brazilian Nostoc microcystin producer and also the occurrence of demethyl MCYST-YR variant in this genus. The sequenced Nostoc genes involved in the microcystin synthesis can contribute to a better understanding of the toxigenicity and evolution of this cyanotoxin. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aminoacyl-transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases (aaRS) are key players in translation and act early in protein synthesis by mediating the attachment of amino acids to their cognate tRNA molecules. In plants, protein synthesis may occur in three subcellular compartments (cytosol, mitochondria, and chloroplasts), which requires multiple versions of the protein to be correctly delivered to its proper destination. The organellar aaRS are nuclear encoded and equipped with targeting information at the N-terminal sequence, which enables them to be specifically translocated to their final location. Most of the aaRS families present organellar proteins that are dual targeted to mitochondria and chloroplasts. Here, we examine the dual targeting behavior of aaRS from an evolutionary perspective. Our results show that Arabidopsis thaliana aaRS sequences are a result of a horizontal gene transfer event from bacteria. However, there is no evident bias indicating one single ancestor (Cyanobacteria or Proteobacteria). The dual-targeted aaRS phylogenetic relationship was characterized into two different categories (paralogs and homologs) depending on the state recovered for both dual-targeted and cytosolic proteins. Taken together, our results suggest that the dual-targeted condition is a gain-of-function derived from gene duplication. Selection may have maintained the original function in at least one of the copies as the additional copies diverged.